Organon & Philosophy Homeopathy Papers

Summary of Sankaran’s Miasms

Written by Rajan Sankaran

Dr. Sankaran’s chart of miasms with classification of symptoms and states for each miasm along with medicines. List of Remedies Covering Various Miasms as per Dr.Sankaran’s Classification. Miasm symptoms include: Sudden, acute manifestations which come up from time to time followed by periods of quiescence. Miasm states include: Childlike, instinctive, violent; Helpless; Run for your life.

Summary of Miasms with List of Remedies Covering Various Miasms as per Dr. Sankaran’s Classification.

Reproduced from the book Sankaran’s Schema






(between psora & sycosis)


(between acute & sycosis)

Depth, Pace and Perception · Sudden, great danger;
· Acute, intense threat;
· Threat is too big, violent and sudden
· Do or die!
· Critical
· Bed is sinking;
· Losing position of comfort;
· Sudden loss or business failure;
· Dangerous, risky, urgency;
· Sudden, intense;
· Critical, life threatening, short lived situation;
· Acute, hopeful if concentrated effort is put in. But it is still critical and life threatening.
· Problem is solvable;
· Optimism;
· Effort is needed, but is within one’s capacity;
· A difficult situation beyond easy reach;
· Doubts about success;
· Hope alternating with giving up. Yet it is not fatal and he can live with it.
· Stuck and intermittently attacked;
· Limited;
· Unfortunate;
· Imprisoned;
· Dependent;
· An underlying chronic fixed weakness;












· Escape
· Instinctive reaction
· Besides oneself
· Violent
· Strong
· Urgent
· Intense, short effort;
· Do or die;
· Impatience, demanding, taking chances, recovering lost ground;
· Reaching position of comfort;
· Grab it all right now!
· Concentrated effort and struggle;
· Making the effort;
· Getting it done.
· Alternating between struggle and resignation;
· Trying
· Accepting his limits, not fighting them;
· Intermittent attacks of anger, paroxysms of rage;
· Panic
· Shocked
· Stupefied
· Immobile
· Collapsed, inactive;
· Has given up the struggle;
· Sinking;
· No effort;
· No action of will.
· Given up easily;
· Despair of recovery;
· Lack of self-confidence.
· Gives up hope;
· Sits inactive;
· No more tries.
· Unsuccessful efforts;
· Lamenting nothing is good;
· Miserable;
· Phobic, paroxysmal fears;
· Sentimental;
· Brooding.
· Day dreaming;




· Comes suddenly, last short time, ends suddenly, either in death or recovery.
. Bomb explodes
· Earthquake.
· Concentrated effort followed by rest;
. House on fire;
· Crash in stock market;
· Continuous struggle;
. A teenager learning to drive;
. Periods of effort alternating with periods of inactivity.
. Man with fear of water learning how to swim;
· Woman in her thirties trying to lose weight.
. Sudden, acute manifestations which come up from time to time followed by periods of quiescence.
· Employee of an irate boss.


· Childlike, instinctive, violent;
· Helpless;
· Run for your life;
· Once the danger has passed you are safe again.
· If somehow you come out of the crisis, all is fine; if you do not, you are sunk;
· Childlike;
· If I make the effort I can do it;
· Hopeful and must struggle to maintain position;
· I shall try; if I succeed,it is good; if I fail, I just remain.
· Sometimes the task seems possible and he is hopeful and struggles to overcome it. Then after a while he feels that he is inadequate and will not succeed. So he gives up.
· You have to bear it because you are limited and therefore dependent.
· Unfortunate, stuck, hindered obstructed and from time to time subject to acute attacks.


· Infancy. · Childhood (1-12) · Teenage. · 25 – 35 years. · Child to middle age.


