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Homeopathy for Back Pain

homeopathy treatment for back pain
Written by Dr. Manisha Bhatia

List of homeopathic medicine for back pain treatment. Find out the most effective homeopathy medicines for treatment of acute and chronic backache. Back pain can be acute (sudden and severe) or chronic if it has lasted more than three months. Backache often occurs in younger people whose work involves physical effort and is not uncommon in people of retirement age.

Are you looking for a homeopathic cure for back pain? This article discusses the homeopathy treatment of back pain along with the best homeopathic medicine for back pain treatment.

Homeopathy Treatment and cure of back pain.Back pain or backache is defined as pain or discomfort felt in the upper, middle and lower back, arising from structures in the back like muscles, nerves, bones or ligament.

The pain can be acute (sudden and severe) or chronic if it has lasted more than three months. Back pain often occurs in younger people whose work involves physical effort and is not uncommon in people of retirement age.

Back pain is one of the most common ailments prevalent today, factors such as modern life-style, sedentary working conditions, or patterns associated with emotional stress and strains, which bring about spasm of the muscles, and causes backache.

Classification of Back pain

Back is divided into three major parts – upper, middle and lower. Depending upon the location, back pain is classified as Upper Back Pain (affecting the area of cervical and thoracic spine), Middle Back Pain (affecting the area of dorsal spine), and Lower Back Pain or Lumbago (affecting the area of lumbo-sacral spine).

Lower back pain, or lumbosacral pain, is the commonest type of back pain. Low back pain is also known as lumbago.

The backache is also classified according to the duration and intensity of the pain. Generally three type of back pain are there, acute, sub acute and chronic.

Acute lower back pain persists for less than 40-45 days, while chronic lower back pain persists over three months and in-between of these two, pain can be defined as sub acute pain.

The pain in back can also be one sided. Left side back pain or right side back pain commonly occour from a muscular sprain, herniated intervertebral disc, or renal calculi. Other causes of one sided back pain are listed below.

Homeopathy treatment of back pain

homeopathic medicine for back pain

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity.

This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which a patient is suffering.

The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat pain in back, but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility of the patient. For this patient’s current symptoms, past medical history and family history are taken into account.

There are many homeopathic remedies which cover the symptoms of back pain and lumbago. Homeopathic medicine for back pain can be selected on the basis of cause, location, sensation, modalities and extension of the pain.

For individualized remedy selection and homeopathy treatment of back pain, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. Some important homeopathic remedies for treatment of back pain or lumbago are given below:

Homeopathic Medicine for Back Pain

Rhus tox

This homeopathic medicine has muscular pain, when pain is relieved by walking and worse at rest or at first motion. There is marked stiffness and warm application give relief. Backache due to sprain; after over lifting or stretching; muscular soreness; from getting wet in rains. Homeopathic medicine for back muscle spasms.

A violent pain in the back, as if broken, is the greatest characteristic of Rhus in the back pain. Rhus seems to be especially suitable to affections of the deeper muscles of the back. There are great pains, dull, bruised, and aching on attempting to rise.

It is more suitable to the chronic forms of lumbago, often times give prompt relief. back pain of Rhus is better from pressure, but worse in bed. The Rhus patient likes to lie on sometime hard. The Rhus pains are relieved by bending backwards.

Brynoia albabryonia alba for back pain

Bryonia is the homeopathy medicine for back pain that has symptoms opposite the Rhus toxicodendron remedy. Patient tries to stay as still as possible, since even the slightest motion makes the pain worse.

These people tend to be very irritable and grumpy, not wanting to be touched, even though pressure on the point of pain often helps.

The homeopathy remedy Bryonia is indicated when there is hardness of muscle groups and headaches are common. Another indication for this remedy is when warmth makes the pain worse and cool applications feel better.


Excellent homeopathic remedy for nerve pain especially after surgery or injury. Homeopathic remedy that helps in healing nerve pains. It is especially useful when there is numbness or tingling in the extremities, radiating pain from one area to another. Homeopathy medicine for slip disc causing neuralgic pain.

Hypericum is useful for the unbearable prickly pain that radiates along nerve pathways, is worse with movement, and worse when touched. It can be beneficial when depression is an associated symptom of muscle pains.


Another homeopathic remedy for back pain which has soreness, weakness and stiffness in the muscles that is worse from over exertion. Pain is also worse when the weather is dry and tends to be better in rainy weather.

