Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases


A useful article about Lumbago.Full details about Lumbago

Discussion by Dr. Leela D’Souza

Article by C.F.M. in the Homoeopathic Recorder, November, 1889, Vol. IV, No. 6, page 257.

Lumbago – In reading in one of the foreign journals, some time ago, an article upon the treatment of lumbago, I was astonished not to find Oxalic acid among the remedies to be considered in that disease, as striking cases calling for this remedy seem more or less common, at least in this region. The following clinical case presents the peculiarities of the drug:

Mrs. S., age about 55, suffered for several days from an excruciating attack of lumbago. Her physician [homoeopathic] had about exhausted his knowledge of applicable remedies in her behalf. On the fifth day I was called by telegraph [being then in New York City], and on arrival found her presenting the following symptoms, and taking Rhus tox.: Terrible pain in the lumbar region, extending down the thighs and over the region of both kidneys; extremely anxious to change position frequently, but the slightest movement, assisted or unassisted, caused her to shriek out in agony; frequent desire to pass large amounts of urine, but the pain on moving was so great that she would shrink from the attempt; legs numb and very weak and cold; pulse rapid; short, distressed breathing in general, though at times there were intervals of easier respiration; appetite normal, though swallowing was difficult and painful.


BACK; PAIN; General; lumbar region, lumbago; extending to; legs, down the (K909, G764)

BACK; PAIN; General; lumbar region, lumbago; extending to; kidneys, region of

BACK; PAIN; General; motion, on; agg. (K896, G755)

Weakness X numbness X coldness of lower limbs

Swallowing difficult X pain swallowing on:


I (C.F.M.) prescribed Oxalic acid 30th in half-hour doses, and had the pleasure of hearing that two hours afterward she could be placed upon the vessel with very little pain. She sat up twelve hours after, and in twenty-four hours was entirely relieved.


Out of interest we repertorized this case using the rubrics mentioned above. Almost all important remedies for Lumbago were included in them! Oxalic acid was present in all the rubrics as well even after crossing large rubrics with elimination.
The deciding symptom and rubric in favour of Oxalic acid must have been:
BACK; PAIN; General; lumbar region, lumbago; extending to; kidneys, region of: ferr-i., ox-ac., ozone
There are only 3 remedies included in this rubric in the Complete repertory.

From the Materia Medica, here are some excerpts that confirm the clinical picture of this lumbago.

Phatak states:
The patient becomes weak, cold, livid and numb all over worse lower limbs. Excruciating pains; like lightning; in streaks; in spots; burning, etc. Symptoms worse by motion and thinking of them, not only that, but thinking will bring on the conditions when they are not actually present.

Vermeullen’s Concordant states:
Pains start from spine and through extremities. Multiple cerebral and posterior spinal sclerosis. Numb pricking in back. Back feels too weak to hold the body; weakness in loins and hips, lower extremities. Cold creeps up spine. Bruised sensation from the shoulders to the hips and in the extremities. Pain under point of scapula, between shoulders, loins; bruised sensation, aggravated beneath tip of left scapula, & stiffness. Acute pain in back, gradually extending down the thighs, & great torture; seeks relief in change of posture. Benumbing pains in back, > after stool.
Frequent and copious; urine clear, straw-coloured. Burning in urethra [as from acrid drops] and pain in glans when urinating. Must urinate when thinking of it. Oxaluria; & pyrosis, pains in back and extremities, weakness. Pain in region of kidneys.

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