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Homeopathy Book Reviews

Touching Base With Trauma – Reaching Across the Generations: A Three Dimensional Homeopathic Perspective – by Elizabeth Adalian

Touching Base With Trauma – Reaching Across the Generations: A Three Dimensional Homeopathic Perspective – by Elizabeth Adalian –  Reviewed by Rochelle Marsden.

  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 240 pages
  • Publisher: Elizabeth Adalian Publishing
  • Publication Date: 30/03/2017
  • Category: Psychiatry
  • ISBN: 9780995574816

This book shows the condition of trauma in a very different light than it is normally perceived, i.e. from the aspect that trauma is transgenerational. This means that a trauma that has happened, be it physical or emotional, is epigenetically passed on through three generations. This interesting and fully comprehensible idea is explained in detail in the Introduction and Part 1 –Tracing the Trajectory.

As homeopaths we understand that physical symptoms are often the manifestation of mental and emotional strife which is in the subconscious and we need to look for the initial causations. The author explains that once homeopathy causes a “mind shift” the reversal of pathology can occur resulting in a full recovery. Where a problem has occurred in childhood, we are told, the person becomes stuck at that point of time. A remedy given to address the childhood problem can free up the creativity of the individual so they can move forward in life and reach their potential. All this makes perfect sense to me as an EFT/Matrix Re-imprinting practitioner but may be new to some homeopaths. I love the many examples in the text that bring this reasoning to life. We are told that Scholten refers to Lactic acid as “the girl who never grew up”. I found  most illuminating, the discussion on how children and adults “on the Spectrum” are affected by experiences of family members and that this helps us find the remedy.  Most of us have noticed that when a good remedy is given to a patient it also affects the family dynamics in a positive manner.

What about treating adopted children? It is suggested that loss of the birth mother, from which the child had a connection during the 9 months in utero, is the cause of emotional and behaviour problems as well as the difficulty of forming relationships in later life. This trauma can be reversed by a loving family. This is a book that makes you think! I think it states the obvious, but of things you have not really thought about before. It is a book that increases your self awareness of how you decide on the remedy for your patients. All the way through, there are full references at the bottom of the actual page to material the author has used in her search for proof of what she is suggesting. I am pleased to see that individual susceptibility is mentioned.

The predisposition to diseases that are prevalent in different cultures is also discussed. I certainly had never thought these could be caused by cultural connected unconsciousness. The author suggests that these could be treated prophylactically by one of our autoimmune remedies.

In the next section,“Incorporating the Transgenerational Trauma Factor When Teaching Homeopathy and Case Taking”, the importance of the “ailments from” rubrics pertaining to each remedy is discussed. I again found this an obvious conclusion which I had never thought about. This would be a fascinating way to study Materia Medica. We are told to look for causative factors from previous generations. The ideal is to be able to treat all family members to find these causative traumas but we know in practice that we are not often given the opportunity to do this. An example is given of an Iodium patient being very hungry all the time, which could stem back to a parent or grandparent who was starved during a war.

The relationships between miasms and transgenerational homeopathy is discussed next. The author now feels that Carcinosin is the main miasm for transgenerational trauma. She writes about Holocaust survivors, referring to Rita Goldberg’s book ‘Motherland’ and the work of an Israeli researcher, Rachel Yehuda, in the field of epigenetics and the effects of trauma. The miasm theory would be a reason for treating both parents before conception as this would protect the future child from diseases.

There is so much new information from recent research in this book, like how the amygdala and epigenetics affect the personality.  Everything is very well referenced for the reader to look it up themselves.

The “Mind-Body Connection” and “Stress” are tackled next. The author believes that the ability to adjust to the modern world can be affected by unresolved trauma in the family history. She explains these thoughts in an easy to understand way and again really gets your thought processes working. Sleep and dreams reflecting our ‘uncompensated state’ are discussed via Opium and Stramonium as well as the rubric “Sleepwalking.”

Next come separate chapters discussing various issues like victimisation, bed wetting, thyroid malfunction, cancer, puberty and pregnancy amongst many others and their connection with transgestational trauma. There is a section devoted to “States on the Spectrum” which include OCD, addictions, eating disorders, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s.  I have to admit that I have never thought of Alzheimer’s as being “on the Spectrum” as the author puts it, however she does explain why in the first paragraph!

Part 2 gives us the Materia Medica of 33 main remedies. However under the remedy title of Kali Bromatum, there are 8 derivatives of it. Other remedies have the same, as under Lachesis there are 7 other snake remedies. The material medica given for the remedies here is completely different than expected. You do not get the usual information, but rather a fascinating discussion on how the remedy relates to the family of the patient and previous generations. Within each remedy is a differential diagnosis (DD) between other remedies for the rubrics that are being discussed, which is very useful. We are being given a very up to date slant on the remedies and their function in an ever changing society.

I found the author’s discussion on remedies I thought I knew well illuminating, and it made me want to read them all thoroughly. It has given me many ideas for other remedies to use for my patients. This is because we are told that similar remedies act retrospectively reaching back a generation or two.  Within these Materia Medica dreams are discussed as well as parts of the brain. The author is a veteran homeopath, who has been practising for over 30 years.

So who is this amazing book written for?  All homeopaths, be they newly qualified or experienced, would gain much insight from reading this book. For me at the beginning it read like a PhD thesis but as I got into it more, I got to appreciate the language that was used. The book itself has been published on heavy paper with a very clear print which belies its extremely reasonable price when compared to the price of most new homeopathy books. I think we will be hearing a lot more of the author, Elizabeth Adalian, in the future.

Available from:—Reaching-Across-the-Generatio/20579674   £11.54 17.20 Euros  Kindle £8.69  Paperback £14.99  Kindle $11.57 Hardback $17.30 Paperback $21.02$8.20 kindle


About the author

Rochelle Marsden

Rochelle Marsden MSc, RSHom, MNWCH, AAMET is a member of the Hpathy team, a registered classical homeopath (Society of Homeopaths), and has run Southport Homeopathic Practice in the UK SINCE 1999. Rochelle completed a 2 year post-grad course with Dr. Ramakrishnan and another with Dr. S. Banerjea, and an intense Clinical Training in India with Dr. Ramakrishnan. She is a tutor for The British Institute for Homeopathy (BIH) and is a regional tutor for local homeopathic colleges. She is also a practitioner in meridian therapies, EFT (Cert. Advanced) and Matrix Reimprinting. Visit Rochelle at :

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