Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Vitiligo in a Baby Girl

Dr. Shyamji Rai presents a case of vitiligo in a baby girl with a history of vaccination.

Baby S. K., aged 4 years

Case no.- 3024

Availed our online treatment for Vitiligo from Australia on 8th June 2013. She had been diagnosed with Vitiligo 3 years ago. It had started from the forehead, abdomen and neck 15 days after taking vaccination. The patch was large and extensive on face, neck and abdomen. The approximate size of the spot was 5cm to 8cm. Bottom of Form

She had a history of taking allopathic medicines and applying ointments for the same.

vitiligo-girl1 vitiligo-girl


No family history of vitiligo.

After proper case study the following rubrics were taken.

For repertorisation:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Shouting during anger
  • Timidity
  • Fear of ghosts
  • Fear of animals (insects)
  • Fear of being alone
  • Fear of dark
  • Cowardice
  • Indolence
  • Obstinate
  • Concentration difficult
  • Confusion of mind
  • Desire of potatoes, chalks
  • Desire for salty things
  • Tendency to catch cold
  • Perspiration on palms
  • Sleeps on abdomen
  • Thirst increased


Result of Repertorisation:

TOTALITY 35 34 29 28 28
SYMPTOMS COVERED 17/18 16/18 15/18 16/18 14/18


Medicine Selected:

Thuja 1m one dose (h/o ailments after vaccination)

Calcarea carb 30 three dose followed by placebo

Sep, 2013:
Calcarea carb 30, 3 doses was given followed by placebo for 2 weeks. Photograph of affected area (forehead) was taken.


JAN , 2014:

Depigmented spots on scalp, forehead and face were better. No new spots were seen.
May 2014

Photograph was compared, lesion was better. No new spots were seen. Placebo was repeated .


Oct 05, 2014:
Depigmented spots on scalp, forehead and face were better. Calcarea carb 30, single dose was repeated followed by Placebo.

February 05, 2015:
Skin lesions almost subsided. Placebo was repeated for 8 weeks. Patient is still under follow – up.


This case demonstrates how even a difficult case like Vitiligo can be cured completely by Homoeopathy.

For more information about vitiligo visit-

About the author

Shyamji Rai

Dr. Shyamji L. Rai (DHMS, Msc) is a qualified consultant in homeopathy with more than 15 years experience. He has clinics at Vikhroli, Chembur and Govandi in the suburbs of Mumbai. He is also associated with various NGOS and charitable trusts in the field of health and environment. Dr. Rai serves as a columnist in the leading newspapers. He has successfully treated hundreds of cases of chronic emotional and physical conditions, including immune disorders, infertility, spondylitis and renal problems. Dr. Rai also takes cases online and has treated patients around the world, from the U.S. to Saudi Arabia. Visit Dr. Rai at his website:


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