
Letters to the Editor September 2008

Letters to the Editor September 2008

Dear Editor,

Homeopathic monthly interviews are opened windows on the high information and data to improve the wide breadth of this medicine. Amy & Paul work together and do the best casetaking , I believe in this method, because I’ve had it done by double practitioners. This step reduces , even takes over a patient’s sidestep mistakes. Then we had the favourite casetaking.

Amy pointed out that she has a very good and high level connection with the patients. It means she gets a good relationship which was the core of the July interview. Amy said “after the first few sessions of our class, we begin to see live patients during school hours. We train our students in all aspects of casetaking and let them practice those skills.We do have some time devoted to paper cases so students can begin to see patterns, to find the SEGMENTS and put them into CYCLES “. So , this will be my question: Did the students read Organon, Materia Medica? I hope both Amy’s books Peds & Naturopathic Medicines will be available very soon, we would like to “put on our seatbelt “.

Jafar Vakili


Dear Editor,

I very much enjoyed reading many of the articles in the August issue. I thought the interview with Amy Rothenberg was an inspiring read. Since I live in AZ, reading the article about Homeopathy in AZ was interesting. As a student rep for NASH, I found the article from Manfred Muller gave more clarity about the purpose for the organization. Finally, having an active interest in Japanese healing arts, reading about the evolution of homeopathy in Japan was engaging. This issues really offered a range of wonderful articles.

Joanna Welland


Dear Editor,

Hallo! I am Japanese woman , now living in Germany.I always enjoying to read your news paper!!Lots of exciting information I really love them!! But my English is not good enough for reading all the interesting articles. it’s pity, isn’t it …!!well…..this time ,I wanted to write to you, because ..about Japanese homoeopathy association”JPHMA” is introduced by your news paper.

I am studying Homoeopathy since 1year in that school “RAH UK.”I am so happy to see, homoeopathy is spreading so nicely in Japan.I guess her, Torako Yui’s “Adventure” and “Love” that makes people move…I remember, when I went to back Japan, 6 years ago, very difficult to find Japanese homoeopathy book in book shops. People didn’t know word”homoeopathy”. 2years ago again I went back to Japan for short time ,”homoeopathy” is getting known by people and still more we could find “homoeopathy” section in book shop!! That’s really wonderful things, isn’t it?!!

We don’t need to depend on doctor anymore, whatever they say!! we learn how we can heal ourselves through using homoeopathy remedies!!still more healthier than before!! Sorry, about my bad English…but I couldn’t holding it, my feeling to writeto you. I am living in Germany, now (a kind of destiny?? Hahnemann’s country..) with my own family…I would like to learn more about Homoeopathy, and I would like to use skills which I am learning in this school to heal the people to be themself, and I wish all the people could live happily …!!

Thank you for reading my letter!!

Love Michiko


Dear sir,

No doubt, the previous issue is one of your best ones. I liked very much the article written by Dr Banerjee and I find it helpful for modern practice.Thanks.

Yours sincerely

Olfat G Ismail


Dear Manish,

I’ve just read your July letter, it struck so many notes with me about the self doubt that we have as everyday homeopaths. Here are a few of my thoughts on some ofthe issues that you raised. To be truly the unprejudiced observer we must adapt our prescription to the individual. If we approach each case with a ridged methodology we will miss opportunities to heal. Trained as a classical homeopath I use this approach as my looking glass, the individual client with their unique energy sitting before me dictates the potency and repetition and remedy. For some I use a single dose, others daily repetition, open with a nosode, the birth remedy, the never well since remedy, constitutional remedy with acute as an intercurrent, etc. I now give several remedies in one day ( totally against my training) for months for fertility.

