Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Endometrial Hyperplasia


Dr. Vinit Monga presents a case of Endometrial Hyperplasia in a woman of 38.

Smt M.A. aged 38 yrs presented with the following complaints on 17-10-2000:

C/O Pain Joints since 20 yrs. < motion > rest

C/O Multiple small nodules painful B/L Breasts. < Pressure, before menses > during menses. Thin Milky Discharge.

C/O Constipation since childhood. Passes stool any time per day, sometime after one or two days. Hard stool must strain. Stomatitis recurrent. Fetus like movement in abdomen sometimes.

C/O Dyspepsia, heartburning with & after every meal even sometimes after drinking.

C/O Jerking of arms more left side then right side < lying down.

C/O Edema feet pitting off & on.

C/O Shivering after miscarriage < lying on back & after eating > after profuse urination.

Past History:

H/O Infantile Pneumonitis. Took A/T.

H/O Diarrhea 6-7 yrs of age. Hospitalization done (A/T).

H/O Food Poisoning 15-16yrs of age. Took A/T.

H/O Epistaxis in childhood. Took A/T.

H/O Miscarriage 1999.

During first pregnancy following symptoms were present:-

Hypertension whole pregnancy.

Sleeplessness whole pregnancy.

Edema during pregnancy.

Above symptoms mean ECLAMPSIA or TOXIEMIA during eighth month that causes uterine bleeding which results in miscarriage.  Now after several attempts since more than one year, pregnancy test always shows negative result.

Menstrual history:-

5-7days/24-27 days

Normal painless flow.

After miscarriage:

1-2days/ late & scanty.

Offensive smelled like dead animal.

Mentals –

Egotism (haughty)

Disappointed Love

Full of cares & worries


Sensitive mentally as well as physically

Desires Company

Nervous constitution, fear before appearing in public. Full of fears especially fear of cancer, dark, diseases, animals.




Sleep:  Snoring

Dreams: Unremembered

Appetite:    More

Thirst:     Normal

Perspiration:  Scanty

Desire:  Milk, Bread

Aversion:  Not specific

Stool:          Hard, offensive

Urine:  Normal

Sensitive to both heat & cold

Family History:

Dyspepsia – Brother

Anxiety Neurosis – Mother

Joint Pains – Mother

Hypertension, M.I. – Father

Tuberculosis – Grand Father

Bronchial Asthma – Grand Mother

Diabetes Mellitus – Uncle


Prescription:                           Ignatia 30*bd


Pregnancy Test +ve

LMP 03-12-2000

EDD 10-09-2001


Slight edema hands. Sleep Disturbed. Leucorrhea. Other complaints better. Ignatia 200*1dose, followed by Sac-lac30*tds.


Feeling Better.


Incontinence of urine.

Ignatia 1M*1, followed by

Sac- lac30*tds.


Leucorrhea off & on

Sleep Better.

Gaining weight normally.


Feeling overall better.


Albumin in urine.

Edema Better.


Nat-Mur 30*1, followed by


Albuminous urine Natrum Muraticum covering & Nat-Mur is chronic of Ignatia.


Feeling all over better. Sac Lac 30*tds continuous. Albumin in urine Nil.


Dyspepsia. All other complaints better.

Nat-Mur 200*1, followed by



Ultrasonography for fetal well being done which shows normal fetal position, movement, amniotic fluid, placenta position.


Delivered male child having 3 kg weight.

Homoeopathy manages ECLAMPSIA & ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA successfully.

Comments & suggestions invited respectfully.

About the author

Vinit Monga

Dr. Vinit Monga received his diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (D.H.M.S.) and for the last ten years has been practicing in Sirsa, Haryana, India, at his clinic, with his wife, Dr. Priti Monga. They treat all manner of diseases including cancer, Aids and heart disease. Dr. Monga also holds a certificate in food and nutrition and counsels patients in lifestyle changes.

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