Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Homeopath Joachim F. Grätz is interviewed by Alan V. Schmukler – PART II   

Abstract: Homeopath Joachim F. Grätz is interviewed by Alan V. Schmukler – PART II

Dr. Joachim F. Grätz has practiced over 30 years and originally studied withDr. Otto Eichelberger in Munich.  He has lectured in classical homeopathy at academies of naturopathy in Munich, Salzburg and Vienna.  He is the author of Gentle Medicine – The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health.

Homeopath Joachim F. Grätz is interviewed by Alan V. Schmukler – PART II   (Part I of this interview can be found  HERE )

A.S.   In your book “Gentle Medicine” I noticed that you work a lot with LM-potencies (Q-potencies). What advantages do you find?

J.G. Thank you Alan for asking me this question. I think this topic is of great importance to all homeotherapists in this day and age. Basically, I take the potencies that the patient has on hand at home, if they reasonably fit. For example, 12X, 30C, LM6, LM12; as globules partially pure in the mouth or as drops in a teaspoonful of water (no metal spoon).

For higher potencies, such as LM12, dilute, i.e. succuss the vial 10 times beforehand, then put a few drops in a glass of water, stir vigorously with a vortex and take only a teaspoonful of it. – This is mainly for acute treatments, such as intercurrent diseases during a chronic cure.

For chronic treatments I use almost exclusively LM-potencies in ascending or descending series like LM18, LM24, LM30 (in exceptional cases also higher) as well as LM12, LM15, LM21. And I only use certain manufacturing companies, of which I know for sure that they produce the homeopathics very well (e. g. hand rubbed and/or hand shaken – in no case by machine).

There is much confusion about these beneficial LM-potencies, not only among the general public, but also among aspiring and often practicing therapists. This is not least due to the fact that there is hardly any adequate literature on this subject and few good or comprehensible case studies.

Outside Germany, LM-potencies are even almost unknown, although Hahnemann described them as his “most complete” and “far most perfect dynamized remedies” as well as “of the highest power development and mildest effect”.

LM-potencies – for some time also called Q-potencies – became known only in 1921 with the publication of the 6th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon of the Healing Art (Organon of Medicine). They are the legacy of our great master’s time in Paris from 1835 to 1843 during the last eight years of his life.

Strictly speaking, they are found only towards the end of 1840 in his final Paris medical journals. From 1841 Hahnemann used them more and more frequently. No other homeopath, not even James Tyler Kent, John Henry Allen or Constantine Hering, knew this type of potency.

Only Clemens von Boenninghausen, Hahnemann’s close confidant, seemed to have knowledge of this, but was not allowed to report about it “until the next edition of the Organon” (meaning the 6th edition of February 1842, which, however, could not be presented to the public until 1921 by Richard Haehl) (“Boenninghausens Kleine medizinische Schriften” [Boenninghausen’s Lesser Medical Writings], 1984, Arkana Verlag, Heidelberg, page 797).

It was only after the Second World War that Flury, Pièrre Schmidt and Voegeli (Switzerland) applied these potencies for the first time and coined the term LM-potency. First and foremost among them is the German physician Dr. Otto Eichelberger, who systematically used LM-potencies in his Munich practice and was actually the first homeopath to pass on these potencies to his students in his seminars and colloquia.

As already mentioned, this potency type could only be published in 1921 (about 80 years after Hahnemann’s death) and therefore could only find its way into German homeopathic practices in another century. This is the reason why these potencies have not yet really established themselves worldwide and are not used as widely as the C- and D-potencies and why they are more difficult to obtain outside of German speaking countries. At least, that is the statement of my overseas patients, such as in the USA, South America, Japan, Namibia, etc. All these patients repeatedly report that they have the LM-potencies sent to them by their relatives from Germany, Austria or Switzerland.”

Furthermore, there is hardly any documented experience regarding their use. Most homeotherapists still work according to the 5th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon, in which, however, these potencies are not mentioned.

