Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Tips and Secrets

Homeopathy Tips and Important News – Februry 2023

Homeopathy Tips and Important News. This month, tips about homeopathy for farm animals, cancer tip from Dr. R.T. Cooper, tips about teeth,  climacteric and debility from Dr. W.A. Dewey.

 Homoeopathy at Wellie Level (HAWL) for Farmers and Animal Lovers in the UK 

Homoeopathy at Wellie Level (HAWL) ( ) teaches the responsible use of homeopathy to farmers and smallholders for use on their animals. Over the past 20 years, farmers have told us they were able to reduce their vet bills, reduce their antibiotic use and their animals are generally healthier.

We have new courses which we have confirmed for the first half of 2023:

 Online Course

Our next online course will be taking place over 7 Wednesdays from 11am – 3pm (UK local time): April 19th, 26th, May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, Jun 7th. The reduced cost of this course is £349 (plus £20 postage to Europe and £30 to the rest of the world – postage within the UK is free).  Should you like to attend, or to get more information, then please complete the Application Form found HERE.

 In Person Course

Our next in-person course will be taking place on the following Wednesdays: 1, 15 and 29 March 2023 (9am – 4.30 pm UK local time). It will be held in Penybont, Powys (Wales, postcode LD1 5UA).  The reduced cost of this course is £299.  If you would like to attend, or to get more information, please could I ask you to complete the Application Form found HERE.

Cancer Tip from Dr. R.T. Cooper

Robert Thomas Cooper (1844-1903) says cancer-tissue, when accumulated in any one part of the body, can be easily acted upon, much more easily then even a fatty tumour or a tuberculous mass. The effect of remedies ought to be carefully watched, so as to prevent a too rapid dislodgment of the disease.

There is great danger to the patient’s life if the cancer mass be large, by the too rapid outpouring of the cancer poison. Nothing contributes to this rapidity of flow so much as the constant repetition of remedies; and, therefore, by far the safest plan is to allow a single dose to expend itself upon the disease, and to be careful not to interpose even such apparently harmless things as ointments, lest the effect upon the disease should be too great.

Cancer and Cancer Symptoms by R.T Cooper

Many Tips from Dr. W. A. Dewey (1858-1938)

 Affections of Teeth

Mercurius -. Pulsating toothache, due to inflamed dentine or to periostitis of the sockets. Worse at night  and in damp weather. Worse from warmth, somewhat relieved by gentle rubbing of the face. It is the chief remedy in painful ulcerations at the roots of the teeth and for pain in hollow teeth. Gums swollen, ulcerated and usually an offensive odor from the mouth.

Chamomilla. This is an excellent remedy in unbearable  toothache affecting a whole row of teeth occurring in paroxysms, with pains radiating to the ears. Aggravation at night, and from warmth. Worse during and after eating.

Belladonna – Toothache from inflammation of dental pulp.  The pains are burning and throbbing, worse  chewing and in the open air. There is a  red hot face and great nervous excitability.

Coffea –  This remedy will often remove the most severe pains of toothache which almost drive the patient frantic.  Stinging,  jerking, intermittent pain, worse while     chewing, worse from warm drink, and entirely relieved for a time by holding cold water in the month.

Plantago major –  Hale says that of all remedies in tooth ache none can compare with Plantago. The teeth feel elongated, sensitive to touch, with swollen cheeks. Pains are periodic and  even affecting sound teeth. Worse lying on the affected side.

Silicea –  Suits especially abscesses about the  roots of the teeth and dental fistula . Pains are worse from eating warm food or when cold air gets into the mouth ; they     are worse at night. The teeth feel loose,

Calcarea fluorica – This remedy produces a roughness of  the teeth and a decay of the enamel.   Dr. R., S. Copeland  claims to have produced this condition of decay of the enamel in a patient for whom he prescribed the remedy for cataract.

Calcarea phosphoric – There is slow development, and rapid decay of the teeth. It suits dental troubles in flabby, emaciated children who have open posterior     fontanelles, and are slow in learning to talk.

Magnesia carbonica –  Especially useful in toothache of pregnancy, and Dr. Leavitt mentions Sepia as almost specific in this condition.

Staphisagria – The gums are unhealthy  and retracted. Tendency to decay of the teeth.  They turn black and crumble as soon as they appear, a condition found in sycotic children. It is a splendid remedy for gnawing in the roots of decayed teeth, affecting a whole row, and is especially adapted to old women who have a mouthful  of painful stumps.

Kreasote  – Premature decay of milk teeth whch become yellow, dark, and then decay.  Aching pains in diseased teeth.

Arnica – Very useful for bleeding after extraction of teeth, and for pain and swelling from wearing false teeth, or pains produced by filing or filling, or excavating teeth. The sensation is one of soreness.

Climacteric Disorders

Lachesis suits especially women who never get well from the change of life.

It is the remedy for women worn out by frequent pregnancies, with sudden cessation of the menses, trembling pulse, headache, flushings of heat and rush of blood to the head, cold feet and constriction about the heart.

Veratrum viride  – Perhaps no remedy controls the flushes of heat, so annoying to women at the change of life, as Veratrum viride.

Sepia  – Congestions at the climaxis, in characteristic Sepia constitutions are quickly benefited by the remedy.

Bellis perennis – The patients are very tired, want to lie down, have a backache.

There is no real disease, but a marked tiredness all the time.

Carduus is of supreme importance for liver troubles at the climaxis.

Usiilago often rivals Lachesis in controlling the flooding  during the elimaxis. Vertigo is characteristic.


 Selenium, easy fatigue, exhaustion, inability to perform  any mental or physical labor, sexual debility. The strength suddenly leaves.

 Anacardium – Sexual debility, nervous debility from over-study. Patient trembles from every motion, wants to lie or sit continually, can scarcely move a hand.

 Picric acid  – Debility from diminished nutrition. There is a lame and tired sensation all over the body  and the slightest exertion brings on speedy exhaustion.

Aletris  – Debility, especially of females, from protracted illness or defective nutrition.

Acetic acid –  Debility from impaired nutrition with a diarrhoea and profuse sweat. The countenance is pale and waxen and emaciated. A profound debility with a tendency deathward is often met by this remedy.

 Carbo Vegetabilis is especially suitable for weak and delicate old people. Defective reaction, particularly in abdominal affections with rapid pulse and great coldness of the body, make the choice of the remedy clear.

Phosphoric acid suits debility of nervous or functional origin, with burning in spine or limbs, characterized by indifference and torpidity of body and mind.  Failure in memory.  Debility from sexual excesses. Debility that sets in after mental emotions, grief, sorrow, homesickness or disappointments, with emaciation, night  sweats, drowsiness.

Psorinum has lack of reaction from a psoric taint. The patient is greatly prostrated after acute or violent diseases.

Laurocerasus has lack of reaction in diseases of the lungs.

Muriatic acid for greatest general debility  The patient is too weak to maintain his position  in bed, and so slips down to the foot of the bed. Inability to void urine unless the bowels move is present.

Veratrum album – debility with blue veins, cold and blue hands and feet.

Cinchona – Functional debility from loss of fluids, sexual excesses, etc., or debility when convalescing from acute diseases with much sinking at epigastrium.  Anaemic debility from long lasting drains on the system.

Arsenicum debility is from overtaxing the muscles, exertion such as mountain climbing will indicate it.

 Phosphorus – Sudden prostration. The nervous system is exhausted.

Cocculus –  Debility of cerebro-spinal system following loss of sleep. Especially suits debility from night watching.

Colchicum –  Debility from loss of sleep, with involvement of digestion.

Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics, W.A. Dewey MD -(1858-1938)

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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