Clinical Cases

A Case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Written by Sunil Anand

Homeopath Sunil Anand uses the sensation method to solve a case of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The first of two cases he presents today.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” – Alvin Toffler

Always in motion is the future – Master Yoda (Star Wars)

Treating Learning Disorders and Psychiatric cases:

Both these cases are part of a series of workshops conducted at the Vancouver Homeopathic Academy. They were seen as live cases as a part of the workshops under the titles- Autism and Learning Disorders as one title, and Role of Homeopathy in Psychiatric cases. The cases are being followed by local homeopaths under my long distance supervision and mentorship.

Case #1

A Case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

D: We know the background and we have some basic information that your parents have provided regarding your complaints. The idea today is to understand you better. In that understanding, we’ll see if we are able to find a remedy, which will help you to do what you want to do with your full potential. So why don’t you tell more about yourself and tell us any problems that you wish to, and where you feel we can assist you better?

(Long Pause- The boy is fidgeting and is not sure how to start. As it was a live case during a seminar, the initial attempt was to warm up to him and make him comfortable)

Just talk…I’m listening. Imagine that you have to write an essay about yourself…

(There are two prominent observations in this case so far- he seems a little childish in conduct, silly laugh, restless feet, fidgetiness of his hands. He also says things that may appear inappropriate, in an attempt to appear smart or have the last word in a conversation.)

In pediatric cases one always starts with observations. That becomes a very important hallmark to know the inner state and most importantly in passive cases (passive in the sense that the patient has a problem but he is not that aware of those problems). He has been told that he has a learning disorder but he does not know what to say about it. These have been classified in the Organon as one sided diseases and one needs to exercise great restraint in not repeating doses unless the state absolutely indicates the need for the same.

P: I immigrated here along with my family in 2006. Since then I have learnt 2 languages.

D: Say more

P: At this point, I feel stuck and I would ask my mom for help. I do the same when I need any help with school assignments. [He rushes for help like a child in most situations, but wishes to be treated as an adult. This becomes more clear as the case advances]

D: Do you want to say anything about stuck?

P: When you don’t know what to say… ( It is obvious that he is using the word ‘stuck’ at the emotional level. Hence it is too premature to ask him to focus on this word)

D: How would you describe yourself as a person?

D: I always slack off and I’m always goofing off with my friends.

[This word comes out of the blue, and we will see if this word really holds. Goof is a silly or a stupid person or to spend time idly or foolishly]

D: Talk a little more about that. Are you popular with your friends? Do you have many friends? In what way do you goof around with your friends?

(The boy says 2 jokes)

D: Do you like cracking jokes?

P: It makes me feel good

D: Do you like to make others laugh? Do you like to be happy?

P: Yes I read somewhere that laughing and being happy is good for the pancreas

D: Where did you read this?

P: Maybe it is good for the heart…anyway it is good to be happy.

D: I agree. When do you goof like this?

P: When I’m in class.

D: Has it ever got you into trouble?

P: Ya. When I’m talking in the class, where I’m not supposed to be talking and the teacher comes.

D: Why do you talk in the class?

P: Sometimes I feel bored and talk to my friends in the class. [Bored is opposite of goofing]

D: Besides talking, do you goof around in the class?

P: Mostly talking.

D: In which other area do you feel stuck and need your mom?

P: When I’m writing an essay and can’t think anymore, I ask my mom. She gives me an idea and I write that down.

D: At such moments, do you take ideas from only your mom or also your dad?

P: Depends on the subject and who is around?

D: Whose ideas are better?

P: Both

D: What subject’s are you interested in?

P: My dad is good in math and I hate math. Math will haunt me for life. My mom helps me in projects or when I have to draw or something. [He needs help in time of crisis]

D: Talk about math and haunting?

P: I don’t like math. My dada likes it.

D: What about it haunts you?

P: I don’t like it but I have to do it.

D: What else do you hate which you have to do?

P: Cleaning up my room. I hate it. My way of being organised is by being disorganised. [He enjoys being in this state where he is disorganised and messy. Moreover, he likes to make cliche statements like this and it is seen as a pattern by now. Almost as if he wants to have the last word, and wants to say something that should amuse others. So the word ‘goofing’ does seem to have appropriate energy. A word like this will often come up spontaneously on its own at several times of the case.)

D: What do you mean by that, give examples?

P: I’m more comfortable when things are disorganised than organised. I can’t find my things when they are organised. I’m more comfortable when my room is in a mess.