Like any crafts person I use the best tools for the job. If I applied the same methodology to every client I might as well give them all the same remedy, in the same potency, the same repetition. I see the client as an individual and their treatment is individual. My dyslexic tendencies mean that I find structures and ridged rules difficult to follow when I don’t understand how they are going to fit in with my own tangentle way of thinking. It’s this intuitive sideways synapse zapping way of thinking that finds remedies that otherwise I would not have found by following some gurus way of thinking. Reading about their pathology, disease and previous allopathic treatments broadens our knowledge and enables us to understand their life. Reading the work of homeopaths whose methodology that you don’t agree with is surely healthy, for weall have something to learn from each other. It’s trusting that you are doing the best for those you are treating that makes a good homeopath.

Not following a guru means opening ourselves to the wonderful possibility that we are ourselves are healers. Gurus should inspire us, not dictate how we think, act and treat others. The energy, the dynamic of the space between us and those that we treat, that manifests the perception of who we are treating and gives us the remedy that will heal them. No guru can step in, we are the healers in the room, we hand out the remedy that is received. We are bringing our own energy, our own thoughts and way of finding a remedy. I think that we have heard so much about the fantastic results that our gurus have that we see our not so wonderful cases as failures rather than the uneven path of healing. On the flip side, I studied for a social research degree just to discipline my thinking along another path. I found ‘science’ a contradictory and contextual way of thinking, although I read lots of theorists that would have been more comfortable amongst homeopaths than scientists. I feel that we, the homeopaths need to provide evidence of wonderful cured cases, not just for those who scorn us but for those who trust our judgement.

I read widely on homeopathy repeatedly I find that the evidence is unsubstianted or glosses over like the hurried last few chapters of a novel. If I were a client reading some of our ‘evidence’ of cured cases then I wouldn’t book an appointment with a homeopath. I think that we need some self reflection on our presentation of evidence, we should fall somewhere between qualitative research evidence and good case notes. We have chosen our path as homeopaths let’s shine the spotlight ( and the limelight) on ourselves and away from the gurus, and walk proud as a community of homeopaths.

Thank you for bringing us hpathy



Dear Dr Bhatia,

As a young boy I got a kick out of making things from wood. My whole toolbox consisted of a hammer, a pair of pliers, a saw and some nails. I used old wooden tomato boxes to craft my ideas and was happy – almost every project was a success.A one stage he quality of the boxwood was not good and I had in the meantime got more ambitious with my projects. I wanted to make dovetail joints and put hinged lids on the boxes I made. I found that my toolbox was not good enough and I could not realise a fine finish to my boxes without investing in sandpaper and maybe even a plane. I also found that my boxes leaked when I tried to fill them with water. I had reached the limit of my knowledge, the available equipment and the projects that I wished to construct were now too ambitious. I think this is what happens in homeopathy to a degree. If one chooses the simple cases, the simple remdies will give high rates of success. The complicated cases need other modalities to attain a better rate of cure. We must know the boundaries of our chosen modalities, and not measure success by trying to solve cases using the wrong tools (modality) and then being harsh on oneself when sure is not obtained. Thanks for a great topic.


Norman Pearson


Hi Alan, Manish,

Thank you for including the series by Dr. Banerjea.

The articles are truly practical and will inspire high quality management of serious diseases for those who undertstand this classical approach.




Dear Dr. Bhatia,

You are doing admirable work for Homeopathy through your wonderful website and ezine. Your editorial ‘Measuring the Success’ is another welcome step. I have been practicing Classical Homeopathy for the last 38 years on the basis of Hahnemann’s advanced methods (including his new posology), as elucidated by Hahnemann and other great masters from his time to the present day. I have already shared my success rate in my letter to you in July 2008 issue, which should be considered as sharing my personal experience only and not at all aboastful claim.

