Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Tips and Secrets

Tips and Secrets – Hpathy Sep 2018

hands holding letters tips px

Dr. Sneha Thakkar presents tips on obstetrics from H.C. Allen, important remedies in cancer from Bernoville, homeopathy for the heart and often indicated remedies in boils.

Editor’s note: 

Our Tips column this month was produced by the very talented Dr. Sneha Thakkar.

Obstetrics tips by H.C. Allen

During labor: ” shivers ” in first stage; convulsions, from nervous excitement; rigid os; pains severe spasmodic, tedious, agg. by least noise. When given during last month of pregnancy shortens labor, if symptoms correspond  – Cimicifuga

Retained placenta from atony of uterus; intense after pains. Inflammation of ovaries or uterus after abortion or premature labor – Sabina

Labor pains short, irregular, spasmodic; tormenting, useless pains in beginning of labor; no progress made. Will correct deranged vitality and produce efficient pains, if symptoms agree – Caulophyllum

Threatened abortion; flow ceases and then returns with increased force; pains spasmodic, excite suffocation and fainting; must have fresh air – Pulsatilla

Painless drainage, from nose, lungs, uterus; after; labor or abortion; after great exertion; after miscarriage. Preventive in post – partum hemorrhage – Millefolium

During labor: pains irregular; too weak; feeble or ceasing; everything seems loose and open but no expulsive action; fainting. After pains: too long; too painful; hour – glass contraction – Secale cor

Lochia: dark, brown, lumpy, offensive, acrid; almost ceases, then freshens up again. Violent corrosive itching of pudenda and va-gina – Kreosote

Deficient labor pains; os soft, pliable, dilatable. Lochia too profuse, partly fluid, partly clotted; prolonged bearing – down pains; uterus feels drawn into a knot. Hypertrophy and subinvolution of uterus with great atony – Ustilago maydis

Source: Allen’s Keynotes by H.C. Allen


From Bernoville’s Cancer

Carbo vegetabilis – for deficient vitality, for deficient oxygenation and nutrition, presenting a gastrointestinal atony already old and stubborn, may be indicated in cancer (especially digestive) or the precancerous state.

Carbo animalis – one of the best remedies for the established tumor; hard tumor, indurated and swollen lymphatic glands, subcutaneous venous distention, bluish discoloration of infiltrated tissues, burning pains, gastric flatulence. It has an special selective action on breast or stomach cancer and merits special mention not only for its beneficial effects often on the general state (gain of weight or temporary arrest of wasting) but also for its action on the tumor itself which regresses, becomes less hard with amelioration of pains.

Kreosotum – Bleeding ulcerations, vegetations develop rapidly and emit a burning discharge, excoriating, fetid; such are the principal signs of Kreosote which acts especially well in cancer of the cervix.

Sedum acre and Sedum repens – In material doses, mother tincture, 1x. and 3x., it has an undeniable action on cancer in general, gives weight to the patients, and occasionally modifies the tumor, or at least retards its progress. Their principal sign is their tendency to mucosal and cutaneous fissures which are so frequent in cancer or the precancerous state. Sedum repens acts especially on the abdominal organs. Sedum teleplium another plant of the same family, acts especially on the uterus or cancerous rectum with haemorrhages.

Sempervivum tectorum – Lingual, breast, rectal and other cancers. Its tendency to aphthae, to malignant ulcers, specially indicate it in the ulcerated cancer. It must also be used in mother tincture or low potencies.

Ornithogalum – Already noted by Cooper, then used by Gisevius and other authors, especially in low potencies or material doses. This remedy has a remarkable action in the pyloroduodenal sphere whether it acts on an ulcer or an established cancer.

X – ray – According to Dr. Chiron these two remedies antidote each other. Radium bromide antidotes the bad effects of X-ray radiation in a patient who has been treated too intensely. Likewise the X-rays antidote the unfortunate effects of radium in patients who have been treated by it.

Source – Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer by Fortier Bernoville, M. D. & A. H. Grimmer, M. D.


Homoeopathy for the Heart

Hypertrophy of the heart in young boys, from violent gymnastics –Bromine

Hypertrophy of the heart in young girls from calisthenics –Causticum

Hypertrophy of the heart in metastasis of gout or rheumatism to the heart –Kalmia and Sanguinaria.

In cyanosis from patent foramen ovale –Lachesis.

Irritable heart when from influenza –Iberis.

Irritable heart from excessive tea or coffee drinking – Agaricine.

Irritable heart from excessive smoking – Arsenicum, Kalmia, Phosphorus, Spigelia.

Irritable heart from the effects of scarlet fever – Lachesis.

Lancinating pains about the heart from base to apex, at night –Syphilinum.

Pain in heart from apex to base – Medorrhinum

Pain from base of heart to clavicle or shoulder –Spigelia.

Heart trouble without special symptoms – Naja.

Consciousness of the heart, the heart feels tired – Pyrogen

Source – The Homoeopathic Recorder 1931 Dec Vol XLVI No 12


Vaccination – Positive updates!

