Clinical Cases

A Case of ASD Treated with the CEASE Protocol and Single Homeopathic Remedies

Written by Nimrod Rosberg

Homeopath Nimrod Rosberg uses the CEASE approach to treat a three year old boy diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

tinus smits cease therapy

Tinus Smits

Developed by Dr. Tinus Smits from the Netherlands, CEASE therapy is widely used in Europe and North America. Since this method or treatment was shown to be very successful, Dr. Smits’ students and colleagues have continued to develop and spread it all over the world, even after his death.

CEASE Therapy is based primarily on homeopathic remedies. It uses Isopathy, which is a form of homeopathy intended to clear the various causative factors of autism and other modern diseases that are created as a result of accumulated excess toxins, and combines homeopathy and orthomolecular supplements in a therapeutic procedure that restores the child’s health.

After treating many hundreds of children, Dr. Smith and his CEASE therapy colleagues concluded that the method could be used successfully in treating most cases of autism at all levels of severity.

The deep toxic effects of these factors can be seen when children begin to respond to homeopathic remedies made from causative factors. The reactions to these Isopathic remedies are so evident, that they practically remove any doubt regarding the connection between toxins and the development of autism. In this way, Dr. Smits found out why the percentage of autism and other behavioral disorders, along with their specific developmental problems, had increased so dramatically in the last 20 years. During his work it has been shown time and again that children with autism were affected not by one single factor, but by an accumulation of various factors.

For further reading you may refer to the organization’s site

Case Description:

January 7th, 2013

Sam was brought to me two years ago at age three, after he was diagnosed with ASD.  Sam was the first child of a second marriage. His mother was 41 years old and his father 45 years when he was born. (He has a sister one year younger than himself, who, over the time of our meetings, also seemed to suffer from communication problems). His complexion was pale, almost transparent. He did not make eye contact, and seemed not to notice me at all. He very rarely communicated, and did so through strange high sounds. He had short bursts of hysterical crying, for no clear reason. He could also suddenly laugh for no evident reason. Most of the time he was calm. Other people’s company didn’t bother him, but large gatherings and crowds did. He did not refer to objects by their designated function; he liked to sort them by color. He had a strong interest in colors in general.

If there was something that he didn’t want to do he just wouldn’t do it, insisting in a quiet and passive way, without any defiant behavior.  He was not interested at kindergarten and showed no desire to cooperate in activities. If someone tried to force him, he could cry and get angry. Up to when he was one year old, he made clear eye contact. He was vaccinated until the age of 18 months with no visible responses or aggravations. For the first two years of his life he was mostly at home, and did not see much of the world. He was not breastfed because his mother had plastic surgery some twenty years before, which damaged her milk ducts. During her pregnancy, his mother smoked marijuana and cigarettes. His childbirth was difficult. It took place in week 42 and she received Pitocin induction and Epidural analgesia at the hospital. Contractions began, but without dilation. The umbilical cord was wrapped around Sam’s neck and they did not see a pulse for a few seconds. Finally, a midwife pressed on his mother’s belly from outside and reached in to help the child out. The water broke out with him. Apgar score was 10. He did not show any sign of distress when he came out. His mother was very nervous and suspicious towards the staff during the whole process.

Sam did not respond to pain or discomfort – he cried only in response to a serious bump or hit. He was clumsy, bumping into things, although he did try to be careful. There was a roughness, like hives, on the skin of his limbs since he was born. His mother used large amounts of LSD for about two years until, she became pregnant with him. During the third trimester she received inhalations of a bronchodilator medication (Ventolin). She used a hormonal intrauterine device (Mirena) from age 30 to 40. Before that, she took contraceptive pills from the age of 20. She went through general anesthesia several times: during plastic surgery at age 20, during gastric surgery at age 29, during dental treatment at age 33, which was hard to wake up from, and at least two more anesthetics on other occasions. She said that she felt very comfortable being in that place – asleep – and that she had to remind herself of her children in order to wake up (she had two other children from a previous marriage).

Nutrition – Sam hardly eats, still feeds from a bottle, drinks plenty of water.


Remedy:  Cann-i 1M

This was based on the general impression of Sam’s “non-presence” (not being here), the difficult birth experience, that he did not want to enter the world, apathy, unexplained laughter, his mother’s drug history and his fascination with colors.


Follow-up March 17th, 2013

Response: Sam’s parents said that he seemed more focused, and that they received more looks from him. Apart from that there was no obvious change. The remedy seemed appropriate, and I expected a more significant response.

At that point I decided to go through the CEASE protocol. There were many causative factors in the case, but there was no clear response to any specific substance that influenced the boy. Ton Jansen introduced the practice of the ‘Hierarchy of layers’ of substances that could affect and disrupt the vital force and the order in which they should be removed according to their impact on the human economy. This is a guiding principle, not a rule to determine the treatment. In addition, he (and other homeopaths) introduced the use of poly-remedies containing multiple items from similar substances, which facilitates finding the appropriate substance and helps expose the patient to a faster and more efficient cleaning process than neutralizing each substance at a time. The remedy must be made from similar substances, which come from the same corresponding layer (e.g. vaccine remedy, remedy from different types of antibiotics, volatile substances remedy). Different ‘families’ of materials should not be mixed. His experience (as well as my own) is that there are no side effects or proven symptoms from giving remedies in this manner.



