Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Glaucoma and Detached Retina

detached retina

A case of glaucoma and detached retina.

Name – M. P.   Sex – Female

DOB – November 1959
Profession – Teacher
Country of Residence – Seychelles

detached-retinaM.P. has been visiting our clinic since January 2013.  She was very stressed and suffering with depressive problems. Her husband had been a chronic drinker  and abused her physically and mentally. She was suffering from nosebleed every alternate day. She also had a problem of spitting phlegm which was red and thick. The phlegm would come out as tough and sticky balls. She also had problems with her menses. Her menses, although coming regularly, after four weeks, would be very heavy and make her completely exhausted. She would also hear noises in her ears during menses accompanied by headache. She would feel better after crying. Constantly blames herself. She would get a recurrent dream of being always in a cage.

She wonders how she would go through her life, how she will ever cope with her troubles. Her husband’s drinking is causing a lot of financial problems, she can’t do needed things in her life, cannot repair the house – always feeling fatigued. She is the person who does everything for the house, but because of the money problems she cannot do anything.  She wanted to get rid of her husband , but he always comes back.  She is fatigued by everything – cries when alone so that no one sees her – heart pounding – ear blocked – always feeling in a cage – cannot walk away.

What does she mean by saying  she’s “in a cage”? She cannot cry about it . She does not know whom to talk to about it.  She wants to go far away where her husband cannot reach her, but what about the kids? She worries what will happen to them as she has to take care about them.  Her says her life has been a waste of years, that she’s achieved nothing in her life, has no happiness.

RX Pulsatilla 30 C – Take a dose only at night on alternate days x 3 days a week for 9 weeks.
RX Arundo Mauritanica 200 C

March 2013
The exhaustion is not better. She feels a little more energetic, but otherwise the situation is the same.  She does not pay her husband so much attention as previously. Feeling of being in a cage still the same. She does not understand what needs to be done , feels gloomy.

New Troubles:
She is having an old bump on the vertex of her head. The bump has become painful again.  The pain is only in the bump – comes and goes – not severe.
She is also feeling palpitations with a little more tightness in her chest.

RX : Pulsatilla 12 C – Take a dose only at night on alternate day x 3 days a week for 12 weeks.

Rx: 5 Phos (combo in 3x) tablets   – 4 tablets x 2 times daily for 12 weeks.

She did not come for the follow up after 12 weeks (July 2013). But she came in August 2013.

Indigestion and constriction in her throat. Her old bump on her vertex (on the left side) is even more painful. Heaviness around her left eye.

Vision – She sees yellow, purple and light green colored clouds in her vision. These colors in her vision are only in her left eye. Right eye is normal. She has the vision in these colors. Colors alternate – sometimes yellow, sometimes purple and sometimes green, but never normal vision with the left eye. Vision through right eye is normal.

Ophthalmologist said that there is bleeding in her eye – it is inflamed – she has Glaucoma – reading is 27 mm Hg. Retina is getting detached, In the left eye, there is tingling. She also has pain in the right eye. In a dark room she feels as if something is there in the left eye.
Buzzing sound present in the left ear. Palpitations in the chest with feeling of tightness.  Feels as if ribs are being pulled inside tighter and tighter. She also feels like her forehead is like a heavy block – a burden. She has a blocked nose – sometimes both sides are blocked and sometimes only one side is blocked. She had her nose problems ever since she had the bump on her head.

Rx – Digitalis 30 – 4 globules x every 3 hours x 2 weeks. Next Follow up on 14/09/2013

She did not turn up on 14/09/2013 but came on 21/09/2013

Eyes have no water – dry – coarse, sand can be felt in the eyes which are sometimes burning. There is pain in the eyes which is not very painful but a kind of heaviness. Formication and tingling is now felt on both sides of the face and now even on the forehead.

The pain in her chest is increased – She feels as if her heart is getting ripped apart – very painful in the heart region. This sensation comes on sometimes by bending down, sometimes just by sitting, sometimes by getting annoyed or angry. When the pain comes it is very painful in the beginning, a ripped apart sensation and she stops all of her activity and sits. She also had pain in her left thumb.
The clouds in the vision of her left eye are better than earlier. The vision does not look cloudy. She feels as if the clouds are now only near her eye. The pain in her eye is less and the vision is better than earlier. She does not see the yellow color now. The Green colored cloud comes up sometimes and the purple color is present. But the clouds now look settled around her eye. The pain in her bump is there but it does not come all the way on the left side if head and face. It is limited to the area near the bump. Her nose now blocks and unblocks frequently. She also feels as if her brain is heavier and she has some sound on moving her head on the sides.

Rx – Digitalis 30 – 4 globules x 3 times a day x 2 weeks. Next follow up on 05/10/2013

She did not turn up on 05/10/2013 but came on 12/10/2013

Does not see any clouds in the eye. The bump in her head is also getting smaller. She has occasional pain in her eyes, only in the left eye. Her nose felt  unblocked. No more burning in her eyes. The sensation of sand comes at times but has reduced a lot. The heaviness in her eyes has gone. There is pain only in the back of her eye. The vision is not blurred. No more clouds or colors seen.
She does not experience the sounds in her head all the time. The ripping and tightening sensation in her chest is not bad now. She feels it sometimes but much less than earlier.

Rx – Digitalis 30 – 4 globules x only at night for 3 weeks. Next follow up on 02/11/2013.

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About the author

Apurva Tamhane

Dr. Apurva Tamhane is originally from Mumbai, India. He completed eight and a half education in Homeopathy, getting a MD degree qualification in Homeopathy Materia Medica in 2011from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (M.U.H.S.), Nashik, Maharashtra, India. He practiced in various clinics and hospitals since 2008 and also started his own clinic at Beed in Maharashtra, then at Pune. In 2012 he got an opportunity to move to the Seychelles, where he currently works as a Resident Homeopath for Mrs. Jenny Gilbert at Resonate Wellness in The Station on Mahe Island. Our official website is


  • Dear Apurva,

    I would like to ask you why did you prescribe Arundo? What do you think in your opinion, is the cause for her sudden worsening of vision and forehead bump? Which repertory did you use?

  • DEAR DR,

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