Japan – Lowest infant mortality after banning vaccines

Since banning mandatory vaccinations, Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate in industrialized nations. The Japanese Government banned numerous vaccines that are currently mandatory in the United States. This occurred after children suffered adverse reactions, such as meningitis, loss of limbs, and even sudden death.


Vaccine Mandate Repealed in Italy

The Italian Senate voted to repeal a 2017 law that required all children in Italy to get 10 vaccines in order to attend school. Enforcement of the law has been ended. In the UK, Ireland, Japan, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Austria, parents decide what is injected into their children’s bodies.


Therapeutic Hints for Neurological Conditions

Arnica: is able to absorb blood extravasations. During attack it may be alternated with or followed by Belladonna especially in fullblooded persons. It is also valuable when paralysis follows, but must be given for a long time in higher potency.

Belladonna: Face very red; conjunctivitis; brilliant eyes; pupils dilated. Illusions and hallucinations.

China: Patients is weak and exhausted, anemic, has congestions to brain.

Coffea: Has emotions followed by intense sensory irritability and insomnia.

Gelsemium: Apoplexy is due to nervous exhaustion. Paralysis of upper eyelids with speech interference and dark-red face. Motion of eyes is painful.

Glonoinum: Brain congestion, with pulsating temporal arteries and vertigo. Sensation as if brain were flapping loosely around, worse from shaking head.

Hyoscyamus: Apoplexy where patient cries out when falling, with twitching, followed by snoring, and rattling in throat.

Nux vomica:  Indicated in apoplexy of drinkers, after errors in diet; haemorrhoids. The attack is often preceded by headache and head noises. Paralysis in organs of deglutition; lower extremities are cold and numb.

Opium: Has deeply red face, deep sleep in which even loud noises do not disturb; loud snoring, and upon awakening beclouded sensorium with usually dilated pupils. Before attack: vertigo, insomnia, agitated circulation and general heat

Phosphorus: In lung edema; overcomes quickest brain congestion, thus preventing renewed cerebral haemorrhage.

Tartarus emeticus: Patient is unconscious, has rattling respiration with danger of asphyxiation. It also can absorb smaller haemorrhages.

Causticum: Paralysis of muscles of extremities and face; patient gropes for the right words.

Cuprum metallicum: Stiffness of crooked joints which cannot be bent. Choreic jerking.

Plumbum metallicum: Similar to Cuprum, only the muscle atrophy of the afflicted side is more pronounced.

Zincum metallicum: Indicated when Cuprum seems to be insufficient. Prominent indications are: formication, worse from rubbing and pressure; trembling vibration all through body.

Source: Apoplexy,  Dr. Hawk Berlin, The Homoeopathic Herald-1942-dec-vol-v-no-10


Keynote Prescribing For Boils

Belladonna. [Bell]

In boils with much swelling and redness. Used to treat early stages of boils. Boils recurring in the spring.



Arnica produces a crop of boils all over, beginning with soreness, go on to suppuration, and another crop follows. When the boils partially mature and shrivel up.


This is a great boil remedy, and, in conjunction with Hepar sulphuris, prescribed for the general indications of abscess will cover many cases. It is a remedy to prevent boils. It produces inflammation of the connective tissue, and following the boil will be a plastic indurated and often inflamed lump, which Silicea will remove.

Calcarea sulphurica

Used to remove tumefaction of boils.


This remedy produces a tendency to boils and is applicable to scrofulous persons.

Berberis vulgaris

Hastens suppuration in boils and prevents their recurrence.


Recommended by Clarke for succession of boils with no other symptoms to guide.


Used to break up the ‘boil habit’ with profound prostration being one of the main indications.

Source – Essentials of Homoeopathic therapeutics being & Quiz compend of the Applications of Homoeopathic remedies to Diseased states by W.A.Dewey


Homoeopathy update

Homeopathy Pharmacy Recall

Some News outlets have been attacking the King Bio homeopathy pharmacy for having a water purity issue. The truth is:

  • There have been no reported injuries of any kind.
  • The problem has been resolved.
  • Out of abundance of caution King Bio has chosen to recall and replace all of their aqueous-based products.
  • King Bio is notifying its distributors and customers by letter and is arranging for return and/or replacement of all recalled products. Consumers, distributors, and retailers that have recalled product should discontinue use and or distribution and contact King Bio at: [email protected] to arrange a return.


About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

About the author

Sneha Thakkar

Dr. Sneha Thakkar, M.D (Hom) has had rich experience in treating varied
cases homeopathically in her practice over the past decade. Keen observation, patience and persistence are the key values she adheres to professionally and personally. Her homoeopathic knowledge has been enriched working along renowned homoeopaths like Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Sujit Chatterjee, Dr. Jayesh Shah and Dr. Shekhar Algundgi at ‘the other song’ clinic and academy, Mumbai. She also has specialized clinical training in the fields of pediatrics and dermatology. An avid reader and an articulate writer, she has authored and helped edit many publications for different homoeopathic journals. Currently based in Toronto, Canada, she has also been associated with the Ontario College of Homoeopathic Medicine, in the capacity of lecturer and clinic supervisor.


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