The LM-potencies are the logical continuance of the application of high C-potencies with daily administrations in a glass of water. In his Parisian time, Hahnemnann initially went over to administering even long-running high potencies, which would usually have to have an effect of five to six weeks or longer, strongly weakened in a glass of water, in order to be able to repeat the administration (just a sip of it) more frequently (even daily) if necessary, without disturbing or even torpedoing the chronic cure (e. g. he prescribed a globule of Sulfur 191C dissolved in a glass of water, one teaspoon in the morning, stirring vigorously before each administration). Later he introduced this step into the potentization with the result of our present LM-potencies.

LM is not an abbreviation like X or C in the other two types of potencies. L stands for 50 and M for 1,000; taken together it is supposed to describe the dilution ratio 1:50,000. Strictly speaking, this is wrong, since LM actually means 950, because in Latin a preceding letter is considered a subtrahend (1,000 – 50 = 950). Correctly one should say “Q”, for quinquaginta milia (e. g. Q18 for LM18).

But LM has become common in the homeopathic literature and in everyday language and basically it doesn’t matter what these potencies are called, as long as we have to call it something. Recently, however, the synonymous term Q-potency can also be found in homeopathic journals, with homeopathic medicines and in advertising.

LM potencies are fundamentally different from all other types of potencies, because they are based on an additional dilution step in each potentization step. The starting point is a potency of level 3C as a trituration. From this 3C, the so-called stock solution is prepared in the following way. For this purpose, 1 grain (0.06g) of this powder is dissolved in 500 drops of distilled water and alcohol.

Of this stock solution, 1 drop is mixed with 100 drops of alcohol and succussed 100 times (!) (X‑ and C‑potencies are succussed only 10 times each from step to step). Tiny globules are then moistened with this solution – whereby mathematically 1 drop moistens about 500 globules – and dried on blotting paper. Each globule of these 500 wetted globules corresponds to the first LM-potency. This, dissolved in 10ml ethanol results in a vial of dilution LM1.

LM2 is obtained by further processing of only one LM1 pellet. This is dissolved in one drop of distilled water and mixed with 100 drops of alcohol via 100 shakes. One drop of this dilution in turn wets 500 globules, whereby each globule defines the LM2. – This process is continued as often as desired until the wanted potency is reached.

According to Dr. Eichelberger’s many years of experience with LM-potencies, LM18 has proven to be a good starting potency for chronic treatments, which has been confirmed again and again in my practice.

As per the Paris medical journals, however, Hahnemann did not have a clear standard LM-potency. Rather, potencies such as LM10, 11, 15, 16, 7, 8, 9 (especially for Sulphur; for other remedies he rarely went beyond LM7) can be found, which he prescribed in descending and/or ascending degrees. His highest LM-potency seems to have been LM24.

In the case of LM-potencies, the dilution ratio results from two different steps: on the one hand from an active potentization step via the drops in the ratio 1:100 and on the other hand from a passive dilution step via the globules in the ratio 1:500, because the basis for the next potentization step is only the 500th part of a drop. In absolute terms this together results in the total dilution ratio 1:50,000 (1:100 x 1:500).

Furthermore, it should be noted that the LM-potencies are always succussed 100 times from stage to stage, which naturally results in a completely different magnitude of power development than with 10 times succussion. Thus, they are much more profound by their nature than other comparable potencies.

Hahnemann’s goal was to have on the one hand

  • very profound potencies, which are also acceptable or useful for chronic treatments, and on the other hand, to have
  • very gentle remedies and
  • short duration of action, in order to be able to interrupt the cure at any time or to adjust the dosage individually to the sensitivity of the patient.

LM-potencies are always administered in the form of a dilution and repeated every few days (in acute cases, of course, even every few hours or minutes). For example, 5 drops in a glass of water, stir vigorously and take only a teaspoonful. The rest should be discarded. It is important that the vial is succussed 10 times before each administration to increase the sharpness of the potency a little, so that the same vibration does not always hit the patient’s organism.

