Homeopathy Papers

Point and Remedy Testing in the Homeopathic Practice

Written by Carolyn L. Winsor

Homeopathy has of course been used in Germany, France and most other European countries for centuries. It is only in recent years (since formation of the European Union) that there have been regulations passed to curtail or reduce the production and use of homeopathic remedies there. Since the 1950’s, some German physicians have given us another means to test and measure the effectiveness of homeopathy.

Last year we celebrated the 250th Anniversary of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy. Reading and hearing about his discoveries, his biography and his particular genius was a voyage of discovery for many of us. It offered a chance for us to look back at the many patients who have been helped regain a better state of health, and at the reasons why we are still struggling for acceptance in so many different countries.

Homeopathy has of course been used in Germany, France and most other European countries for centuries. Its effectiveness and application in practice is unquestioned. It is only in recent years (since formation of the European Union) that there have been regulations passed to curtail or reduce the production and use of homeopathic remedies there. Since the 1950’s, some German physicians have given us another means to test and measure the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies.

Here I will introduce you to the concept of electronically testing your homeopathic remedies before giving them to your patient.

Some of the History and Development

In the mid-1950’s a German physician by the name of Dr. Reinhold Voll worked with a small group of colleagues that included Dr. Franz Morell (who later became the ‘father’ of MORA-Therapy) and Dr. Fritz Kramer to find a way to objectify and measure the acupuncture and meridian points of traditional acupuncture. Great progress was made and they developed a machine that would not only locate the points but also measure them. It did not take them long to figure out that, logically, there were more meridians and points than those listed in the ancient acupuncture texts. Logically, you say? Well, we have ten fingers and ten toes. The Chinese said there were terminal points for two meridians on one finger yet only one meridian point on other fingers. Why? Well, the research of the German physicians quickly showed that there were two meridians on each finger and each toe, and they went to work to figure out what these meridians were represented.

As they did more measurements, it became clear that there were differing measurement values on each point and that these variations were linked to the health or dis-order of the meridian or point that was being measured. Finally, they were able to set standards for what would be normal, what would represent inflammation (or acute) and what would represent degeneration (or chronic) situations. To date there have been more than 900 points identified and cataloged according to their location and indications.

The number of physicians involved in the study group grew and they arranged to meet once a year, to talk about their findings and results. The story goes, that at one of these annual meetings in Freudenstadt, they were doing demonstrations on each other and discussing cases they had worked on since they last saw each other.

One doctor was tested by Dr. Voll before lunch and found to have some serious heart problems. After lunch they were going to try and determine the extent of his problem and then suggest a treatment program for him. But when they returned and tried to continue the testing, all the values had returned to normal. They wondered what was happening? How could this doctor suddenly be so healthy? They took off their jackets and got to work trying to solve the mystery. And, guess what? All of the measurements were back to indicating that the doctor again had a serious heart problem. What was different? After much discussion, they discovered that the doctor was carrying his heart medication in the pocket of his suit jacket. After more trials with the doctor holding the remedy and then putting it down and then holding it again – medication testing was ‘born’.

At this point it did not take them long to find that various homeopathic remedies (and other alternative therapies) would alter the point measurement values.

Electro-Acupuncture According to Dr. Voll, or EAV, been used around the world for decades, as a means of diagnosing disease and of determining treatment programs. It is not the objective method that the German doctors were seeking, but as a subjective electronic measurement method, it has become an invaluable tool in assisting homeopaths to choose treatments for their patients.

How does it work?

EAV is in essence a point based method of diagnostics. It is based on precise measurement of the many ‘acupuncture’ points with a device that has been designed and calibrated to specific electronic standards and which uses brass contact electrodes. Put simply, they are measuring the electrical resistance between a contact electrode (usually a brass cylinder held in the patient’s hand) and the brass electrode tip on a specially designed probe held by the doctor and touched to the acupuncture points of the patient. The remedies are then placed into the circuit with the patient, to measure their effect on him. Basic testing devices such as the MORA RM-10 Super can be incorporated into a homeopathic practice with relative ease. Many books and manuals are available that discuss the points, the type of disorders to be measured on each point and the usual remedies that will respond.

Have there been more developments?

As the years have gone by, there have been many technological and conceptual developments and refinements of this method. Many doctors did not want to spend the time to learn so many points – or didn’t have time to test them on every patient. This is why we began to see other approaches and methods arise.

