Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Case Quizes Clinical Cases

Revisiting: And Now…”Pliglet” Has The Flu!

common cold

Last month, “Plooh” had the flu, now it’s his brother–“Pliglet”! Did you guess the right remedy?

It’s time for the quiz, Mom.

Meanwhile, don’t look now, but, I’m turning 26 April 22nd.

OK, I’m calling a stop to all this unnecessary aging!  And P.S., remember, I bought you two Beatles shirts for your birthday!

I know that Mom, I’m not an idiot!

Oh.  Well that’s different.  Never mind!

Also, I want to announce that my favorite show “The Originals” begins its fifth and final season on April 20th (that’s the show I keep trying to get “Rosemary Clooney” from Sabrina’s Cafe to watch). I’m not ready for it to be over!  Also, not that they’re going to read this, but, I would like to wish Joseph Morgan (who “Rosemary Clooney” and I both agree has the most amazing British accent), and the rest of the “Originals” cast, the best of luck in their future endeavors.

You’re right, they’re not going to read this!

And now for my report on our night at the movies.  I dragged you to the Ritz 5 at the end of February to see the one-night-only theatrical presentation of “Concert for George”, which as the title states, was a tribute to the late George Harrison of The Beatles.


Lots of famous people were there such as Eric Clapton, Tom Petty, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Jeff Lynne, Ravi Shankar, Billy Preston, etc.  It was an amazing concert.

Dhani Harrison was there too!  He looks just like his father!

Ringo Starr came out to sing “Honey Don’t” and “Photograph”. The interesting thing about the latter is that Ringo apparently wrote it with George.

Shana, I would like to hear “Honey Don’t”–here’s Ringo with the original singer of this song from 1956, Carl Perkins!


Also I looked up Billy Preston on wikipedia.

I knew he played with the Beatles but I never knew he played the organ on “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)”

I didn’t know that either!  It’s a brilliant song, by the way, but I can’t find it on youtube anywhere so no one’s gonna hear it!

He played on other albums I’m familiar with, not the least of which were eight Rolling Stones albums …

Oh no, not the Rolling Stones again!!!!

… and a Mick Jagger solo album.  (1993’s “Wandering Spirit”, which funnily enough turned 25 in February.)  And he also played the organ on a great Elton John song…

I should have known!

…called “The Wasteland”.

In other more unfortunate news, apparently Lindsey Buckingham was fired from Fleetwood Mac.

What???  Again???  They can’t do that!  What are they thinking?  You can’t fire Lindsey Buckingham! I know he can be difficult, but, if you’re Fleetwood Mac, you’re kind of stuck with him!  It would be like The Supremes trying to do a reunion tour without Mary Wilson—What?  They did?  OK, never mind!

Diane, Mary and and Florence

Lindsey’s being replaced by someone from Tom Petty’s Heartbreakers and someone I’ve never heard of.

He’s being replaced by 2 people?  Well, you see?  There is no one single person who can replace Lindsey Buckingham, I rest my case!  

I don’t know why Fleetwood Mac needs two guitarists to replace Lindsey.

Shana, I’m betting that one is playing his guitar part while the other is singing!

Fleetwood Mac.  Lindsey Buckingham with guitar.

Didn’t someone from the Staple Singers die?

Yes, Mom, Yvonne Staples.  Cleo Staples died a year ago, I think.  Pop Staples also died but in 2000. Only lead singer Mavis Staples is left, plus her brother Pervis who left the group in 1972 when he was drafted into the army.

From left to right: Cleo, Pops, Mavis and Yvonne


Shana, find me “If You’re Ready, Come Go With Me”.


If you’re ready now, come go with me… The fabulous Staple Singers!

And now it’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for–

The Hpathy Quiz!


This month, Plooh’s brother, Pliglet, has the flu!



To: Elaine

Fever is back.  He has fever but wants covers as he says he is feeling cold.

He says “my chest hurts”.  Nose is blocked, breathing from mouth, tossing and turning to get to sleep.

He is asking for water/thirsty.

On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 10:31 PM Christopher Roblin <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Elaine

I used my notes to see if I can resolve, but his case has been varying.  Took to his pediatrician, and she confirmed that he got Influenza Type B virus (with a swab test)

Acute Case Questionnaire

Question: Describe the complaint:

Started with lack of appetite on Friday evening, and Saturday he complained that he was dizzy when he woke up.  He looked tired, sat down most of the time during outdoor activities.  He had 102 fever on Saturday afternoon.

