Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Tips and Secrets


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We invite you to send in your favorite Tips and Secrets on homeopathy. We will publish a select group each month, acknowledging the sender. They may be based on your own experience or taken from homeopathic literature. Please identify the source of your information and your name and country. Send your tips to us at [email protected]

Remember, a tip is not the whole iceberg! Use these tips as part of a totality of symptoms. Let them inspire further research. Using specifics (“take this for that”) in isolation may prove disappointing and can lead to suppression.

These are the tips of our readers and do not necessarily express the views of or ‘Homeopathy for Everyone’.


The Low Down on Potency

I’ve heard people say that Hahnemann was against the use of low potencies as they might cause aggravations, and that high potencies were much safer. Nothing could be further than the truth. In fact, Hahnemann was very concerned about the tendency of “brash beginner” homeopaths to prescribe too high and too long. He cautions us to start each chronic case “low” and ascend as needed; to put the remedy in water and succuss the bottle before each dose to avoid unintended provings. (See # 161 of the Organon). However, even low potencies can aggravate if we don’t follow a few basic rules of prescribing:

1. Start with a test dose, wait 24 hours to make sure you’re not dealing with a hypersensitive patient.

2. Put the remedy in water and succuss the bottle five times before each dose.

3. A potency like 6C can be given three times a day, 9C twice a day, 12C once or twice a day; but, if at any time you see a striking improvement, stop the remedy and observe; resume when the improvement stops. If at any time the person seems to be getting worse, stop the remedy and wait, an improvement may follow. If it doesn’t, it’s probably the wrong remedy.
4. Don’t tell a person who is aggravating from a remedy, “Keep taking it, it’s a good sign!” Yes, a similar aggravation might be a sign that the remedy chosen was correct, BUT, as Hahnemann says, all the more reason NOT to make things worse by continuing to give it over and over again, because the right remedy in overdose can do more harm to a person than a remedy that’s totally wrong! (Organon, #276)

In acute cases, however, you’ll want to match the potency to the power of the complaint. A severe acute should be met with a 200C or a 1M, perhaps even a 10M if it’s that severe. Here’s where you need your high potencies!

Chronic cases often lack the intensity that acutes have; so, the lower potencies are a better match for these and more appropriate.
These are only guidelines, not laws. You will find exceptions. But, as Hahnemann always said, a mistake with a lower potency is not a crisis, you can’t always make that claim with the 200C, 1M or 10M.

Elaine Lewis, DHom, CHom

Chimaphila for the Prostate

Chimaphila is nearly a specific for urinary retention in benign prostatic hypertrophy. Retained urine; must press long before urination begins. Retention of urine with enlarged prostate. Dysuria, Frequent urging, forked stream, Sensation of a ball in the perineum.

Roger Morrison – Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms-Thanks to Jack Kimmelman – U.S.
Homarus – The Lobster

Aggravation from milk. Persons have been known to die after eating lobster and thereafter drinking milk. Wakened at night by the necessity to pass wind. Felt as though he could not move, but on moving felt better. No appetite, worse after sleep, in the morning, on drawing a long breath. Better from motion, passing wind, after eating, from inhaling cold air.

Dr. J.H.Clarke – A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica -Thanks to J.R.Melmed – Canada

To Cut or Not

From the homeopathic standpoint much of pathology is protective . Abscesses, ulcers, tumors should not be removed by surgery until after the sick constitution has been cured. Its removal before cure means the vital force will seek another outlet, either by recurrence in the same form or by more deep- seated trouble. It requires keen judgment to decide when a case has gone too far to be relieved by remedies.

Homeopathy As Art and Science – Dr. Elizabeth Wright Hubbard
Getting to the Root of the Problem

I have used Hypericum D6 and for best effect D30 for relief of severe pain after root filling of an infected tooth. My wife was the patient.

Thanks to -Dick Morris -Classical Homeopath – Sweden
The Chronic of Pulsatilla

Kali Sulph, is the chronic of Pulsatilla, resembles it in a number of symptoms and being deeper acting, is sometimes useful to complement that remedy. Better in open air, worse in a heated room, yellow or greenish discharges, evening aggravation of fever, loose cough with rattling mucus, wandering rheumatic pains.

Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics – Dr. E.B. Nash -Thanks to G. Boettcher- Germany

Oh, My Back!

Aesculus Hippocastanum has constant dull backache, especially through sacrum and hips. Walking is almost impossible; scarcely able to rise or walk after sitting, worse moving bowels. Feels as though the back would break.

Graphic Pictures of Selected Remedies – J.N.Shinghal

A Difficult Patient

Nitric Acid is dissatisfied, never pleased, haggard and anxious expression, highly irritable in the morning, very sensitive to noise, cannot forget a wrong done to him. Usually thin and nervous. Pain as from splinters, blisters in mouth, on genitals, bleed easily. Chronic offensive corrosive nasal discharge. Craves fat and salt. The main anxiety is for cancer. You will have to get the information from relatives because he does not realize that his disease has become a philosophy for him.