· Peek-a-boo;
· Thrown up in the air and caught.
· Hide and seek; · Skateboard;
· Football.
· Snakes and ladders. · Blind man’s bluff


· Panic attacks;
· Sudden manifestations;
· Apoplexy; Mania; Fever
· Sub acute problems;
· Crisis
· Functional pathologies · Herpes · Migraine; neuralgia; worms;
colic; colitis; rheumatisms; meniere’s disease; asthma.

as Examples

· Aconitum; Belladona; Stramonium;
Veratrum album; Hydrogen; Lithium Carbonicum; Lyssin.
· Nux vomica; Rhus tox;

Bryonia; Baptisia; Phos. acidum; Carbo veg.

· Sulphur; Psorinum; Calcarea
carbonica; Lycopodium; Cuprum metallicum.
· Calcarea sulphurica; Ringworm;
Calcarea silicata; Magnesium sulphuricum; Lac humanum.
China; Spigelia; Natrum muriaticum; Colocynthis;
Cina; Capsicum; Lac defloratum.


Depth, Pace and Perception · There is a fixed, weak spot within me which I must cover up or hide.
· Weakness is irremediable.
· It is not fatal, but it is fixed and he will have
to accept it and live with it.
· Task is beyond my limits;
· Things out of control; all get destroyed if I do not keep control;
· Chaos;
· Breaking away.
· Everything around him is chaotic and he is too small to gain control over the chaos as there is a fixed weakness within him.
· Rapid;
· Destructive;
· Desperate with very little hope of succeeding, but it is not altogether hopeless.
· Caught, suffocated;
· Compressed;
· Gap is narrowing;
· Time is short;
· Intense oppression;
· Very rapid and destructive;
· Desperate desire for change;
· Desperate with very little hope of breaking free;
· Hunted down:
· Isolated;
· Poisoned;
· Destroyed;
· Dirty, disgusting;
· Unfortunate;
· Displaced, pushed into a corner.
· Rapid and destructive;
· Desperately desires a very radical change to overcome the oppression but there is almost no hope of succeeding.
· The situation is beyond salvage and there is no hope;
· Task is far beyond my capacity;
· Have committed an unpardonable crime;
· Highest and sole responsibility.
· No hope;
· Destructive;
· Great desperation;












. Acceptance;
. Keep fixed, weak spot hidden from the view of others;
· Cover up;
· Hiding;
· Fixed ideas;
· Ritualistic behaviour;
· Hypersensitive reaction to many things, so restricted life.
· In order to gain control over the chaos he must make a superhuman effort and stretch himself far beyond his limited capacity.
· Total control on self and surroundings;
· Perfectionist.
· Fastidious.
· Hectic activity;
· Put in all efforts to change/break free/to get out from the oppression.
· Avoids sight of people;
· Shuts himself up;
· Contemptuous.
· Violence;
· Taking it on;
· Doing the utmost;
· Desperate, last ditch effort or despair.
· High position leader, king.
· Guilt;
· Remorse;
· Self-reproach;
· Being exposed.
· Everything is going out of control and I can do nothing. · Burnt out, going towards total destruction. · Suicidal;
· Homicidal;
· Tears himself;
· Bites;
· Despair.
· Complete despair;
· Homicide, suicide;
· Self destructive like alcoholism;
· Catatonic, withdrawal, total indifference.




· Fixed
· Person practicing without proper qualification.
. Trying to gain control over a situation that is far beyond his capacity. Demanding too much of himself.
. A child of alcoholic parents – her world is chaotic.
If he has to come out of this intense oppression there must be a change which may be radical and violent, and for this hectic activity is required.
A man trapped in a very narrow tunnel.
He is doomed and so he can do nothing about it so he gives up.
A paralyzed incontinent, old man.
The situation is completely out of his reach. But he must make a last ditch, desperate attempt to come out of it even though there is no hope of succeeding. The captain of a sinking ship.


· I cannot change but I will not let others see my weakness.
· I cannot do anything about it, so I must accept it and live with it.
· I am okay so long as I am able to cover it up.
· Small person with huge task to keep things in total control. · Time is short; too much to be done in too little time. · I am an outcaste; there is no hope to be normal; I should isolate myself; disgust for oneself. · The task is hopeless, but let me do the best I can.


