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Homeopathy Book Reviews

The Table of Animals – The Lophotrochozoa

The Table of Animals – The Lophotrochozoa by Dr Paul Theriault, is reviewed by Rochelle Marsden. The author shares numerous triturations of the remedies which he or others have done.

First Published 2017 as an eBook and in 2018 as a very large softback book 21.59cms wide x 27.94cms tall.   £10.95 eBook £18.93

No. of  Pages: 131 in the eBook,  284 in the paperback

I have been following the progress of the books that Dr Paul Theriault has written and he kindly sent me the above book to review for This was his 2nd book in the Table series.  He tells me that he practices in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He is a Naturopathic Doctor there with a heavy influence on Homeopathy. He is Advanced CEASE trained and does a lot of triturations up to high levels, which is where the word Table in the title of the book comes from. This particular book includes the Mollusk (American spelling) and their close relative phyla, and 6 new remedies triturated by himself, as well as 2 classes of Mollusk.

We start with 7 pages in the Table of Contents followed by a comprehensive Introduction in which he mentions, Jan Scholten’s 8 layers of the Periodic Table, Tinus Smits’s 7 universal layers and Michal Yakir’s 6 Plant layers as a  “discernable structure.” The 8 layers are then described in detail – including “Before the First Layer: Creation and Destruction which includes 2 cases to illustrate what he means. These cases are very much sensation method and tell us the reason for using Black hole, Vacuum and Positron remedies. Reading through the descriptions of the Layers is fascinating stuff and reminds me very much of the way Michal Yair sees things. Paul believes as does Scholten that the Fungi belong to the 8th layer as well as the Actinides. I’m pleased to see a summary table at the end of the Introduction for these layers.

The next section is called Animal Collective Triturations and describes how this remedy was made from the channelled essence of all animals with the help of his friend Tara O’Sullivan, using energetic healing. Paul then had an overwhelming urge to complete the trituration of this remedy to the C28.  The dates and his feelings during each of the triturations are fully documented. Again, there is a summary table of his work. On page 33 Paul tells us “the purpose of this book is to bring the animal remedies within the context of the layers.” Again there is a summary table, e.g the Amphibians are in Layer 3 as is Carcinosin, Merconium humanum and Mammals. Umbilicus is in Layer 6. I am glad that he gives a brief description next of the animal phyla and basic divisions and he says these may change in the future. Lastly we have “How to use this table and book” which I really needed to read.  He states: “Each chapter …. contains a basic description of the biology of the group of animals discussed. Next comes the general homeopathic description of the group. A description of the remedy in light of the table is then given, followed by a brief materia medica..”

He starts with the Lophotrochozoa – a superphyla, which despite teaching Biology for many years at secondary school level I had never heard of. This group includes Trochozoa which contain Annelids (worms with segments) Mollusks (UK  spelling is Molluscs)  and others which are defined by cilia (tiny hairs)  around the centre of the developing embryo and also includes Lophophorata containing Branchopods and others defined by a row of tentacles around the mouth. So far my Biology held up here!  The next page explains these phyla with photos including one of a Platyhelminth one of my favourite phylum at school. I remember catching some in the river at the end of my garden after baiting them with liver and trying to keep them in a beaker to observe them under a microscope. I enjoyed reading the description of the main issues with this Superphylum which are around the feeling of safety. After this section there is a great summary table. Next in this chapter are detailed information about the members of Lingula including 3 fossils that have been found.  When discussing Lingula Ovalis he gives us the full information he received during his trituration of it.

Annelids are given the same detail and I particularly enjoyed reading about the Lug worm – Arenicola- as they can be found in abundance on the beach in the town where I live – Southport, UK. Also in this group is Helodrilus which was proved by Lou Klein and Hirudinum (leech) from the protein components of its saliva, which has a few provings as well as  the medicinal Hirudinum as proved by Julian and others. Paul has found that these provings of the leech are likely to be interchangeable. There are also full details on the medicinal leech Hirudo, together with a case and the trituration. The good old Earthworm, Lumbricus,  ends the Annelid section.

The next section is the Bryozoa which includes the trituration details of a fossil of the group which is followed by the large Mollusk group. There are great photos and drawings of the various members of this phylum which includes marine species such as our friend the squid from which we get the remedy Sepia, Octopuses and land species such as the snails. This is the largest section in the book. It includes the trituration details of Chiton and a scallop called Pecten as well as Conus geopraphus up to the C5. There are also details of Pearl Immersion proved by Tuminello and my old friend Alastair Grey. Helix Tosta is a remedy I recognise as I have used it on my soil and vegetable plants!! I enjoyed reading the Murex cases especially Paul’s own patient’s case. I was especially interested in three separate remedies made from a fossil called Dactylioceras ammonite. One was the whole fossil while the others were from clockwise and anticlockwise halves sawn in half. All were proved by Martine Mercy as were many other fossils in this book. At the end of this section is a Summary of all the Bryozoa which takes up just over 6 pages which is such a useful way of finding the exact remedy you are after.

The last section in the book is about the Platyhelminthes – the flat worms who were a cause of fascination to me when doing “A” level. The only proving that has been done in this group is that of Stylochus ellipticus – the oyster shell flatworm. Paul triturated it up to the C5 and his notes are presented here.

To finish the book are full references including links to files online followed by Appendix 1 which has Tables of the Summary of Issues of the 8 Layers, a Summary of the Phylla of the Lophotrochozoa, Summary of Brachiopod remedies, Key issues of Annelids and characteristics and summary of the  various Mollusks. He has even included in which pharmacies throughout the world the remedies can be found!

So how can I finish this review? All I can say is that this must be the most comprehensive work out there of this section of the Animal Kingdom. Paul at the young age of 35 years has compiled information from everywhere, from Kent to Sankaran and of course his own trituration information. This talented young man has a long way to go and has already written 8 parts in this series, The Table of Animals of which this is part 3 and 4. Parts 9 to 12 are in progress with 4 future book projects in the pipeline.

The book itself is very good quality. The paper is thick and heavy, the print is clear and the presentation with the photos, drawings and charts is excellent. It is very good value for money. Okay, so there are a few typos, nothing of significance. It is always difficult when self-publishing and proof reading your own writing.

So who is this book written for? It is for the innovative homeopath who is thinking about trying triturations. Paul believes that the amazing information about the remedy that he receives is a skill anyone can develop. It is for the curious homeopath who wishes to get more insight into this group of remedies from many sources. It is for the busy homeopath who wants to find out about one of these remedies and hasn’t the time to do the research. I thoroughly recommend it for the thinking homeopath.

About the author

Rochelle Marsden

Rochelle Marsden MSc, RSHom, MNWCH, AAMET is a member of the Hpathy team, a registered classical homeopath (Society of Homeopaths), and has run Southport Homeopathic Practice in the UK SINCE 1999. Rochelle completed a 2 year post-grad course with Dr. Ramakrishnan and another with Dr. S. Banerjea, and an intense Clinical Training in India with Dr. Ramakrishnan. She is a tutor for The British Institute for Homeopathy (BIH) and is a regional tutor for local homeopathic colleges. She is also a practitioner in meridian therapies, EFT (Cert. Advanced) and Matrix Reimprinting. Visit Rochelle at :

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