The muscles in the legs feel contracted, tight and sore, with restlessness at night. The forearms are weak, even though they are also stiff. These patients feel better in a warm bed or warm shower.


Homeopathic remedy to use when there are spasms in the large muscle groups. Body feels sore and bruised all over, and there may be jerking and twitching of the muscles. The spine feels sensitive, and there is pain especially in the back, neck and shoulders.

Cimicifuga patients feel better with warmth and pressure, and feel worse with touch, motion, cold applications and during their menstrual cycle.

Oxalic acid

It has an acute pain in the back relived by change of posture. Back seems too weak to support the body. The pains are worse when thinking of them. Pain accompanied by debility and numb feeling in the limbs, aching pain in lower part of the back between shoulders, pain and tenderness. Pain worse from any kind of movement or exertion; pain in spots.


Sepia is a very frequently indicated homeopathic medicine in the back pains which are due to uterine disease. It is a general weakness in the small of the back when walking, and is worse while sitting. Sudden pain in the back, as if struck by a hammer.

Pain relieved by pressing back upon something hard Backache worse in morning. Patient feels dull stiffed in morning and feels better when busy in some work.


Pain in the back is so severe that it makes patient restless; unable to sit or lie down; pain finally settles down on the upper part of the thigh and buttock. Bending forward often ameliorates.

Kali carb

Homeopathic medicine for lower back pain. Lumbosacral backache, pain goes down the back to the legs. Pains, stitching, darting, worse during rest and lying on affected side. Backache and weakness after abortion, labor or profuse menses; while walking feels as if she must give up and lie down.

This remedy is especially suited to backache in sacral region; backache during pregnancy; after miscarriage; great exhaustion; burning in spine; lumbago with sudden, sharp pains extending up and down back, and to thighs.

Nux vomica

Another homeopathy remedy for back pain, especially if referable to spinal affections, is Nux vomica.It is in the lumbar region is homeopathy medicine nux vomica for back pain worse at night when lying in bed. Pain of a drawing, lacerating or bruised character, with perhaps sudden stitches in the back, and a characteristic is that the patient must sit up in bed to turn over.

It has also a morning back pain, and the longer the patient lies in the bed the more the back pains. The back pain brought on by sexual excesses should lead to the consideration of Nux vomica Stiff neck and torticollis may also be benefited by Nux vomica.

Arnica montana

Acute pain after an injury along with sore bruised feeling. Sore, lame, and bruised feeling in the back; worse, least touch; by motion, rest; better by lying down.


Homeopathic medicine for upper back pain. Sharp cutting pain in anterior cervical nerve, aggravation on lying down and relieved when sitting. Homeopathic medicine for chronic backache or lumbago, worse by constant motion; better by taking rest; pain in back along with sensation of numbness; lumber region is mainly affected; weight in pelvis.

Aesculus hip

For persons with haemorrhoidal tendencies, and who suffer with gastric, bilious or catarrhal troubles. Severe dull backache in lumbo-sacral articulation; more or less constant; affecting sacrum and hips. Back “gives out” during pregnancy, prolapsus, leucorrhoea; when walking or stooping; must sit or lie down. lameness in back; spine region feels weak.

Homeopathic medicine for backache in the lower region of back due to constipation and piles; backache or lumbago due to over exertion; pain in back as if back would break; aggravated by walking and stooping; bruised pain in sacrum and hips; back and legs give out; patient feels better by standing. Paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine.


Stiffness in the whole spine; single vertebrae sensitive to heat; shooting pain. Burning along spine; pain in lumbar region and sacrum; pain worse stooping; sensation of cold needles pricking in the back; lumbago, <in open air, sitting; tightness of the muscles of the back, as if they would break on bending; as if cold air were spreading along the back; painful weakness and soreness of the back; spine sensitive to touch; worse in dorsal region; twitching of cervical muscles. Homeopathic medicine for middle back pain.

Calcarea carb

This homeopathic medicine has backache or lumbago along with weakness of spine; from rising from a seat; pain as if sprained, can scarcely rise; curvature of dorsal vertebrae; backache due to an old injury; after bathing in a river or lake; from over lifting.


Backache due to living in damp basements or house; pain in the small of back; as after long stooping; pain along with stiffness of the back.