Sam received a course of poly-contraceptive 30k, 200k, 1mk, 10mk. Four times each remedy. Multiple exposures to hormones is the first layer to be removed when there is no other indication. Here I would like to address the issue of repetition of a remedy for a number of times and in various potencies. Tinus Smits saw that in most cases it was necessary to give the remedy in different potencies in order to cover the whole  range of energetic imprints. Most of the time, these potencies are sufficient. But it is not unlikely that lower and higher potencies are  needed as well. In addition he saw that repetition of each dosage was needed in order to regulate the interference of each layer. Addressing

the possibility of a too frequent repetition of the remedy and the fear of suppression, Tinus Writes:


(from: Inspiring Homeopathy  p. 49)

The frequency of repetition of the remedy and suppression

“After careful observation and an extensive experience over the years, I came to the conclusion that waiting for a long time after the administration of a high potency (30K or more) until there is a relapse again is a waste of time and hinders the prosperous cure of the patient. Surely, JT Kent in his XXXVIth Lecture warns us against a too hasty second prescription, prescribing a different remedy on the remaining symptoms, and that is, indeed, a practice to be avoided.

BUT some lines further he says: ‘The early repetition of the medicine and the continued giving of the same medicine will prevent anything like an opportunity for the making of a second prescription.’

Later, George Vithoulkas and some followers of his school made ​​a cult out of this and taught that we should wait months or even years before repeating the remedy, warning us about spoiled cases. I tried all this out in practice, as I did with all the homeopathic rules, and experience proved to me that this was based on incorrect observation.

At the time of Hahnemann and later Kent, everybody believed that only allopathic drugs were able to suppress symptoms. Only in recent times is the conviction held among homoeopaths that it is quite possible to suppress symptoms with homeopathic remedies. This suppression can last for months when very high potencies are used, but this suppression is possible only once with the same remedy. As soon as the remedy is repeated the symptoms come back immediately. This would not be possible if during the intervening months the patient was really in a curative process; then, at least, symptoms would need some time to reappear again. This means that the correct remedy, that we are used to calling the simillimum, will never antidote the reaction of the patient, even if it is repeated too early. If repeated too frequently this remedy will eventually cause an aggravation of the symptoms or, in rare cases, proving symptoms. But when this frequent repetition is stopped long enough, this aggravation will disappear spontaneously and the cure will progress again. If, on the contrary, the action after the remedy is broken off by the early repetition of the remedy, this remedy was suppressive and the correct remedy still has to be given.”


Follow-up May 30th, 2013:

During and after the course, the signs of improvement were as following:

Acute disease of throat inflammation.

A huge improvement (according to parents) in Sam’s lack of interest, and in his attitude at home and at kindergarten. He was less apathetic. They described him as more dynamic and more social with other children.

He was more independent, needed less help in doing things. He demonstrated more independence in his work with his speech therapist. He began showing interest in numbers and letters.

He became more assertive and persistent when something interested him.

He began using the hand of people he trusted as a tool for doing things (showing initiative).

He responded to his younger sister (which didn’t occur before). He made more physical contact with his parents – hugs and snuggles.

He stopped feeding from a bottle.

Language – he started to babble, something that he used to do in the past but stopped. Now it returned.

The skin rash disappeared.

In general, his parents said that since starting the course he “opened up”. The felt as if he was “here”, only lacking language. They also got the feeling that he wanted to be here. The teachers at kindergarten said that he had a huge leap.

In our conversation at the clinic Sam’s mother talked a lot about the sense of waiting, which came up after Sam was born. They waited for time to pass, they felt stuck. They each felt alone, there was very little communication.



Sam still exhibited significant autistic traits, but there is no doubt that there was a change. He was much more “out there”, he was more independent and more communicative. Because of the issue of waiting / being stuck, which came up clearly during consultation, and that the ideas of “coming down” and “coming out” were the prominent and dominant issues that were going on now, I chose to give him the remedy Helium, in order to help him materialize more in the world. This was what he was trying to do now, but with difficulty and not completely.

Remedy : Helium 1M


Follow-up  August 5th, 2013:

Unexplained outbursts of crying began, deep, harsh crying. However, the kindergarten teachers called Sam’s parents to say that he became more alert and more aware of his surroundings. They said he was also more reactive to people and things that happened around him.

Then the crying reduced and Sam began to show anger when he did not like what was happening, such as when he thought his parents were leaving him with his grandparents. This was a big change from his previous apathetic approach. With time the frequency of the crying outbursts and anger tantrums declined, and their reasons became clearer.

