
Letters to the Editor – Feedback from February 2012

Your feedback is precious to us.

(Editor’s note: See also the feedback letters at the end of each journal article.)

Dear Editor Hpathy,

This feedback is about the excellent quality of your e-journal and your tireless contribution in running. I wonder how you could be managing the task of editing this huge quality project year after year, taking time out of your precious life. That shows the extent and the depth of your dedication to this cause. Please keep it up. I don’t mind in what format it comes, it appeals any way. I wish it success and congratulate you for involving in this selfless work which is perhaps now the only major and free monthly circulation for homeopaths which keeps them linked to updated information about classical homeopathy.

The Hpathy homeopathic magazine is an excellent source of information and an excellent instrument for spreading knowledge and awareness about homeopathy. It has tons of researched material contributed by experienced homeopaths practicing homeopathy the world over. It provides creative facilities to people who want to write and publish their views. I have recommended this magazine to many homeopaths who do not know about it or to new homeopaths .

With best wishes to you and this magazine,
Dr Gobinder S. Samrao, USA


Dear Editor,

This is great … like it … especially the left side index …. love you … wow … so easy now to search and research … great! I like the article on chakra cleansing ….I was doing it from ‘92 . Most of the time disease enters through the chakras , then manifest in aura then in crude body … so it helps a lot to clear client in very early stages . Please find me a book … I have seen it in one seminar where a homeopathic doctor from UK is using it.

Thank you.

May the blessings of Allah be bestowed upon us … all ways and always …

Dr. (Prof) Shaikh G.Sadiq



Just wanted to say how interesting I found Ami Shah’s Single Symptom Totality article. Sometimes we need reminding of how important it is to look at ALL aspects of individual symptoms as well as the generalities when looking for the best remedy and sometimes a single symptom can just be the key. We can get used to using familiar avenues and processes and forget that there are many various ways to analyse a case depending on the information we have.



Dear Editor,

Your new update is great, it looks much better and structure is clear now.

However I would appreciate to have a mobile version, since the page is difficult to read on a Smartphone.

Best regards,

Michaela Hauser


Useful articles on the Prometheus Myth and Homeopathic Detoxification. Also in the book section I found something I needed.


Brenda Mostyn


Tips & Secrets are really precious. Torching light to the oath, thanks.



Good morning

I would like to thank you for all the mails you sent to me. I enjoy reading them and I must recognise that I learn something from this issue. All the issues are very interesting and I read them with pleasure. Good luck in the future and have a nice day.

Krina Elena


Dear Sir

The paper presented by Dr. Ajit Kulkarni on ” The concept of excess …” is most interesting . The author’s so clear concept about the nature of remedies is commendable.


R B Singh


Dear Editor,

I did enjoy the argument between John Harvey & Jeroen Holtkamp concerning the irrelevance of developmental folklore to the law of similars. Thanks again for your commitment.

Rinaldo Octavio Vargas


Dear Sir

Your Newsletter for the month of Feb 2012 having various valuable articles on important subjects is wonderful and informative and a great help to homoeopathy lovers. No other homoeopathic Newsletter is better than yours and it is a great Gift to us to enhance our experience and knowledge. I thank you very much for your excellent services to homoeopathy. God bless you.

With best regards

Sincerely yours
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad


Dear Editor,

Keep up the good work!

Stephon F. Battle-Bey


Dear Sir,

The article on Homeopathic detoxification and other articles are very good! Thanks,

Dr. Murtaza


Dear Editor,

Excellent as usual!

Bernadette Bresard


Agro homeopathy- I really like it.



Hi Dr. Bhatia,

Thank you so much for your excellent advice to homeopathy students. I love your article. Your patients are so fortunate to have someone as grounded, open-minded, and humble as you are.

I have just begun reading the Organon and have read Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases, as well as Peter Alex’s book, Homeopathy for the Treatment of Lyme Disease, etc. I think homeopathy is fascinating.

I’ve found a homeopathic practitioner who is gentle, humble, and open-minded. Even though she hasn’t practiced long, I think she’s probably good at what she does and I’ll be beginning treatment soon.

Anyway, thank you again for posting such wise advice to students of homeopathy. I’ll be sending it to my homeopathic doc.

Warmest regards,

Linda Santini

Washington State


Dear Sir,

Congrats on the excellent progress. it makes a great reading ! Thanks a lot.



Dear Sir,

The articles are informative and worth reading.

M. Borkar


Good effort keep it up!

