Materia Medica Homeopathy Papers

Carboneum Sulphuratum

Drs. P. I. Tarkas and Ajit Kulkarni share their very detailed and inclusive materia medica of Carboneum Sulphuratum in this excerpt from their book Absolute Homeopathic Materia medica.

Excerpted from their book:  Absolute Homeopathic Materia medica

Carbon Bisulphide

Mucous membranes: Gastro-intestinal. Genito-urinary. Broncho-pulmonary
Arteries. Veins
Ocular apparatus

WARMTH and cold. Summer and Winter. Warm damp weather. Warm room, wraps, bed, food
Cold weather, bath, food
Motion. Jar. Misstep. Lifting. Standing
Sleep (during and after)
Fasting. Eating (long) after. After breakfast, dinner. Fats. Milk. Sugar. Coffee. Tobacco. Cannabis. Beer
Coal dust and gas. Smoke. S02, CO2. Cement. Ether. Aluminium. Lead. Sulphur
Suppressed eruptions, sweat

Mild weather. Sunshine (rheumatism)
Open air (but not drafts)
Warm drinks
Lying (except head, breathing)
Eating; supper
Discharges: Flatus. Eructations. Vomiting. Sweat




  • Dystrophy, impaired nutrition and repair (e.g. rhagades, gouty deposits). Senilism where brain and nerve degeneration (e.g. acerebration, paralysis, sclerosis or softening) ultimately prevails over vegetative. Sluggish responses (), apathy, childish or silly behaviour, impaired sight and hearing, tinnitus, failing absorption and repair, retreating sex.
  • Gradually deepening pathologies (, Plb.).
  • Involution, receding,    dwindling,    declining;    returning   dwarfishness  (psycho- somatic). Begins with atony, passes through anaesthesia to atrophy, ultimating in akinesia and imbecility.
  • Carbon is for organic life while Sulphur is for inorganic life. Hence, Carbn-s. is one of the basic remedies of Materia medica.


  • The jet-set, addicts of alcohol, tobacco,  narcotics; absorbing  aluminium,  lead  (from  cosmetics  )  and other chemicals.  Children of autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy. The decrepit aged.  Broken down. Lacking vital reaction (Carb-v.); the stand-stills. Herpetic or Sulph. diathesis.  Diminished natural heat and (surface) sensibility. Dementia.  A chimera of Sulph. mind and Carb-v. body.


  • Tropho-toxic disorganisation of function of skin, muscles, mucous linings and nerves; tortuous arteries and veins; ulcerative stomatitis; digestive disorders; calcium  deposits; spinal  sclerosis; ataxia; tremors. Chronic plumbism, aluminism (Con.).


  • Paralysing congestion, disorganization and insufficiency (Phys.), ultimating in degeneration (e.g. brain softening). Peripheral neuritis; progressive multiple neuritis (as from alcohol, but without its hyperaesthesia).  Peripheral neuropathy: diabetic; traumatic; metabolic; infectious; due to toxins.
  • Pains: Various, burning, bandlike, bruised, jerking, stitching; wandering; come and go quickly; paroxysms of, returning regularly, periodically. Sensitiveness, to pains. Worse after pains; fainting (syncope) and spasms with pains, followed by stupefaction and amnesia. Numbness, local, (of painful parts); velvety numbness of soles; numb fingers, unable to hold small things. Cramps.
  • Sensations: Tingling, as from an electric current. Trembling, sudden attack, with dim vision; general throbbing and trembling after   disappearance   of   anaesthesia    (that     followed hyperaesthesia). General hyperaesthesia excepting termini. Waves, fluctuations, flappings in head.  Orgasms (surgings), after emotions. A feeling of vibration, buzzing, quivering in body, esp. in hands or in epigastrium; a hurried, flurried feeling (, Cur., Lec., Med.). Constriction: in heart, stomach.
  • Weakness, muscular, rapid, < morning, with syncope, in  chest or  back, during menses, with urging to or after stool;  followed by  paretic functions mental and physical: paresis esp. of  legs, diminished surface sensibility, sluggish functions and responses (Plb.), impaired vision and hearing, gastro-enteric troubles, sex withdrawal and (lastly) childish dementia or  Paralysis, congestive; (intermittent); functional, of   stomach (sans vomiting),  rectum, bladder,   genitals.   Pseudo – hypertrophic paralysis (of legs.) Hemiplegia (right), with faltering muscular contractility (without it but with numbness, Phys.) and impaired sensibility; right with left blindness; right, post-apoplectic. (Myasthenia gravis).
  • Locomotor ataxia, with awkwardness, incoordination, festination. Gait unsteady, tottering, insecure, esp. in dark or on closing eyes (); high-stepping, short-stepping. Hurried actions. Tinglings. Gastric crises. Lightning-like (fulgurating) pains, with cramps, rigidity.
  • Nervous attacks analogous to hysteria, with convulsions of face, involuntary laughter and swinging moods; or epilepsy, followed by paralysis. Tetanus, rigidity and insensibility.


