Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

The Birth of a Homeopathic School

Christina Mueller shares the history and development of The Homeopathic College.

The Homeopathic College had its humble beginnings in Manfred Mueller’s office in 1989 under the name The Southeastern College of Homeopathy. That year, Manfred taught the first group of 15 students who signed on to a basic homeopathic training program that met one weekend a month. The first year focused on acute care, basic methodology, materia medica and case taking. The second year focused on chronic treatment and Organon study.

As soon as the first two-year class had graduated, he announced a four-year clinical homeopathic training program with classes starting annually. The emphasis was clinical conditions, and everything that homeopathy is capable of! Students were required to have an undergraduate degree (in any subject) and take both a first aid and CPR course. Shortly after opening the College, Manfred discovered a new homeopathic school was opening in Atlanta and another one in Florida. Since he would no longer be the “lone beacon” in the Southeastern United States, he decided to change the name of his school to The Homeopathic College. The classroom program grew to four classes at different levels, which required him to teach Saturday and Sunday four times a month—in addition to a busy practice, not to mention his family responsibilities. By 1998 he felt the burden of this commitment and he consolidated two of the smaller classes. By the end of the 1999 school year, he closed the school citing burn-out and lack of profitability. When he closed the school in 1999, he had taught over 100 students, although fewer than half had graduated and only a handful later opened a practice as homeopaths.

There is one noteworthy and interesting fact about the four-year curriculum Mueller was teaching—the entire second year was an in-depth study of Hahnemann’s 6th Edition of the Organon. Over time, Manfred created a veritable “Cliff Notes” for the Organon to use as a study aid for his students. In fact, we still have these “condensed” notes but only up to paragraph 270 and I have encouraged him to finish and publish this novel work for the greater homeopathic community.


The Evolution of Homeopathic Thought

It was this part of curriculum development that helped him to more deeply understand the Organon. He saw discrepancies with Hahnemann’s text and the homeopathy he himself had learned and been taught. He challenged discrepancies in the various translations and obtained the 1990 copy of Josef Schmidt’s 6th “textkritische” edition of the Organon prepared from the handwritten manuscript and published in German. Manfred translated every section he felt needed to be clarified (his training in Exegesis at work!).

Manfred also began to examine the various editions of the Organon and examined how Hahnemann arrived at his conclusions. This immense and tedious work caused a revolution in his mind and called into doubt much of the homeopathic theory he had learnt, and even many widely held medical concepts he had studied over the years and taken for granted. You might even say it was a pivotal point in his homeopathic work and career. He even travelled to Germany to meet with Dr. Georg von Keller, one of the world’s most eminent Hahnemannian scholars, with more than fifty years of practice. Keller had translated Kent’s repertory into German. Keller confirmed many of his concerns about discrepancies between the Kentian dogma (so-called “classical homeopathy”) and Hahnemannian homeopathy. Many elements of The Mueller Method™ are the outcome of this massive re-evaluation of his homeopathic methodology.

In 2007, with the encouragement of his wife and several former students, he reopened the college as an advanced homeopathic training center that would utilize a distance learning format, instead of a classroom setting.


The Homeopathic College – Today

Are you looking to treat more organic pathology? Iatrogenically induced conditions? Conditions that are ill defined or complex? Or do you just want to get better, longer lasting and more consistent results in your clinical practice? The Mueller Method™ will satisfy all those demands.

The Homeopathic College tutorials are specifically geared towards helping homeopaths take a more clinical approach to homeopathic treatment and be able to better address modern conditions such as the more than 10,000 new disease categories that have been added to medical databases in the past decade. You might say our focus has become teaching homeopathy based soundly on the 6th Edition of the Organon, using all of the classical tools with the addition of modern scientific strategies.