My wife gave Tylenol (her cut off is 101/102 for fever.  No point in arguing with the boss 🙂

Gave __________ in late evening, as I felt he was stuporous, sleepy & said that he felt dizzy whenever he stood up.  Odd thing was that he was hungry.

On Sun, noticed he was thirsty, and eyes were glassy.  Gave _________ in water twice and he was fine during the day with 101 fever.  Was able to watch the Super Bowl.  (Hey, weren’t your guys in it? The Eagles?) and enjoyed watching some shows in his bed.  Appetite & thirst were good (he likes Sufficient-C, by the way).

But got fever again Sunday night around 10pm.

I gave _________ (2 pellets) as it was dry heat, active, thirsty.  Also had to give Tylenol.  (Don’t say it!)

Woke up at 2am saying the bed was wet with sweat.  He changed clothes.

Was fine throughout the day on Monday (i.e., no fever) but slept some time during the day.  Went to doc, and she confirmed flu.  When he woke up at 8pm (slept again at 5pm), he had 102 fever.

He is tired, but I don’t find his eyes droopy today, but fever didn’t go down with dose of _________ (its been an hour now).

Question: Etiology–

Exposed at school.  His friend who was with him on Thursday had it.

He did come back from school and asked (kinda insisted) for ice cream (was a warm day, but unusual for him.  He hardly eats ice cream unless its summer time).

Question: Sensation–describe the pain or other sensation you have.

Headache, just above his eyebrows, most prominent on right side.

He has been complaining that eyes burn whenever he rubs them (for past week)

Question: Appearance– anything remarkable? 

Eyes are dry & red, whenever he gets fever.

Question: Location–where on the body is your complaint located?

No aches, just headache & some dizziness

Question: Modalities– What makes your complaint better or worse?

Pressure (holding his head tight) feels better

Once in a while (when fever is high), wants someone to massage his head.

Bright light aggravates

Question: Concomitants (other symptoms that came with the complaint, are “along for the ride”)

Had liquid ear wax but Ped said his ear canal was fine.

Started complaining throat hurts since Sunday.  Hurts a bit more when swallowing food.

Has a blister in the mouth.

Cough from Monday morning.  Said he can feel phlegm moving when he coughs.

Question: Discharges–color, odor, consistency and sensation.

No odors

Running nose, but colorless

Question: Generals–these are all the symptoms that begin with the word “I”:

no answer

Question: The mentals: Is the complaint changing you mentally and emotionally?

no answer

Question: What have you been saying?

no answer

Question: What are you doing?

Lying down

Question: Describe your thirst and appetite.  Fever: Dry?  Sweating? Describe.

Thirst, sweat last night/early morning, decent appetite (asked for more on Sunday afternoon).

Question: Odors?  Any identifiable odors–like sulphur, onions, fish, etc.?

no answer

Question: What is most striking, peculiar or identifying about your condition?

no answer

Question: Is there a diagnosis? 

Flu influenza type B

Question: Describe your energy–

no answer

Question: What does your tongue look like? (color/coating/pattern, crack/s, shape, etc.)

no answer

Question: If you have a cough…

no answer


Christopher Roblin, this case looks like __________________ .

I’ll give __________________200C and update in a while.

Elaine, after the remedy, Pliglet did mention that his chest pain went down.  He has been sleeping most of the time.  Because he is confined to the bedroom, he said he’s feeling lonely.  Wants someone to stay in the room with him.  He says his nose is not that blocked up like this morning.

(next day)

I gave another dose of _______________200C at midnight.  He is fine now.  Fever down.  Ate breakfast like normal and went to school.


OK, everybody, what was Pliglet’s remedy?  Write to me at [email protected] and let me know!  The answer will be in next month’s ezine.

See ya then!





Eupatorium perf.-2




Hi everyone!  How did we do this month?  Who wants to go first?  Oh look, it’s Sarah Q from beautiful downtown Jordan!

Hi Elaine,

I hope you are well!  Happy Birthday Shana!  And wishing you many, many more happy, healthy decades to come.

So Pliglet is hungry during a fever, thirsty, wants ice cream and has flowing ear wax. Looking like a clear Phosphorus case to me.  Flowing ear wax had phos as well.  Also headache, touch amel, had phos, but pressure amel headache did not have phos.

Thought of Belladonna for fever and red eyes but doesn’t cover the case as well as Phos does.  So going with Phosphorus on this one.

You’re right!  Yes, hungry during fever, thirsty, wants ice cream…what more do you want?

Thanks for all your effort Elaine.

Sarah Q


Is anybody else here today?

Hello dear Elaine and Shana…

Hello Dr. Salma!