Naizar Saigal


Hi everyone!

The new website looks GREAT!!!! It looks fresher and cleaner and MUCH easier to navigate as well. The articles are what I love about (just one thing really of millions of things that I love about your site.) A little problem with the article printing. When the article is on the screen and you choose to print the article using the print icon in the row with all the other icons like facebook etc, the title of the article which is in a light green does not print. Everything else is there just NOT the title. There is a blank link where the title should be. I know it is a small point but a title at the top looks better when handing it on to colleagues and friends and students.

Keep up the great work! I love your site.

Susi Messenger



I have tried to reply through the link provided but repeated failed to get through.
So I am replying directly to say that I greatly appreciate this free service you provide for those of us who are interested.
I particularly appreciated reading the articles on cancer since it’s making victims of such large numbers. A family friend was just diagnosed with cancer and i don’t know where to suggest he should go since his oncologist is, of course, telling him to undergo chemotherapy as soon as possible. The man is 70 years old and i feel that chemo will kill him. I know there are many good homeopaths in Toronto but I don’t know who the best might be in treating cancer. I guess I’ll just have to do more research and hopefully it won’t be too late.
Thank you for your work.


Rosalba Mastrangeli


I did read Feb issue just now…love the new format…more clear and precise…
Thought provoking article re: hoarding….thank you. My favorite is Agro Homeopathy.

Thank you
Jane Darrah


Thank´s for the very interesting issues.

Best regards Dr. Sergio D Linares


Dear Editor,

Thanks ! The Face-lift of new is gentle swift and sweet! Delivers search results faster than before, colours and layout just cute and easier to reach.

Rajib Nain


Thank you for sending me Hpathy. It is always amazing and very useful.

Best Wishes,



Very very good!

Subhash Bansal


An excellent upgrading. Congratulations!

Jaswant Ghandi



less bugs and a clearer font are good things, but more colours is something irritating, bewildering. Your site was coloured enough before, in my opinion it does not need more at all. The main thing is a good structure, with more colours the site starts getting overloaded.

Kind regards



Dear Sir:

The facelift has come out good. I read yr journal every month and finding it very interesting and useful.

I have a suggestion. Please give information about higher studies. Many students from India want to know about higher education in homeopathy after BHMS in abroad, fee details, scholarship, duration, requirements welcome.
My son is pursuing 2nd year BHMS at Bangalore,India.

Thanking you,

Mrs.Sarala, India


You have done excellent work. I think it’s the best homeopathic webpage.

Kind regards from Greece

Vicky-Vasiliki Zora


Thank you very much for the February issue of the Homeopathy 4 everyone. I enjoyed it, as usual. Congratulations for the new look of the web site and of the journal.

Best regards,

Dr. Doina Pavlovschi


About new layout..

1) It’s old looking and non-attractive
2) It’s 100 time slower then first one.
3) Postings and activities on my group decrease 60%
4) One post for reply take 30 minutes
5) Can’t open two pages at once, and when one is running you can’t go through first one.
6) Very hard to post

Ghanshyam Kalathia

Editor’s Note :
Dear Dr. Kalathia,
It’s not clear why you’re experiencing these problems, but we’re looking into it and will sort it out.


Hello Team

The ‘facelift’ is great and the site is easier to navigate. The content as always is wonderfully informative. Thank you so much!

Judityh Havas


The issue was all the more relevant for the good coverage of cancer, which still remains the great frontier to overcome. Articles and cases on cancer by Homoeopathy experts will surel encourage those who are losing hope in the fight against this lethal abberration of the Vital Dynamis.-francis fernandes


First of all, I am very happy that this site and the people behind it exist.

I always can find wonderful, very satisfactory articles about the topics I am looking for. I was happy with the oldest design, later design and now the latest design, too. Yes there is improvement each time. I am just saying I was already content in the first place anyway.

I can understand that you want to know your audience better, but please do not enforce registration any further. Wikipedia like access is always more practical, we (computer users) have already dozens of sign in passwords we don’t need one more.

With the latest change, there is true improvement in appearance and readiness! One thing I noticed though, I am using XP with IE8 and I am using English OS, but the page did not correctly show up. So I checked with Safari and Firefox, both showed correctly. I am attaching a JPG to show you what went wrong.

A new feature I would like to see is to be able to download the issues as pdf magazine format. Personally I would prefer to access the data without actual login. When you introduced the membership I did not become one. I hope in the future you do not enforce it.

Best regards,




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