Calcarea fluorica

This homeopathy remedy has quite a clinical reputation for curing back pain, and especially the back pain due to spinal irritation. It has pain in the lower part of the back, with a fullness or burning pain. Lumbago worse on beginning to move and relieved by continued motion. Lumbago from strain, cured by Calcarea fluorica when Rhus tox fails.

Classification of Back Pain

Back pain or backache can be divided into acute, sub-acute and chronic.

  • Acute back pain – This kind of pain is usually sudden in onset, short lasting, often for few days or few weeks, usually occours in lower back.
  • Chronic back pain – Long lasting pain which persist for more then 3-4 months; deep, aching dull pain, which may extend to the leg.
  • Backache, which persist in-between can be termed as sub-acute pain.

What causes Back pain ?

Pathological causes:

There are number of pathological conditions which can cause backache. These are:

Arthritis– It as one of the most common causes of backache, backache due to arthritis can be felt anywhere in the back, and usually aggravates by movement. Stiffness, inflammation, swelling is often associated.

Injury to the back – Injury to the disc can play a major role in such complaints

Disc prolapsed or slipped disc – Due to any reason can cause severe backache. Compression of nerve may occur due to which the part which receives nerve supply from same nerve can become weak. For example, compression of the lumber nerve restricts the upward movement of the big toe.

Tumors – Abnormal growths or tumors in the tissues of back region can cause back pain.

Spinal stenosis – caused due to the constriction of spinal canal; aging population is mostly affected by this.

Osteoporosis – can induce severe backache, osteoporosis can weaken the bones and can causes compression fractures of the vertebrae.

Infection – if your back region is affected by infections like tuberculosis an osteomyelitis it can also lead to backache.

Metastasis – cancer may spread to the bones like breast cancer, lung cancer and causes back pain.

Other causes:

Wrong posture of sleeping – Backache can occur due to faulty posture when a person is sitting or sleeping. Sleeping on very soft mattresses can also induce such complaints.

Obesity – Increased weight can put more pressure over spine which can lead to frequent backache.

Pregnancy – Enlarged belly during pregnancy can stretch the spine which ultimately leads to back pain or backache

Backache during menses – Usually females often complain for lower backache during menstruation

Over exertion – Mechanical cause – includes abnormal posture, injury or trauma, heavy lifting.

Symptoms Associated with Back Pain

  • Compression of nerve may occur due to which the part which receives nerve supply from same nerve can become weak. For example, compression of the lumber nerve restricts the upward movement of the big toe.
  • Pain aggravated by movement, prolonged overwork, sitting (but inflammatory pain ameliorated by movement and aggravated by rest).
  • Extension of the pain may occur to the other parts of the body especially to the buttocks, back of thigh, calf muscles.
  • Sharp pain in the neck and back after lifting heavy objects.
  • Difficulty in walking or standing straight due to muscle spasm and stiffness.
  • Vertigo or giddiness may occour when the cervical spine is involved.

Treatment of Back Pain

Rest should be advised to the patient in the condition of acute back pain. Physiotherapy is often helpful in cases of chronic lumbago. The exact concomitant treatment depends upon the underlying cause and should be done only under the guidance of your doctor.

Note: The above homeopathy medicines are just an indicator for homeopathy treatment for back pain. Please consult a qualified homeopath in person for a full case analysis and to find the best homeopathic medicine for back pain for your individual case.

Back Pain Cases Cured with Homeopathic Medicine

A Case of Lumbago – C.F.M.

A Case of Lumbar Pain Illustrating That We Treat the Cause, Not the Result of Disease – by Ajay Aserkar

My Experience in a Case of Lumbar Spondylosis with Homoeopathy: Evidence Based Case Study – by Seema Rai

Lumbar Spondylosis – by Shraddha Samant

Sclerosis of Unilateral Sacroiliac Joint in a Woman of 27 – by Vitan Gosain

A Case of Acute Pancreatitis – by Dr.Jitesh Sharma

Calf Pain in a Woman of 34 – by Navnit Vachhani

A Case of Psoriasis – by Petr Hoffman

About the author

Dr. Manisha Bhatia

M.D. (Hom), CICH (Greece)
Dr. (Mrs) Manisha Bhatia is a leading homeopathy doctor working in Jaipur, India. She has studied with Prof. George Vithoulkas at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. She is the Director of Asha Homeopathy Medical Center, Jaipur's leading clinic for homeopathy treatment and has been practicing since 2004.