D: What things do you love on the other hand which you would do any time?

P: Going out with friends. I love skate boarding, sports…

D: Are you good at them?

P: Some days I’m the best and some days I’m ok…

D: What happens on some days?

P: Some days I’m tired and can’t play. Some days I foul every one. My coach tells me I’m unpredictable….

D: What sports do you play?

P: I play rugby, soccer and ice skating.

D: Out of these, which one do you like the most?

P: Rugby

S: Do you play well?

P: Unpredictable! Against a good team I play good, but against a bad team, I play not that good.

D: Is there any particular position where you play?

P: I play as a winger

D: What do you like about rugby?

P: It’s fun, I love tackling people. [Playing is fun for him and not a place where he needs to perform]

D: Tell about that….about tackling people?

P: You can go mad. You can take out your anger on people.

D: What things make you mad and angry?

P: My sister Sophia!

D: What does she do to make you angry and mad?

P: She is always screaming and crying for everything.

D: How do you react?

P: Sometimes I go and shout at her, that she should not be doing these things. Or sometimes I talk to her nicely.

D: Does it ever get physical?

P: No. Sometimes she gets physical and then I throw one arm at her and tell her to back off.

D: Your sister makes you mad? Say more about this?

P: She is the one who makes me the maddest. Sometimes she thinks she is right and right and right….

D: Give one example?

P: If we have a fight, my sister will tell dad that I’m getting mad at her and then he’ll get mad at me…

D: What does he do then?

P: He will get mad at me.

D: Then what do you do?

P: I get angry and frustrated at that time.

D: Then what do you do?

P: I go to my room and stay there and read

D: Coming to your problems- with school and home-work and learning.

(He had already filled up a homeopathic case form and submitted it. My class and I had gone over it. There were reports and remarks from the counselor and his class teachers as well.)

What are the main areas where you face difficulty?

P: I don’t study well for my tests.

D: You intentionally don’t study, or is there some difficulty while studying?

P: I have no answer for that.

D: What happens while you are studying?

P: I feel I have studied but I have actually not studied.

D: What do you mean?

P: Sometimes I don’t study what I don’t like, and I study for what I like.

D: What do you do in your free time?

P: Depends if I can go out or not. If I can go out, I go skate boarding.

D: You don’t like to stay indoors?

P: No. I like outdoor activities.

D: I notice that you are drinking a lot of water. Do you feel very thirsty?

P: Yes. But I normally don’t need to talk to doctors so much!

D: Is it talking that is making you feel thirsty? Do you feel dry in the mouth with the talking?

P: Yes.

D: You don’t like to talk much?

P: I do. But normally when I’m thirsty, I feel too lazy to go and grab a glass of water. [Laid back]

D: So you are drinking because the glass is there in front of you and you are thirsty also?

P: Yes

D: Would you call yourself lazy?

P: Depends on the situation.

D: In what situation will you call yourself lazy?

P: When I have to do chores like making my own bed, or taking out the trash, I will do it slowly and take my own time.

D: What other difficulties do you have? What else is hard for you? In which specific areas do you face more difficulties?

P: Concentration is a problem

D: In what way?

P: Sometimes I can’t concentrate on topics that are not very interesting.

D: What topics do you find interesting?

P: I find lunch and recess interesting! Electronics is also interesting and physical education also.

D: What things are you good at? What things do people know you for?

P: I used to be pretty good in electronics. Then I missed a few classes. It is difficult to catch up now.

D: Anything else which comes naturally to you?

P: Physical education I’m pretty good at.

D: In the information mentioned on the case form that your mom had sent us, she had mentioned that you are pretty good at flapping hands. Can you say more about that?

P: Yes, I used to do it when I would feel nervous. But now I do not do it anymore.

D: Would you like to say something more about it?

P: No

(It is important not to insist on aspects that the patient does not feel comfortable talking about it. Look for easy by-passes in such a situation)

D: What other things make you nervous?

P: Big test…big games like sports [there is anticipation. But what is important to probe into, is how he experiences the anticipation]

D: Tell me more about these big tests and games. What do you feel when you are taking them or participating in them. What are the symptoms that you experience in your body?

(At such times the physical symptoms may help us to understand the case at a deeper level in terms of a relevant sensation)

P: I just feel nervous. I feel more rushed to do things faster.

D: In what way do you feel more rushed? What do you experience inside when you feel rushed and while wanting to do things faster?

