Tips and Secrets

Tips & Secrets – Aug 2020

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Written by Alan V. Schmukler

Homeopathy Tips from the masters and important news items.

The First Woman to get a Medical Degree

The first woman ever granted a medical degree was the second wife of Samuel Hahnemann, Melanie d’Hervilly (1800-1878.) The degree was awarded in 1840 by Allentown Homeopathic Academy, America’s first Homeopathic Medical School.

Case Management of the Covid patient with Homeopathy

This video presentation by world renowned homeopath Andre Saine is available at this link:

And…..Scan down the AIH website page for a second Andre Saine Video: 

The Homeopathic Treatment of the Patient with COVID-19  – Webinar

Some tips from E.A. Farrington, M.D.

Pix liquida –   You may give it with confidence in suppurative processes affecting the left lung, with pain at the third left costal cartilage.

Cuprum is a good remedy for severe crampy after-pains in women who have borne many children.

Belladonna is another remedy for biliary calculi. The pains are of a sharp, shooting character; they come suddenly and radiate in various directions from the central point of irritation.

Opium, like Bovista and Arnica, is useful for the bad effects of inhalation of charcoal vapors.

Hyoscyamus is a remedy for sleeplessness of children when they twitch in sleep, cry out, tremble, and awaken frightened.

Yucca filamentosa is an admirable remedy for biliousness, with pain going  through the upper portion of the liver to  the back.

Pulsatilla rivals Apis in synovitis, but Apis has more effusion than the former, and is indicated when there is a great deal of oedema about the joint.

Clematis is an excellent remedy for gonorrhoeal orchitis when the test-icle is indurated and is as hard as a stone.

Abies  nigra – The  patient  complains  of a feeling as  though he  had  swallowed  some indigestible  substance which had stuck at the cardiac extremity of the stomach.  That is the main symptom and the keynote of the drug.

Cactus grandiflorus is an excellent remedy for sharp pains in the diaphragm, particularly if there is a feeling as though a band were tied around the waist.

Remember Ranunculus bulbosus as a remedy for the bad effects of excess in drink, in hiccough and even in epileptiform attacks and delirium tremens.

Glonoin is an admirable remedy for the convulsions coming on during labor,

puerperal convulsions.  The face is bright red and puffed, the pulse full and hard and the urine albuminous.  The patient froths at the mouth; she is unconscious.

E.A. Farrington, M.D. – Clinical Materia Medica

Some Tips from M. E Douglass, M. D

Sabadilla follows Bryonia well in pleurisy, and has cured after Aconite and Bryonia failed.

Sabina has no equal as a remedy for abortion, at about the third month.

Zincum Valeriana has uncontrollable sleeplessness from pain in the head, in children with meningitis.

Verbascum has sensation as if the temples were pinched together with pincers.

Abies Nigra has the keynote sensation of an undigested hard-boiled egg in the stomach.

Prunus Spinosa has a sharp pain beginning in the right side of the forehead, shooting like lightning through the brain and coming out at the occiput.

Aranea Diadema has sudden violent pains in the teeth of the upper and lower jaws, at night, immediately after lying down.

Spigelia has been effective in children afflicted with ascarides and lumbrici.

Ruta has sensation of heat and fire in the eyes, and aching while reading.

Absinthium has constant desire to urinate and urine of a deep yellow orange color, with strong, horse-like smell.

Abrotanum is indicated for the child who is cross and depressed and has marasmus or worms.

Psorinum may be indicated:

In obstinate cases of vomiting of pregnancy when the best selected remedy fails.

When Sulphur is indicated and fails to act.

When there is lack of reaction after severe acute diseases and appetite will not return.

Pearls of Homeopathy – M. E Douglass, M. D

The pharmaceutical corporation AstraZeneca has been granted protection from future product liability claims related to its COVID-19 vaccine by most of the countries with which it has struck supply agreements.

6 Remedies in Brain Affections from Suppressed Eruptions

Apis:  Rash goes in, and brain symptoms appear. Stupor with stinging pains, extorting cries, (crie cerebrale). Thirstless: worse from heat, hot room, fire. Better cool air. Urine scanty.

Cuprum: Symptoms violent. Starts from sleep. Spasms, cramps, convulsions. Cramps of fingers and toes, or starts there.

Helleborus: Entire sensorial life is suspended. Child lies in profound stupor.

Zincum:  Child is too weak to develop eruption. Rash comes out sparingly. Body rather cool. Lies in stupor, grinding teeth. Dilated pupils: squinting and rolling eyes. Fidgety feet.

Stramonium: Rash not properly out. Hot, bright-red face (Bell.). Tosses: cries, as if frightened, in sleep. Convulsive motions, but not angular (Hyos.).

Bryonia: Rash disappears, child drowsy. Pale twitching face (Bell. red.). Chewing motion of jaws (Zinc. grits teeth). Mild delirium: ” wants to go home.”

Dr. Margaret Tyler – Acute Conditions

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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