  • Mucous membranes: Exudative (anywhere); catarrhal inflammations; discharges copious, acrid, thick, viscid, bloody, purulent, yellow, offensive.
  • Glands: Swollen, indurated (lymphatic); scrofulous; atrophied. Goitre.
  • Blood: Blood vessels congested; or arteries contracted and veins distended (Sulph.). Veins feel full, engorged (stasis), tortuous, varicose. Hemorrhages atonic, passive (Mill. active), slow. Dark from nose; red from anus. Purpura hemorrhagica senilis; (senile dark spots). Anemia. Leukemia. Surgings. Apoplexy.
  • Muscular contractures;  extending   arm   causes trembling.  Fibrillary tremors in forearm muscle; Fibrillary twitchings. Joints painful, stiff, cracking. Gout, but sans its dyscrasia; swellings, recent; useful after the inflammation subsides. Chronic rheumatic and arthritic affections.
  • Emaciation; senile; general wasting (also tubercular). Atrophy in skin, muscles, glands, mucous membranes, nerves. Progressive muscular atrophy, dwindling, dwarfishness of body and mind. Facial hemiatrophy and trophoneurosis (Romberg’s sign).
  • Growths: Nodules on scalp (sore to touch). Cysts on vulva. Styes. Malignant; mammae, uterus; ulceration; cancer cachexy stemming from tubercular disposition (Ars-i.). “Restrains growth of cancer (Graph., Hydr.)”. Polypi.
  • Dropsy; in beri-beri; ascites; pleural; hydrocele. edema of ankles, feet (right if hepatic). Whole body feels swollen; so face.
  • Lax tissues: Hernia. Prolapsus.

Peculiar Features

  • Constitutional coldness; lack of vital heat; subnormal temperature. Yet sensitive to both heat and cold, chilly and cold but desires windows opened and open air (but not drafts). Coldness during and after meals or measles. Collapse at regular intervals; after tobacco (Chinin-ar., Euphr.); with sweat and profound weakness.
  • Diffused (here and there) anesthesia of skin and mucous membranes (Cann-i.); in mouth; after initial hyperesthesia; local numbness, esp. in termini.
  • Tubercular wasting, tendency of glands, bowels, testes, ovaries, larynx, lungs. Its offshoot, sometimes, a cancer cachexy (Ars-i.).
  • Calcareous tendency: Tartar on teeth, renal calculus, gouty deposits. It is generally associated with flatulence also, esp. from mal-assimilation of certain proteins (Lyc.).
  • The hysteria quartet – flatulence, hysteria, rheumatism and heart – obtains here also (like which is its forerunner).


  • Burns and scalds. Tetanus.


  • Unfriendly, sulky and quarrelsome (Sulph.). Hysterical behaviour (Tarent.). Delirium tremens. Paranoia (Anh., Cann-i.).
  • Anxiety, apprehension, hurried feeling.
  • Sluggish psyche: confused, absent-minded, dyslectic, amnesic, apathetic, indolent. Culminating in complete dementia and imbecility; proof of the maxim ‘old age is second childhood; singing; desire to strike or bite.
  • Dementia alternating with excitement; acute dementia. Alzheimer’s diseases.
  • Suicidal disposition; throwing himself from a window (, Sulph.).
  • Delusions: Surrounded by enemies; is about to receive injury; talks of money; visions of magnificent grandeur.
Memorative D’s

Despair. Dulness. Discouragement. Distraction. Delirium. Dementia. Dyslectic. Drunkenness.  Discontentment.



  • Sudden attacks of vertigo with visual disturbances, preceded by tension in neck (arteries) and ringing in ears; from flatulence.
  • Catarrho-rheumatic headaches; pressing as of a tight cap or in a vise; violent, maddening, with confusion and loquacity. Worse combing hair back.
  • Atrophy of brain (Plb.)


  • Special affinity.
  • Vacant, staring. Lachrymation from reading. Photophobia. Itching. Catarrhal, scrofulous Inflammations, from cold.
  • Congested retina, optic disc; injected conjunctiva. Cornea insensible (Gels.).
  • Atrophy: Of disc (Plb.); of optic nerve [from tobacco; after inflammation (Thyr.)]; of optic papillae (and ischemia). Hazy: cornea, optic disc, nerve. Paralysis of optic nerve; sclerosis.
  • Vision: Asthenopia and dis-chromatopsia. Myopia. Dim. Foggy. Flickering. Tremulous. Everything appears green or yellow. Diplopia. Color blindness. Central scotoma for red, green or white (Plb., Tab.). Web or floating filaments before eyes. Field of vision shortened esp. for colors (esp. white and blue). Vision < fasting, > eating, twilight.


