Tips and Secrets

Tips and Secrets – November 2018

Written by Sneha Thakkar

Tips and Secrets and important news.  Remedies in cataract,  tips for injuries, herpes, cholera, pointers on goitre, albuminuria during pregnancy, rheumatism, post-operative gas pains and more.

 Collected by Dr. Sneha Thakkar


Global Health Care Leadership Award 2018  – Dr. Krutik Shah honored as  “Most Promising Homeopathic Professional of Gujarat State”.   The AYUSH Ministry, Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat organized the “Global Health Care Leadership Forum 2018” in Ahmedabad City of Gujarat. Dr. Krutik Shah, who founded the Shree Sai Homeopathic Hospital was given the  “Most Promising Homeopathic Professional” award.  “Shree Sai Homeopathic Hospital” is the largest and most modern technological development in homeopathy in the State of Gujarat.

Excerpts from Burnett’s Cataract

Ammonium mur – Capsular cataract. Dimness of sight, as if obscured by a fog. Flying spots and points before the eyes.

Aurum met – Fiery sparks before the eyes. Vertical half sight. Eyes look protruded. Objects seem smaller and more distant. Fog or smoke before his eyes.

Graphites – Intolerance of light. Muco – purulent discharge from the eyes. Letters run together when writing. Flickering before the eyes. Everything turns black on stooping. Profuse lachrymation.

Senega – Cataract, especially after an operation. Obscuration of sight, with glistening before the eyes, worse from rubbing them. Eyes pain as if they were pressed out, as if the eyeballs were being expanded, especially in the evening at candle light.

Silicea – Cataract, especially of the right eye, after suppressed foot – sweat. Spots, cicatrices and ulcers on the cornea. When reading the letters run together or look pale. Obscuration of sight, as from a gray cover, Black spots and fiery sparks before the eyes. Lachrymation in the open air.

Plumbum met – Cloudiness before the eyes inducing one to rub them. Dimness of vision, especially on right side. Nightly tearing pains in the eyes and forehead. Could hardly distinguish day from night.

Cineraria maritima succus – Used externally as a specific for the cataractous affections of the eyes. The action of this remedy consists in stimulation of the absorbents, and the improvement produced is progressive and enduring. The general dosage should be two drops instilled in the eyes three times daily, and to be continued for several weeks for changes to occur.

Source :Burnett’s Cataract

Boiron Homeopathic Pharmacy Wins

November 9, 2018 A three-judge panel in the Ninth Circuit sided with Boiron Inc., affirming its victory in a lawsuit brought by buyers who claimed the company’s homeopathic remedy did not provide relief for flu symptoms and that the company falsely advertised them. The Ninth Circuit found that Boiron presented adequate evidence to convince the jury that its remedies worked as advertised.

AYUSH minister lays foundation stone of NIH in Delhi 

Union Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Yesso Naik laid the foundation stone of the National Institute of Homeopathy in outer Delhi’s Narela. This institute, an extension of National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata, would be set up on a 10  acre plot of land. land. This institute is proposed to be a 100 bedded hospital and centre of excellence in quality and research and would target only post graduation and PhD level teaching.

Tips on Injuries

Asthma; injury, spine, to, from: Hypericum

Boils; injured places, on: Dulcamara

Convulsions, spasms; injuries, after; head, to: Art-v

Convulsions, spasms; injuries, after; slight: Valeriana

Convulsions, spasms; injuries, after; spinal: Zincum met

Feet; sweat; injuries of spine, after: Nit-ac

Hearing, acute; bad, deafness, impaired; tympanum, injury, from: Tellurium

Hiccough; injury to head, from: Hyoscyamus

Hydrocele; injury, from: Sambucus

Injuries shocks, wounds, bruises etc; height, falling, from: Millefolium

Injuries shocks, wounds, bruises etc; old: Allium-cepa, Symphtum

Injuries shocks, wounds, bruises etc; salt, sprinkled on, as if: Sarsparilla

Injuries shocks, wounds, bruises etc; tendons, to : Anacardium

Kidneys; inflammation; injury, from: Kali-carb

Neuritis, injury, after; optic: Plumbum met

Ulcers; injury, slight, after: Mang

Vertigo; head; injury, from: Opium

Source : Phatak’s Repertory


Staphysagria is especially indicated in shock following upon operations in the abdomen. While hypericum is a remedy of the first importance in shock from injuries to or from operations upon the nerves, Pulsatilla and clematis should not be overlooked when the cause of shock lies in injuries to or diseases of the ovaries or testicles.