P: I feel something here (HG-moves hands to his chest)

D: You are taking your hands to the chest. You feel it over there?

P: Ya I feel…… as if my heart is pumping faster.

D: This is very important. What happens when the heart pumps faster?

P: Normally it is slow. When I’m nervous, it goes faster (HG)

D: What is the sensation when it goes faster?

P: Ya I feel all fired up.

D: In what way do you feel all fired up?

P: Ya I feel I can do better. I start rushing things.

D: Why you start rushing things?

P: It happens

D: It happens during big tests and games also.

P: Ya when there is a big game, I just take chances to make things happen. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

D: Are you nervous in any other situations?

P: Not really

D: Right now are you nervous?

P: Very little

D: Besides being nervous at such times, are you scared of some things too?

P: I’m scared of spiders.

D: When was this?

P: My whole life. Right now, not so much.

D: What is it that makes you scared of spiders?

P: It freaks me out.

D: What about them freaks you out?

P: I just hate spiders

D: Why do you hate them?

P: I just don’t like them.

D: Why do you not like them?

P: They can bite me

D: But other things like cats and dogs also bite….are you scared of them too?

P: I was scared of dogs but now I’m not.

D: Are you afraid of anything that bites?

P: No. I’m not scared of my sister! She bites too. I’m not scared of cats. I remember now why I’m scared of dogs. There was a big dog with long teeth, in the farm behind my school. One day it just escaped and chased our small dog. It bit it and tore its flesh apart, and we could see its insides.

D: So that incident left you scared of dogs? What do you remember of that incident? How old were you when you witnessed it?

P: I was 6 or 7. I don’t remember the incident very well. I was in the car. And our dog did not die. But after one year that dog got stolen while she was pregnant. [Wandering speech]

D: Do you feel sad about it?

P: Ya I liked that dog very much.

D: Do you have a pet right now?

P: Yes, if you count my little sister! But she annoys me.

D: Will you miss her if she is not there?

P: Yes but she annoys me also.

D: Any other incident you remember which had happened to you and you wish to share with us?

P: Once I and mom were taking a taxi back home when we saw two robbers pointing a machine gun towards an old couple. We called up the police but no one picked up the phone.

D: What do you remember feeling at that moment?

P: Nervous

D: How do you experience nervousness?

P: I don’t remember…

D: Any recent incident where you felt very scared?

P: No

D: What are your other interests?

P: Skate boarding. I’m pretty interested in hockey too.

I’m currently doing taekwando also.

D: Why did you start taekwando?

P: I wanted to learn self defense.

D: Why did you want to learn self defense?

P: There were some guys who used to bully me. Now they have become friends

D: How did they become friends?

P: It is usual that friends become enemies and enemies become friends

D: What did you feel when they used to bully you?

P: Angry

D: Have you ever used your martial arts in self defense?

P: No

D: What you would like to become when you grow up?

P: I was thinking of becoming a lawyer because I am pretty good at arguments. I should thank my dada for that. One day he told me that I’m pretty good at arguments and I should become a lawyer!

D: Do you agree with him?

P: Yes

D: In what way?

P: I argue and argue and argue [it is a childish way of putting things – loquacity childish]

D: What are you feeling right now?

P: Tired because I was watching a movie with my sister last night.

D: What kind of movies do you like?

P: Fantasies and adventure

D: Can you name a movie which you really enjoyed?

P: Nothing comes to mind right now.

D: Any other symptom or discomfort that you have physically?

P: Ya I have a wart over the thumb and it gets painful while writing I got it burnt 3 weeks back. I have a wart over my feet also. I got them cut n that is why it is swollen right now.

My feet are really out of shape.

D: Why do you say that?

P: Because I play a lot and eat a lot of junk food. So I’m between out of shape and in shape!

D: What kind of junk food do you like the most?

P: I like chicken, French fries, burgers, pizzas

D: Which one is the most favorite?

P: Burgers

D: You get pimples also?

P: Yes

D: So when you have to concentrate a lot or learn a lot, do you get any symptoms in the body?

P: Not really. Sometimes when I really can’t concentrate, I get a little sweaty.

D: Where?

P: Forehead and sometimes it gives rise to headaches also.

D: What type? How does the head hurt when you really concentrate a lot?

P: It just pains in the head

D: What type? Can you describe it- as if is like what…?

P: It just pains (HG) [it carries the energy we will stay with it, being accompanied with gesture, if it stays we can hold on this, then the rest will fall in to place]

D: Just describe this HG?