In this way it is possible to treat acute intercurrent diseases during an ongoing chronic treatment with other remedies without having to ask oneself afterwards whether the originally given chronic remedy is still running or whether one has to repeat it if necessary.

In addition, with relatively short-acting doses, one can react more quickly to a possible change of remedy or even a change of miasm. Furthermore, one is in the fortunate position of not always having to antidote immediately if the reactions and results are not so successful, because the duration of action of LM-potency doses is usually not in the range of weeks or months, which of course also depends on the potency level and the sensitivity of the patient.

A very clear example of this comes from Gerhard Risch, a well-known German teacher of homeopathy, passed away now. He compares the effect of a homeopathic remedy with the continuous rotation of a spoke wheel. By grasping the spokes, the wheel is given a powerful push so that it turns on its own axis. – This is to illustrate the homeopathic remedy action. –   Over time, this rotational movement becomes slower and slower until it has almost come to a standstill, so that one can now comfortably give the wheel a next push – again just by grasping into the spokes. If one were to grasp into the spokes significantly earlier, one would considerably disturb the continuous rotary motion, and possibly even bring it to a complete standstill.

That is to say: If the homeopathic administration is repeated too early, the drug itself disturbs its good effect and may even cancel it completely. As long as the symptoms are still in motion, the remedy must not be repeated! This natural law has already been described by Kent and also results from the observations during homeopathic drug provings.

A 30C potency of a chronic anti-miasmatic remedy runs for about four to six weeks. And towards the end, one must always ask oneself whether this really continues to have an effect, which is additionally also of an individual nature, as we all know well.

With LM potencies, the question of repetition does not arise as it does with all other types of potencies, because by succussing the vial, the potency is made a little sharper, so that – figuratively speaking – you do not reach into the same spoked wheel, but into one slightly above it and gives it a rotary motion. The rotary motion of the original wheel continues parallel to this in weakened form and then ends at some point until it comes to a standstill without disturbing the second spoke wheel with its rotary motion and vice versa.

I usually have the patients take LM12, LM15, LM18 potencies every three days, LM21, LM24 every five days, LM27 and LM30 once every two weeks, LM60 once a month or even less often, of course depending on the sensitivity of the person. It may also happen that a patient is advised to put only one drop in a liter of water (≈ 0.26 of a U.S. gallon), and stir it, add a spoonful of this dilution to another liter and stir it, from that a spoonful to a third liter, etc.; for example, seven times, and then take only a spoonful. But these are really exceptions with very, very sensitive people.

Usually, a LM-dilution is taken for about four months until the course of the chronic homeopathic cure is talked through (follow-up) to determine a new simile (either the same in a different potency or a different remedy).

In my practice it often happens that I can keep my patients under the same remedy for a whole year in this way. For example, Medorrhinum LM18 for four months, then four more months with LM24 and possibly four more months in another potency until it is determined that the remedy is no longer indicated.

Of course, there are also intermediate treatments, for example due to injuries, psychological trauma, acute or epidemic infections, intercurrent diseases or due to acute exacerbations of the chronic complaints or due to pregnancy, etc.

And here we see a very big advantage through LM-potencies: We simply interrupt the chronic administrations and prescribe for this new acute condition. Mostly in lower LM-potencies or also in other potencies (X or C, CK), depending on what the patient has on hand at home. For higher C-potencies, we use the water glass method and only allow a spoonful to be taken now and then. Once the patient has recovered, we wait another two to three days (without acute remedies) and then resume the chronic doses.

