Clinical Cases

Saved From the Knife – Disease of Ovary

ovaries uterus
Written by H. C. Allen

A “hopeless” case is saved from surgery by classical prescribing.

This case excerpted from the journal of the International Hahnemannian Association – 1897.

In January 1893, Mrs. F. age 37, consulted me, anxious to know if anything could be done to prevent the removal of the ovaries and perhaps a hysterectomy. A number of surgeon gynecologists of both schools of practice in the city in which she resided, as well as some of the most noted operators in Chicago who were consulted, advised an operation at once. She had been under Homoeopathic treatment for years, with only partial relief, and operative measures were earnestly advised as the only hope for a permanent cure. With such an eminent array of predecessors my prognosis was very guarded, but my confidence in the simillimum, when found, was unbounded, and I promised to try. From the patient and her sister, a Homoeopathic physician, I obtained the following history:

Grandmother died of cancer.

Menstruation began at eleven; always suffered severely during period, with nausea and vomiting, blue around the mouth and cold perspiration.

Menses: profuse; protracted; dark, clotted, in gushes, hot in passing. Weak, exhausted, and prostrated for days after.

Backache severe, aggravated by mental exertion or emotion.

Leucorrhoea, acrid; cured (?) by astringent douches.

Left ovary as large as an orange, prolapsed, burning, pricking pain, very sensitive to touch.

Mammae sore and painful before menses.

Constipation: complete inactivity of bowel; long lasting, burning pain after stool.

Excessive flatulence of small intestines.

Cannot bear to be contradicted.

Despondent, gloomy, easily worried.

Grief: severe mental shock from loss of mother and husband within a short time.

Diagnosis of remedy by Bonninghausen’s repertory gave the following:

Nux vomica… 52, Sepia…. 37, Lycopodium…. 40, Phosphorus. . 36, Ignatia… 38

After a careful comparison of these remedies Nux vomica was selected, and a dose of the M (million) potency was given on retiring until improvement took place, then wait and report.

Feb. 21. Better in every respect; less pain in ovary; bowels move normally for the first time in years; menstruation on time, less profuse and protracted; very hopeful and cheerful.

Placebo with continued improvement in general health until Aug. 17. Very despondent again; severe burning in left ovary, aggravated by pressure of hand; dragging, bearing-down pain in back and pelvic organs; must support vulva by hand when walking. Lilium daily, until better, then wait as long as improvement continues.

Under Lilium in different potencies, there was slow but steady improvement from August 1893, to September 1894, with an occasional report by letter, complaining of the return of symptoms which she had had years before, and which she had thought cured. These were generally relieved by placebo.

Sept. 12. Abdomen distended, flatulent, with some belching without relief.

Milky, acrid leucorrhoea, in gushes.

Bloody leucorrhoea during or when straining with hard stool.

Discharge of flatus from vagina.

Obstinate constipation, with feeling of constriction of anus preventing passage.

Lycopodium was selected for these symptoms and produced a revolution, notwithstanding the left ovary was the one involved, prolapsed and chiefly complained of. Complete relief of the flatulent condition of the stomach and abdomen was followed by an eczema on right hand and arm which had been “cured (?) years ago” by local treatment, and with it a new series of symptoms from many of which she had suffered when a girl, and similar symptoms were abundant in other members of the family.

Two of her children have had eczematous eruptions.

Itching of scalp when warm.

Hungry about midnight.

Burning in spine aggravated at menstrual period. Soreness and burning of left ovary, relieved when lying down or on left side.

Offensive, clotted leucorrhoea.

Eyeballs sore, lame, with a sensation as if being drawn together.

All her severe attacks of illness have appeared at the vernal or autumnal equinox, the change of seasons.

The reappearance of these old symptoms marked her general advance in constitutional improvement, and rendered the selection of the remedy, heretofore difficult, a very simple matter. She was now given Psorinum, a dose twice a week for a month, then less and less frequently as required, until her health was completely restored.

In September 1896, and March 1897, there was a return of some of her old trouble, promptly dissipated by a few doses of Psorinum cm, and in future she may require it, or some other antipsoric, called for by the totality of her symptoms, until after she has safely passed her climacteric. No enlargement of the left ovary can now be detected. Her ovaries and uterus are still intact, menstruation regular and normal. She rides a wheel miles daily, and is enjoying life as well as ever.

This case demonstrates the truth of the law and the correctness of Hahnemann’s conclusions as given in the Organon, paragraph 70:

Everything of a really morbid character and which ought to be cured, that the physician can discover in diseases, consists solely of the sufferings of the patient, and the sensible alterations in his health, in a word, solely of the totality of the symptoms, by means of which the disease demands the medicine requisite for its relief; whilst, on the other hand, every internal cause attributed to it, every occult quality or imaginary material principle, is nothing but an idle dream.



About the author

H. C. Allen

Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.

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