P: It is as if it wants to explode in my head (HG) [something coming out]

D: Do you feel that explosion anywhere else in your body ….as if things are going to explode?

P: No

D: Do you sleep well?

P: Yes

D: Any other dreams that you remember?

P: Ya but I don’t remember them now.

D: Any dream of your childhood that you can recollect?

P: Ya I just remember a garden.

D: What about this garden?

P: Ya I remember I had a nightmare

D: Tell about that

P: When little – used to have nightmares that I was getting chased in my nightmares and was always falling off from buildings. I guess I am frightened of heights….

D: Why do you say that?

P: If I look down this window, I would feel scared.

D: Why don’t you go to the window and look down right now and tell me what would be the feeling?

P: I feel nervous and as if my stomach has been moving around (G)

D: What is this gesture?

P: From inside the stomach, something is pushing out. Something is wanting to come out(HG)[Discrete local phenomenon showing the same energy as if something is being pushed out or needs to get out from a small cavity is the sensation of the Lilliaceae plant family]

D: How does it feel when something from inside the stomach is pushing out?

P: I feel nervous

D: Time for Sophia to come (sister)

P: No she’ll say bad things about me. She’s conspiring against me.


D: Sophia, how does he annoy you?

S: He throws my toys

D: How do you annoy him?

S: I take his things and don’t give it back to him.

P: Sometimes she eats all the food that I wanted and then I squeeze her cheeks and tell her she’s a little fat woman!

(From the previous notes)

D: You would like to be rich? You have mentioned it in your form?

P: That would be nice as I would not have to work and I can just goof off. But with more money comes more responsibility.

D: Would you be responsible?

P: Not really (smiles)

D: Anything more?

P: I don’t like bathing. I bathe once every 2 days. It looks so nice outside. I would like to go to the mountain, it looks so beautiful (He begins to wander off)

D: Hygiene is not important for you?

P: No, not really. My mom tells me to cut my nails, and I say okay, and then never do it!

Mom by herself narrates aspects of her son

M: I’m 49, had him when I was 37. Got married when I was 36.

D: Any reason for the late marriage?

M: I Had another marriage, got divorced, waited 5 years and then got re-married. My husband’s first marriage. He’s the same age. Computer specialist – used to teach at the University in Peru – computers.

( She is a librarian by education, but she couldn’t get a job here as a librarian – only stocking shelves)

D: How would you describe your son as a person, and what areas does he have difficulties in?

M: He doesn’t focus. Can’t concentrate for more than 20 minutes. Very forgetful. Not obedient at all – have to tell him 5, 6 times. Acts very impulsively – gets really, really angry, very upset when you ask him to do something. Not sure if he doesn’t listen

D: Is he disrespectful?

M: Yes . At school no complaints, at home he’s disrespectful. Gets very angry, can’t control his temper, and starts to shout. He thinks we shout, but we don’t, and then he shouts. He thinks we should behave one way – he doesn’t like that we nag him. Go and have a shower – by the 5th time – he gets annoyed because we get annoyed.

D: What are his good qualities?

M: Emotionally very warm. Almost every day he says Mommy I love you. When I come home he comes and gives me a hug and says Mom I missed you. Very social – makes friends very easily. His friends like him very much

D: What do his friends like about him?

M: Easy going, follow the crowd, very flexible, will do whatever they want to do, makes them laugh. Not a leader. Doesn’t keep up with his friendships. Doesn’t phone them back. Just for the moment. Not organized. Not responsible. Some of it is related to the age.

He has had warts for quite a while. 4th time they have burned them. He fell a lot, little bit clumsy. Gross motor system not that well developed. In martial art class had an accident and broke his toe. Couldn’t do sports for about 6 weeks – still bruised. Cast on his arm and one his foot. He won’t see a pond of water and will walk right through it.

D: As a child any major illnesses?

M: No, healthy, good appetite. White spots on his skin, sensitive skin

D: Had vaccines? Any reactions?

M: No, he’s pretty strong

D: Tell about the pregnancy and labor history?

M: He is my first child. First 2 months – bleeding a bit and had to be in the hospital. We were looking forward to the pregnancy.

Labour History:

M: Couldn’t have him naturally. He was one week late. I didn’t have labour pains – they induced me and it was a Caesarean. He weighed 3 kilos 600 grams. He was breast fed for five months. He has had 2 surgeries. He started to get big boils, round – one stayed on his face – they sedated him and took it out – he was 2.5 years – did a general anaesthesia – like a ball of grease, very hard. When he was very smaller – we didn’t circumcise him but as his skin was tight, they had to operate because he couldn’t pee. He was 1 year old then.

