Clinical Cases

Seven Brief Cases

Written by H. V. Halbert

H.V. Halbert MD (circa 1899), presents seven brief cases illustrating small remedies.

Cedron in Malarial Fever

Among the many cases of malarial fever in the soldiers who came under my care in Hahnemann Hospital, some failed to respond to the usual remedies. One in particular held on longer than the others, and yielded to no treatment in particular. The periodicity of his chills and fever was indeed “clocklike” in recurrence, and we would count upon the aggravations each day with the utmost accuracy. The enlargement of both the liver and spleen were pronounced and obstinate, more so than in any other case coming under my observation. The general anaemia was extreme, and there was a peculiar intermittent gastralgia occurring with the febrile crisis. In conjunction with these conditions there was a manifestation of choreic symptoms; these involved the face and shoulders mostly, and the twitchings were very bothersome during the interfebrile state; often there were hysterical spasms, which greatly debilitated the patient’s strength. The heart also became very irritable and somewhat irregular. The moment that Cedron was given he began to show signs of improvement, and it was continued until he was cured, in about three weeks.  We learn of the value of this remedy in such cases not only for the periodicity of the febrile aggravation, but for the nervous phenomena as well. Choreic and hysterical symptoms yield to its use, particularly when associated with malarial conditions, when the chill and fever return with such clocklike precision.

 Vesicaria In Acute Prostatitis

 Mr. H. was a hard working young man whose vocation demanded much outdoor exercise. During the recent inclement weather he contracted a severe cold and suffered somewhat with lumbago. Falling into the hands of some”orificial” enthusiast, his lame back was accounted for by the usual fissure and papillae theory. He suffered accordingly the customary financial and sphincter dilatation; his suffering, instead of being relieved, was greatly augmented, and soon he experienced the fever and extreme rigors incident to an acute attack of prostatitis. Micturition was painful and difficult and soon hematuria ensued; his pain and nervous exhaustion were so extreme that he was put into the hospital and for a time was only relieved by hypodermics of morphine. The urinalysis showed a decided presence of albumin, blood clots, and much pus. It was necessary to resort to the use of the catheter, and defecation was extremely painful. He was given Vesicaria Ix hourly for some time, and the relief, though gradual, was pronounced. The painful tenesmus was alleviated, and soon he was able to void the urine naturally. After three weeks of hospital care and the continued administration of this remedy he is about able to go to his home.

The value of this remedy is observed in its primary action upon the prostate and its secondary relief of the resulting cystitis. I am sure it is almost of specific value in such obstinate cases which are so difficult to cure.


Absinthium In Epileptoid Convulsions

Of the many remedies used in the unfortunate disease of epilepsy, this is one rarely thought of. Without doubt, however, it will be found to be of great value in many of the cases of minor character. The pronounced feature is the fact that there is not a complete loss of consciousness, and none of the important symptoms persist with any degree of regularity. It, therefore, is not of value in all typical cases of epilepsy, but is useful in many of the cases with simulating symptoms. The characteristic symptom is a peculiar vertigo, on rising, with a tendency to fall backward. This is often taken for a loss of consciousness. The following case may afford a good illustration :

 Mr. D., a man thirty-five years of age, had suffered with spells of this character and had been treated for a long time by the usual bromide methods. After my examination I concluded that it was not typical epilepsy and that vertigo was the real symptom. Attending this there were signs of constant cerebral and spinal congestion and all of the visceral symptoms which attend true epilepsy. He did not have a voracious appetite, but on the contrary was bothered with nausea and a tendency to frequent vomiting. There were evidences of persistent tremors and the epileptoid attacks partook more of the character of hysteria with opisthotonos. Absinthium relieved him entirely in the course of a few months. He was given five drop doses of the tincture four times daily for some time and then the third potency was used.


Chloride Of Gold In Diseases Of The Nervous System

Of the many remedies which have been experimented with in the degenerative diseases of the nervous system few have yielded results worthy of much consideration. Such diseases at best have, under  any treatment, manifested but slight tendency to recovery. Chloride of gold (Aurum mur) however, I believe, is a favorable exception. I have studied it in many complicated diseases, and I am now satisfied that it will accomplish more in sclerotic and exudative degenerations than any other remedy heretofore used. The following cases may be given as illustrations :

Multiple sclerosis Case 1: Mr. D., age forty-five, a teamster by vocation, was injured by a fall from his wagon. Some time later there were signs of spastic paraplegia, with the attendant symptoms of temperature, touch and pain sensation variations; fulgurating pains were quite pronounced ; tremors disturbed motor activity and various symptoms of medulla involvement were manifest. He soon became incapacitated for any work and his sufferings were intense. Previous to my assuming the case no relief had come to him from any form of treatment, and I did not entertain much hope of helping him myself. However, chloride of gold was given him in the second decimal potency—one tablet four times daily. This was continued for several months and the improvement was beyond my most sanguine expectations. The fulgurating pains have entirely disappeared; the tremor has lessened; the reflexes are more normal, and his general health has greatly improved. I fully believe that the progressive degeneration has been stopped, and that we can promise the man something in the nature of recovery.

Exudative localized meningitis. Case 2 :  Mrs. S., age thirty six, had suffered with severe paroxysmal pains in the left temporo-sphenoidal region. Her suffering became so severe and continuous that the strongest anodynes were resorted to for temporary relief. These after awhile failed to ease the pain, and as a last act of desperation she was placed in the hospital. By the aid of local applications and hypodermics of morphine she was temporarily comforted, but as soon as the opiate effect passed off her paroxysms were renewed with increasing furor. Chloride of gold 2x, one tablet five times daily, was given internally and the hypodermics of morphine were gradually stopped. In a few weeks her improvement was pronounced and she went home ; the remedy has been continued and she has had no return of her paroxysms.

Murrains disease  Case3. Mr. L., a cook by trade, appeared at my clinic with a well pronounced hypertrophy of all the fingers on both hands; in some of the fingers this had progressed until painless whitlows had formed with more or less disseminated necrosis; analgesia and anaesthesia were present and some atrophy had appeared in the hand and arm muscles. A brachial neuritis was the apparent causative factor and his hands were utterly useless in his business. He had been the rounds of all the clinics, and had undergone the usual strychnia treatment without any apparent results. Chloride of gold 2x was given for some time. The improvement is remarkable, and I expect a decidedly favorable result.

Excerpted from : The Clinique Vol. XX Chicago, March 15, 1899.  No. 3.

About the author

H. V. Halbert

H. V. Halbert, M. D., was Professor of Theory and Practice at Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Chicago. Circa 1899.

1 Comment

  • Thanks for sharing Dr Manish. Really nice and rare remedies. We should learn the way each clinical background is shahred.

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