Clinical Cases

A Case of Herpes –HSV-1

Dr. Pilar Casaseca Gonzalez presents a very brief case of acute Herpes – HSV-1

There are lots of patients who get daily benefits from homeopathy and get some undeniable improvement from such a disturbing pathology as Herpes Simplex. The advantage, is that after treatment with homeopathy, these symptoms occur less often and sometimes don’t appear again for many years. Below I briefly describe a case of Herpes – HSV-1.

The patient is a 30 year old female who works as a psychologist. Since she was a child she has suffered from at least three episodes of Herpes on her lips every year, and has been treated with antiviral ointments. On May 9th she called to inform me that she was suffering from Herpes on her lips, with high temperature, itching, severe chills and she felt in terrible physical condition. She was worried as she had been warned about developing encephalitis. She had applied aloe to the affected area.

This is the homeopathic treatment I offered to her:

  • Arsenicum Album 9 CH, every hour
  • Rhus Toxicodendron 15 CH, every hour
  • Mercurius Solubilis 9 CH, every 8 hours
  • Topical Calendula tincture.


The improvements appeared immediately and there was general amelioration as well as improvement in local symptoms. For that reason I started to diminish the frequency of treatment. Both Arsenicum and Rhus Tox were then administrated two times per day each. By May 12th I was able to stop the remedies altogether.

Attached are some pictures to illustrate. She only feels uncomfortable with the left wound tightness and that is why I have recommended continuing the Calendula Gel on the affected area.

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About the author

Pilar Casaseca Gonzalez

Dr. Pilar Casaseca Gonzalez holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Salamanca where she specialized in homeopathy. Currently, she is President of the Homeopathic Medical Association of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, located at the College of Physicians. She has been a member of the Association of Naturopathic Doctors of Spain since 1988.
Dra. Pilar Casaseca Gonzalez
Colegiada 4223
Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Islas Canarias. España
Teléfono: 659 569 611

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