As regards your question-‘to what extent can we be successful in curing our patients? my reply is: we can be successful in curing our patients to the extent we can do hard work to skilfully apply the cardinal principles of homeopathy in each case. All the escape routes and vague concepts lead to failures.As regards the question ‘how to measure success’, every true homeopathis bound to answer in Hahnemann’s words:”The highest ideal of cure is…permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent…”(Organon, Aphorism-2). In para 5 of his response to my previous letter Rudi Verspoor says about me:”…90% of the diseases identified by him have been removed, or at least the symptoms have been removed (which is often seen as success), but then what about all the diseases not seen by the practitioner because of limits to knowledge?” I can only reply to him in Hahnemann’s words: “When a patient has been cured of his disease by a true physician, in such a manner that no trace of the disease, no morbid symptom, remains, and all the signs of health have permanently returned, how can anyone, without offering an insult to common sense, affirm in such an individual the whole body disease still remains interior?”(Organon, Aphorism-8).

Moreover, as John H. Clarke says:”Homeopathy is compelled to extinguish the internal, morbid action before it can cause the external symptoms to vanish. The outward and visible signs and symptoms are the guides to the internal and invisible causes- that is all.” Every true homeopath is bound to consider Hahnemann’s nosology as well as ‘Totality of Symptoms’ for curing a patient completely and permanently. It is also surprising that a scholar of homeopathy like Rudi Verspoor, in para3 of his response to me, refers to Hahnemann’s own experience of dismay about the success of homeopathy during the years 1796 to 1816 instead of referring to his revolutionary innovations to bring homeopathy to perfection during the last 10 years of his life.

As regards the statement of homeopaths who believe in single remedy cures that the cure rate can be as low as 2%,I am to ask: how can the cure rate exceed 2%for the chronic cases treated with just 1 medicine throughout the course of treatment, as this practice is based on a misinterpretation of the single remedy concept. During the course of a chronic disease there may arise an acute emergency with the symptoms quite different from those of the chronic disease.The single constitutional remedy selected for the chronic disease becomes dissimilar to this altered disease state and so cannot correct this situationagainst the fundamental principle of homeopathy ‘Like Cures Like.’ Use of constitutional remedy during emergency or acute crisis is a serious mistakebecause this may cause severe aggravations. So skilful use of the acute intercurrents in such a situation is an unavoidable requirement of classical homeopathy.

Single remedy concept of classical homeopathy means use of a single remedy at a time and not throughout the course of treatment. I use minimum number of remedies, in smallest doses, with minimum repetitions in every case.I personally do not agree that even master classical homeopaths have a successrate of 10 to 15% at the best. In my opinion the word ‘Masters’ actually means those homeopaths who have achieved the highest possible expertise inapplying the principles of homeopathy to the patients in the most skilful manner. So, their highest success rate at 10-15% should be considered as the highest success rate of homeopathy. Had this been a fact homeopathy would not have become so successful and popular as it is now in various countries. Your statement that a larger percentage of homeopaths claim curative results in around 40-50% cases also repudiates this view.In my opinion, all the true followers of Hahnemann are expected to have a success rate somewhere above 40-50%, varying from practitioner to practitioner according to the degree of the assiduity. These are only my personal views with the sole intention that the people do notget any wrong message from the doubts and vague ideas prevailing within our community about the success of homeopathic practice. I have no intention toraise any controversy in this matter. I personally want to remain a voracious student of Hahnemannian Homeopathy throughout my life, as there are no limits to knowledge.



Dear Manish,

I was just telling someone the other day how much I look forward to receiving your monthly journal. Thanks for sharing your evolution as a homeopath. There have been many times where you have shared your experiences which are like looking at a mirror image. Classical homeopathy is really hard, and I have fallen into that trap many times where I wonder how good I am by comparing myself to others who claim to know, who claim to teach, and who claim success.I do not measure success from my own perspective any more. I have learned through my own experiences that successful treatment can only measured through the eyes of the patient. In treating really difficult cases where the patient has suffered for a long time and then comes to me and over the course of some months is able to come off of medication they had been led to believe was a life long therapy, they feel that treatment was successful, and that’s all they need, because they can live with what is left over.