Further advantages of LM-potencies in brief:

  • Very individual settings of the dosages in chronic cures depending on
  • the sensitivity of the patient (e. g. 5 drops in a teaspoonful of water; 1 drop in a glassful of water and only a teaspoonful) and
  • the severity of the disease (e. g. the dosage as well as the repetition of the remedy) and
  • the age, weight or size of the patient (e. g. infants only 1 drop in a glass of water; adults 5 drops in a glass of water or in a teaspoonful of water)
  • Can be interrupted or even discontinued at any time in case of
  • acute intermediate treatments in case of overreactions during the chronic rewinding process or in case of intercurrent diseases (do not ask the question whether the chronic cure is still running afterwards) or
  • if the patient does not respond to the remedy at all (then possibly increase the dose, e. g. more drops or reduce the amount of water for preparation or even change the remedy)

It is also advisable to introduce the remedy slowly the first weeks (gradual up-dosing) to find the optimal dosage for the patient (for children: 1 drop in a glass of water, first give a quarter of a spoonful of it, after a few more doses half a spoonful and later a whole spoonful; for adults: start with one drop in a glass of water, take only a spoonful of it, after a few doses then 2 drops, etc., until 5 drops are reached.

Dr. Eichelberger always prescribed LM-potencies pure, i. e. drip the drops directly under the tongue with daily intake. My experience, however, is that drug dosages such as these often act much too strong or cannot unfold their effect so quickly because they are repeated so quickly! The vital force should be given the opportunity to react and to bring something in order. Otherwise overstrain results.

My approach is therefore much gentler and more individual due to the water glass method and by introducing the remedy slowly. The point is not to reach a certain dosage, but to find the optimal dosage for the patient. For example, if 4 drops in 200ml of water is too strong an effect, then just go back to 3 drops and stay at this dosage for a longer time. The patient alone, or rather, his vital force decides which dosage is good for him.

A cure does not proceed faster if you take as much and as often as possible, provoking violent reactions!

I always illustrate this with a radio and classical music. If you turn the radio down too low, you won’t hear everything and won’t be able to enjoy the music in all its fullness. And if you set it too loud, the sounds in the speakers will roll over and you won’t be able to enjoy the music to the fullest either. So, the volume of the radio must be adjusted exactly to your individual hearing, then you can enjoy the classical music in its entirety.

This means that one must also give the vital force time to react and to start the healing process. With too frequent and/or intensive medications this is overtaxed so to speak, with too small or rare administrations also not much happens.

In addition, the size of the dose is also important. My teacher Dr. Eichelberger always held the opinion that homeopathic remedies are only about the information, so it does not matter whether you take 1 drop or 5 drops or even more.

But this is not quite correct, actually not at all. Sure – homeopathy is about the information; that is true. But there is also something like the density of information, that’s what I called it elsewhere. And to know and to consider this is always particularly important, because otherwise there is no positive effect or even healing!

Think of a crowded schoolyard in midsummer! A few hundred students are there at recess, and so it is pretty noisy there. Now a teacher comes out of the door and tells a student standing nearby, “Immediately no school on account of excessively hot weather! Please pass the word. You all can go home right now.”

As a result, it will take a while for all the students to receive this message via “word-of-mouth recommendation” and the schoolyard will gradually empty. If, on the other hand, the teacher were to come with a megaphone and announce: “From now on, no school on account of excessively hot weather”, the reaction of all the students would be spontaneous and collective, and the schoolyard would be empty within a short time.

That is, it does make a considerable difference whether we administer one drop or five drops. The information is the same but the intensity of the information is different. And this can be optimally supported, utilized and individually adjusted by LM-potency administration.

A.S.  Homeopathy is often referred to as a gentle healing method. What exactly do you mean by “The Gentle Medicine of Dr. Grätz“?

J. G.  This is much more than just Classical Homeopathy, Alan! It is a comprehensive concept that encompasses all of medicine, not just therapy.

Let me explain this briefly, if this is possible here in a few words. But it would be best to read everything in my book “Gentle Medicine”. There I have described it in detail, also with illustrations and many outstanding case studies. It is understandable for therapists and medical laymen alike, because everyone should know it nowadays. Especially in these curious times, because if so the world would look different.