· 35 – 50 years. · 60 – 70 years · 60 – 70 years · Old Age · Beyond 80 years.


· Poker · Juggling on a tight-rope; · Beat-the-clock. · Sadism and perversion; · Playing chess with the computer


· Asthma;
· Warts;
· Neuroses;
· Cancer; · Tuberculosis;
· Asthma
· Gangrene;
· Paralysis.
· Ulcers;
· Heart attack;
· Psychoses;
· Paralysis

as Examples

· Thuja; Lac caninum;
Natrum sulphuricum; Sabadilla; Pulsatilla; Medorrhinum; Silicea.
· Carcinosinum;
Staphysagria; Conium; Arsenicum; Ignatia; Nitricum acidum;
Kalium arsenicum; Anacardium.
· Bacillinum; Drosera; Calcarea phosphorica;
Phosphorus; Tarentula; Abrotanum.
· Secale
cornutum; Aloe; Hura; Coca; Leprominimum; Curare; Solanum
tuberosum aegrotans; Iodum; Falco-p.
· Syphillinum;
Aurum; Plumbum; Platinum; Hepar sulphuricum calcarea; Dendroaspis


Miasms and Their Remedies

Acute acon., aconin., aether, agath-a.,apom.,arbu.,
arn., ayah., bad., bell., berbin., beryl., bor., brucin.,
camph., cactin., calen., chlol., chlor., choc., coffin., conin.,
crot-t., digin., diosin., diph., elat., fic-i., glon., heli.,
hydr-ac., hydrog., hyosin.,hyper., lepi., lith., lyss., meli.,menthol.,
morph., morph-s., muscin., narcot., nicot., oena., pyrus.,
stram., stry., verat.
Typhoid abel., acet-ac., acon-ac., aeth.,
ail., amyg-am., anan., arge., arum-t., bapt., benz-ac., bor-ac.,
botul., bry., camph-ac., carb-ac., carb-an., carb-v., carn-g.,
cham., chr-ac., chrys-ac., cit-ac., euphr., form-ac., fumar-ac.,
gall-ac., gaul., glut-ac., hell., hip-ac., hydr-ac., hydrobr-ac.,
hyos., ip., lac-ac., lycps., mal-ac., manc., mur-ac., nux-m.,
nux-v., ox-ac., par., petr., ph-ac., pic-ac., podo., pyrog.,
rheum, rhus-t., rib-ac., sarcol-ac., sin-n., sul-ac., tann-ac.,
tart-ac., ter., thio-ac., ur-ac., verat-v., visc.
Psora calc., cob., cupr., ferr., graph.,
kali-c., lyc., nat-c., nicc., psor., sulph

act-sp., aegle., amyg-p., asim.,
calc-s., calc-sil., chrysar., dulc., fagu., goss., kali-s.,
lac-h., mag-s., opun-v., pseuts-m., rhus-v., ringw., sanguin-n.,
sars.,sin-a., tarax., teucr., upa., vero-o., viol-t.
Malaria abies-n., abrom-aug., am-c., am-m.,
ang., arum-m., berb., bol-e., cact., cann-s., caps., casc.,
cedr., chel., chelo., chin., chin-b., chin-m., chin-s., chin-sal.,
cina, colch., coll., coloc., dios., eup-per., iber., kali-m.,
kalm., lac-d., lysim., mag-m., magn-gr., merl., myric., nat-m.,
polyp-p., prun., ran-b., ran-s., rose., rhus-r., rob., sarr.,
spig., sumb
Sycotic ant-c., asaf., bov., calc-br., calad.,
calc-br., calc-f., cann-i., caul., caust., cinnam., coch.,
cop., croc., dig., fab., gamb., gels., helon., hipp., kali-bi.,
kali-br., kali-n., lac-c., lac-cpr., lac-del., lac-f., lac-lup.,
lam., lil-t., luf-op., mang., mag-c., mangi., mati., med.,
nat-s., pall., pip-n., polyst., ptel., puls., rhod., sabad.,
sang., senec., sil., thuj., til., trib., yohim.