Essence of Materia Medica – George Vithoulkas

Kali Carbonicum for the Heart

Stitching pains – About heart and through scapula, extort cries. Heart’s action intermittent, irregular, tumultuous, weak. Mitral insufficiency. Leans forward resting on arms to take weight off chest. I have seen Kali carb (after a few doses of Carbo v, it’s complement) bring back to life a dying child, an old mitral case, with pericarditis with effusion and pneumonia with pleural effusion. A visiting doctor said : “I’ll eat my hat if that child pulls round, …and she did!”

Pointers to Common Remedies – Dr. M.L. Tyler – Thanks to R. Mukerji – India
Lycopodium or Cortisone?

A woman, 68 years old, suffered with right sided coxarthrosis (degenerative disease of the hip joint). She was an ambitious tennis player and during the anamesis she showed a dictatorial and haughty behavior. From that and other symptoms Lycopodium seemed to be the right remedy. Erroneously I gave Lycopodium CM instead off XM. Next day I got a call, with an angry voice she told me that she has got terrible pains and asked me what I have given. She had been much better before she had swallowed the remedy and I should restore the previous state immediately. I gave her Lycopodium C 30 one dose. Next day I got a call, the voice was angry again. She had no pains any more and accused me of giving her Cortisone, because “Homeopathic remedies don’t work so quickly”.

Thanks to – Gerhart Fabiani – Germany

Holding Back Deeper Remedies

One may have to start a case of heart failure with remedies like Crategus or Cactus and restore the function and vitality of the organ first and follow up with more constitutional remedies later. As the symptoms are reversed over time, one introduces deeper acting remedies.

The same situation is met when treating the advanced states of tuberculosis where deep acting plant remedies with heavy mineral contents, anti-miasmic minerals and nosodes can be very dangerous. One often has to start with plant remedies like Sanguinaria to reduce the tubercles and cavitations and then move toward deeper acting remedies after the fevers, sweats and coughs are removed.

Interview with David Little

Another Interview with David Little
Color Preference Helps Find the Simillimum

Color preference is just another good symptom, like a food modality or a general or mental amelioration/aggravation. Every homeopath irrespective of school or doctrine can use it. It supplements the repertories. The color preference is a clinical symptom and comes from good cases. Cases cured or deeply ameliorated by the same remedy have shown to prefer the same or similar colors. Ask the patient to let go of purposes and just dive into the colors as such, choose one which feels good, which pleases the eye, where they like to dwell and get a feeling of well-being.

Dr. Ulrich Welte – Colours in Homeopathy – From interview:

Walking in Sleep

Top remedies for somnambulism – walking in sleep: Aconite, Agaricus, Anacardium, Antimonium crudum, Artemus vul., Bryonia, Cannibus ind, Dict., Magnetus arct, Natrum mulr, Phosphorus, Nux mos, Opium, Petroleum, Spongia, Stramonium, Sulhlur, tarantula, Zincum

Complete Repertory – Roger van Zandvoort – Thanks to Joseph Martens -Australia

Aurum Arsenicum

The depression of Aurum metallicum and the anxiety of Arsenicum are often present in cases needing this remedy. Cancer based on a tuberculosis miasm or syphilitic constitution. The first effect of the remedy is a rapid increase in appetite. Peristaltic contractions of stomach and intestine are excited and absorption accelerated.

Lotus Materia Medica – Robin Murphy ND – Thanks to James Murray – New Zealand
Chronic Constipation

Opium – Inactivity of rectum- rarely an urge to stool – 6c three times per day
Nux vomica – Urge to stool but inability to expel it -in patients who take large doses of aperients – 6c three times per day
Hydrastis – Bouts of severe constipation associated with hemorrhoids which are painful and bleed – 6c three times per day.

Dr. Douglas Borland – Homeopathy in Practice
Secale Cornutum Caution

Useful in lingering labors. The power of this remedy to cause violent contractions of the uterus is so great that it should never be given when the os uteri is not fully dilated, nor unless there is satisfactory evidence that no mechanical obstacle interferes with completion of labor.

Dr. C. Dunham -Lectures on Materia Medica – Thanks to Robin Dykes – UK


Hay fever : Appearing regularly every year at the same day of the month; with an asthmatic, psoric or eczematous history. Patient should be treated the previous winter to eradicate the diathesis and prevent summer attack: Psorinum
Enuresis : from vesicle paresis; during full moon, obstinate cases, with a family history of eczema – Psorinum
School-girl’s headache : < by study or even slight mental exertion; when using eyes in close work and glasses fail to >; with a tubercular history: Tuberculinum bovinum

H.C. Allen – Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons / J.T. Kent M.M. Thanks to – Muhammad Afzal Sandhu (DHMS,BSc.,BHMS) Pakistan



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About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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