I may not feel that the treatment is over, but they do. They are happy. Is that failure, or success? When patients come for treatment and we start to see results, then they come back very unhappy because they became worse – and then I find out that they’ve gotten a cortisone shot, or that they started some new medications, is that defined as a failure when they don’t continue with me? When the patient only wants to me to help them lose weight and doesn’t care that they have started to have bowel movements on their own without intervention, or feel temperature in legs that have been crippled for years, and tells me that that is not what they came for, should I be thinking success, or failure? There have been many times where I explain the return of old symptoms, and Hering’s law, to glazed over eyes which can’t seem to comprehend how great it is that the remedy is actually working! When they tell me that they have to think about whether they want to continue, and I don’t hear from them, of course the first thought I have is that I failed.

When a patient comes for something trivial and during the course of treatment gets only superficial relief yet has absolutely profound revelations that are life altering, is that considered failure, or success? For me the idea of failure, or success, is not just complicated, but depressing, when measured solely in terms of “material” cure.For me, success is when the relationship between practitioner and patient is a partnership, with the practitioner taking responsibility for getting the right remedy, and the patient taking on the responsibility to become an educated consumer of homeopathic treatment. As a homeopath I am not in control of the treatment, I am only in partnership with the patient – in treatment. Success is when the patient feels better. Success is when the patient says “Thank you.” Sometimes that happens before I even give a remedy.

Marilyn Freedman


Dear editor,

Your question is actually impossible to give a strict answer on, as it all dependson how you measure “cured”. Is cured that the physical complaint is removed; thatthe eczema or joint pain has disappeared? Or is it that the whole person is moved toa higher level of awareness? Or that the individual functions better in society? Orthat the kid get better results in school? Or that the person feel more relaxed andhappy?We must take into consideration that we live in a world that exist of at least twodimensions. We can follow the outside world (materia) and as a conventional doctorbe happy if the symptoms of the body disappear, without regarding the secondaryeffects that slowly comes forward after outward symptoms has been suppressed (oh yes, that happens also when you use homeopathy). Or we can rise the demands on whatwe accept as a “cure” to a much higher level that also considers the inside worldwith our thoughts and emotions.

I believe that the definition of health from WHO isa good place to start:”Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merelythe absence of disease or infirmity.”So we like to cure the physical complaints, but at the same time make our clientsimprove mentally and social. This is the level I demand for using the name cured ona case. How easy is it to achieve this goal? It depends on how badly the person is injuredon the emotional level. A good childhood with sound parents, no grief situations anda very small amount of suppressive treatment will give you good results quickly. A bad background with sexual abuse, divorces, selfish parents, alcoholism or mobbingetc. will give you a hard case and you have to work for years to help them to a goodinner balance. What is difficult for conventional doctors or psychiatrists is alsodifficult for a homeopath. There is no easy road to success. My rate of success? Well, let me just say that most of my clients stay with me for 3- 8 years and are very grateful for the help in improving their inner capacity.Their physical complaints slowly diminish and finally disappear when their psyche isbalanced to a higher level.

Best wishes

Chris Jorgenfelt / classical homeopath SAKH / Sweden


You have not defined the succeess rate! Very vague. Do need to define success rate in concrete terms. Not many really keep records properly. Even if one does it is not easy to extractdata for success and failure. I tried very hard. Each case success definition mayvary. That is why your range of 2%- 90% is so large that it ceases to be any range atall. Your attempt is use less. You can not draw any meaningful conclusions fromthis kind of exercise




As a new member how much I appreciate and enjoyreading the diverse articles. Very professional and helpful.



Thanks for sending the magazine, it contains useful information.I could appreciate some more veterinary cases, since our school has aveterinary department too.

Best wishes
Maurice Grégoire


Purtroppo non sono molto bravo in inglese, riesco a capirlo ma non ascrivere.Comunque le Vs mail sono sempre gradite in quanto in grado di dare spunti eindicazioni interessanti per i trattamenti omeopatici.

