Homeopathy Software


Written by Gary Weaver

A discussion of the features available from and benefits of the Polony & Weaver OpenRep SYNOPSIS software.

Polony and Weaver are the creators of the OpenRep SYNOPSIS program. This powerful suite of repertories, Materia Medicae and homoeopathic literature, is available to be used from the security Dongle we supply, in both MAC and Windows. The program can also be installed on a machine, but can only be run with the Dongle inserted.

The cornerstone of the SYNOPSIS program is the updated and completely revised Therapeutic Pocket Book. Taking over 5 years of research, the T.P.B has been translated and corrected, using a comparison between the hand written original manuscript and the original published first edition. Again from original sources, we have corrected numerous incorrect grades assigned to medicines, and have made adjustments where medicines have been inserted wrongly.



The original Boenninghausen layout in the German has been retained. We have used the familiar Allen’s layout for the English German and Hebrew versions.  This has allowed the use of the Concordances which we have also included in the Repertory. Many hundreds of hours were spent, with the aid of German speakers, medical dictionaries and other works of the 18th and 19th century in translating the exact meaning of each rubric from the German. We were then able to publish the work in German, English, Spanish and Hebrew (Other languages are being worked on).  Each rubric has an I.D. number which corresponds to the same rubric in different languages, so a person transferring a case, or a lecturer in another language can quickly show the rubric in the language of the observer.

We have a large list of other repertories in the program for using Kent’s updated final general, Boger Boenninghausen, Allen etc, 17 repertories in all at present. We also have the KENT in basic Spanish.

There are over 300 Materia Medicas and texts in the program. (A complete list of all the books and repertories can be seen on the http://homeopathyonline.org website.) All the material in the program can be searched from the repertory, by search word, by word connections, by reverse materia Medica and by rubrics. It is one of the most powerful search engines available.

Prices starting from $299

About the author

Gary Weaver

Dr. Gary Weaver D.O. rM.D., Dhommed I.H.M., H.A.Delhi., M.C.C.H (England), H.B.C.C. (India)., Dgrad H.I.Sydney.

Dr. Weaver began his studies in Homoeopathy in 1979 training in England and India. In 1987 he became the co-founder of the Manchester College of Classical Homoeopathy and in 1989 founded the Leeds College of Classical Homoeopathy. In 1990 he founded the Institute for Homoeopathic Medicine in Dublin Ireland. In 1990 he opened the Kuopio Homoeopathic Education and Research Association in Finland. From 2003-2007 he conducted research into the original repertory of Boenninhausen, and for three years after was co- director of OpenRep, designing and selling homoeopathic software.
Dr. Weaver has presented seminars in Australia, India, Finland and England.

1 Comment

  • Dear Gary Weaver,

    For the record – the examination of each and every rubric within TT against the sources was done by our Hahnemann Institute Sydney alone, over a period of 5 years (1995-2000) for TBR & a further 10 years (2000-2010) for TBR2.

    In your private conversations with me over the past 2-3 years, you clearly stated you took some months to copy and theoretically translate (using a dictionary) the German (using a single noon-German speaking native) translator. So what you have stated is simply untrue.

    So please correct your statements to reflect the facts, and explain how it is you came to make such claims in the first place.

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