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Homeopathy Book Reviews

‘The Scientifically Intuitive Case Witnessing Process – The Journey of Three Steps’ by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan and Oomphoo

Sujata Owen reports her response to, and inspiration from Dr. Dinesh Chauhan’s book –The Journey of Three Steps.

I knew I had hit the gold mine the first time I went to India to attend the millennium seminar hosted by Dr. Sankaran and his colleagues. The cutting edge work that started in the mid nineties has continued to evolve over the years and is known as “The Sensation Method”. Since my first exposure to it in 2001, I have immersed myself in understanding the Sensation Method with the master and his colleagues. For 10 years it has been a quest for the Holy Grail. It has been mostly rewarding and at times a frustrating journey. Those of us who have travelled this path know that at times it is not easy and at times it is effortless.

The stalwarts over time figure out how to put together all the different stages that go to orchestrate the client to express the level of vital sensation and energy of the altered pattern of the other song. The stalwarts know in our bones that it is a scientific, systematic, as well as intuitive process with many dimensions. Every case I as a stalwart (I put myself in this category proudly having done this work for over 25 years in India and the United States), I start afresh, in the moment and witness the unique quality, pace and depth of the dynamic being in front of me. For me the question has been, how do I put together and explain in succinct manner all the different dimensions that unfold in front of me into a system that is comprehensible and reproducible? How do I put the pearls that have been scattered in individual sessions to make a garland of this holistic system, while explaining all the distinct steps that can be weaved into the garland? Now I am excited to tell you that this question has been answered through the new book “The Scientifically Intuitive Case Witnessing Process – The journey of Three Steps” written by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan.

Dr. Dinesh has made the essence of the homeopathic case taking so clear that every homeopath anywhere in the world can relate, understand and thus follow the technique step by step. The clear step by step explanation of the subtleties of the homeopathic case taking make this technique easy to grasp, and apply with calm focus. The complexities of the homeopathic case taking technique has been refined, time tested and the final product is explained in this new book, making the process of witnessing the source in my practice, unfold in front of me with trust, confidence and certainty.

I was struck by the revolutionary idea that was shared by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan recently at “The Minnesota Sensation Seminar”. He said, “I want us homeopaths to be fed by this process if we have to continue this work. If I am going to do this work day after day the rest of my life, I want this process to regenerate me also.” Wow!! I have always wanted that but never knew it was possible. So if the ultimate goal is to practice homeopathy with effortless ease, while helping our client to experience his sensation and take the client towards the acceptance of altered pattern, my question before this seminar and reading this book was, how do we do that? The question is answered elegantly in this book. From my personal experience I am thrilled to proclaim that as I have been following the scientifically intuitive process as explained in this book, my colleagues have been noticing and commenting on how pumped up I am once again. Thank you Dr. Chauhan for making this vision a reality.

The cases that seemed difficult before, now come into focus with ease and reveal the altered pattern and energy. The struggle of case taking has been minimized and is replaced by the calm, centered and dynamic journey into the vital core. I am being revitalized by my homeopathic practice and that indeed is where the importance of the book and the full fledged system explained in this book lies. I am eternally grateful to Dr. Chauhan for writing the gem of a book for me to follow and live my mission of creating the world of vibrant health by using my gifts through the art and science of homeopathy.

About the author

Sujata Owens

Sujata Owens was the first Indian Homeopathic Medical Doctor to establish a Homeopathic practice in the United States. She is an internationally acclaimed Homeopathic Master Clinician and has been offering a cost-effective and natural homeopathic approach for over 20 years.

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