First to be developed, was a method called Biological Functions Diagnosis (or BFD) which used fewer points, silver contact electrodes and relied on measuring, stressing and then re-measuring each point to determine a diagnosis.

Later the now famous VEGA method was developed. The VEGA method was originated by Dr. Helmut W. Schimmel (both a physician and a dentist). This method also used silver contact electrodes, reduced the number of points to only a few, but then used specific homeopathic test samples to determine a homeopathic diagnosis (remedy) – and so became a remedy based method unlike the previous point based methods.

The most recent and probably the most thought provoking method, appeared about five years ago. As one of his final contributions, Dr. Schimmel developed a new point and medication testing method called the Photon Resonance Test (or PRT) method which uses a photon (or light) bridge to “activate” the points when they are being measured. In this manner the practitioner is able to test not only the organs and organ systems, but also deep into the cells and into the cell nucleus DNA. This method is gaining great popularity in Europe and North America due to the ease of testing and the detailed and practical information you can obtain.

Although still in use, all of these methods are subordinate to the original EAV-type approach which remains the most popular and reliable of the point and medication testing methods. Last year the official EAV Society in Germany celebrated their 50th anniversary, an incredible accomplishment! This remains a dominant and viable method within the field of homeopathy and natural medicine.

All these methods are able to measure the (acupuncture) points and then measure how a homeopathic (or other type of remedy), will affect the readings and thus the overall health of the patient.

What is the basic concept for measuring the points?

We are all familiar with the basic concepts of the body’s energy and energy fields. These concepts have been explained and utilized since the early beginnings of traditional Chinese acupuncture more than 5,000 years ago. We can call it Chi, prana, vital force, energy, frequencies or even the body’s own oscillations. But the reality is that we, as homeopaths are dealing with energy. Our remedies are diluted and potentized to the point that in higher potencies no physical substance remains. And thus it is the energy or information of the remedy which is at work on our patients.

EAV and the other testing methods work on the premise that the energy of the body can be measured and analyzed. With understanding of the energy flows or correlation of specific points, we are able to make a differentiation between a “normal” standard and that which is diseased or disordered. Then we can place one of our homeopathic remedies into the electronic circuit with the patient (hold it in his hand or shirt pocket or place it into the specially designed containers on the measurement device) and by once again measuring the points, determine how their energy pattern has changed toward or away from “normal”.

By then treating the patient with the positively tested homeopathic remedy, we are using energy to process and alter the patient’s own energy spectrum.

What will this do for me as a Homeopath?

This is truly the question of the day. As “traditional” or “classical” homeopaths, you are taking long case histories in order to choose appropriate remedies and decide on dosages. Tried and true, this method will work almost miraculously much of the time.

But what of the patients that present a complex disease picture? We are also faced with very busy practices and are always running short of time. Here is where the point testing methods can step in and become a valuable tool to assist in your practice.

The testing device can be used (before or after your case history) to assess or confirm your diagnosis about the nature or origin of the patient’s disorder. Then, with your homeopathic expertise you can choose a series of remedies that you feel will assist the patient. Next, you test a sample of the remedies on the patient and you can quickly determine which remedy will work best, which one will be tolerated by the patient’s system, and exactly what potency will give you optimal results.

Are there other ways to process or alter the patient’s energies?

Well, just about everything falls into that category! It even sounds like a silly question until we start thinking it through. To heal the patient completely, we not only have to ‘repair’ physical damage or alter the chemistry, but we must heal and align the patient’s energy pattern.

The body’s energies are affected negatively by almost everything nowadays. We are all aware of the problems with irradiated and inorganic foods, cell phones, magnetics, telecommunication towers, and so on. But what are the things we can use to positively process and alter the patient’s energy patterns?

Again, almost everything falls into this category. From our homeopathic background we know that we can use almost anything as a remedy – from common weeds to exotic snake venoms. Herbs, natural medicines, teas, vitamins and supplements and so many products all alter the energy pattern in the process of bringing about a healing situation. Even allopathic medications will alter the patient’s energies (not always positively) as they bring about the chemical and physical changes they are designed to create for their approach to healing.

There are other energetic means of altering the patient’s energies; for instance magnetic field therapies and color therapies. All such therapies will be successful within their own limits. One of the most exciting and innovative methods is called MORA BioResonance Therapy. MORA incorporates an EAV diagnostic portion which measures the patient’s own energy patterns (or oscillations) as outlined above. This energy information is analyzed by filtering it through an organic/electronic filter mechanism and is then processed electronically in order to return it to the patient as therapy. Imagine using the patient’s own energy information as his therapy – or being able to transfer your homeopathic remedy information directly to the patient. But, I am getting ahead of myself – I can tell you more about MORA in another article.