She writes for Hpathy.com about homeopathic medicines and their therapeutic indications and homeopathy treatment in various diseases. She is also Associate Professor, HoD and PG Guide at S.K. Homeopathy Medical College. To consult her online, - visit Dr. Bhatia's website.


  • Hi – thanks for this it is a great little article which I am sure will be very popular with my friends on facebook. You are doing great work in promoting homeopathy!
    Rachael leffman

  • thanks for very necessary article; now a days it is very common problem at most 60% of people suffering from back pain. The simplicity of the article makes everyone understands clearly. thanks for the good article

  • A very interesting articles, many of the people are suffering with back pain problems , it may be too much useful for each & every person to diagnose the problems if pain easily….
    i am too fed up by this pain from many years, but getting relief by homeopathy medicine soon……. thanks to you ! may god bless you ….!
    farhat shakil

  • Thanks for your article. now i am suffering Acut lumbago. i could learn more about this disease.

    thanks a lot

  • Can renal cyst cause lower back pain? MRI reveals diffuse annular disc bulge and ligamentum flavum thickening. There is crushing pain after sneezing or deep gargling. Renal cyst is also noted. Could you please address these symptoms and recommend medicine? Thanks.

  • A very good & informative article, as regards various homeopathic medicines for different types of backache given.


  • My MRI report read as under:
    HISTORY = Right leg numbness.
    REPORT = Sagittal and axial T1 and T2W sequences have been acquired through the lumbar spine. Dessicatory change is noted from the lower two lumber discs. There are diffuse annular bulges at both these levels with mild foraminal narrowing. The nerve roots do appear to be existing normally. Conus terminates at its expected position. No Paravertebral soft tissue abnormality is seen. There is reversal of lumbar curvature signifying muscle spasm.
    CONCLUSION = Degenerative disc lower lumbar spine. Annular disc bulges, particularly, particularly at L4/5 with mild foraminal narrowing, but no convincing current root compression.

    Allopathic doctors advised me to take analgesic treatment when I feel.

    Can any homeopath suggest me single homeopathic treatment ?

    • I feel Pain in hips, thighs and legs. This is called Sciatica and occurs due to a pinched nerve in back resulting from a slip disc or intervertebral disc compression. Please advise me the best treatment.

      • I don’t think you are running sciatica, Please take NuxVomica 200 – 8 drops . It helps you in my opinion

  • “I loved this post! There are so many people who suffer from postural problems! I will bookmark it for future reference.

    Thanks for posting!”

  • I’ve tried basically everything for my back pain, but I haven’t heard of many of those homeopathic treatments. At this point, I’m pretty desperate so I’ll definitely have to give some of those a try.

  • Just an anecdote, may not be applicable to any one else, & other causes.
    My backache gets triggered while bending or lifting something.
    Always, Concomitant is burping, couple of them. I could make out, entrapped gas get compressed on bending & cause slip disc . But Nat Phos 12X works for me .
    Nat Phos may not work for other causes. CV, Lyco, China, KC didn’t work for me.

  • Hi, Madam my name is Baki Billah, I am Bangladeshi, Since 2007 I broke my ankle joint talus that time I don’t feel no pain. last 2 month I feel pain my Thoracic T4-T10.
    Madam How can i Relief my pain. please give me some medicine name.

  • For years would have excruciating pain in lower back that would cause immobility for about 2 weeks and then gradually go away just to reappear 6 months later.
    Was given Causticum and pain got worse ( went into lightening like pain traveling down leg.
    Went back to homeopathic prescriber again and was given staphisagria.
    It was instantly better and never returned.
    Became a homeopathic student from that day on (about 22 years ago)

  • Jacques Hui Bon Hoa says Nux Vomica is prince remedy for lumbago rheumatology with symptom turning in bed causes pain plus is worse on rising and better by move which attracts to rhus tox and Nux remains hidden.Nux ill temper desires fat whereas rhustox desires cold milk rather than food and is averse taking simple water.in Nux there is pain first dorsal vertebrae feel as thrashed.Sulph cannot stand erect long time as body weight gravity force down causes pain lower limbs.pains groin around hip Physo when worse by sitting cobalt is recommended.of course Kali carb is constitutional remedy due to weak ligament connection.conium is Baba homeopathy for joint pains esp hip area.

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