agar., agn., anac., anh., ant-ar.,
arg-ar., arg-n., ars., ars-br., ars-met., ars-n., ars-s-f.,
asar., aster-r., aur-ar., bar-ar., bar-n., bell-p., cadm.,
calc-ar., carc., chim., chin-ar., cit-l., cob-n., con., cund.,
cupr-ar., euph., ferr-ar., gali., gast., germ., ichth., ign.,
kali-ar., lev., lob., mag-ar., merc-ar., mez., nat-ar., nit-ac.,
op., orni., oxal., phys., pip-m., plb-ar., raja-s., ruta,
sabin., scroph-n., staph., tab., thlaspi., ulm., valer., viol-o.,
Tubercular abrot., acal., agra., ant-t., aphis.,
apis, apisin., aran., aran-ix., aran-s., arg-p., atro., aur-p.,
avic., bac., bals-p., bar-p., bcg., bomb-chr., bomb-pr., brom.,
calc-p., canth., canthin., cere-b., cimic., cimx., cist.,
cit-v., coc-c., cocci-s., coff., culx., dor., dros., ferr-p.,
form., gall-p., guai., helo., jug-c., kali-p., kreos., lac-eq.,
lat-h., lat-k., lat-m., lith-p., mag-p., mosch., mygal., myris.,
nat-p., ol-j., ped., phel., phos., pix., plb-p., prun-c.,
pulx., scol., spong., stann., succ-a., tarent., tarent-c.,
tela., teucr-s., ther., thiosin., triat., trom., tub., tub-a.,
tub-d., tub-k., tub-lar., tub-m., tub-r., tub-sp., ust., verb.,
vesp., zinc
Leprosy adam., aloe, am-i., ambr., ant-i.,
arg-i., arist-cl, ars-i., astac., aur-i., bar-i., blatta.,
blatta-a., cadm-i., caesal., calc-i., cast-v., cere-s., cic.,
coca, cocain., cod., com., cub., cur., cycl., falco-p., ferr-i.,
fum., grat, helod-c., hom., hura, hydr., hydrc., inul., iod.,
kali-i., kola., lact., lappa., laur., led., lepro., lith-i.,
mag-i., mand., nat-i., oci-s., raph., ratt-r., rhus-g., sec.,
sep., sol-t-ae., thea., xan.
Syphilitic agki-p., alum.,anag., androc., atra-r.,
aur., aur-m., aur-s., bar-c., berb-a., bism., biti-a., both-a.,
both-l., bufo, bung-c., bung-f., buth-aust., cench., clem.,
corian., cory., crat., crot-c., crot-h., dao-r., dendro-p.,
echi., echis-c., elaps., fl-ac., franc., hepar-s., ho., hydrc.,
jab., jug-r., lac-leo., lach., lant., lath., lept, maia-l.,
merc., merc-i-f., merc-i-r., merc-p., naja., naja-n., nep.,
note-s., orig., osm., oxyu-m., oxyu-s., passi., plat., plb.,
plut., pol., psil., rhen., scorp., sel., still., syph., tant.,
thal., tung., vip., vip-a., vip-d., vip-r

About the author

Rajan Sankaran

Rajan Sankaran, MD (Hom), is reputed to be a clear and original thinker and is best known for his path breaking concepts in Homoeopathy. His understanding of ‘disease as a delusion’ followed by his discovery of newer miasms, classification of diseased states into kingdoms and the seven levels of experience, brought in much more clarity into understanding diseased states. The Sensation method has now evolved into a more comprehensive and synergistic approach, which strongly advocates to encompass and integrate the old, classical and traditional approaches with the latest advances.

Dr. Sankaran heads ‘the other song—International Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy’, in Mumbai. This academy primarily focuses on imparting advanced clinical training to students and practitioners, integrated with a homoeopathic healing centre. Also he has his own personal clinic at Juhu area of Mumbai, India. He is also the President of Synergy Homeopathic, which is dedicated to the development of reliable, comprehensive homeopathic software and teaching tools.


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