Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Agro Homeopathy

The Plant Doctor – May 2016 – Radko Tichavsky

The Plant Doctor – May 2016 – Radko Tichavsky

Our plant doctor, Radko Tichavsky, answers your questions about houseplants and crops. Send your questions to [email protected]

Our plant doctors Radko Tichavshy, Mark Moodie and Pawan Singhania weigh in on your plant problems.

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Radko TIchavsky           Mark Moodie            Pawan Singhania

Radko Tichavsky is a Czech born Mexican Agrohomeopath. He is a co-founder and director of Instituto Comenius in Mexico and author of Handbook of Agrohomeopathy, 2007 (Spanish) and Homeopathy for Plants, 2009 (Spanish) and creator and teacher of Holohomeopathy.   El 04/12/2014, a las 15:36, Radko Tichavsky [email protected]

Mark Moodie hosts the website Considera which provides a growing M.M and Repertory for plants and discusses resources for biodynamics and Agrohomeopathy The website allows the world community to contribute their experiences in planting.

Agrohomeopathy Course!

Radko Tichavskyi is now offering a one semester virtual course in Agrohomeopathy (in English). You can learn how to define and analyze holons and how to repertorize the specific homeopathic treatment beyond just disease or pest names. You can find out more here:

Our plant doctor, Radko Tichavsky, answers your questions about houseplants and crops for May 2016. Send your questions to [email protected]  Please include your approximate location and climate.

Dear Radko Tichavsky,

Last year much of our crop of tomatoes and peppers was destroyed by aphids. Is there a homeopathic remedy or other natural means to deal with, or prevent that problem?  We live in New Jersey (U.S.) which has moderate weather and rainfall. Our postal zip code is 08102.

MAY 2016 Plant Doctor

Thank you

William Gomberg

Radko Tichavsky:  

Dear William,

Too much nitrogen in the soil can result in accelerated growth of plants, but these produce soft tissues, which along with excess nitrogen on the undersides of leaves are very attractive to aphids. The solution is to provide calcium to plants which hardens the skin of the plants and makes it more difficult for the aphids to penetrate the epidermis of the plant, because the alimentary stylet of aphids is already very smooth.  Interweave tomato plants and peppers with rue, rosemary and basil plants, with its volatile organic compounds and you will control aphids.
Apply Calcarea carbonica 6 CH once a week. You can also prepare a nosode of aphids. Place half the volume of live aphids in half volume of ethyl alcohol, and from this mother tincture (after maturing it for one week) prepare dynamization to the 6 CH potency. Apply once every two weeks for two months.

Dear Plant Doctor,

We planted too soon this year and it’s still a bit cold outside. Is there any way to protect seedlings from the effects of lower temperatures?   Also, many seedlings grown in paper cups are very delicate and die soon after being replanted. Is there a remedy that will help them take root and withstand the first few days of being replanted?  We live in New York (U.S.).

Thank you

Claire O’brien

Radko TIchavsky:

Dear Claire, you can apply Carbo vegetabilis at the 12 CH potency to protect your crops from the cold. You can also use Larrea tridentata 12 CH. Form around the trunks of the plants, small piles of soil, or by mulching, and these will help to protect the root system from freezing. During the cold season the plants require higher nitrogen (eg in the form of sheep dung) and good irrigation. As for the formation of a strong root system use, Calcarea carbonica 6 CH.

Dear Radko Tichavsky,

Some of our neighbors’crops developed mosaic virus, with wrinkled leaves and stunted growth.  Is there a way we can prevent this from happening to our tomato crop? We live in Southern Ontario, Canada.

MAY 2016 Plant Doctor,.

Thank you

George Taylor

Radko Tichavsky:

Dear George,

The mosaic virus is mainly transmitted through aphids, which have to be controlled in tomato crops for example with Calcarea carbonica 6 CH and Ricinus communis 6 CH alternated with nosode of aphids on 6 CH potency and using as companion planting basil, rosemary and rue. The viruses can also be transmitted through hand contact of smokers, by contact with plants contaminated by the virus (all plants belonging to the Solanaceae family to which tobacco also belongs). Instruments not sanitized with alcohol or contact with people (or their clothes) that have touched affected plants may be a means of transmission. The contaminated plants can be treated by applying Salix babylonica 12 CH and Arsenicum album 12 CH alternated.

Dear Mr. Tichavsky,

For two seasons cabbage worms (Pieris rapae) have eaten more of our cabbage than we did!  We live in Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S. We have hot summers and cold winters with average rainfall.  The postal zipcode is 30304.

MAY 2016 Plant Doctor.

Thank you

Gertrude Hamilton

Radko Tichavsky

Dear Getrude,

Sambucus nigra 6 CH, Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea) 6 CH, Urtica urens 6 CH or Colocasia esculenta 3 CH are excellent corrective remedies. You can use a little  olive oil as adjuvant. It is very important not to overdo the use of manure from cows and other compounds with high nitrogen content during the summer period. Do not plant Brassicaceae plants in successive seasons in the same place. You can alter them for example with onions or garlic, asparagus, beets or potatoes.