To get an impression of the various topics please see the table of contents at

Let’s bring today’s medicine to mind by the four following therapeutic methods and compare them with each other:

  1. Conventional Medicine
  2. Naturopathy
  3. Classical Homeopathy (as practiced today)
  4. Gentle Medicine

Every medical procedure is based on basic medical knowledge, which we acquire in our education. This means that we have a so-called “medical substructure” with all its fundamentals of medical knowledge as well as a “therapeutic superstructure” with the corresponding medical treatment.

  • Medical “Substructure”            ->  Fundamentals of General Medicine
  • Therapeutic “Superstructure”    ->  Medical Treatment

Now, from these aspects, let us briefly characterize the four medical therapy methods in key points.

  1. Let’s start with Conventional Medicine:

The medical “substructure”, the fundamentals of general medicine, is based on assumptions, doctrines and hypotheses concerning diseases, causes of disease, diagnostics, the course of disease and its prognosis. A rote memorization, because there is no system! The half-life period of medical knowledge is only 5-7 years! Dr. Anton Rohrer, specialist for general medicine in Austria, formulates it as follows: “The half-life of medical knowledge was 7 to 10 years when I was a student; this has now been reduced to 5 years. This means that half of today’s medical knowledge will be outdated within 5 years, and will actually be no longer ‘true’. … Homeopathy is almost completely disengaged from this kind of medical progress. … While in 5 years, only half of the current knowledge and, in 10 years, practically nothing will be valid, homeopathic knowledge, the wealth of homeopathic experience, will remain. It is timeless!

Thus, the therapeutic “superstructure” in conventional medicine, the medical treatment therefore, is based on assumptions as well as hypotheses! The microbes are the “enemy” from outside, the pathogenic germs! It is always about attacking and defending, about fighting. Everything is seen isolated on the coarse level of matter as well as in the mental realm. And the treatment is always local. There are specialists for everything.

Furthermore, conventional medicine is grossly based on chemistry!

  • Let’s move on to Naturopathy:

The therapeutic “superstructure”, the medical treatment in naturopathy is done with gentle drugs from nature, which can be broken down much easier by the body.

But the thinking in naturopathy is also local and in terms of material.

The medical “substructure”, the fundamentals of general medicine in naturopathy, therefore is the same concept of fighting and defending as in conventional medicine! It’s the same approach: local and from outside and by means of chemistry!

  • Then Classical Homeopathy, as it is practiced nowadays:

In classical homeopathy the therapeutic “superstructure” is based on natural laws! There exists a comprehension, because of laws! And for this one works at the quantum level of matter!

Homeopathy is about dematerialized medicines, about frequencies, vibrations, thus about physics! And it has universal validity! For over 200 years.

But here its medical “substructure” is also based on the assumptions and hypotheses of conventional medicine, and this is, as said, chemistry!

That means: no natural laws in the medical “substructure”, only in the therapeutic “superstructure”.

So in this context we have at times a wrong approach, which can lead to wrong conclusions, so that it comes accordingly sometimes to “therapy failure”.

It’s just like math: You can try your hardest and calculate everything correctly, but the result remains wrong if you don’t take the right approach to begin with!

Translated into the medical realm, this means that, despite gentle and profound homeopathy, there can be no real cure if we allow our false assumptions and what we might have incorrectly learned from “science” to ignore the fundamental laws of nature.

It is therefore particularly important for homeopathic practitioners to have a solid biological basis in addition to their knowledge of homeopathic natural laws when providing treatment.

  • And finally the “Gentle Medicine” of Dr. Grätz:

This Gentle Medicine is characterized by the fact that there are natural laws at all levels! Both in the medical “superstructure as well as in the substructure”.

Gentle Medicine consists of three components. These are all parts that already exist; they all are known and, moreover, even verified. There is no bit of speculation with it! I just put them together in a fitting and meaningful way to a unified big whole, like with a puzzle. And everything is based on natural laws!