  • Congested inner ear, with stitching pains and various noises. Meniere’s disease (from poisoning).
  • Deafness; neurosensory. Ears feel stopped up. Offensive discharges.


  • Chronic catarrh. Dry in evening. Burning as if raw; hot expired breath. Frequent sneezing, with sensitiveness in chest.
  • A case: coryza, right nostril drips, sneezing on touching nose, stomatitis (> cold), swelling of flesh near gums, recurrent styes; a patient.
  • Loss of smell. Ozena.


  • Sudden congestion, with anxious vacant expression. Cold cheeks during abdominal complaints. Blue lips with convulsive movements. Flushes of heat in. Cold sweat on.
  • Lips cracked, dry and burning, ulcerated. Facial hemiatrophy. Bloated sensation.
  • Eruptions red, elevated. Acne (rosacea), in drunkards. Comedons. Eczema; < after shaving, after beer.


  • Teeth: Drawing pain; < cold or warm, night until midnight. Nightly dryness. Anesthesia. Saliva sweetish, sticky; with nausea. Taste of food stays long.
  • Tongue: Cold, stiff; burning in.


  • Inflammation; with gangrenous tendency.
  • Hawking of salty mucus. Dryness. Sensation of hair or of narrowing. Clergyman’s sore throat.
  • Pains burning (extending to stomach), sticking, scraping.


  • Desires: Sour drinks, beer. Averse to: meat, milk, fat. Good appetite, but averse to eating, or speedy satiety. Worse after: milk, (whole) legumes, sugar, fat, warm food (but not warm drinks), coffee. Fluttering after dinner. Constriction (from flatulence). Stitching, extending up and down. Pressing in, also under sternum, from sugar, beer or coffee.
  • Severe digestive disorders of the old and old topers (Graph.). A status gastricus. All food disagrees. Acid, flatulent dyspepsia; heartburn; burning, after stool; sour, offensive eructations; qualmishness and sour or bitter vomiting.
  • Warmth (glow) in pit extending upward to head, and down. Orgasms in stomach. Also, coldness in stomach and abdomen.


  • Numerous symptoms (colic, chest twinges, distress etc.) of incarcerated flatulence. Pain with wandering swellings. It may be felt in iliocecal region (colon dyspepsia) or may rise up into sensorium. Liver affections with dropsies and ascites.
  • Navel drawn in (, Plb.), with pain; during diarrhea.
  • Hernia: Of the aged (with prolapsus recti); flatulent; strangulated. Tympanitic distension. “Carbn-s. has the flatulency of Carb-v. and the abdominal soreness of Sulph”. – Clarke).


  • Inflamed and sore. Atonic constipation, with belching and hunger (Alum.).
  • Periodic diarrhea, every 2 to 6 weeks, nightly and early morning (). Dysentery, tenesmus recti et vesicei.
  • Hemorrhoids: Throbbing pain after stool, bluish and sore, > cold, bleeding, patient son of a lead worker, works in a SO2 factory; also > heat and sitting.
  • After stool: Weakness; headache; burning in stomach. Worms; and itching < after stool and at night. Worminess is associated with tubercular and cancerous dispositions (as in Ars-i., Scir.).


  • Bladder paralytic; retention; or involuntary urination; or involuntary stool while urinating.
  • Chronic prostatitis. Diabetes; peripheral neuritis.
  • Urethra; sensation as if some urine was held back; burning when urinating or when erected, (or with seminal discharge).


  • Frequent profuse seminal emissions, or absent during coition.
  • Impotence, loss of desire, atrophy of testes, penis shrivelled.
  • Uneasiness in tumor testiculi. Chancres.


  • Menses: Copious, later scanty. Metrorrhagia. Dysmenorrhea.
  • Leucorrhea: Acrid.
  • Climacteric flushes of heat. Metritis.
  • Tendency to miscarry. Labor pains too weak (atony). Sterility.
  • Mammae: Erysipelas on; inflamed; indurated, atrophied (also ovaries); cancer (also of uterus).


  • Voice difficulties, of speakers.
  • Easy breathlessness. Asphyxia from alcohol, coal gas. Catching, long or impeded respiration. Asthma, > only by deep breathing in open air (Asaf.). Inspired air feels cold, expired hot. Violent oppression, with anxiety.
  • Cough caused by heartburn, ending in eructation: by dusts, smokes and gases; reflex from ear; phthisical.
  • Pleurodynia; (flying) stitches (left); > eructations. Congestion and inflammation in any thoracic organ; catarrhal inflammation. Periodical burning. Phthisis of miners and stone-cutters. Heart:
  • Darting, throbbing, stitching pains. Strong beats; palpitation. Murmurs: venous, anemic (= nun’s), bruit de souffle. Mitral insufficiency. Tachycardia; with orgasm.
  • Hypertension; patient type, with giddiness and right hemiplegia. Tachycardia, with org-asm (or oppression).


