Homeopathy Papers

Homeopathy for Cystitis

Written by Jyothi Chandran

Dr. Jyothi Chandran discusses cystitis and gives keynotes of remedies often indicated during this ailment. Terebinthina, Tarentula hispanica, Chimaphila and Copaiva are among the remedies noted.

The urethra is both the portal of exit for urine and an entrance for pathogens. The shorter distance to the bladder in females makes it easy for the bacteria to reach the bladder even before they are removed by urination. Urinary tract infections occurs frequently among young women with over ¼ having a second infection.

Uncomplicated urinary tract infection occurs in healthy people. Complicated urinary tract infection is associated with anatomical, functional or metabolic anomalies of the urinary tract that disable the natural host defenses and lead to tissue injury.


This Is associated with frequency, urgency and dysuria (Homeopathy for Dysuria). Urine appears hazy and may be offensive.  Microscopic haematuria is often present. There is no pyrexia.

CHRONIC AND IDIOPATHIC CYSTITIS: Chronic cystitis (Homeopathy Treatment for Cystitis) with pyuria and ‘sterile’ urine cultures is highly suggestive of tubercular infection. Urine must be cultured for M. tuberculosis. Other diagnoses must be excluded, and urine cytology, cystoscopy and bladder biopsy are required.


BLADDER –inflammation


MICTURITION – Difficult, painful, drop by drop, strangury, etc.

URINARY SYSTEM – Bladder – Inflammation – Acute


Apis mellifica: great irritation at the neck of bladder, with frequent and burning urination. Repeated micturition every few minutes all day. Scalding sensation and soreness when urinating. Burning and stinging in urethra, dysuria in children, incontinence with great irritation of the parts. Urine red, hot, bloody and scanty. Cystitis caused by the Spanish fly.

Arnica: traumatic inflammation, constant uriging while urine passes involuntarily in drops; haematuria, urine difficult, scanty, dark with thick brown sediments.

Berberis: cutting in bladder extending down urethra, burning pain even after urinating, urine yellow, turbid and flocculent, back lame and sore with pain in loins and hips, all. < by movement, burning pain in bladder whether full or empty, < when lying or sitting. > While standing.

Cantharis: violent tenesmus, vesicae and strangury; violent burning, cutting pains in neck of bladder, extending to fossa navicularis; < before and after micturition. Violent pain in bladder urging to urinate, from smallest quantity of urine, painful discharge of a few drops of bloody urine, causing very sharp pain, as if red hot iron were passing through the urethra. Felt most acutely at membraneous portion of the canal and in meatus. Spasmodic pain in the perineum along along the urethra and down the testes, which are drawn up, cutting pains through abdomen, which are distended and painful to touch, especially in bladder. Urging < when standing or waling, > sitting, urine turbid, scanty, bloody, great thirst but drinking an even the sight of water increases the pain, great restlessness and fever.

Chimaphila: scanty urine contain a large quantity of muco- purulent sediment, urine thick, ropy, of a brick color and bloody sediment; urging to urinate after voiding; pressing fullness in vesical region. Inability to micturate without standing with the feet wide apart and the body inclined forward; constipation, hectic fever, night sweats.

Copaiva: burning in the neck of bladder and urethra, pressure on bladder, with frequent ineffectual urging and passing the urine by drops, Frothy dark yellow urine with the odour of violets, swelling and dilation of orifice of urethra.

Equisetum: severe and dull pain in bladder, not abating after urination, with tenderness on pressure and soreness, of testicles and cords. Excessive burning or sharp cutting pains in urethra. Paralysis of bladder in old women, severe cutting pain at the close of urination, constant desire to urinate, large quantity of clear watery urine without >

Hepar sulph: urine, flow impeded, voids slowly, without force, drops vertically, is obliged to wait awhile before it passes; bladder weak, is unable to finish , seems as if some urine always remains.

Lycopodium : red sand in urine, on child’s diaper, child cries before urinating, pain in back relieved by urinating, renal colic, stitches simultaneously in the anus and neck of the bladder, scanty, dark red, clear with uric acid deposits.

Medorrhinum: severe pain in renal region, > by profuse urination, intense pain in ureters, renal colic, nocturnal aneuresis- passes enormous quantity of ammoniacal, high coloured urine in bed every night  < by over work or over play. Painful tenesmus of bladder and bowels when urinating.

Mercurius: fever with chilliness, great soreness in the vesical region to touch, violent urging, urine flows in thin stream, during micturition sweat breaks forth. Pus or flesh like shreds of mucus, gonorrheal inflammation.

Nitric acid: scanty, dark brown, strong smelling, ‘like horse-urine’, cold when it passes, turbid, looks like remains of a cider barrel. Urging after and shuddering along spine during micturition, burning in urethra and stitches in abdomen during micturition; painful retention.

Sepia: chronic cases, distention of lower portion of abdomen, urging from pressure on bladder, urine passes only after waiting for some minutes.  Annoying itching sensation in vesical region. During and after micturition chilliness and heat in head. Feeling as if bladder were full and its contents would fall out over the pubis.

Tarentula hispanica: cystitis with high fever, gastric derangement, excruciating pains and ischuria; bladder swollen and hard, great tenesmus, weakening the patient, with passage only of dark red, brown urine, foetid, with deposits of a gravel like sediment.

Terebinthina:  strangury; sensitiveness of hypogastrium, tenesmus of bladder , violent burning and cutting in bladder, alternating with a similar pain in bladder < at rest, > when walking in open air; urine retained at the fundus of the bladder  from atony in old persons of a sedentary habit.

About the author

Jyothi Chandran

Dr Jyothi S Chandran is PG scholar (Dept. of Materia Medica) at Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College. She graduated from Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College.

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