First there is the therapeutic “superstructure”, i.e. the medical treatment with Classical Homeopathy with its natural laws and in the chronic area with the five miasms (psora, sycosis, syphilis, tubercular miasm, drug miasm). Then there is the medical “substructure”, the fundamentals of general medicine, the so-called “New Medicine” with its biological laws. And last but not least a part of conventional medicine, the emergency medicine with all its excellent technical possibilities. This includes, for example, the treatment of injuries and accidents, emergencies of all kinds, first aid, operations, dentistry, intensive care medicine, etc.

Due to the biological laws of the new medical “substructure” we have an excellent biological diagnostics system. We know for instance that every disease runs in two phases (permanent sympathicotonia and permanent vagotonia) and we recognize the nature and biological meaning of microbes, which are always demonized in conventional medicine as pathogenic germs. – This is comparable with Galileo Galilei’s new worldview of Copernican heliocentrism (earth rotating daily and revolving around the sun). – Thus, a disease, whether acute or chronic, can be assessed causally and its conventional diagnosis can be questioned. In addition, the course of a disease can be better supported, for example, healing crises during therapy, exacerbations and/or complications, drug effects, and much more, as well as the prognosis can be made more accurately. The therapist is put in the fortunate position of being able to make better and safer decisions for his homeopathic procedure and thus for the well-being of the individual patient. Moreover, the patient can cooperate by understanding the system and the causality of his disease.

In Gentle Medicine we have natural laws at all levels! No assumptions, hypotheses and doctrines. Natural and biological laws everywhere: in the basics of general medicine as well as in medical treatment! And from this follows:

  • A better reliability in diagnostics, treatment and the therapeutic process.
  • A greater leverage in treatment and follow-ups.
  • A better evaluation of and responding to healing crises.
  • More successful cures with severe diseases.
  • A better patient understanding.

Gentle Medicine promotes holistical and energetic thinking. By using the new medical substructure, homeopaths can now always act strictly according to laws, on a much broader basis than ever before and with even greater certainty, since both the nature and the causality of many diseases can be better understood. As a result, homeopaths have even more leverage than they already had (especially in the case of many severe chronic diseases) because they no longer make assumptions based on (partly) incorrect medical conditions. The basic “approach is right”!

This puts homeopaths in a unique position to react prudently and deliberately, even when faced with the most severe diseases and healing crises, anti-miasmatic (for example in intermediate treatments during the rewinding process) as well as acute, according to both nature and physiology. In addition, they can ultimately be more confident, both in their choice of homeopathic treatment and with the individual vital force of their patients, and can be assured that some healing phenomena simply have to be sustained.

Finally, patients also learn to understand their disease and can better assess the corresponding homeopathic measures because they should retain their say in treatment.

A.S.  A very common procedure in pregnancy is ultrasound. It’s generally thought of as a benign procedure. What is your understanding?

J.G.  Thank you for this very important question in today’s fast-moving time, Alan. It is also of great importance for all of us as homeopaths and one should know a little about it.

For most young women, the first thing they do at the beginning of a pregnancy is go to the doctor. You want to be sure that you are pregnant and take a picture home with you. But – whether these sonications are really harmless, very few think about that. But this is exactly what everyone should do!

In order to understand the topic in its entirety, first a few words about the physical background. How does ultrasound work in principle?

According to clinical dictionaries, two procedures of sonography (ultrasound) are distinguished: the pulse echo method and the Doppler mode (continuous wave).

In the pulse echo method, the sound generator is a piezoelectric crystal that is excited to vibrate mechanically at the same frequency by excitation with the appropriate high frequency; waves with 20,000 vibrations per second, which are above human hearing. – For bats, however, quite audible. Their cries are also not perceptible to the human ear!

Where do we actually get the certainty that the human fetus cannot hear these sound waves? Maybe he can, nevertheless? We will never receive a direct answer, because one cannot ask them! One can rely at most on the interpretation of measured data!