  • Stiff. Heaviness. Throbbing. Lumbago; hemorrhoidal.
  • Spinal sclerosis, but less prominent than in ; has rather softening.


  • Sore bruised pains. Periodical, flying pains. Diminished sensibility. Tingling. Cramps. Paralytic weakness first in arms; paretic legs with coldness and numbness.
  • Chronic rheumatism, febrile or afebrile, < cold. Contractions. Cracks on hands. Rheumatism of brachial plexus.
  • Sciatica, acute or intractable cases, < cold, motion. Milk leg (inflammation of veins and lymphatics). Feet swollen, hot and throbbing in evening. Soles weak after dinner; sore on treading; numb.


  • Sleepless before midnight. Sleepy in morning. Snoring. Dreams of danger, fright, vexation, anxiety, distressing, bad, sad. Nervous starting from sleep as if frightened by bad dreams (nightmares).


  • Herpetic dyscrasia. Chronic skins, neuro or metabolic with much itching (> heat, walking). Unhealthy, festering, slow-healing. Cracked; in winter. Itch, scabies. Boils; in a lead-worker, toper, with eczema; his piles needed and vaso-vagal attacks controlled by Tab. and later had hemiplegia. Eczema; in a painter (lead), itching-stinging < sea-side, sweat, > cold. Erysipelas; vesicular; on mammae. Impetigo. Lupus.
  • Ulcers: Offensive, spongy, fungous, burning, burrowing, cancerous. Cauliflower excrescences.


  • Complaints on exposure (to sun) while sweating. Chilliness only, no heat, no sweat. Subthermia. Or, heat of upper half with coldness of lower half of body. Heat internal. Fever with absence of sweat, and heavy head; nightly fever.
  • Sweat: Sudden; during anxiety; cold, while or after eating, on face; nightly. Septic fevers; puerperal.


  • A more nervy, more sluggish, more confused, more hysterical, and more degenerating.
  • The odorous quartet , Asaf., Carbn-s., Ictod. forms a remarkably associated group. Do they all contain sulphur ? Ambr. and Carbn-s. are assistants of Sulph.
  • Other collaterals: , Graph., Hydr., Morg., Plb., Thyr., Tub.
  • Compatible: (acute), Graph. (chronic), Ran-b. (acute).
  • Antidote:
  • Antidote to: Hashish (Cann-i.).
  • Similar: , Alum., Ambr., Bov., Cann-i., Carb-v., Chinin-ar., Con., Gels., Graph., Hell., Hydr., Kali-x, Lyc., Morg., Olnd., Phos., Phys., Plb., Rad-met., Sal-ac., Sec., Sel., Syph., Tab., Tub., Thyr., Verat-v.
  • Suggested symbiotics: , Eucal.
  • Acutes: , Ars., Gels., Pyrog., Ran-b.
  • Trio: -Carbn-s.-Plb.
  • Carb-v. and Carbn-s. both are very deep-acting; but, Carb-v. is more intensified, severe and putrescent, Carb-s. is more senile and nervy. stands between these two, avoiding both extremes (putrescence and nervous symptoms). Senility of Carbn-s. is iatrogenic and neuric, while in Carb-v. it is mental and idiopathic.

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About the author

P I Tarkas

Dr. P. I. Tarkas (1908-2000), the doyen of homoeopathy, belonged to the 20th century generation of sincere and dedicated homoeopaths of India. He worked like a Trojan throughout his life for the cause of homoeopathy. The work he left to posterity will not go into oblivion. Upgrading materia medica and Repertory in an authentic way was the mission he took up in early 1950 and worked endlessly and selflessly for over 50 years.

About the author

Ajit Kulkarni

Dr Ajit Kulkarni M.D. (Hom.) is Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune, A veteran homoeopath, an academician and a famed international teacher. A classical Homeopathic physician, he has been practising for 35 years. He has given over 100 international seminars and workshops in different parts of the world. Dr. Kulkarni is co-author: Absolute Homoeopathic Matera Medica, Five Regional Repertories: AIDS, DM, Thyroid, HTN and Trauma . Also, author of Body Language and Homeopathy, Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality (Three volumes),
Law of Similars in Medical Science, Homeopathic Posology, Kali Family and Its Relations, Homeopathic Covidoscope (published by Amazon) and over 100 publications on various aspects of homeopathy, papers and books translated in several languages, He has Award of ‘Excellence in Homoeopathy, Award of ‘Homoeo-Ratna, Life achievement Award, Dr. B. Sahni Memorial Award.,
He is a member, Editorial Board, National Journal of Homeopathy, Mumbai / E-mail ID: [email protected]

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