Father’s narration:

F: My English is not good. I try to do my best

D: Anything about his problems

F: Concentration poor. Behavior has changed. He’s a teenager. Many times his room is in disorder. Many changes – school, country, in the last 7 years. Before coming to Canada I was working at the University – more flexible time – I would study with him – support him. Right now more difficult – many times he doesn’t hear when I talk to him. Not respectful for his mother and me. Very disturbed sleep.

D: What are his good qualities?

F: Likes sports. Likes to listen to the radio – sports – news. Likes to read

D: Homeopathy can assist him in his problem. We have had a nice history from all of you. Thank you

End of case –

Approach to the case and case taking:

You need a lot of patience and observation in such cases. According to Organon these are one sided diseases, because mental faculty is impaired. You can call the above mentioned case pattern a passive case taking, because there are no specific leads in the case. You can see so many by-passes taken in the case by me to understand the state of the patient.

One gets a feeling from the patient that he enjoys whatever he does, at the same time not bothered in the least what others think about it. He enjoys goofing, being silly, conducts himself in a very naive way, a feeling you get when you see a child. He enjoys in this state- this self enjoyment and this foolish behavior are very important traits in this case.

There comes the sensation and sensitivity in the case. If you hold onto these two things you will be surer in your prescription. In this case the sensitivity is of a plant – gets affected easily, not organized, wandering speech, affected by what he or others do.

Sensation is of something coming out or being forced out, at two different areas or two different local complaints.


Sensation-coming out, something under pressure being forced out, or squeezed out– Liliacae.

Pattern -rush up, child like urgency and crisis- typhoid miasm

The remedy is Paris quadrifolia

The punch line which defines Paris is that he remains satisfied with his foolish behavior. In the deeper context he wants to hold on to this childish behavior. As long as he can amuse others or jar them with his critical statements, he feels that his foolishness will go unnoticed.

As his state was very intense and the sensation of the plant family was very well represented, he was given a single dose of a 1m. His case is being supervised by me long distance and it has been over a year that he has had this dose and he continues to show progress at every level. There has been no need to repeat a dose to date.

He has become more responsible and attentive. He does not give up tasks easily. His grades have significantly improved. For a while he would e-mail me jokes and at some point when I inquired as to what are the latest jokes that he has read, he shared with me that he has been busy studying for his exams and has had no time to look for jokes. His goofing has come down and though he has a good sense of humor, he has realized that he needs to apply himself at school also.

His parents are amazed by his overall improvement and are very much satisfied by his progress and by the improvement in his behavior as well.

His headaches and sweating when he is under pressure, have reduced and so has his acne. His warts healed completely and he has had no recurrence since then. His case continues to be monitored.

It would have been very difficult to prescribe for this boy without being familiar with the concept of the kingdom classification and in particular the sensation of the Liliflorae family as proposed by Dr Sankaran.

At the same time what gives further credibility to the case are the following rubrics:

Loquacity: changing quickly from one subject to another: talking, merely for the sake of. {0> 1> 0} [54]

Laughing: silly. {1> 2> 19} [5]

Mirth, hilarity, liveliness: foolish. {0> 8> 0}

Mocking: sarcasm. {2> 3> 22} [5]

Ridicule, mania to. {0> 1> 6} [5]

Sensation of expansion and consequent tension

Sensation of protrusion [3].

About the concept of a proposed sensation in the case as suggested by Rajan Sankaran for the plant family Lilliflorae:

Hahnemann too introduced sensations- ‘as if’ in the Materia Media Pura. His hand written repertory was basically constructed in locations, sensations and modifications. Boenninghausen also integrated this concept into his works extensively.

About the proposed Typhoid Miasm:

The so called purists may not be comfortable accepting the concept of an introduction of newer miasms, as what they feel are the original ones that the Master classified. What they need to bear in mind is that Hahnemann is certainly the Alpa of homeopathy but not the Omega and that is the last thing that he would have liked to encourage as well.

Hahnemann never limited the number of miasms to three. In fact, Hering stated that Hahnemann was working on a 4th miasma in his later years. Note Hahnemann’s acute, half acute and chronic miasms and the effects of infection on the human constitution. He introduced the first medical system that included inheritance, constitution, temperament, predisposition, susceptibility and the moment of infection as well as prodrome, primary, latent and secondary stages. In modern terms, miasms are autoimmune syndromes that make up the most hard to cure degenerative diseases. The scope of these autoimmune processes is far beyond the allopathic concept, although similar.

