Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Throw the Bums Out

Barcelona U. cancels their homeopathic medicine program.

At the same time that homeopathy is growing everywhere, and probably because of that, it’s also under attack. Recently the University of Barcelona cancelled their Masters of Homeopathic Medicine program. That program had existed for 21 years and was the only training for medical doctors and veterinarians in Spain. The university’s communications manager, Jordi Sopena, told the press that homeopathic medicine is no longer approved by Spain’s Health Ministry.

This is a typical pattern for attacks on homeopathy. The actual instigators, primarily from Pharma, spread money around, corrupting both government officials and academics. They drum up phony research and use that as a wedge to make rules and policies against homeopathy.

How do you fight this? You identify and expose the individuals who made the critical decisions. These are the ones taking money. People in democracies don’t like corruption, or losing their freedom or having their voices silenced. When they know who is responsible, they will, as we say in the U.S., “Throw the bums out”. Spain still has a democracy, so this can work.

The situation is different in the U.S., where Dr. Robert Califf was just appointed Director of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)1. Over the years Califf received consulting fees and research money from 23 pharmaceutical companies and had financial ties or served on the board of a number of others.2 But there’s more… In Dec. 1999 Merck Pharmaceuticals knew that its drug Vioxx was causing heart attacks but kept selling it for another four and a half years. Vioxx eventually killed over 50,000 Americans. It was discovered too late that Merck had lied about the test data. Commenting on the Vioxx episode, Dr. Califf said: “Merck played by the rules.” 3

This is the man that the U.S. president appointed and the congress approved to oversee the safety of drugs and other healing methods. (Since last year the FDA has been “investigating” homeopathy. 4) Now you know who determines medical policy in America.

At University of Barcelona, academic freedom is at stake. If that is lost, other freedoms will follow. The homeopathy program must be restored.

“Sólo la tiranía teme la plena expresión de la libertad.” José Martí

(Only tyranny fears the full expression of liberty)

  1. 1.



In this issue:

Interview: We interview Steven Cartwright PhD, molecular biologist, research biochemist and homeopath who discovered that Solvatochromic dyes can detect homeopathic potencies. The dyes provide a graphic demonstration that something is potentized and may be a tool in helping explain the mechanism of homeopathy.

We have a special presentation from the New York School of Homeopathy (NYSH). NYSH is a four year professional program that weaves the teachings of Hahnemann and the early masters with the progressive ideas and clinical approaches of 21st-century homeopaths. It includes two years of classical homeopathy instruction, two years of clinical training, and is followed by post graduate work in the Graduate Apprentice Program (clinic). The Director is Susan Sonz.

NYSH articles:

Big Ideas, Kingdoms and Groupings. – Susan Sonz

Case Taking Methods at NYSY – Susan Sonz

My Path in Medicine – Maria Berger MD

NYSH Cases:

Magnetis Poli Ambo – Susan Sonz

A case of Cricket – Jiuan Heng

Lyme Disease – Roopali Gupta

A case of Lava – Birgit Kleinfeld

A case of Horseshoe Crab – Dr. Elena Mashalova

Delayed development in a 7 yr old – Birgit Kleinfeld

A Case of Rabbit – Lac Oryctogalus – Jiuan Heng

A case of Diamond –Adamas – Dr. Paresh Vasani / Pamela Bartual

A Case of Lac Equinum – Jiuan Heng

ALSO In This Issue:


Rudi Verspoor responds to Dr. Peter Fisher’s comments on vaccination.

Ashok Rajguru –   Examining miasms in light of biofilms.

Dr. Bill Gray – A new app for delivering remedies by sound.

Dr. Frederick Humphreys –of Humphreys Homeopathic Medicine Company

Ralf Jeutter – A proving of Marienglas (Selenite)

Sergey Pugach – Homeopathy and Radiesthesia


Petr Hoffman – Psoriasis in a woman of 68

Dr. M. Sandhu – Hepatitis C

Erin Douglas – Lupus

Dr. Paramjot Saini – PCOD

Dr. Pooriya Jeste Subhedar – Cancer of Salivary Gland

Dr. Shraddha Samant – Psoriasis

Dr. Shyamji Rai – Spina Bidifa

Dr. Jitesh Sharma – Gastric Outlet Obstruction

Dr. Parvin Zarrin – Chronic Congestive Headache

Dr. Yasemin B. Hassan – Chronic Gastric Distress

Veterinary – Ask the Holistic VetDr. Deva Khalsa, holistic veterinarian answers veterinary questions from readers. Send your questions to [email protected]


Robert Medhurst presents part 39 in his important series on research into homeopathy.

Drs. Arup Bhattacharya andYuesheng Zhang – The Role of homeopathy in Integrative Cancer Care.

Book Reviews

Cancer- My Homeopathic Method by Dr. A. U. Ramakrishnan is reviewed by Rochelle Marsden.

Homeopathic Drainage – by Dr. Michel Bouko-Levy is reviewed by Alan V. Schmukler

QUIZ – Elaine Lewis – Sharpen your skills with this monthly quiz from Elaine Lewis. Also, see “Revisiting” to learn the answer to last month’s quiz.

Ask the Plant Doctors:  Radko Tichavsky, Mark Moodie and Pawan Singhania answer reader’s questions about crops and houseplants. Send your questions to: [email protected]

There’ s more! Remember to see the new Cartoon and Crossword puzzle. Get Involved!  Send your questions and comments, cases, articles, book reviews and interviews to: [email protected]


About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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