Homeopathy Papers

An Opinion on Healing

Written by Carole Franske

An Opinion on Healing

Is an illness curable or not curable?

Curable cases are those in which the defense mechanism is still strong enough to be able to respond well to selected remedies. Incurable cases are those in which the defense mechanism has been weakened beyond any hope of being able to respond curatively even to correct prescribing. In this case the goal can only be palliative, not cure.
Determining curability or incurability in any given case is always a highly individual matter, and the decision should never be considered final.

The following are some aspects to consider:

A severe pathological diagnosis does not in itself signify incurability. It is simply one factor to be considered. The whole being has three aspects: the mind, the body, and the spirit. There is a saying that says “a three-fold cord cannot easily be broken” * If one strand is damaged then there is a curable illness because two thirds of the patient’s constitution remains. If you strengthen the frayed strand by the correct homeopathic remedy then you will help the whole unit to heal.

The strength of the patient’s whole constitution prior to the original homeopathic treatment is to be considered. Reflect on the strength and weakness of the patient’s ancestors.

What can be done if you suspect an illness is incurable?

It may be beneficial to tell the patient, “just because things are really bad now it doesn’t mean things will not improve because there is a strong mind, body, spirit bond.” If only one strand of the patient’s vital cord is left we may have an incurable illness. We need to bring the other two strands back into play. How can this be done? A homeopathic remedy may bring them back and your encouragement will fortify the curative response.

If the body is strong, then giving reassurance to the patient may well be a determining factor to make the spirit strong to promote healing in the patient. “A word at its right time is O how good!”+ The practitioner may have to give considerable thought to this case because he does not want to cause a lot of unnecessary prolonged suffering.

Consider the nature of the response to previous remedies. To determine this, the entire history of the case must be reviewed. Perhaps the patient has had some response to half of the remedies, and no response at all to the rest. The mere fact that there has been some response is not in itself an encouraging sign. If the responses were merely temporarily palliative, the prognosis is adverse. If there have been distinctive aggravations followed by lasting amelioration, the prognosis is more favorable.

The remedy needs to mirror the symptoms. If the homeopath has no knowledge of the remedy he will be unable to give it. A homeopathic computer program may also be consulted to get suggestions of remedies. Good repertory work is crucial regardless of other help. In this case another homeopath could be consulted. He may see the patient’s symptoms very clearly and recognize the proper remedy. The prognosis would be more favorable.

Before making a judgment take into account all the factors and do not consider your evaluation absolute or final. This is a difficult decision because it will govern your approach to the case. Are you going to try for a cure or simply palliative measure? BOTH alternatives can be seen as healing.
Science of Homeopathy by G. Vithoulkas p 248,249
Holy Bible *Ecclesiastes 4:12, +Proverbs 25:23
Carole Franske, DIHom

Re – Your Article An Opinion on Healing

A homeopath I studied under taught that the highest form of homeopathic prescribing was hospice – that of making transition as peaceful as possible. He went on to do this well. Many homeopaths work “miracles” with acutes. Some move on to effectively handle chronic disorders routinely. Others become adept at constitutionals. The practice of homeopathy is a mansion with many rooms.

Many years of hospital work and the last decade or so in “alternative” work has brought me face to face with the point in both animals and humans when the vital life force simply says, “enough.” While a part of me yet wants to “fight on,” I remind myself that homeopathy is about respect. My job is to know the remedies, with an objective eye see the simillimum, and educate my client without judgement, then stand in awe as their vital life force responds perfectly, even when the perfect response is death.”

Thanks Carole for the eloquent and balanced handling of a delicate subject that is very much a part of my practice.


An Opinion on Healing ~ continued
Chronic illness is caused by a violation of basic natural laws:

Healing of illness then, depends on working in harmony with the natural processes. Homeopathy is discovering these natural processes and formulating them in structured usable energy forms that are useful for healing. They have a set pattern.

Material physical health also is not complete without the spiritual aspect. A physician must consider this to reach the source of lasting restoration to balance and produce a permanent cure. Voilating a persons natural conscience will injure the person and lead to further illness.

There are certain laws and principals to be followed, so a specific method must be followed to help bring forth the natural state of health.

Modern medicine has produced chronic illness in man with a great deal of suffering. Modern science has been of great help though in many cases of acute care especially accidents, even saving lives, but not afterward restoring the balance to the whole being. Emergency care does save lives, along with homeopathy the recovery could often be quicker and more gentle in healing.

Because many persons have bad some bad experience with allopathic medical procedures they become vulnerable to other alternative therapies. Then their emotions lead them to different unfounded treatments not based on any accurate knowledge but rather they are lead to these treatments by blind faith because they have been so disappointed.

Modern medicine usually takes things to experiment with and then studies the results. Instead it might be better to learn the laws by observation and put them into practice and study the process of cure.

So rather than treating the result or obvious symptoms, it would be better to examine what led to the disorder and then the bodies environment can be adjusted so the undesirable reactions don’t come about.

Universal principles of health must be known and followed by all physicians, no matter what therapy is being followed. Being more civilized actually has resulted in getting further away from nature, instead of getting in touch with it and assisting creation.

Spiritual advancement has often not been advancement, but a disposition to believe and presume that their ideas are founded or truth. Although they may have been sincere and confident in their opinions, it does not make then to be true or even beneficial. True spirituality reaches the heart and soul and it would not have allowed the practises of the day to prevail, like the blood letting etc. of the middle ages.

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries laws and principles regarding health and disease were formulated. Samuel Hahnemann a leader of true science forged the way with his discovering the law of similarities. Generally at this time in history people were unable to grasp anything different from what they were used to.

People tend to accept what they see, the material or physical things rather than using their mind to think. Many things exist that we do not literally see, like electricity and the wind. It also takes a spiritual aspect of life to comprehend this.

Drugs do not cure. They hide symptoms only to produce other problems called side effects. They don’t address the cause. In some cases it is advisable to use drugs when we don’t understand how to adjust a symptom of illness that is dangerous to life itself. The use of the drug will give us time to assess the illness to proceed according to the laws of cure to promote healing.

Allopathy or orthodox medicine needs to study more of the basic natural laws and see man as a whole person made up of mind and heart, or knowledge and emotion together; resulting in wisdom with thinking ability and a resulting spirituality of conscience and moral values, ability to use information and relate it to practical situations with judgment of goodness. It lacks spirituality and the acceptance of each person as a holistic being.

Man has a need for happiness. It must come from within himself first and not be depending on outside factors for him to be truly healthy. My observation; “Love must exist for oneself and it is expansive.” Without unselfish love one cannot attain true happiness.” Homeopathy is a healing medicine that has the ability to balance emotions and promote self love. Also a kind word can activate the healing mechanism in a person too.

Man is not evolving or advancing. His potential is here. I believe he was created by universal laws. He has not adhered to them and so suffering and illness are the consequences.

About the author

Carole Franske

Carole Franske is from Canada.
Since 1961 she has had an interest in homeopathy. She has also gotten training as a medical doctor assistant, a pharmacy assistant, a herbalist and a nutritionist. Sha has been practicing as a homeopath since 1995.

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