Clinical Cases

Revisiting: Its Luke Again!!!!

Written by Elaine Lewis

4 year old Luke slips going up the steps, knocks his front teeth loose, bites his lower lip. OUCH! Did you guess the right remedy?

Who missed last month’s painful but exciting quiz?  Here it is again with the answer to follow:



don’t look now, but, it’s Luke again!

Again????  Shobi’s son, Luke?  4-year-old Luke?  Luke who talks too loud?

I think Luke was just showing off for his grandmother. 

Well, what is it this time?

He fell down the steps.

Isn’t that kind of dangerous?

Yes it’s dangerous!!!!  Here’s my conversation with Shobi:


Elaine, Luke slipped on a step as he was running up the stairs one evening.  There was much screaming and crying followed by a lot of blood.  I first gave him a few drops of rescue remedy and began to examine the location of the injury.  It was clear that it was in his mouth, there were three loose upper front teeth, his bottom lip was cut deeply in 4 places – I gave him a 200c Arnica.  The bleeding stopped promptly and I could see the injured area better.  The fright was still there, so I followed it with a 30c Aconitum.  The scared feeling subsided for a time; however it kept returning – so I continued to give sips of 30c Aconitum in water on the way to the Emergency Room.

But it didn’t seem to be holding, I kept having to repeat it.  I wasn’t satisfied – so I went to Remedy-X 30c.  He was comfortable again.  When we got to the ER the doctor was able to examine him and he recommended a tetanus shot
(which I declined) and a course of antibiotics, which I thanked him for and then declined.

So, the trip to the ER was kind of pointless, then.

It was indeed….

I took Luke home and he was very comfortable.  So I continued Remedy-X 30c in water on an as needed basis for 3 days.

I began to rinse his mouth with Remedy-Y 30c in water 3 times a day for the first 2 days and then once a day after that. Remedy-Y healed the cuts on the lower lip and the loose teeth, which tightened up.  He is now fully healed and able to bite into an apple!  Yay!!!!

The first day itself after the injury — less than 24 hours — he was outside and playing cricket for maybe 2 hours!!!!  He was happy, not in any pain and totally comfortable eating most things – in the first 24 hours!

So let me get this straight: in the ambulance…

The car, not ambulance…

…he was screaming until you gave him Remedy-X 30C.


At what point after that did the screaming stop?

Seconds after.

How did his demeanor change?

He sat there calmly and was not in pain nor was he scared anymore.

Was there a long wait to see the doctor and to be discharged?

No, they saw us immediately…I did have blood on my clothes and I walked into the ER carrying Luke.

Was he fine all during that time?

He was fine – he did start to fuss at one point and so I repeated Remedy-X and he was fine again.

How did you get back home?

My parents’ car, my brother took me and brought me back.

And you’re saying that same day he went out and played for two hours?

The next morning was when he went out and played for 2 hours in the sun.

So, after you gave Arnica, did he stop crying after that, but then start again?

The bleeding stopped but he was still hysterical and fearful – that’s when I went to Aconite But the crying would start & stop…until Remedy-X.

So you gave Aconite because he seemed scared?  And then he stopped crying again, but then started again?  Were they different kinds of crying each time?

They were pretty much all hysterical and filled with fear.

What issues do you think would have lingered on without Remedy-Y?

I think the scarring on the lips would have been bad!  They were really deep gashes, so I think the healing would have been much slower.  And the loose teeth…I really saw a difference on the looseness of the teeth.  Remedy-Y cleaned up the whole area…it was magical.

On the first rinse with Remedy-Y the open gashes on his lower lips closed up almost immediately and I think it also made the loose teeth firm up.  The deep gashes were literally closed up after Remedy-Y.

Shobi, you did a fantastic job!  Here is Luke 3 days after the accident:

Luke picture


Vote Totals:







Rhus tox/Calendula



And the winner for Best Remedy and Best Supporting Remedy in an accident is… (the envelope please….)

Hypericum and Calendula!!!!!

Interestingly, in Murphy’s Repertory, under “Wounds, gaping” there are only two remedies: Hypericum and Calendula.

Almost everyone got that Calendula is the choice for cuts, lacerated tissue, stab wounds and abrasions; but, the first remedy really threw people off; though the choice of Ledum and Calendula by Nishita wasn’t a bad one because Nishita got that it was a puncture wound or a bite we were dealing with and Ledum is one of the main contenders for that.  See, this is what most of you missed.  You have to think about what happened.  He slipped on the steps, his front teeth were hit because they were knocked loose, and simultaneously, there are four deep gashes in his lower lip.  So what can you conclude?  He bit himself! You could say, “ailments from bites” or “penetrating wounds”.  Instead of trying to discern the “ailments from”, people looked, instead, at the behavior and prescribed on that.  (He’s crying hysterically, it must be Ignatia.  He’s inconsolable, it must be Chamomilla.  He’s oversensitive to pain, it must be Phosphorus.  He’s scared and Aconite didn’t work so it’s maybe Arsenicum.)

As I have been told so many times, “Etiology over-rules symptomatology.”  That means your “ailments from” are more important than the symptoms that come as a result of it!  Plus, if the symptoms that come as a result of it are NORMAL, then they’re not symptoms at all!  If you cry after an injury, that’s not a symptom!  If you’re scared after an injury and you’re a child, then being scared isn’t a symptom either!

If I look up “Wounds, stab wounds”, I get Ledum and Hypericum.  If I look up “Bites”, the two main remedies are Ledum and Hypericum.  How do we choose between the two?  Hypericum’s injuries are more painful.  Remember Hypericum’s famous saying: “Ailments from injury to areas rich in nerves”.  What does that mean?  It means the injury is going to be very painful!  (“Excessive painfulness is a guiding symptom to its use.”– Murphy’s MM)

Why is it that Aconite didn’t work when the child was so scared?  It worked but it didn’t hold.  Why?  Because the fright was a result, it wasn’t the etiology.  It wasn’t the “ailments from”.  You might not think of Hypericum as a fright remedy, it doesn’t seem to cover fright very well, but what it does cover is the etiology–ailments from bites–and it’s in BOLD under “stab wounds”.  So, you see how, if you can cover the etiology (the cause), everything that flows from it goes away.

Once again, here is Luke 3 days after the accident, thanks to homeopathy.  His lip is completely healed!

Who are our winners?  Congratulations go to:

Swagata Chowdhury

Dr. Farida Dahodwala


Dr. Diderik Finne.


Elaine Lewis, DHom, CHom

Elaine takes online cases.

Visit her website at:

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

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