Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
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Meningitis – Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic medicine for Meningitis

Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. The inflammation is usually caused by bacteria or viruses. Some of the more common symptoms of meningitis include fever, lethargy (decreased consciousness), or irritability. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine.

Are you looking for a homeopathic cure for meningitis? This article discusses the homeopathy treatment of meningitis along with the best homeopathic medicine for meningitis treatment.

Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. The inflammation is usually caused by bacteria or viruses (viral meningitis is also called aseptic meningitis). Less common causes include fungi, protozoa, and other parasites. Sometimes certain medications, cancers, or other diseases can inflame the meninges, although such noninfectious cases of meningitis are much rarer.

The first symptoms of meningitis may surface several days after a person has had a cold and runny nose, diarrhea and vomiting, or other signs of a bacterial or viral infection. Some of the more common symptoms of meningitis include fever, lethargy (decreased consciousness), or irritability. Older people may complain of a headache, photophobia (eye sensitivity to light), and a stiff neck, which is often noted by the doctor during a physical exam.

Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Meningitis

homeopathy remedies for meningitis treatment

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of homeopathic medicine for meningitis is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathic medicine for meningitis is not only to treat meningitis but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available for meningitis which can be selected on the basis of cause, location, sensation, modalities and extension of the complaints. For individualized homeopathic medicine for meningitis and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. Some important gout remedies are given below which are much helpful in treatment of meningitis symptoms:Homeopathy offers good prognosis to cases of meningitis .

#Belladonna [Bell]
Corresponds to the initial stages, where there is intense heat of the body, strong pulse, bright red face and delirium, where the cerebral irritation is marked by intense pain in the head, starting out of sleep crying out, grinding teeth. For simple meningitis, not the tubercular form, when everything is acute and intense; when effusion commences, however, it ceases to be the remedy. Aconite. Meningitis from heat of the sun’s rays after long exposure thereto, or cerebral congestions from anger. It is only useful at the onset. Fear is a marked symptom.

#Veratrum viride

Veratrum viride. Intense cerebral congestion, rapid pulse, tendency to convulsion, followed by prostration. Elliot considers Veratrum viride in the lower potencies our best remedy in acute meningitis. Coldness of the surface loss of consciousness, dilated pupils, labored,slow, irregular pulse.

#Helleborus. [Hell] 

Produces a condition of sensorial depression. Sees, hears, tastes imperfectly, and general muscular weakness, whichhelleborus ho medicine for meningitismeopathy may go on to complete paralysis, accompanied by dropsical effusions. Hence, a remedy in low states of vitality and serious disease. Characteristic aggravation from 4 to 8 pm. Sinking sensation. Slow in answering. Thoughtless; staring. Involuntary sighing. Complete unconsciousness. Picks lips and clothes. Forehead wrinkled in folds. Cold sweat. Stupefying headache. Rolls head day and night; moaning, sudden screams. Bores head into pillow; beats it with hands. Dull pain in occiput, with sensation of water swashing inside. Headache culminates in vomiting. Eyeballs turn upwards; squinting, vacant look. Pupils dilated. Eyes wide open, sunken. Suppressed; scanty, dark; coffee-grounds sediment. Frequent urging. Child cannot urinate. Bladder overdistended.

#Bryonia. [Bry]
Suits well cerebral effusions with a benumbed sensorium. The following will be useful indications upon which to prescribe Bryonia. Constant chewing motion with the mouth; when moved screams with pain; child stupid, abdomen distended; tongue white, pains are most sharp and stitching, and the patient drinks greedily; there is a livid flushed face, high temperature, copious sweats. Thus it is seen that Bryonia produces a characteristic image of meningitis and suits especially cases caused by suppressed eruption.

#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Here nervous agitation predominates ; there are shrill cries, stabbing pains ; the child puts its hand to its head and screams. There is an oedematous face, scanty urine, and the patient is thirstless, it suits especially infantile cases and especially the tubercular form due to an developed eruption.

#Cicuta virosa. [cic]

Cicuta is useful in the irritative stage when there are general convulsions, twitching in fingers and unconsciouness. It also markedly controls the effusion. The head is spasmodically drawn back with stiff neck. Violent jerks in any part of the body. Strangles on drinking, dilated pupils and staring look, trismus; one of our best remedies, having a fine clinical record.