Distinti saluti
Dr Roberto Dente

This is italian and it translates to:Unfortunately I am not very capable in English. I am able to understand it, but not to write it. However, the H4E issues are always appreciated and provide interesting indications for homeopathic treatment. Different greetings Dr Roberto Tooth


Thank you so much for your monthly newsletter! I look forward to seeing it in myinbox. It does take me a while to get through everything in it but that just showshow much information you pack into it every month! I feel like I am kept up to datewith what is going on in the Homeopathic community. I am a correspondent student ofhomeopathy and I have found it very difficult to stay motivated and make the time towork on my studies. Your newsletter gives me just the boost I need. I especiallylook forward to Elaine Lewis’ quizes. Although I have not actually built up enoughcourage to send in my answers I really enjoy testing myself.Thanks again!

Warmly, Monica


LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lea ann rogers


Dear editor,

The ezine in my e mail is quite good for reading. The chapter on case studies is required.

Thanking you,
Yours truly,
g. venkata seshaiah


Gone through th excellent article of Dr. S.K.Banerjea.What I think is thatfood habit is an important factor in treating Asthma cases . This may alsobe taken into account althoough he has referred to totality besides givingstress on Miasmatic selection. Thanks for a nice read.

Sukanta Mukherjee


Love the discussions, just would like to see more ailments/cures.




I´m pleased to keep a link whith you.I´m Veterinary and I´m studing homeopatic in AMHU (Montevideo- Uruguay).I find yuor page very useful to read and to consult.Sorry my english writer.

Your sincerely.

Marta Alonso



I thoroughly enjoyed reading this current issue. Having studied with Amy Rothenbergand George Vitoulkas, I appreciated the contents and the quality of your magazine. Keep it up. It is a gift to the homeopathic community.

Scott Daniels


Hello, I love to read your e-mails and hope I can learn about it !

Thank you ! Françoise


Thank you for the article. I love homeopathic philosophy and have been thinking about these matters a lot. Atmy current understanding I’m in on another explanation on how it works.Maybe the remedy ads “energy” to our consciousness, expanding it. With an improved”field of conscious” we see life from a higher level which brings around a betterunderstanding of our life situation. Secondary effect is to make better choices in life and reduce conflicts. Third effect is then a lower stress level. With a lower stress level the physiologyin the body functions much better and the body starts to heal itself.This is the reason why we have to match the remedy with not only the physicalsymptoms of the patient but even more so with the mental and emotional problems thatexist.

Many regards

Chris Jorgenfelt, classical homeopath SAKH, Sweden


Dear Sir,

Thanks for taking me as one of the subscriber.I have gone through some parts of the topic and like Dr. Banerjee’s topic veryinformative and written in a simple form to understand easily. You are doing a real good job and I hope in future I may be able to contributesomething. I am a budding homeopath, just finish my diploma in May this year.

Many regards, Kulwant Saxena.


What an interesting survey! I so look forward to the results of this. My class andi were just discussing this very topic no more than 2 days ago. I graduated from school 4 yrs ago and have a very small practice, not much of one. I see about 15 cases a year plus i treat myself, family and friends. so my samplesize is not that big. That being said, my success rate is probably about 30%. i define success as aperson feeling amelioration of most or all symptoms, and improving in a generalsense and moving on with life. if the curative state collapses eventually, I wouldnot count this case. This 30% applies to chronic acutes, my success rate is about the same. I doubt whether some of the masters who claim 90% are being truthful. I do not seethe failing in the science of homoepathy so much, but what we know about homeopathyand our tools are really still quite limited. I think there is so much guessworkinvolved most of the time that succeeding 90% of the time is just not possible. however, hopefully i am wrong. thanks again for all the work you do!

Rachel Chaput

Brooklyn, NY, USA


Article by Amy Rothenberg-She describe prescribing Nux vom6c bd for1 month.I believe the patient would have been cured with few doses of samemedicine instead of contiuing it for amonth. Dr.Banerja is fantastic!!

Dr. Girija


Dear Sirs,

I enjoy reading your on-line magazine very much, and would like to contribute an article I recently wrote about a diabetic woman with narcolepsy. I am looking forward to hearing your feedback.