The crystal that generates the sound waves also acts as a sound receiver, i.e. the transducer changes its function in fractions of a second. First, the transducer emits short sound pulses (transmitting function), then it is switched to the receiver and picks up the reflected echoes again (receiving function). The time difference between the emitted pulse and the echo pulses is proportional to the depth of a reflecting layer and also depends on its tissue density. The re-recorded sound waves are directly converted into electrical pulses, amplified and made visible as light points on a monitor and thus graphically displayed.

In the second method, the Doppler sonography (continuous wave), a piezoelectric crystal continuously emits ultrasonic waves of constant frequency. When the sound wave beam hits a moving boundary layer, part of the waves is reflected at a changed frequency (Doppler effect). The interference of the frequencies of the incident and the reflecting beam results in a low-frequency sound, which is made audible by amplification. These frequency differences are electronically converted into color hues and graphically displayed.

The Doppler method is suitable, for example, for the detection of fetal heart sounds in early pregnancy (approximately from the 10th-12th WoP [week of pregnancy]), for random and continuous monitoring of fetal heart sounds during pregnancy and during birth, for gross clinical placental and umbilical cord localization.

In biological tissues, low sound intensities act as a stimulus, while higher intensities are damaging. Irreversible damage is caused by absorption-induced heat generation, mechanical overstressing and cavitation, a formation of cavities (bubbles) in very rapidly flowing liquids, which leads to the disintegration of cell structures and the dissolution of physicochemical bonds.

As early as the 1980s, radiologist Dr. Doreen Liebeskind of the New York Albert Einstein College of Medicine observed changes in cell structure and cell motility of sonicated cell generations as well as abnormal cell growth, abnormal chromosomes, and altered DNA synthesis, and thereupon warned against ill-considered prenatal ultrasound use. Further studies show that ultrasound examinations in the womb cause destruction of myelin, maldevelopment of neurons and influence the formation of synapses in the brain of the unborn child, and also result in a 22% reduction in the cell division rate.

According to the head of the New York Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Robert Bases, there are already more than 700 (!) scientific publications since 1950, which testify that ultrasound has strong negative influences on living systems.

These are the basics of ultrasound imaging. Tissue is made to vibrate – and, what is more, tissue that is only in the process of being formed, which means that it is extremely sensitive and susceptible to external disturbances! This is especially true for the highly sensitive embryonic and brain development. Such disturbances in the form of intense vibrations in the deepest layers of the uterus do not exist in nature; therefore they are extremely dangerous. Accordingly, there can be no emergency or special program of nature to react appropriately to such disturbances and then to repair their consequences.

If you expose ornamental fish in the aquarium to such high-frequency sound waves, they immediately topple over and are dead! This should make us think. After all, at what stage is the human embryo or fetus in the womb? Doesn’t it go through phases of a kind of phylogenesis in the nine months of pregnancy and thus also the lower stages of the brain development, comparable to a small ornamental fish?

In addition, it is also known that in the operational area of submarines there is a mass fish mortality caused by the heat and bubble formation (cavitation) resulting from ultrasound used to locate obstacles and enemy submarines.

There is a great danger especially at the beginning of pregnancy, because due to the high sensitivity of the embryo, an abortion could easily result. By far the greatest danger comes from modern vaginal ultrasound examinations, since here the foetus is sonicated directly – from the immediate vicinity – without absorption through the somewhat protective abdominal wall of the mother and the muscles of the uterus.

In any case, not only once I have experienced involuntary abortions by vaginal ultrasound during the first weeks of pregnancy, i.e. I have been told about it in anamneses!

In addition, malformations of organs or parts thereof may also occur if they are subjected to intensive sonication during their development.

During homeopathic chronic medical histories, parents have often reported to me that the fetuses evaded the sound waves in the womb and “slipped off” or even “somersaulted” into the last corner of the uterus, which of course significantly increases the risk of umbilical cord strangulation and/or knots in the umbilical cord.