About the author

Radko Tichavsky

Radko Tichavsky was born in the Czech republic. He has lived in Mexico for more than 25 years and is one of the most important agrohomeopaths in Latin America. He is the author of the book "Manual de Agrohomeopatia", a homeopathy book on plants. Radko teaches agrohomeopathy in several countries and regularly publishes articles in special journals and internet portals. He works as a researcher and teacher at the university and has already taught agrohomeopathy to many students. He is the director of the Comenius Institute ( More details can be found in the following interview:

About the author

Pawan Singhania

Switched from chemical and poison use to Organic to Biodynamic to Biovedic methods of gardening and farming. Engaged in biological landscape designing, execution and maintenance for my living. Currently working on applied research on Bioenergetics and Agro-homeopathy.

About the author

Mark Moodie

For 25 years Mark Moodie has been fascinated by holistic approaches to tending the land. He hosts the website Considera which provides a growing M.M and Repertory for plants and discusses resources for biodynamics and Agrohomeopathy The website allows the world community to contribute their experiences in planting. He has also published books by V.D. Kaviraj and other cutting edge thinkers through Mark Moodie Publications . Mark Moodie lives in the Forest of Dean as a satellite / parasite of Oaklands Park Camphill Community. He is co-inventor of the ES4 and AirFlush water-saving sanitaryware. He would like to bring scientific rigor to the study of the spirit.


  • I want to start my personal clinic. As a plant and agriculture or farmer doctor.
    Please guide me
    How to work?
    How to select homoeopathic medicine for agriculture.

    • Dear Dr. Kapil Vyas,
      I recommend the book of Das Kaviraj. I started with this book, too. Last week we (a farmer and me) began to treat a field with vegetables (organic). For the whole field I used Venus (mental healing), it rains a lot at the moment. And the part, where Rumex crispus replaces the cabbage I took Mercurius. Each case is different. Psylliodes in the cabbage? On that field it was a lac remedy, I think it was lac f. I have the advantage to contact my ET homeopath, who advises me the perfect remedy/potency/dose. With a home plant I checked the remedy Meitnerinum. It is very near to Mercurius. I think the effect eg. on leaves depends much more on the structure of the metallic cristall and not the amount of electrons (sorry, Mr Scholten :-)) I would by happy to help you with your farm. Regards from Germany, Sabine

  • Dear Dr. Kapil, the agrohomemopathy is a discipline of experimentation, although it has been written relatively much about it, much of the literature is built by anthropocentric or speculative deductions, part is represented by laboratory experiments, replicable only in the laboratory, but little useful in agricultural praxis, actually other part it is discovered by direct experiences of farmers, very useful but often with lack of order in the repertorizations and applications. So the first task of a agrohomeopath is turn to experimentation and testing, first at small scale, then grow to medium and large scale and select from the vast amount of information the reliable data.
    The second task is to understand that the agrohomeopathy have many common but also many divergent points with human homeopathy as the “human homeopathy” treat a single specie considered ill: humans.
    in agrohomeopathy we cure a set of organisms in a symbiotic-antagonistic relationship grouped in a holon, then the patient is not a single individual or a group of individuals of the same species, but many species linked and grouped in a dynamic balance (in case of health ) or dynamic imbalance (in case of illness). This marks a notable difference with “human homeopathy”.
    The third condition for the work of a agrohomeopath be successful is to know a little about the physiology of plants and organisms, “pathogens” and “non pathogens” and about it´s deployment of secondary metabolites, and their metabolic pathways, understanding their appearance in the holon, is not like simple pest or disease to be fought, but have to be understand as a symptom of imbalance expressed by the holon.
    Fourth condition is not underestimate,distinguish, and listen signals intelligence of holon and their parts. They are living like eachother and often their life performace shows greater wisdom than ours, I confirm it often and I express it with all humility.
    Fifth condition to be successful in agrohomeopathy is to understand that not all human polycrests are equal to agricultural polycrests and vice versa. Agrohomeopathy materia medica is stil being built.
    Sixth condition is to learn new laboratory agrohomeopathic techniques, including dinamisations different to Hahnemanian decimal or centesimal ones, for example live nosodes or dynamizations Tichavsky-Jenichen.
    Seventh very important condition is to learn to prepare, dosify and apply homeopathy in large quantities in crops.
    Eighth condition is learning to use adyuvants, this intensified action of homeopathy in plants, because weather conditions (UV) can rapidly decompose to homeopathy,
    The ninth condition is to understand that the agrohomeopath is not just a mere observer, but is part of the holon and its vital progress takes place in conjunction with the holon.
    And the tenth condition is summarizing for my whole the agrohomeopathy and holohomeopathy, maybe it will sound to some as too philosophical or poetic: unconditional love for all living beings, even organisms apparently very pathogenic express resonance with the life and seek transcend and finally will evolve in harmony with the holon.
    Radko Tichavsky

  • Hello, again,
    Dear Mr Tichavsky, you know so much more about agrohomeopathy than me. I only observe my plants, the nature etc. In the Link below you will find some pictures from my home plant, treated with Meitnerium. Why Mt??? Because Meitnerium helped me so much. I killed the lamps at the street…I had too much energy, typical for actinides.