By studying our tutorials, you will learn:

  • An effective, efficient and highly adaptable protocol to serve the needs of your clients, even those with extreme sensitivities or other challenges
  • How to avoid aggravations during treatment
  • How to adjust the dose for sensitive patients
  • The importance of using potencies in water vs. dry dosing
  • Potency selections – the benefits and flaws of different potencies
  • Q-potencies (LM’s) – how to properly use them and why they are so important for both chronic treatment and for today’s patients
  • How to identify modern disorders that have gone beyond the classical miasms
  • Why most modern disorders are unnatural or iatrogenic in nature and why their treatment needs a different and more intense homeopathic approach
  • Identifying and removing the “cancer diathesis” or “predisposition to cancer”
  • What is suppression and why you should remove it
  • Identifying, removing and antidoting suppressed disorders and other obstacles to cure with Reverse Chronological Tautopathy or RCT for short. This includes removal the long-term, often latent effects of drugs, vaccines, emotional traumas, environment poisons like pesticides, radiation, and other chemicals; diagnostic procedures like X-rays, MRI’s and other scans & more
  • How mercury is a major sustaining cause of disease that nearly everyone has and how to remove it through gentle oral chelation protocols combined with homeopathic support
  • Identifying the several disorders coexisting in the patient and treatment through alternation of suitable remedies
  • How to approach and resolve complex chronic conditions

Homeopathic treatment of cancer

….and much more.


Our Students

Most students of The Homeopathic College have (a) seen the short-comings of their current method of practicing homeopathy, (b) are looking for a more scientific methodology and (c) have a greater hope that homeopathic treatment can do MUCH more to treat diseases. Their comments and testimonials reflect a capacity to question and think “outside the box”. After using The Mueller Method™ in her practice for more than a year one student confessed, “I no longer feel like a fraud as a homeopathic practitioner!”


How to Study The Mueller Method™

All of our courses are offered in a distance learning format. They are available to homeopaths and advanced students around the world. You may choose to either download the material in an MP3 format or purchase it in the audio CD format. Some titles are available as a video DVD and in the future, streaming video.

There are two tracts to studying The Mueller Method™:

  1. “À la carte”: You may decide to learn only a portion of The Mueller Method™ by following your interests and choosing only the courses that you wish. This method of learning may leave gaps in fundamental knowledge, such as how to avoid aggravations, how to use more effective potency selection, how to fully understand the role of the cancer diathesis in our modern pathology and more.
  2. The Mueller Method™ Certification Tract: We currently offer five levels of study to take you from the foundations to the advanced knowledge needed to fully implement The Mueller Method™ in your practice. While we have most courses in place, as of this publication (September 2014), we are not ready to offer certification in The Mueller Method™. Students who complete The Mueller Method™ Certification Tract before certification is offered will still have the opportunity to complete the process once it becomes officially available.


Closing Remarks

We hope you will take the opportunity to learn more about this amazingly efficient and effective method of treatment. Remember, this method is flexible and highly adaptable, as any good homeopathic protocol should be. It leaves open room for the practitioner to optionally use other methods, while at the same time, giving the practitioner the tools to solve their most difficult cases.

Please visit our website anytime at or give us a call. We’re available over the phone to answer questions most business days.

About the author

Christina Mueller, C.Hom, MM.Hom

Mrs. Mueller is a Homeopathic Practitioner in private practice with her husband, Manfred Mueller. She trained at The Homeopathic College and she completed a clinical apprenticeship at Homeopathic Associates from 2004-2012 under the direction of her husband. She’s certified in The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy. She has been a Member of The North American Society of Homeopathy (NASH) since 2014, and an Associate Member since 2016.

Mrs. Mueller is an expert in The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy, which is a comprehensive system of homeopathy, developed by her husband Manfred Mueller, designed to more quickly heal and restore your health than classical homeopathy alone. In addition, The Mueller Method™ addresses the prevalent “predisposition to cancer“, the adverse effects of vaccinations, drugs, toxins, occupational exposures, heavy metals and more. This system integrates current scientific insight into classical homeopathic strategies without sacrificing the classical principles. Christina is proud to have been contributing continuous refinements to The Mueller Method™ since 2004. Mrs. Mueller is also a specialist in homeopathic immunizations.

Since 2017, Christina has been presenting the "Introduction to Homeopathy" course to medical, nursing and masters of public health students for the Program on Integrative Medicine (PIM) at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill, NC, U.S.A., along with her husband Manfred who’s been lecturing with the PIM since 1995.

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