He continued to make physical contact and began kissing his parents with affection.

He liked being at the pool, which scared him the previous summer.

He showed more attention to his sister, both positive and negative.

He started playing toy musical instruments. His playing matched the essence of the toy more than before.

His skin rash came back after eating nuts.



CEASE Protocol of General Anesthesia.

30k, 200k, 1mk, 10mk. Four times each remedy


Follow-up  September 29th, 2013:

There was an increase in his attempts to express himself, and he made a lot of effort to pronounce syllables. He showed interest in body parts, and asked to know their names.

He started shaking his head from side to side.

He became interested in books, asked to be read to and read to himself.

He felt very good at his kindergarten, trying hard to pronounce syllables. With the MK the area of his speech improved very much. He was very happy about this.

He started mimicking other people’s movements.

He started moving more freely in the water, not needing support at all.

Skin – became redder. It did not seem to bother him.



Wait one month and then a short course of poly contraceptive (2 doses of each potency), to see if there was more to clear up at that layer.


Follow-up December 20th, 2013:

I could see at the clinic that Sam was much more present. They said the same was true at home and at the kindergarten.

He paid more attention to what other children did. He was less stressed by his surroundings and by new places.

He showed keen interest in words and groups of things, such as animals, fruit, vegetables, children at his kindergarten.

He developed a wider range of facial expressions.

He showed a lot of motivation to participate at kindergarten.

He had outbursts of crying and frustration, followed by lots of babbling (sounds, syllables).

There was an aggravation of his fixations on his ceremonies – a small deviation from them led to crying and shouting.

He showed more emotions. Kissed his teacher.

When he failed in something, he got very frustrated and did not want to try again.

After the 10mk came many emotional tantrums. He received two more doses in diluted water, which helped him overcome.



It seemed that while he was more open to the world and other things, he was having trouble dealing with it and was developing more fixations and stubbornness.

Remedy: Carc-c-c. 30c once a week as needed, for treating sensitivity and rigidity.

(To read more about this remedy and tinus’s Inspiring homeopathy go to: )

Six weeks later the remedy was stopped, after the stubbornness and fixations were significantly reduced.


February 18th, 2014:

Sam’s parents called to say that he has stridor attacks.  He was aided with Ip. 30c and Ant-t. 30c alternately.


Follow-up March 2nd, 2014:

The Stridor came back, not improving by Ip. and Ant-t. Sam’s appetite was good, he had blushed cheeks, a good spirit, and a dry cough. He received Bell 30c and woke up like a new person.

A few days later he started wheezing and coughing in the evening. Sam’s parents gave him liquid Belladonna 30c on their own account, for several days in a row. Each time they did it, it calmed his breathing. 10 days later they reported violent rage outbursts when he got excited.

At kindergarten they had positive things to say. He exceeded the limits of what they expected of him. He started speaking in sentences; his use of words became more and more suitable to their meaning!


Follow-up May 5th, 2014:

Sam’s improvement in communication continued. He began to learn English letters, and was very interested in it.

His skin cleared.

The kindergarten reported continuous improvement in speech and communication.

He was showing more openness to people, it seemed he was more comfortable with the environment.

He ate a very small variety of food, especially Carbohydrates.

He became very frustrated when he didn’t get what wanted; could pinch.



Helium 10M, three doses day after day. on June 1st, 2014.


Following this treatment, he cried in the evenings every day, for a week. His parents described it as strong emotional outbursts of sadness.

After that, he began looking people in the eyes more.

He lost his appetite.

He had a cold for a few days.

(Again, we can see how the emotional and physical aggravation is followed by a communicative improvement).


For the next 4 months he continued his linguistic and motor improvement. His ability to concentrate improved as well.

He ate more, still a very limited range of food.

His desire to communicate grew – he communicated through whatever was convenient; looks, songs, physical gestures. He began to send text messages through his father’s phone to people he was fond of – he wrote them words that he liked. At the same time there were tantrums, their reasons not always clear.

At that time consultation sessions stopped due to difficulties in the family. They continued to contact me for acute care, and for treating other family members.

To my understanding they were happy with Sam’s improvement and their need for more homeopathic care for him reduced.

The last time I saw Sam he still met the category of ASD. However, there was no doubt about the change he underwent during the treatment. The initial goal of initiating Sam’s speech ability was achieved, and moreover, he became much more communicative and emotionally healthy.  Each break out of his “bubble” was usually accompanied by emotional difficulties and new challenges, but Sam was much more “here” than he was the first time I saw him.

I believe there is room for more CEASE therapy in this case. I hope that Sam’s parents decide to return for more regular visits in the future, in order to allow for that happen.

About the author

Nimrod Rosberg

Nimrod Rosberg, RCHom. Graduated from the school of classical homeopathy - Haifa, in 2010 and was certified in CEASE therapy at Cambridge, UK in 2011. He works as a Homeopath in Kiryat Tivon and Haifa, Israel treating children and adults suffering the ailments encompassed by homeopathy.


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