Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Leucosarcomatose of Steinberg

A useful article about A Case of Leucosarcomatose of Steinberg.Full details about A Case of Leucosarcomatose of Steinberg

John was referred to me in 1985 by a professor at a Paris University. ‘Temporary remission of the tumor after treatment but a relapse is expected soon’ was the comment that came with the referral.

John was referred to me because he refused to pursue his maintenance chemotherapy and did not want to undergo irradiation of the encephalon when a scotoma appeared in the vision of his left eye.

The professor was very pessimistic; ‘I can only disapprove of his decision and he even refused a scanner. His health is at risk. He wants a homeopath and nothing else. That is why I have referred him to you explaining to him that it is the wrong decision.’

On the first consult he weighs 55 kg for 1m 75. He is 19 years old. Apart from the scotoma, there were no other clinical symptoms at the time of the consultation. He even refused to submit a blood sample.

It was very easy to find his remedy which was Natrum muriaticum.

18/10/85 Nat mur 100K one dose.

08/11/85 Everybody agrees his psychological balance has improved.

09/01/86 He has gained 8 kg, he feels well, he is calm and he has good relations with those around him. Nat mur 120CH one dose.

(A blood sample 14 days later is perfectly normal)

05/03/86 He weighs 70kg. Placebo.

27/06/86 One dose of Nat mur 7ch for a synovial cyst on the wrist which soon disappears.

19/08/86 He finds work: he becomes a trainer for the physically impaired.

08/12/86 One dose of Nat mur 9C for a pain in the knee with cracking following a football tournament in Austria. No other medical problems.

09/09/87 A dental abscess disappears soon after a dose of Nat mur 100C.

22/09/87 He loses weight. One dose of Nat mur 100M.

07/03/88 All is well. Bloods and clinical exams are normal.

Why Natrum muriaticum?

He could not tolerate the atmosphere in the hospital. He had the impression that he was a guinea pig.

“It was like in the factory, I cannot stand people always being on my back saying that I am not fast enough, that I have made wrong pieces. I decided to leave, that is how I solve these problems, rather than confront somebody stronger than me. If I do not feel like doing something and somebody forces me to do so, I am unwell.

I did not resent the professor but my bosses in the factory I hated them. Often I wanted to take revenge on my manager but I did not know how. My parents wished I would not leave my job. I pretended for a month that I was still going to work because I was afraid to tell them that I had left my job.”

– It was during this period that he started using drugs and had a tattoo. (Is a tattoo not the mark of a slave?) He was in full syphilitic mode and punished himself. The tattoo expressed his inner feeling. –

“I do not tell my parents everything.”

– How was school? –

“I threw away my books. I spent more time sent out of the class. Anyway, I was happier smoking outside, I hate being inside. If I were to go to prison, I would trash the place. I don’t know what I do on this earth. I have to endure everything on my own because I am reserved.”

– I was told you had a bad love experience? –

“I knew a girl, she was Algerian.”

(Nat mur will fall in love with somebody he/she considers inferior to him/her. He/she will fall ill when he/she is abandoned)

– Did you take her into your confidence? –

“I did, a little, with her I was somebody. And then suddenly it was finished, I felt let down.”

– Were you sad? –

“I wept in secret. When I became ill, my father told me it was my fault (his father considers him to be an idiot, according to the professor). It was because I was smoking (drugs weren’t mentioned because the father never knew). When he found out it was really serious, that I could die, he became very attentive to me. I hate this. Children should receive the affection from their parents from the day they are born not when things go badly wrong”. (Nat mur does not like to be loved for their weakness.)

“It is easy for them, they have a solution for everything although they are not aware of the reality. The people in the hospital they did what they could, but it was all here and there. I had enough of blood sampling, myelograms, injections, vomiting. I could not eat anything. My legs felt wobbly. Now at least I don’t feel ill to the point of wanting to lie down.”

– The professor had told me: “He tried to create havoc in my department to make us comply with his demands, he kept us enslaved.”

How can Nat mur expect to be completely dependant on a service which imposes on him treatments and suffering that weaken him, Nat mur, who also hates injections. His only comfort was to be able to make them feel his own sensation of being a slave. –

Follow up:

In October 1990, he comes under great professional stress. I tell him over the phone to purchase any dilution of Nat mur he can find at the local pharmacist. Twenty minutes after he takes the dose he is relieved.

He is now married and has two daughters. I see the girls occasionally for small things. He is doing very well.


When I later spoke to the professor, I found out that all the other patients who were treated at the same time as John had died. John has been lucky.

The professor responded by saying that he could not believe homeopathy saved John. It was certainly the chemotherapy, John must have had the right dose, the others must have had too much….


If it is difficult for a professor in medicine to establish the right dose rate for a treatment not to be lethal, it becomes imperative for patients, and the doctors who advise them, to have the right not to risk the treatment proposed.


Vita Dr Fayeton:

Medical studies in Paris, doctor in 1960
1965 – 1967 Homoeopathy in Region of Toulouse, urgency city
1968-1969 Rwanda, homoeopathy in bush health centre
1971-2008 Practice in Le Puy-en-Velay
1977 – 1983 Teaching of Homoeopathy for the ‘Groupe lyonnais d’etudes Medicales Lyon’
1984 – 2008 Founder and President of AFADH (AFADH ; Association Française pour l’Approfondissement de la Doctrine Homéopathique = French association for the profound study of homeopathic doctrine)

First teaching in homeopathy: pluralist technique, CHF in Paris, 1959

‘I found that pluralist prescription was irrational and always used only one remedy at a time.’ Further homeopathy education:

1969-70 Unicist technique, Dr Mureau in Belgium
1970-71 With Dr Schmidt in France.
2003 meeting with Dr Masi.

About the author

SML Fayeton

Dr. Simonne Marie Luc Fayeton was born January 1935. She did her medical studies in Paris, and earned her medical degree 1960. From 1977- 1983 she taught Homeopathy in Groupe Lyonnais d'Etudes Médicales. She studied Unicist techniques with Dr. Mureau in Belgium and later with Dr. Schmidt in France. In 1983 she met Dr Alphonso Elizalde Masi. In 1984 she became Founder and President of Association Française pour l'Approfondissement de la Doctrine Hahemanienne.

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