Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Agro Homeopathy

Ask the Plant Doctor – January 2012

kaviraj jan image

Begin a healthy new year for your plants.

Each month V.D. Kaviraj answers questions about plants and plant problems. Kaviraj is one of the foremost pioneers of Agro-homeopathy and author of the book, Homeopathy for Farm and Garden.

The completely revised and enlarged edition with an additional 176 pages is now available:

Send your questions! (with pictures when possible -JPG or GIF format) to [email protected] with the subject “Plant Doctor”.

Note: When I refer to treating plants with homeopathic remedies, this is the standard dosing procedure: Put 20 drops of a 6X potency in a litre of water. Succuss the bottle 50 times. Put this litre in the watering can,fill it up with 19 litres of tap water and stir. If the watering can is smaller, the amount of remedy put in must be proportionally smaller. Thus a 10 litre can needs only ½ litre and just 10 drops of the remedy. Apply the contents of the watering can to the roots of the plants to be treated.

Dear Kaviraj,

I have planted a bunch of bamboo plants in the house in a glass pot and I change the water after 5-7 days. One of the plants was yellowing, so I checked and found that the 1st layer of the same was rotten. I removed them with a knife and it stopped rotting but yellowing remains, and at the same time almost all leaves of all plants are yellowing. The days are very cold here. During summer, the tips of the leaves gets dry .

Please suggest medicine for both cases of yellowing and drying. I have kept them for the past 04 years and love them a lot.

with regards,



Kaviraj: Dear Mr Ojha,

First replant them in larger pots. If the pots are too small, the earth is all gone and thus they dry out faster. Plants need earth to grow in. Then also give Ferrum phos.


Dear Dr.Kaviraj

I wish you a Happy NEW Year. In the Chikku plant during rainy season, Phytopthera really creates havoc. Can you please suggest the remedy.


Prashant Raut

Kaviraj: Prashant, the best remedy is Silicea. If that does not work, try Carbo veg.


Dear Kaviraj,

Last year, in spite of much hard work, we developed blossom end rot on our tomatoes. Is there a way to prevent that?

Thank you

Christine DePaul


These symptoms indicate there is not enough calcium, so that the fruit cannot properly form. The best remedy is Calcarea carbonica.


Dear Dr. Kaviraj,

The third year I planted cabbage it was attacked by cabbage worms. It seems to be common here in Australia. Can I use some holistic method?

Many thanks

Joseph Dowling

Kaviraj :

Hi Joseph,

The best remedy for this is Syrphinilida, but if that is not available, Thuja or Ledum will also do.


About the author

V.D. Kaviraj

V.D. Kaviraj is a Dutch homeopath, author, researcher and pioneer in Agrohomeopathy. He is also Vice President, World Homoeopathic Association UK Chapter. He has written textbooks on various aspects of homeopathy including "Homeopathy for Farm and Garden", which is now available in seven languages. The revised and enlarged edition with 376 pages has just been published :


  • Dear Doctor,
    Thank you so much for your help in agriculture.I am a big fan of Homeopathy and my family’s most diseases and discomforts are helped by Homeopathy only.
    2 years ago we bought our first house in North Carolina ,USA and are greatly challenged by the lawn(an acre lot ).We tried to fertilize the lawn with city compost last year and as a result we got different kinds of weeds all over.We are not thinking of herbicides or round-up till now.But do not know how to get rid of the weeds.Also we are ready to overseed the lawn. My questions are:-
    1.How can we get rid of the weeds by using homeopathy?
    2.What grass seed would be compatible in an organic environment?
    Please help with your insight.Last year i had greatest success in my organic kitchen garden using information from your blog.
    thanks for all your love to the planet and its people.

  • Dear Dr Kaviraj sir,
    Please kindly advise me to kill the weeds with our homeo or organics in my henna farm,
    planted 32 inches between line to line.and also suggest me for spraying on apids and other
    leaf damaging pests.
    Henna using for hair dying with natural orange colour.
    Thanking you,
    with regards
    Visweswara rao Y.

  • I had a question regarding a bamboo plant. It randomly started to yellow at the top of the plant and the yellow ness has grown significantly over the week. I’ve tried changing water and moving locations but nothing has worked:( any sidgesstions?

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