Pros and Cons

These point and remedy testing methods sound like the answer to everything – but does it sound too good? Does it really work? As with all things there are drawbacks to these methods, and these you would have to consider before incorporating this kind of technology into your existing practice.

First, you would have the expense of purchasing a device that meets the standards of the industry (the proper electronic parameters for each method, ISO approvals, as well as European medical and CE certifications) – usually European made. This means you will probably have to import the device. Although some devices claim to be registered with the FDA and H&W Canada, most are not registered for their true purpose and thus sadly the majority of these devices are not considered as acceptable to the FDA and H&W Canada. But, this is no different than the struggle we currently wage with traditional acupuncture and homeopathy itself! Most legitimate devices can be imported individually and used in your practice without serious difficulty.

Second, you will not just take the device out of the shipping box and put it to work in your practice. There is a learning curve here that takes time. You will have to learn the proper testing protocols (usually at a seminar or through other training materials) and then master the manual skill of doing the actual measurements.

However, the “benefits and advantages” of adding these technologies into your practice far outweigh the disadvantages. You gain the ability to confirm your diagnosis (which organ system is affected), confirm positively which remedy is likely to work for each patient and then monitor their progress in follow up appointments. For those with a technical inclination and the discipline to learn how to test properly, this technology, incorporated into a homeopathic practice, can give truly amazing results..

In another article I look forward to discussing the MORA Therapy concepts and the application of the device within a homeopathic practice.


Carolyn Winsor-Sturm is the Managing Director of the Occidental Institute Research Foundation. She was one of the founding directors of Occidental Institute in 1972. She acted as Administrator until the death of Dr. Walter D. Sturm (her husband and the co-founder of OIRF) in July 2004, and has now assumed the role of CEO and Managing Director. Although not a practitioner (trained as a teacher and musician), Carolyn has participated in all seminars, training programs and Germany Tours sponsored by Occidental Institute. She has assisted with publication of many training manuals, reports and articles and does translation work for the Occidental Institute members’ newsletter “The Bridge”. Her broad range of experience is now supported by an elite board of medical advisors from around the English-speaking world.

Occidental Institute Research Foundation. 2002 West Bench Drive, Penticton,British Columbia V2A 8Z3 Canada / Phone: (250) 490-3318 Website: www.oirf.com

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About the author

Carolyn L. Winsor

Carolyn Winsor-Sturm was one of the founding directors and is now the Managing Director and CEO of the Occidental Institute Research Foundation. Although not a practitioner (trained as a teacher and musician), Carolyn has participated in all seminars, training programs and Germany Tours sponsored by Occidental Institute. She has assisted with publication of many training manuals, reports and articles and does translation work for the Occidental Institute members"™ newsletter "The Bridge".


  • I am interested in purchasing an EVA device which meets industry standards. I am also interested in undergoing training ie learning proper testing protocols via seminars, training materials etc). I live in Christchurch, New Zealand.

    In brief, my partner suffers from chronic illness (hyper-sensitivity to chemicals) which makes his life a ‘living hell’. He has, however undergone EVA diagnosis and treatment and benefited on numerous occasions – it would be fairer to say it has been a ‘lifesaver’ after many years of chronic illness, an ongoing quest for healing and other options exhausted. While treatment is available at the other end of New Zealand, the ‘cost’ of travelling for treatment has become prohibitive and ‘too hard’. On occasion, he has been assessed and received the atidote, only to catch the next airborne chemical while travelling from the motel to the airport to catch his flight home. It has become a living nightmare.

    We are therefore seeking to find out how to purchase a machine and learn whatever is necessary re how to use it. He is a qualified scientist who works in bio-technology, so it is not unreasonable that we can master these skills.

    Alternately, we are interested in finding out about anyone in the South Island of New Zealand (Christchurch, better still) whose uses an EVA device and subsequent homeopathic remedies.

    I would be grateful for any advice. Ali

  • Glad about your article. The truth is homeopathy is sliding from classical homeopathy to electronic homeopathy.With good electro-homeopathy instruments diagnosing, remedy selection and distant therapy are made easy,time saving and accurate.Skeptics who want to stick to their old trades are free.Else, modernize,upgrade and be broad minded. Thanks.

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