#Zincum metallicum. [Zinc]
This remedy corresponds to the subacute form, especially if tubercular and due to suppressed eruptions. Febrile disturbance is absent or slight, there are marked twitching jerkings and hyperaesthesia of all the senses and skin,homeopathic medicine for meningitis treatment and tremulousness of the feet. At the beginning there are sharp lancinating pains and great exhaustion of nerve force. The 6X trituration is recommended.

#Sulphur. [Sulph]

Sulphur is useful in tubercular meningitis; the child lies in a stupor with cold sweat on forehead , jerking of limbs, spasms and suppressed urine. Retrocessed eruptions may be the cause. Tuberculinum and Calcarea carbonica may prove useful remedies. They corresponds to a basic or psoric taint which favors the development of the disease. Clarke advises Bacillinum 100th, which he claims is very prompt in its action. Cuprum suits cases marked with violent convulsions, thumbs clenched,loud screaming,face pale with blue lips. No remedy equals it in these conditions, but it is of more use in the later stages.

Meningitis Symptoms

Symptoms of meningitis can vary depending upon the underlying cause.

Bacterial meningitis

In bacterial meningitis symptoms usually begin suddenly and rapidly get worse. There are some early warning signs of bacterial meningitis that you may notice before the other symptoms appear.

Early warning signs

Bacterial meningitis has a number of early warning signs that can occur earlier than the other symptoms. These are:

  • pain in the muscles, joints or limbs, such as in the legs or hands
  • unusually cold hands and feet, or shivering
  • pale or blotchy skin and blue lips

Early symptoms

The early symptoms of bacterial meningitis are similar to those of many other conditions, and include:

  • a severe headache
  • fever
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • feeling generally unwell

Later symptoms

  • drowsiness
  • confusion
  • seizures or fits
  • being unable to tolerate bright lights (photophobia) – this is less common in young children
  • a stiff neck – also less common in young children
  • a rapid breathing rate
  • a blotchy red rash that does not fade or change colour when you place a glass against it – the rash is not always present

Meningitis in Babies and young children

The symptoms of bacterial meningitis are different in babies and young children. Possible symptoms include:

  • becoming floppy and unresponsive, or stiff with jerky movements
  • becoming irritable and not wanting to be held
  • unusual crying
  • vomiting and refusing feeds
  • pale and blotchy skin
  • loss of appetite
  • staring expression
  • very sleepy with a reluctance to wake up
  • Some babies will develop a swelling in the soft part of their head (fontanelle).

Viral meningitis

Most people with viral meningitis will have mild flu-like symptoms, such as:

  • headaches
  • fever
  • generally not feeling very well

In more severe cases of viral meningitis symptoms may include:

  • neck stiffness
  • muscle or joint pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • photophobia (sensitivity to light)

Diagnosis of Meningitis

Meningitis is diagnosed mainly by CSF analysis. Because meningitis can be serious and lumbar puncture is a safe procedure, lumbar puncture should usually be done if there is any suspicion of meningitis.


Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th ed, McGraw-Hill

Davidson’s Principles and Practise of Medicine, 17th ed, 1996, Churchill Livingstone

New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory, William Boericke, 2nd revised ed., 2001, B. Jain

The above information about homeopathy treatment of meningitis is only for information purpose. Please consult a professional homeopath before taking any homeopathic medicine for meningitis .

Meningitis Cases Cured with Homeopathic Medicine

Seven Brief Cases – by H. V. Halbert

About the author

Dr. Manish Bhatia

- BCA, M.Sc Homeopathy (UK), CICH (Greece), MD (Hom)
- Associate Professor, Organon & Homeopathic Philosophy, SKH Medical College, Jaipur
- Founder Director of
- Editor, Homeopathy for Everyone
- Co-author - Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles and Research
- Author - Lectures on Organon of Medicine vol 1, 2, 3. CCH Approved. (English, German, Bulgarian)
- Awardee - Raja Pajwan Dev Award for Excellence in the Field of Medicine; APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Homeopathy Education
- Visit Dr. Bhatia's website

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