Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Broken Shoulder

Homeopath Shamin Sherwani presents a case of broken shoulder with extreme pain.

Date: August, 2013

Mr X

Age 65

I received a packet in mail. When I opened it, there was an x ray and the doctor’s report. The x ray showed the broken right shoulder (Homeopathy Treatment for Shoulder Pain). The patient was in agony. He lived in different state, and the doctors told him that the recovery would be slow because of his age. I decided to ignore his mental symptoms, and treat him in a pathological way.

I gave him Symphytum 200C, to be repeated every 2 hours for ten doses. This was based on Symphytum’s relationship to bone healing. After completing Symphytum, he was told to follow up with Calcarea phos. 30C, six doses three per day. The Calcarea Phos was followed up with Ruta 30C (connective tissue) six doses, three per day. That was his first set of remedies.

After the first set, he called and told me that there was no more pain. After 15 days he felt that he was recovered. That was really good news to me. I told him to repeat two more sets with the gap of 10 days every time, which means that no medicine for ten days, then resume the next set. Three months later, he called me again. He was very excited, and he told that he went to the doctor’s office to repeat the Xray. The new Xray was perfect, and his bone were rejoined. The doctor told him that his Xray looked like “an Xray of a 15 year old teenager.”

It was really a miracle by the grace of God. I used this set of remedies many times successfully on youngsters, but it was my first experience with an elderly patient. For severe pain during all this, I recommended he use Magnesium Phos 6x tablets with warm water when needed.


Calcarea P. Retrieved from

Ruta. Retrieved from

Symphytum. Retrieved from



About the author

Shamim Sherwani

Shamim Sherwani is a Classical Homeopath (1988 to date). D.H.M.S, Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Diploma in Nutrition Diet and Health Science, Certified Health Coach, Certified Life Coach, Certified Cease Practitioner.

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