So yes, there are more than 3 chronic miasms. It is for us to bring these teachings up to date in the context of our current times and needs. This is the way any science moves forward.

In this context, the typhoid or the sub-acute miasm, as proposed by Rajan Sankaran, has a definite place in cases that are neither acute, nor psoric, but have a need to respond to every situation as a crisis, that needs to be attended to at once, and the moment they are attended to, they reach a place of safety or recovery, much like an enteric fever infection.

So this case illustrates that the origin of homeopathy is in the past and the future is ahead. At the same time, let us move slowly and carefully in the present so we don’t lose our empirical foundation by using too much speculation.

The idea that “Why” (causation) doesn’t matter – only “What” matters (sensation) is clinically untrue. Hahnemann included both linear causation and non-linear synchronicity in his etiological doctrine. The causation can be very important in some cases. It is good to know the causes when possible, because it can effect remedy choice and case management. Boenninghausen also stated that the 7 universal questions are all important, which includes Who, What, Why, When, Where, With What and in What mode? No one question can cover all situations all of the time.

It finally boils down to not being dogmatic about any one approach, but amalgamating all that is old, along with the new to make our prescriptions more accurate.

For the physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed (Aphorism1)

About the author

Sunil Anand

Dr. Sunil Anand is a leading Classical Homoeopathic Practitioner and Teacher, now based in Pune. He has been practicing homoeopathy for the past 20 years and is specially recognized for his cures in pediatric cases. His special approach and simplicity have made him an internationally acclaimed teacher. His seminars and workshops have been widely attended both in India and abroad. Dr. Anand's recent workshop for students and doctors from South Africa was well received. He is Associated with the C.M.P. Homoeopathic Medical College Mumbai and is presently an honorary visiting professor in D.S. Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune.


  • Dr. S Anand has been always impressive in presenting case. i have attended his seminars and lectures. After a long time I have got access to read his case, thanks to your magazine. It is always very informative and useful in practice. Please do publish more of his cases.

    • Dear Dr Kishma,

      Thanks for your interest in the article. I am glad you have found it useful.
      Best wishes,
      Dr Anand

  • these cases need a lot of patience and perseverance and above all art to know the basic state of the patient. we really need homeopaths of such dedication as Dr.anand.healing only happens when u come to know the deepest disturbance of the patient, this case has shown that way.

    • Thank you Vikas. It is time you present cases from your practice too, so that the readers can benefit from them as well.
      Best wishes,
      Dr Anand

  • As always it was a very good case.The way bypass which were used to go to most uncompensated areas were beautiful. In a very sutle way the sensation came out ,thru an open way of case receving.CONGRATULATIONS SIR.


    wow.. nice case thanks lot. the way you present the case it seems like live case taking IS GOING ON WHILE I READ THAT CASE the whole picture of patient come in front of me.using a bypass in specially one sided disease it really help to reach SENSATION OF PATIENT & MOST IMPORTANT MIASM OF PARTICULAR PATIENT. HEARTLY THANKS

    • Hi Jayawant,

      I am glad you liked the article and found it useful. Case taking is all about going with the flow and taking recourse to the area of least resistance-much like aikido. At the same time one needs to know how to deal with a block and that is when by-passes are very useful.
      Best wishes,
      Dr Anand

  • A very interesting case, but what is even more interesting to note is how Dr Anand gets connected to the case and asks the precise questions – like to begin with (as a warm up question he asked – if you would have to write an essay on the case what would you say) and subsequently we see the boy actually needs help while writing the essay, so if you just focus on the questions that Dr Anand has asked, you see how they bring out the exact information , not only from the child but also the parents- beautiful.

    • That is a very important point you bring up Abhay. The right question at the right time without it being leading in any way or bearing the least prejudice is a very essential part of case receiving. Once one is alert and observant to this kind of questioning, one realizes that each question and the response to the same, takes the case to a deeper dimension. Then one begins to see the case as an over view, in which each and every aspect is leading to the same generals. Then you know you are on the right track…

  • Thank you sir for such a wonderful case. While reading the case, i assumed my self as the case recieving physician and there were many places in the cases where i was not able to move forward and so what i learned from the case is the judicious non leading bypasses which can lead to deeper dimensions in the case. Thank you so much.

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