In love and service,

Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)


Dear Dr Bhatia,

I am just a pharmacist with an interest in homeopathy and esotericism- Ihave used a health kinesiology (‘HK’) practioner who is also a homeopath( on myself. The system combines what I call-‘body-dowsing’- with the selection homeopathic remedies amongst other remedies.Just an idea-I suggest you contact Jane Thurnell-Read( who is conducting research into ‘HK.’ It would befascinating to ‘question’ an experienced homeopathic practitioner using HKto find the answers (if any) to the mysteries of miasmatic theory and otherthinking about homeopathy. You can ask the body direct questions like ‘isHahneman’s theory of miasms accurate’ etc. and in theory you will get ayes/no answer from the body’s response.This system will reveal many great truths about homeopathy using the body’sown innate wisdom-Please let me know you findings through your fascinating magazine!

Kind regards.



Dear Editor,

Thank you for the lovely insights and the tips you forward in your editorial, it’s ofgreat value, please accept my heartfelt thanks. I look forward to recieving these tips and insights from various doctors,

Kind regards,



An extremely interesting selection of articles which cover many different aspects ofworld -wide homeopathy. Quite a lot to read at one sitting and thus it took me a long time to get round toopening this e-version.

Ingrid Daniels


I have read most of the newsletter and love it. I find it informative and thought provoking. Since I am new to the study homeopathy, I find this newsletter very helpful.

D Warren


Dear Amy,

have been away so apologies for tardiness in replying-i liked the info re theproving of Julien Winstone.

best regards,






Dear Editor

I like reading the issues of your journal and recommend it highly tofriends.–

Sangeeta Singh


I find it extremely useful. I am trying to browse through it. Some of themedicines prescribed by yu are very interesting.

Best regards

Dr Sailendra Narayan Tripathy


Dear Editor

While Dr Bannerji’s essay on treatment is valid, how many homeopaths have thepatience, time & inclination for a detailed examination of the patients in this eraof jet age?Most of the homeopaths just lisen to the patients for a few mnutesand prescribe amedicne that comes to their mind, It seems they donot have the time even to consultthe materia medica!




Dear Hpathy site Managers

Hello lots of thanks to you for your kind and sincere email.I wish you and all otherpeople the best which is compete health . May all of us gather and improve the human being health by kindness and prescribingthe simillimum.

Best Regards,

S.A.Sadeghi M.D.


Thank you for this web site. Most of the articles are great especially George Vithoulkas and Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea in this issue. Also appreciated your discussion of the different aspects of practice and the confusion that is ensuing. This information is necessary. Appreciated the article in a few issues back about Dr. Ramakrisnan.


Diana Cooper


Thanks very much for your August issue, specially for the answer to my question in”Ask G.Vitholkas” part.

mohammad taremi


Many, many thanks for Homeopathy for Everyone. I especially appreciate the articles that deal with particular cases, because this widens my view. Thank you for all your help,

Pat McCabe Canada


Thank you for Homeopathy 4 everyone august issue. Verry interesting, I am grateful.

Doina Pavlovschi


The August issue is much comprehensive. We expect some articles on LM potencies, its use and usefulness in curing chronic and as well as acute diseases.

regards. Prasanna


Thank you very much. I hope your e journal will be helpful for every bodywho loves homoeopathy. I will be glad if you publish something regardinghomoeopathy that creates interest regarding the scintific approach ofhomoeopathy.



The issue was wonderful & informatie for one & all whosoever is interested inHomoeopathy.Keep it up..!


Dr. Neeraj Gupta


Would like to see so articles on dealing with addiction and all sleeping problems,Swould like to have some courses available, otherwise it is great.



Ur Aug edition was excellent, thank u.

Dr. Anjali


Very informative and a good move to counter the onslaught of alopathy on people ingeneral and homeopathic professionals in particular.




Send us your feedback, views, comments and suggestions about various articles published in Homeopathy for Everyone and in general to Dr. B at [email protected]. Your feedback is very important to us!

About the author


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