How are you both?  I hope you both regain energy and get back to regular schedule after suffering from the monster flu.

Believe it or not, Shana got sick AGAIN but we seemed to resolve it in one day with Arsenicum 1M–don’t ask me how I knew it was Arsenicum, I have no idea!  Now it’s just a cough and occasionally a stuffy nose.  Can’t take much more of this!!!!

I think this month’s quiz is a Phosphorus case.  First of all, it’s a flu and it comes at evening.  He is thirsty, desire for taking ice cream, having headache worse from light and better by pressure, cough, pain on swallowing, blister in mouth accompanying fever.  All these are the rubrics which I took.

You’re right, Salma!!!!  Yes, I found the ice cream thing very revealing, because the father said he normally only wants ice cream in the summer.

Best wishes


Dhaka, Bangladesh


Is anybody else voting this time?

Hi Elaine ,

Think remedy this month is Phosphorus.

You’re right!  Neil, is that you?

Yes, tis I.

Thirst quite strong

desires ice cream

wants company

likes massage

chest pain

Sums it up perfectly!

Seems i got quiz right but was of two minds, what about Silica?  It’s also chilly and also likes ice cream and seems dependent.

All kids are dependent when they’re sick.

Are phos and silicea both better for ice cream?  Maybe others may put forward silica as their answer and discussion will be included in next ‘revisiting’ article?

Neil, I’m so disappointed, because you made such a good case for Phosphorus:

Thirst quite strong

desires ice cream

wants company

likes massage

chest pain

I couldn’t have said it better!  But how does Silica stack up on this list?  It’s is only a 1 under “influenza”, Phosphorus is a 3.  Silica is a 2 under desires ice cream, Phosphorus is a 3.  Silica isn’t listed under “likes massage” at all.  Silica is only a 1 under “worse alone”, Phosphorus is a 4!  Under “chest pain”, Silica is a 2, Phosphorus is a 3.  Silica is really falling short!

I was just trying to find out more about silicea because of the ice cream connection.

Well, the important thing is, Silica isn’t much of a flu remedy.  That’s the main thing.  Remember the hierarchy of symptoms from Repertory Round-up part 4?  Maybe people should read that again:

The top of the hierarchy is Etiology.  We don’t have one.  Underneath Etiology is Diagnosis (What’s wrong with the patient?)  The diagnosis is flu.  So, we need a flu remedy that has all the other characteristic symptoms you mentioned–desire for ice cream, desire for company, better massage (“rubbing”), thirst, etc.  We don’t start with “desire for ice cream” and work our way up!  We start with the top–influenza– and work our way down!  So we find our “influenza” rubric and look at the remedies in BOLD first and see if any of them also desire ice cream, are thirsty, desire company, are better for massage, etc. and there’s Phosphorus!  It just jumps right out at us!  To arrive at Silica, we’d have to go to the flu rubric, look at all the remedies in plain type, ignore the remedies in bold, and say, “Which of these unlikely flu remedies desires ice cream?”  Do you see how absurd that is?  That’s the wrong approach.

Thanks for the reply,



Is anybody else here today?

Hi Elaine,

Hi Krista!

I had a chance to do the quiz today.  I vote for Eupatorium perf.

OK, but why?

My second choice would be Phosphorus.

Why does Eupatorium perf. beat out Phosphorus?

Eyes glistening was in the MM under Eupatorium.

Krista, I still can’t find it.  Oh wait, here it is.  “Eyes, glassy”.  But, you know, it’s only a 1 for that.  The main remedy we think of when we see that symptom is Belladonna.  Eupatorium perf is a very rare remedy in the flu.  I’ve personally never given it!  I’ve given Gelsemium, Bryonia, Phosphorus, Rhus tox and Arsenicum many times.  Eupatorium perf. is a very sick remedy, the symptoms are very severe.  Here is the main keynote from Murphy’s Materia Medica:

The leading characteristic for Eupatorium perf.’s homeopathic use is the distressing bone pains it causes, such as are found in connection with malarial fevers and influenza.

So, the patient who needs Eupatorium perfoliatum feels like all his bones are broken.  This accounts for the restlessness–because of the pain.  If your patient doesn’t say, “It feels like all my bones are broken!” you shouldn’t even think about Eupatorium perf!  Pliglet does not appear to be in that much pain.  He says his chest hurts, which is yet another reason for us to be thinking of Phosphorus, which is our main pneumonia and bronchitis remedy.

Thanks for taking the time to do this. I’m sure many other people appreciate thetime you put into this and your wonderful way of teaching.

