Clinical Cases

Chronic Articular Rheumatism

rheumatoid arthritis

Homeopath Dr. Strohmeyer presents a case of chronic articular rheumatism in which Sulphur, Calcarea and Lycopodium followed by Natrum phos effected a total cure.

Translated for the Homoeopathic Recorder from the Leipz. Z. f. Horn. February 1, 1909.

The cases of rheumatism which frequently come under our care, whether this be simple muscular rheumatism (Homeopathy for Rheumatism) in its acute form, or the case has become constitutional, or the very severe form of chronic articular rheumatism, with the various forms of disease resulting from the so-called uric diathesis, requires great powers of observation and an extensive knowledge of remedies. Even an exact diagnosis in such cases at times offers difficulties and much more the treatment which at times is extremely complicated.

The particular case in question was that of a lady from the neighboring city. She came about a year ago to be treated for her chronic articular rheumatism, which had lasted already five years. She had tried pretty much everything, beginning with the simple baths in water containing Nauheim Salt, massage, moor- baths, packings with fango. She had been twice in Wiesbaden, then she had tried pills of Colchicin, baths in light, baths in vapor, Kneipp’s tea for gout, and also the extremely painful injections of some unknown solution into the parts surrounding the diseased joints, as introduced lately by an authority in Wiesbaden.

The symptoms were, as usual, pains and stiffness in the joints affected, especially in the joints of the feet and knees, slight swellings of some of these, cracking during motion, improvement while at rest and in warmth, aggravation when the weather becomes cold and wet.

The anamnesis showed some noticeable points: The father had been healthy, but the mother had cicatrices from glandular swellings. Her two brothers were healthy. As a child, she frequently had eruptions on the mouth and behind the ears; her eyes also had been affected. Her swollen glands had been painted with Iodine. The menses were regular. She was married and had three healthy children. When thirty-four years of age, she, for the first time, had rheumatic wandering pains lasting for some time, caused by a damp, cold dwelling. There is also obstinate constipation without any urging, a considerable formation of piles, occasional heartburn and sour eructation, sensation of fullness in the stomach, much accumulation of flatus, sensation of heat in the soles of the feet with burning at night in bed, lively itching and pricking of the skin everywhere, at times buzzing in the ears, acrid urine causing erosions, after the menses, sharp, itching leucorrhoea. The patient has taken laxatives and her stomach contained a small allopathic drug shop .

The patient received Sulphur, in the form of Hahnemann’s tincture, with the direction to take one drop in a tablespoonful of fresh water, morning and evening, for a week, then stop a week. The diet very simple, abstaining as much as possible from meat, and altogether from alcohol, tea, coffee and other irritating substances, frequent use of whole-wheat bread.  Every week two hot baths with the decoction of hay-flowers. Laxatives were forbidden with the exception of clysters.

After two weeks she had to acknowledge that the symptoms in her abdomen were somewhat alleviated, that the sensation of tenion was diminished, as considerable flatus was discharged. But she stated that the stool still required clysters. There had been no change in the joints and the rheumatic symptoms.

Prescription : Sulphur 30 D., every third evening seven pellets dry on the tongue, for three weeks. This prescription had a very decided effect, for after the second dose there was for the first time an urging to stool, and although this was unsatisfactory and hard, it made the use of further clysters superfluous. The sensation of heat in the soles of the feet had vanished, she feels easier in general, but sees no noticeable improvement in her joints.

Prescription : Sulphur 200., one dose a week for four weeks. Her condition after this time was as follows: The joints were about the same, the stools are regular every other day, appetite and sleep are good. There is still an aggravation of the pain in the joints during cold, wet weather. She is generally sensitive to wet weather, feels chilly and her body is cold.

Prescription: Calcarea carb. 30, ten pellets every eight days for four weeks. At my next visit I was very much astonished to see the lady come into my office without the support of her friend, on whose arm she formerly had rested. She assured me that there was quite a noticeable progress in her condition, as she felt much lighter when rising from her seat, and generally more active. She could walk quite well for a while without help and did not shun from the cold near as much as before. This was in the middle of January, the treatment having been begun in October.

Prescription: Calcarea carb. 200., four powders, each containing ten pellets, moistened with the dilution prepared by myself. Her condition after four weeks was somewhat better, but, on the whole, the same: but the patient is satisfied.

Now, finally. I gave Lycopodium,  a remedy above all praise. She received the 12 centesimal dilution, three drops in a tablespoonful of water every third evening. Besides this, I gave her four powders of Lycopodium 200., one powder dry every ten days.

Five weeks later there properly was no more articular rheumatism, for the patient made an excursion into the mountains a few days before, walking over five miles.  Lycopodium had acted not only on the joints, but also on the functions of the intestinal canal, as there is now a sufficient stool every day without any exertion. Such effects can be, however, only expected from Lycopodium when other suitable remedies have preceded, and it is no accident that we read in almost every work on Materia Medica that Lycopodium unfolds its blessed and universal effects especially when it follows Calcarea.

I now prescribed a cautious advance from hot baths to cool sponging; no medicines, since the joints were free of pain, and only a slight occasional roving pain reminded of the former ailment. After a pause of six weeks the condition was the same.

Prescription : For eight days every evening before going to bed:                  Natrum phosphor. 6, as much as will lie on the point of a knife, then a pause of a week, then, again, medicine for another week and so on. By this treatment the last traces of the disease vanished and she reported a short time ago by letter, that even the return of cold weather had not caused any return of the symptoms.

From:  The Homoeopathic Recorder – Vol 24  – 1909

About the author

Frankfort Strohmeyer

Homeopathy physician
18?? - 19??

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