Clinical Cases

A Case of UTI Treated with a Nosode

Written by Vidhi Rawal

Dr. Vidhi Rawal presents a case of a 78 year old male with prostate CA, who was suffering from a urinary tract infection.  After Apis mellifica gave partial relief, a nosode from the offending pathogen proved effective.

 Gender: male

age: 78 years

diagnosis: ca prostate with metastasis

chief complain: recurrent UTI

This is a case of a 78 years old male suffering from 4th stage cancer of the prostate. He is on chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

On 26-8-2018 the patient presented with severe burning pain during urination with  infection of the urinary tract (Homeopathy Treatment for Urinary Tract Infection).Patient came with urine report showing many pus cells.

There was burning pain during micturition with offensive smelling urine.

The patient also complained of soreness all over the body when he laid on his sides (concomitant symptom).

Considering the above symptomatology.

Rx. 26-8-2018

PYROGENIUM 1M in water dose for 2 days.

Patient was also asked to do the urine routine/micro and urine culture tests.

On 3-9-2018 there was no improvement in complain of the patient.

Urine examination showed plenty of pus cells and the culture showed E.COLI.

At that time on further inquiring the following symptoms were present.

  • swelling in the feet
  • absence of thirst
  • burning before and during urination
  • scanty urination
  • urine purulent
  • inspite of suffering the patient was very mild and calm with yielding disposition.

I repertorized the symptoms and APIS MELLIFICA was the remedy coming up.

  1. 3-9-2018


On 6-9-2018 the patient was better symptomatically.Burning pain during  micturitionwas reduced.Urine flow and frequency increased and also the swelling started reducing and the patient was better.

Rx. SL 4*4 pills for 3 days.

Again on 10-9-2018 the patient complained of burning micturition, frequent micturition with sensation as if he needed to urinate and even after urination and painful burning sensation in urethra.Considering the above symptoms and E COLI as the causative organism, following prescription was made.


COLLIBACILLINUM 1M in water dose for 2 days. I requested asked the patient to geta urine report after a week.

On 17-9-2018 patient experienced marked improvement in complaints. Much better symptomatically and urine report also showed improvement in pus cell count.

Overall the patient was better and had no complaints related to micturition.

Rx.SL 4 pills B.D – 1 week.


Colibacillinum: Best Homeopathic Medicine For UTI Caused By E.Coli Infection

Homeopathic medicine Colibacillinum is the top remedy for UTI from E.Coli infection. This natural medicine is helpful for both acute UTI from E.Coli infection as well chronic tendency of a recurrent UTI from E.Coli infection. The main symptoms indicating Colibacillinum are pain and burning during urination, the frequent urge to urinate, and unsatisfactory urination with the need to urinate again and again even after urination.

From Julian’s Nosodes

Lessons learned:

In certain cases where infection is the main cause of the trouble and after the indicated remedy fails to act or acts partially, then the nosode made from the causative organism can be prescribed effectively after seeing symptom similarity.

  • Usually the potency choosen is higher, like 1M.
  • In a chronic pathological case when an acute condition arises,consider the present predominant symptom picture,take the acute totality and prescribe the medicine covering the acute totality after considering the symptom similarity.
  • The concomitant symptoms help in the choice of remedy.In physical complaints the mental state of the patient at that moment becomes the important concomitant and vice-versa.

About the author

Vidhi Rawal

Dr. Vidhi Rawal - I have completed B.H.M.S from Rajkot Homeopathic Medical College (RHMC) in Gujarat, India. After that I did the Masters Course in Advanced Homeopathy for 6 months at The Other Song Academy in Mumbai.
Recently I started practicing homeopathy in Rajkot. I am an artistic person within, with a passion for learning something new in homeopathy every day.

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