Homeopathic Text-Book of Surgery -Edited by Charles E. Fisher, M. D., 1896

Hints for Herpes

Agaricus – Burning, itching, redness and swelling as from frost-bites; tearing pains in bones; dark-purple blotches on legs, which are of a stony hardness, swollen and painful.

Silicea –  Eruptions inclined to ulcerate; herpes in chin; pimples on nape of neck and mons veneris; warts on arms and hands; skin very sensitive; panaritia.

Thuja – Herpes zoster; herpes all over body from suppressed gonorrhoea, itching and burning violently; white, scaly, dry, mealy herpes; eruptions only on covered parts, burning violently when scratched; Agg from cold water, from heat of bed, at night; amel from gentle rubbing.

Rumex – Eruptions from wearing flannel, vesicular; (<) when uncovered and exposed to cool air, as when undressing. camp – itch.

Rhux tox – Right side especially affected in herpes zoster, with incessant itching, burning, tingling, alternating with pains in chest and dysenteric stools; herpes upon hairy parts, more annoying after perspiration; agg in winter

Ranunculus bulbosus – Herpes zoster supraorbitalis and intercostalis, with sharp, stitching pains (Mez.); vessels filled with a thin, acrid fluid; burning,itching vesicles in clusters; herpes over fingers, palms of hands; finally all over the body, Agg from touch, motion, from change of temperature, on entering a cold place; for drunkards.

Phosphorus – Herpes in persons inclined to pulmonary ailments ; scabby, dry herpes on face, dry and furfuraceous herpes; rhagades, with excoriation of skin; burning pains, compelling change of position; brown colored blisters between fingers and toes, exceedingly sensitive to cold air..

Oleander –  Herpes and ulcers on and around the ears, oozing; gnawing itching; vesicles on thighs; skin sensitive and sore.

Nitric acid – Blackness of the pores of skin; herpes in whiskers, between fingers, on alae nasi; herpes on outer side of thigh; pimples or small warts; itching, especially in bends of extremities; tongue dry and fissured;  Agg in open air, on change of weather, from contact; amel on lying down, in cold air.

Mezereum – Herpes zoster, following intercostal or supraorbital nerve with sharp with sharp stitching, lightning-like pains, sometimes boring, which leave the parts numb, agg in bed, from touch; vesicles form a brownish scab; neuralgic pains continue for some time after disappearance of herpes.

Manganum – Herpes on forearm, skin unhealthy, every injury tends to suppurate; excoriations, soreness and fissures of the bends of joints; burning itching; lancinating pains; worse from touch, while lying on a feather-bed.

Iris vers – Herpes following gastric derangement; pain in liver; herpes zoster, especially on right side of body; fine eruption, showing black points after scratching, great itching at night.

Comocladia – Herpes zoster; vesicular, pustular, ulcerative eruption on legs; violent itching-burning redness and swelling of face, and other parts of body, followed by yellow vesication and desquamation of cuticle.

Arsenic alb – Herpes labialis, facialis, phlyctenoides, furfuraceous; herpes zoster; ringworm on scalp, which is dry and rough, hair falling out in patches. Confluent herpetic eruptions with intense burning of the blisters, dry and parchment-like skin;

Source : Lilienthal’s Homoeopathic Thrapeutics

Vaccine update:

Government Research Confirms Measles Outbreaks Are Transmitted by the Vaccinated

Health organizations like CDC commonly claim that two doses of MMR vaccine is 97% effective in preventing measles. But is this true? Apart from the fact that the vaccine carries profound health risks, research indicates that the so called immunized persons with two doses of MMR can still transmit infection to others. Read the full article at:

Pointers from Boericke:

Marked blood pressure, reducing powers – Ceanothus amer

Goitre of puberty & pregnancy – Hydrastis

Albuminuria during pregnancy – Helonias

Rheumatism in hot season – Rhododendron

Soles very sensitive – Kali carb

A very relaxed feeling in the stomach, with craving for stimulants – Sulphuric acid

Sternomastoid muscle very painful to touch – Taraxacum

Post-operative gas pains – Raphanus

Cataract with gout – Ledum pal

Increases the quantity of milk in nursing women – Ricinus communis

Exophthalmic goitre following suppression of menses – Ferrum iod

Wakes with palpitation about two am throat and trachea fills up with mucus – Iberis amara

Sudden stopping of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhoea – Sanguinaria can

Convulsions, with pale face and no heat- Zinc met

Itching of toes and feet as if frozen – Agaricus

Source : Boericke’s Materia Medica

Comparative notes for Cholera

Veratrum album – Useful for advanced stage of cholera. Patient is cold, blue, and collapsed with dark rings around eyes. Cold clammy limbs with beads of perspiration particularly on the forehead. Constant tossing and great anguish. Great nausea and vomiting of large quantities of watery, blackish, yellowish bilious substance. Stools are watery and inodorous, rice-water. Huge quantity of frequent evacuations which drain the patient thoroughly. Violent cramps in calves, thighs and masseter muscles. Terrible colic near umbilicus.

Aconite – recommended as a specific for cholera by Bahr in tincture form – a teaspoon of 15-20 drops of tincture dissolved in water. The patient begins to revive, the circulation of the blood returns to the normal condition, the pulse rises, the internal heat ceases, the thirst is allayed, and the vomiting and diarrhoea arrested.”

Camphor – Very similar to Veratrum alb. Hahnemann recommends its use in the first stage as a prophylactic. The patient has pale face, the ashy color, the sunken eyes, the cold clammy skin and wild unconscious look. The prostration is overwhelming and the collapse is sudden. Of great use in a very virulent type of cholera – cholera sicca or the dry cholera, because of the suddenness of the attack and the great and rapid sinking of strength of the patient.

Arsenicum alb – Very similar to Veratrum, only it adds a further amount of restlessness to the patient, and greater burning and discomfort. We rarely find a rice-water stool in this remedy. The stool is generally dark and offensive.

Carbo veg – Administered in the asphyxiated stage where both vomiting and diarrhoea have stopped and yet the patient is sinking. The abdomen is puffed up with flatulence and the patient presents a more complete picture of collapse. Life-force seems to be ebbing away. His breathing is fast and labored, his pulse is nearly absent and his voice gone. Cholera hemorrhagic, where the red corpuscles pass out with the serum and stool is red.

Cuprum ars. – Highly useful for stage of cholera where patient is troubled with dyspnoea.

Hydrocyanic acid – very similar to Carbo veg., but it differs from it by the violence and rapidity of the onset. “It is indicated if the attack at once assumes the highest degree of intensity so that but a few hours intervene between the commencement of the attack and the moment when death seems to be lurking on the threshold. Carbo veg. may be sufficient if the failing of the strength is less rapid.”

Source : Choudhuri’s Study of Materia Medica

Listening to yoga music at bedtime is good for the heart

Research presented at the European Society of Cardiology, by Dr. Naresh Sen, study author and Consultant Cardiologist from Jaipur, India shows that yoga music has a beneficial impact on heart rate variability before sleeping.

About the author

Sneha Thakkar

Dr. Sneha Thakkar, M.D (Hom) has had rich experience in treating varied
cases homeopathically in her practice over the past decade. Keen observation, patience and persistence are the key values she adheres to professionally and personally. Her homoeopathic knowledge has been enriched working along renowned homoeopaths like Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Sujit Chatterjee, Dr. Jayesh Shah and Dr. Shekhar Algundgi at ‘the other song’ clinic and academy, Mumbai. She also has specialized clinical training in the fields of pediatrics and dermatology. An avid reader and an articulate writer, she has authored and helped edit many publications for different homoeopathic journals. Currently based in Toronto, Canada, she has also been associated with the Ontario College of Homoeopathic Medicine, in the capacity of lecturer and clinic supervisor.

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