Clinical Cases

Constitutional Treatment in a Family with Covid-19

Dr. Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi treats a husband and wife and two sons for covid-19. Violent cough, desire for company and difficult respiration were among the symptoms leading the father’s simillimum.

Introduction: The epidemic due to covid-19 in Wuhan, in December 2019, rapidly changed to a pandemic. Now we are facing 2,911,209 confirmed cases, and total deaths of 203,432, in 185 countries (as of April 26, 2020.)

Different countries have started researching vaccines to save healthy people. However, vaccines take time and thousands of people are getting infected with covid19, day after day.

Family Case Report:

Mr. K.A. a married 45 y old man started coughing, feeling feverish and had body aches on March 26th 2020. Then he developed dyspnea and a dry cough. He was taken to a general hospital in Tehran to assess his condition.

He was diagnosed to have acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS due to covid19. His O2 saturation was between 70-80 percent of normal value. He was ordered to be isolated at home for further chemical treatments including antibiotics and analgesics.

I took his case from his wife, since he was not able to answer my questions and was resting in his isolated room. He used to be communicative, sympathetic, benevolent, rather shy to defend himself. He trusted easily and loved nature, animals and travelling. He loved to be in company with his family and his friends.




MIND – COMPANY – desire for



CHEST – INFLAMMATION – Lungs – pleuropneumonia


Phosphorus 30c hourly with succussions was prescribed.

The Patient’s Wife

The patient’s wife subsequently developed dyspnea. From the quick assessment done during the interview with his wife, the following rubrics were selected for his wife:



MIND – CONFIDENCE – want of self-confidence

CHEST-INFLAMMATION-Lungs (=pneumonia)

COUGH in general

Lycopodium 30, every 2 hours was selected for her.

The Patient’s Two Sons

The sons were not symptomatic in the beginning, but they became symptomatic after a few days of starting the treatment for their parents. I told her to give Phos. 30c to one sone whose behaviour resembled his father’s and to give Lycopodium to her other son who behaves more like her.

At the beginning of the healing process, I told them to take one drop of the remedies hourly. Thereafter, every 2 hours and then every 3 hours until they are free from dyspnea and cough.

It took two weeks the family to recover from the symptoms and signs, and after 3 weeks they felt normal and had no body pain and weakness. The last follow up was done on 25 April 2020. No recurrence was reported and they are all in normal condition.


The father’s covid19 was confirmed by lung MRI images and PCR.

The entire family was all afflicted by covid19. They all took homeopathic remedies and were cured completely in 3 weeks.

About the author

Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi

Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi M.D., Hom.: Graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services and Iran Homeopathic Learning Center. He is a Certified medical doctor in Iran, and Official member of the Iranian Homeopathy Association, and was granted RIHA certificate and LMHI certificate of membership. He also writes a health page as a journalist in the Tehran Times daily newspaper. Visit his website:


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