  • Yesterday I discovered uncultivated land without soll, but a lot of stones. There I found plants which “follow” me. Mother earth helps me to find the correct remedies. And there are plants with black louses. I ask every time WHY are there snails, louses..? There is a conflict? The earth shows us everything.
    The most amazing thing is that the earth gives me grain for free. Look at the pictures

    • Dear Sabine, the holon contains a fathomless amount of balancing mechanisms, and sometimes pests and diseases could be seen from the human point of view as the bad guys. But they are really nothing more than the expression of an effort by the holon of automatically updating, harmonized and debugged.
      It is interesting to observe the attractors and rivers of attractions in the holon, which of course include humans, but there happen even more interesting events, if you disperse some of your dynamized urine or saliva to connect with a particular holon. Then you’ll notice some changes in your vitality reflected in the vitality of the holon and vice versa more clearly.

      best regards Radko Tichavsky

  • Dear sir ,
    please give the advice, any homeopathic medicine available for increase fruits quantity in a tree more than double or triple and quality (means increase size of the fruits). Every homeopath knows that calcaria carb increase calcium in human body, tarentula hisponia decrease sex power in human body and similar effect create in plants. but which medicine increase leaf quantity in plants, which medicine increase growth rate rapidly in plants. Which medicine increase respiration process in plants.
    Dr. Sharad Tripathi

    • Dear Dr. Tripathi,
      For bigger fruits I suggest SOL C200. If you have a field of trees/plants, put 5 pills in 100 l of water and pour the plants. If you have only ohne tree, you may put 2 pills directly on the soil. SOL is sunlight – perhaps it would work in glass houses, too.
      For better respiration I suggest Mag. MET. C200. once. Use it like SOL. Magnesium is a part of Chlorophyll. I have been using it very often for trees.
      Greetings from Germany,
      Sabine Krümmer

    • Dear Dr. Sharad Tripathi, the repertorization in humans and in plants differs, in human we repertorize one single specie (Homo sapiens) and in holohomeopathy agrohomeopathy we repertorize hundreds of species used in agriculture, all of them with different metabolic pathways and secondary metabolites. Although there is some overlap, for example in many plants Calcarea carbonica promotes root growth and accumulation of water in the tissues, Bryonia promotes respiratory processes, gibberellic acid causes elongation of cells, sprouting seeds and growth of new shoots, these are actually coincidence but there are not valid for all plants.
      The metabolism of plants and their performance is linked to the surrounding environment and their habitants and to the big quantity of endogenous organisms (bacteria, funghi, phytoplasms, virus) all they exchange metabolites routinely with the plants.
      That is, there are no universal homeopathic remedies for all plants, even human polychrests as Sulphur or Silicea can not be valid for absolutely all plants.
      On the other hand agrohomeopathic polycrests they are specific to a plant genus or a botanical family, depending on its metabolites and environmental conditions. For example Cina accelerates the germination of corn, but does not have the same effect automatically in other taxonomic families. Acidum nitricum has a different performance in some plants depending on the temperature etc. Many vegetables polycrests are unknown or little used in human homeopathy, for example wood-rotting fungi as Schyzophyllum communis or Hexagonia hydnoides.
      The answer to your questions is extremely complex if we want to be responsible: the holohomeopathy or agrohomeopathy are looking in any case not for the increase in fruit size as the only evaluation factor, we would be so similar to chemical agriculture that produces large fruits, but with no nutrients, clean but poisoned, in quantity but at the cost of lives of many live organisms and environmental destruction and in exchange for loss of biodiversity and extintion. An increase of 25% of production in agrohomeopathy is significant if further you can note better biochemical and mineral content of fruits, increased biodiversity, increased resilience of plants and the holon and minimal presence of pests and diseases.

      Best regards Radko Tichavsky

      • Dear Radko,
        With the homeopathy we really can make compromizes. At the moment when I got your Mail, I made some pictures of treated horse chest nut trees. Them I treated with the aim of maximal healing… This year the have no fruits. I observe the trees since last year. Ideal candidates, Same age, same site..
        The symptoms are still here, but I wait. There is not really a great difference between the reaction of humans or plants. Another horse chest nut developped new symptoms, but has less insects. In German the new symptoms are Masern. Red dots on the leaves. A disease in childhood. I will try to upload some links where you find pictures.
        It doesnt work…
        If somebody is interested in my observations and pictures , could write a Mail, I collect all in a cloud
        [email protected]

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