Thank you!

You’re welcome!

Have a great weekend !!!



Do we have any other Eupatorium perf voters here, per chance?

Hi Elaine,

Hi Wayne!

I think the remedy is Eupatorium perf.

Do tell!

It has the eye symptoms, headache, aversion to light, cough, moaning, hunger during or before ague, a right sided remedy, etc.

Wayne, whose case are you doing?  Plooh’s?  Or his brother, Pliglet?  Because we’re doing Pliglet’s case now.

Sorry, Elaine, wrong pig.

I think the remedy is Eupatorium perfloiatum.  It has the eye symptoms,

It was his brother who had eye symptoms–pain on moving the eyes.  And you shouldn’t say “eye symptoms” because no one knows what you mean by that.  Eupatorium perf. has very painful eyes.  Pliglet has burning pain when rubbing his eyes because they are dry.  But if he doesn’t rub them, they don’t hurt.


Practically every remedy has a headache, and everyone with the flu has a headache, so, just saying “headache” isn’t going to confirm any remedy for us.

aversion to light,

It’s very common to have an aversion to light if you have a headache; but, this patient doesn’t have it very much.  He watches television with no problem!  So, I don’t think we are going to get very far with this symptom.


The word “cough” means nothing to us.  There’s a whole chapter on coughing!  There would have to be something peculiar or characteristic about the cough in order for it to help us.  For example, cough where the patient grabs his throat each time is Allium cepa.  Loose cough but no expectoration is Antimonium tart.  Dry cough like a saw going through wood is Spongia, and so on.


I’m not seeing moaning in this case.  Maybe you’re thinking of Plooh’s case again.

hunger during or before ague,

He doesn’t have ague.  That’s a very serious condition.  Chills and fever with body aches and joint pain.  Pliglet has no aches other than a headache.  No chills were reported.

a right sided remedy, etc.

Yes, his headache was more on the right side of the forehead than the left; but, Wayne, Eupatorium perf. is a very sick remedy!  It’s so sick that I’ve never seen it!  The bones feel like they’re breaking!  If your patient says, “I don’t have any aches or pains,” you can’t possibly be thinking of Eupatorium perf.

What is peculiar in this case?  The father uses the word “odd” twice, he says: 1. Pliglet has an appetite with fever and 2. “He insists on having ice cream, which he usually only wants in the summer time.”  So what does that mean?  It means, we want a flu remedy with an appetite and a desire for ice cream.  What remedy is that?  Phosphorus!  And what confirms Phosphorus?  Thirst and chest pains.

Thanks, Wayne!  Who else is here?  Oh, I see the gang from Slovakia!


Hello, Elaine and Shana,

Hello Miroslav and Jitka!

we send our regular guesses:

Miroslav: Bryonia

According to symptoms seems that besides antipyretics the father administered Belladonna  to his son.

Yes, that’s right.  It looks as though he gave Belladonna and Gelsemium; but, thirst contradicts both of those remedies.

It is listed almost in all mentioned rubrics, except for: Fever, thirst, with.  Because of this rubric  I decided for Bryonia.

Well, Miroslav, you were right that thirst was an important symptom!  But you picked the wrong thirsty remedy!  Bryonia is very sick.  There’s always a really bad pain in a Bryonia case, so bad that if they move at all, the pain gets worse.  So you always find them lying perfectly still, afraid to move.  Pliglet is having no trouble moving.  Now, Miroslav, the father twice says that there is something “odd” about the symptoms.  “Odd” is a very important word to us.  He says Pliglet has hunger with fever–very unusual, and is also demanding ice cream and normally he only wants ice cream in the summer.  So, we want a flu remedy with hunger, thirst, and desire for ice cream.  You see how easy that is?  Jitka was right this time!


Jitka: Phosphorus

Several symptoms suggest that it might be Phosphorus:

-chest pain

-good appetite and desire cold drinks

-desires ice-cream

-sleep makes him feel better

-burning eyes

-needs company

-rubbing/massage ameliorates

(In the chapter Headaches, a rubric : rubbing, amel.  from two flu remedies the Phosphorus is more marked)

Jitka’s analysis is spot-on.  I couldn’t have said it better myself.  Let’s congratulate our winners, shall we?




Sarah Q


OK, everybody, time to get to work on this month’s quiz!  See you in June!

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases! Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website:

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

About the author

Shana Lewis

Shana spices up the Hpathy Quiz with her timely announcements and reviews on the latest in pop culture. Her vast knowledge of music before her time has inspired the nickname: "Shanapedia"!

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