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Clinical Cases

Healing Through Homeopathy

A useful article about Healing Through Homeopathy.Full details about Healing Through Homeopathy

Homeopathy has been used as a therapy for a variety of conditions affecting children and women. The basis of selecting the remedy has been made easier by a tool which we call repertory. These tools are available to the physician as repertory software and provide objective evidence and a scientific basis for selecting a remedy for a given case. The cases presented below are given in brief, only to highlight the various repertorial approaches to find the right remedy.

A case of repeated abortion

A female 26 years , married 6 years came on 6 / 4 / 94 with complaint of Recurrent Abortions (seven times ) occurring between three to six months of gestation. Abortions were occurring without any known precipitating factors, beginning as mild pain in the abdomen and bleeding per vagina. Her menstrual cycle was 4 days / 28 days.

Features of the case
Desire for warm food
Desire for salt
Stool hard, dry – On alternate days
Leucorrhoea, whitish, thin, copious.
The case was worked out on Mac Repertory software taking following rubrics:
Female, abortion,
Leucorrhea, profuse with
Abortion, month, at third
Abortion, tendency to
Leucorrhea, white
Leucorrhea, profuse
Leucorrhea, thin
Stomach, desire for, salty thing
Desire for warm, food
Thirst, thirstlessness
Constipation, on alternate days
Mind, anxiety

On the basis of workup Calc Carb came out prominently which was prescribed in 0/1 potency. She conceived in 3 months time and delivered a full term baby.

A case of migraine

Mrs AS complained of chronic migraine which made her life hell. She was constantly taking pain killers to get some relief. She gave a long history of suffering from this pain, which always used to be only on one side of the head and used to be almost a daily occurrence. She was introspective by nature and had a weeping tendency, and the weeping always came with anger. Her pain was made worse by noise.

Repertorzation BBCR

The case was prescribed Chamomilla LM1 to be taken 4 times daily as it covered all rubrics. This brought almost complete relief in the occurrence of the pain and also brought overall general improvement as soon as the medicine was taken.

Chronic Otorrhoea

Miss S B 10yrs presented on 20/2/2001 with complaint of ear discharge since 4 years. She complained of itching in the meatus . The discharge was offensive. Her mother described it as putrid. There was no other symptom to guide the selection of the remedy. No marked desires or aversions for food. Nothing remarkable in the temperament.

Rubrics taken

Petroleum and Psorinum were the two remedies which were suggested. As offensive and putrid discharge was covered by Psorinum, it was preferred and given in LM1 4 times daily.
Follow – up visits were on 8/3, 23/3, 27/4, 3/5 and finally on 1/9/2001. The case showed improvement right from the first follow-up and did not need any other remedy and was cured.

A case of Blepharospasm

A patient presented blepharospasm of both eyes which could not be helped with the best of allopathic treatment. The patient also had photophobia.The case was repertorized in Knerr ‘ s repertory where Euphrasia was suggested as the only remedy under Lids – spasms with photophobia. The case was cured with Euphrasia.

Case of genital warts

A lady accompanied one of my patients and presented the problem of genital warts (Homeopathy for Genital Warts).
There was no other symptom except itching. Her family physician had ruled out HIV infection by Elisa test. I could not discover any particular desire or aversion for food, nor could I find anything characteristic in the mind to provide any guidance for prescription. looked in Knerr’s repertory and found the solitary remedy Sabina mentioned under Genital warts – itching. I prescribed Sabina LM 1 to be taken 4 times a day for 15 days.
After 15 days the report came that most of the warts have fallen off.

A case of Nephrotic syndrome

Master S aged 4 yrs came to me suffering from nephrotic syndrome. He was treated in Ahmedabad with allopathy . The reason for consulting me was that albumin was not disappearing from his urine. It was +2. I looked for the rubric ‘albuminous urine’ in the repertory and as I was lookng for this the mother remarked ” doctor sahib I have noticed mucus in his stool”. I made use of it as a concomitant.

The result

I prescribed Merc cor LM1, 4 times daily and the albumin gradually disappeared. The case is still under my follow up and receiving mostly placebo.

A case of Psoriasis

Miss S aged 6 yrs was brought for consultation for severe Psoriasis on the entire body , from head to foot on 19/11/2008. As usual she did not get any relief from the conventional medicine. She had patches from head to foot ,on back, hips, arms and on abdomen.
She had salivation during sleep and had bad odor from the mouth and was thirsty.
She had fear of being alone and was a sensitive child. She had increased appetite and desired tasty items, salt and pickles. Her mother said that she had a habit of sucking her right thumb. This habit was present even during intra-uterine life, as was evident from the ultrasound done at that time.

Phos , Ars and Merc sol were the leading remedies. As Phosphorus covered 7 rubrics it was given in LM1, 4 times daily. Improvement started soon after its administration.
No new patch was reported and the head became free from scales. It was continued till 6/5/09 when it was noticed that no further improvement was taking place.At this stage Merc sol was started in 0/1, 4 times daily and it brought quick and steady improvement within 2 weeks. The girl became completely free of symptoms within 6 weeks of starting Merc sol and is very happy.

About the author

D P Rastogi


  • hello sir,

    it is very interesting to know your valuable informations and the concept of repertorisation. sir it will be very helpful if u clear my doubt regarding LM potency when to give and its repitation as u have prescribed LM1 potency 4 times per day.. sir please clear my doubt with your enriched knowledge..
    thank you

    • Please refer to Organon 6th edition’s Aphorism 246 and its footnote which will clarify the repetition of remedies.

  • Dear Sir,

    I want to know, is homeopathy helpful in teeth/ gum diseases? Being 48, I feel now that my gums are receding and I fear that this can cause dental loss if not treated. I got dental X-ray done. I don’t want to eat allopathy medicines, also there is no such medicine despite applying gum paste and salt water few times every day. If homeopathy helps in this, would you please tell me the name of the medicine with the potency.

  • thank u sir it is great that skilled teachers r giving youngsters oppurtunity to learn from them plz continue this n future also :kindly help us to learn as to which repertory to refer when?

  • This web site is very usefull to our family, almost everyday we are following your remedy, thanks for everything.

    My Mother age is 65 years, she is suffering from cough very often, sometimes she is not able to sleep, kindly give us remedy for this.

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