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Homeopathy Book Reviews

‘Facial Analysis and Homeopathy – Fulfilling Hahnemann’s legacy’ by Grant Bentley

Rochelle Marsden reviews Grant Bentley’s book.

ISBN : 978-81-319-1826-5

Pages: 486 : PB : 5.5’’ x 8.5’’

Rs. 399 ; US$ 36.50

Available : Asia & Africa (except Japan)

Imprint : B Jain Regular

This is a book I’ve wanted to read for a long time, as I haven’t been able to get to any of Grant’s seminars on the subject. This is two books in one, making it a great value and I certainly wasn’t disappointed with it. It is a paperback and the type is good and clear. All the way through there are highlighted updated (November 2011) notes.

Grant Bentley is the Principal of the Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy, a lecturer of Classical Homeopathy and has given us a novel way of using Hahnemann’s miasm theory. Bentley’s theory builds upon Classical foundations. There are references all the way through to Hahnemann and other great homeopaths.

His main principal is that there is a single dominant miasm within each individual and that Facial Analysis is an objective way to find it. Analysis through facial recognition places patients in a miasmatic group. Everything has been validated by clinical practice with cases which have physical pathology, and all the new terms he uses are well explained.

Book 1 – Appearance and Circumstance 2003 – is an introduction to the theory of Facial Analysis. He writes that miasmatic influence and genetic disposition are recognised as interchangeable terms. The question “Why the face?” is answered: It is easily examined, is expressive, exposed and the most characteristic feature of the person.

Basically, patients are photographed on a digital camera and then the images transferred to a computer for “closer scrutiny”. The features which stand out are identified and allocated to the appropriate miasm. The facial features give an account of the prevalent miasm.

Bentley discusses the theory of miasms in great detail. “We are as we are because of miasms, and attract what we do because of them”. He equates miasm with karma and suggests that the most controversial aspect of the book is the discussion of a single dominant miasm. He suggests that a complex miasm e.g. syco-psora is a single miasm in its own right. Bentley has colour coded the miasms, as he thought this more appropriate than the miasm names. The three main Hahnemannian miasms are given the primary colours and the complexes, mixtures of these e.g. Sycosis is Red, Psora is Yellow and Syco- psora, Orange. Bentley discusses the generals and the pathology of each colour (miasm) in great detail and this in itself is a great revision lesson for everyone.

Book 2 – Homeopathic Facial Analysis 2006 – gives us the practical facial analysis details. Bentley believes that Facial Analysis in chronic disease is the completion of Hahnemann’s work. He describes in depth all the miasms and in his descriptions of the miasm “green” (Tubercular), he uses his knowledge of Hahnemann as an individual, as a way of bringing this miasm to life. Some large quotes were not referenced and I found that annoying, eg. page 243. He goes into each miasm with the emphasis on the negative, as that is what we wish to cure. In his 3rd book, Soul and Survival, he goes into each miasm more deeply and includes the more positive aspects.

Bentley writes that with repertorisation based on the miasmatic, larger rubrics can be used as approximately 6/7ths of the remedies in the repertory should belong to other miasmatic groups (he has 7 “colours” as miasms).

Facial features, he tells us, are specific characteristics which are measurable and therefore objective. Seven photos at different angles need to be taken and he states that online is a video on how to take the photos. When I went to I found lots of videos on Facial Analysis and his books. The section on how to assess the correct miasm is tabulated and clear, with updated charts. There is a useful chart of confirmed Grade 3 remedies for each of the miasms and a chart of Grade 2 remedies that have given a good result in 1 or 2 cases.

I liked the many photos and diagrams of faces and appreciated the excellent details of how to interpret the word “small”, as the feature may be small, smaller than average or smaller compared with other facial features. All the facial features are discussed extensively. Bentley suggests that after three years of using Facial Analysis, a practitioner will achieve the results of someone who has practiced homeopathy for ten years. He writes that early results are important to the profession, as too many will otherwise drop out.

I found this book fascinating and an easy read. Some parts are rather repetitive, and maybe necessary for the beginner rather than the experienced homeopath, although repetition of first principles is never a bad thing. The repetitive nature of some of the text also assures that this new way of analysing is understood.

Overall this is a book well worth reading for those new to facial analysis, and for the curious like me!

About the author

Rochelle Marsden

Rochelle Marsden MSc, RSHom, MNWCH, AAMET is a member of the Hpathy team, a registered classical homeopath (Society of Homeopaths), and has run Southport Homeopathic Practice in the UK SINCE 1999. Rochelle completed a 2 year post-grad course with Dr. Ramakrishnan and another with Dr. S. Banerjea, and an intense Clinical Training in India with Dr. Ramakrishnan. She is a tutor for The British Institute for Homeopathy (BIH) and is a regional tutor for local homeopathic colleges. She is also a practitioner in meridian therapies, EFT (Cert. Advanced) and Matrix Reimprinting. Visit Rochelle at :

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