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Grandson with rattling and shortness of breath needs help

Grandson with rattling and shortness of breath needs help

Posted by: Veronica Banghart

I was mentored in Homeopathy by my Homeopathic physician, who has since past away and I need some help.
My grandson got some fluid in his lungs during a water birth and had suffered from chronic rattling in the chest, shortness of breathe and clear nasal mucus.
He was exhibiting classic Chamomilla symptoms so I treated him with one dose of 200c. The results were amazing … for four weeks he had no symptoms at all. Then about 4 wks ago the clear mucus started again. I gave him a second dose but shortly after the rattling as shortness of breath returned.
My dilemma is do I go to a higher potency or search another remedy?
Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated, I feel so frustrated… I know healing is going on but I don’t know if I need to do anything further.
Veronica Banghart

Dear Veronica,
It’s good to hear that you’re able to help your grandson with homeopathy. Children form the best group for homeopathic treatment as their systems are yet ‘unspoiled’ and they respond rapidly to the right remedy. Since homeopathy can help clear up inherited ailments, it is a great system of medicine to improve the health of our future generations.
Regarding your grandson, if the symptoms are still calling for Chamomilla, you should not change the remedy. Before going higher in potency, you should try giving the same potency more frequently, in water dosing. That way, you lower the risk of aggravation and the body accepts every water dose without resistance due to the slight change in potency created by the stirring/shaking before every dose. At every step, be alert to the possibility that symptoms may have changed and a different remedy may be needed. It is possible that based on symptoms, you might need to consider Antimonium Tart at some stage. If you are unable to proceed further, do consult a good homeopath in your area. We have a list of homeopathic practitioners in the US at Good luck!

Dr. Firuzi Mehta

About the author

Firuzi Mehta

Dr. Firuzi Mehta qualified in homeopathic medicine in 1997 and then completed her HMD from the British Institute of Homoeopathy, London. In 1998, she also attended an Introductory Course in Anthroposophic Medicine and Iscador Therapy for Cancer at the Lukas Klinik in Arlesheim, Switzerland now known as Klinik Arleshim. After working for over 5 years with an eminent homeopath in Mumbai, to gain work-experience, she started her own practice in 2001. She reviews homeopathic books as and when the opportunity arises and firmly believes that one's knowledge is always incomplete and needs to grow. She is currently enrolled with—and studying for—the 2 year E-Learning Programme offered by Prof. George Vithoulkas' International Academy of Classical Homeopathy.

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