The belittling comment of the attending physician “Look, he’s playing with me” shows ignorance and complete misjudgment of the situation. The fetus is frightened; they hear unfamiliar sounds and frequencies in utero (due to the bubbling), feel the heat generated by the ultrasound, and finally go into a frenzy and panic!

They often twist and turn back and forth in the womb, thrust quite purposefully at the transducer or press both hands to their little ears. In addition, there is usually also a marked increase in their cardiac frequency. All this is then dismissed by the attending physician as “fidgeting”, not suspecting that he himself is the actual cause of the fetus’ hyperactive behavior.

One mother reported during her infant son’s medical history that he had peeled all over his body a few days after birth, “like sunburn”. “Maybe it’s related to the frequent ultrasounds”, the young woman surmised.

It has been proven that ultrasound turns the amniotic fluid into a bubbling liquid, which is deafeningly loud (100 dB), as if it were to suddenly start boiling. This does not exist under normal conditions in nature and is therefore already per se unbearable for the still unborn child.

It should also be known that the fetal development of the ear begins very early. According to Dr. Alfred Tomatis, professor of psycholinguistics in Paris, hearing is the first sensory organ to be laid out and fully developed. Moreover, hearing and emotion are located in the same area of the brain, so hearing disorders due to this adjacency are often a reflection of emotional difficulties developed during pregnancy or birth trauma.

For this the child perceives before the birth – independently of the usual sense organs – and records these perceptions as so-called engrams (memory pictures) on the cellular level! Therefore, a pregnant woman should experience every consideration, because negative experiences (quarrels, fear and panic, great noise, hysterical behavior, injuries, coitus during pregnancy, abortion attempts, etc.) can also leave a lasting impression on the child-to-be. Conflict experience shocks on the part of the mother and/or the fetus can even lead to delayed development, premature labor, constriction of the placental vessels, abortion, etc.

So the expectant mother is a common component of all prenatal engrams of the child! It is considered a scientific fact that healthy children come from contented and happy mothers. Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy, also recognized this at that time, saying: “The health of children depends on the health of women.”

A small comparison on the sidelines: If you submerge in your full bathtub, then you are able to perceive acoustically much more clearly, and get possibly also conversations, which are led in the apartment lying under you, which you wouldn’t understand otherwise. – In principle, the embryo/foetus is constantly in a similar situation, since all sounds from outside are amplified by the amniotic fluid surrounding it.

Therefore an advice for all pregnant women and those who want to become pregnant:

If you really want to see and hear the effects of ultrasound, then I recommend the following: Go to your optician or jeweler, and have them demonstrate an ultrasonic cleaning bath to you! You will be amazed. The ultrasonic cleaning bath, a cuboid tub filled with a cleansing lotion, is used for cleaning, for example, eyeglasses, jewelry or dentures. High-frequency ultrasonic waves cause the cleaning medium (e.g. water with solvents) to vibrate by means of longitudinal waves, resulting in reciprocal compaction and dilution due to the alternating sound pressure.

 The tensile forces in the suction phase of the oscillation can rupture the liquid; this results in so-called cavitation. Around the cavitation bubbles, the bang-like implosion causes high local pressures and strong turbulence and currents in the liquid. These phenomena are the actual criteria that lead to the detachment or downright blasting off of dirt particles on a fabric surface.

Cavitation bubbles are formed mainly at the interfaces between the liquid and the material to be cleaned. These bubbles fizz with force to the surface and are thus reminiscent of boiling water. With the help of this liquid vibration, stubborn, stuck dirt particles are quickly removed, for example, from eyeglasses. The whole process is accompanied by a high-frequency, penetrating and unmistakable whistling sound.

So the fetus gets much more than we are commonly aware of! The extreme frightfulness and sensitivity to noise of many of today’s infants – some already start crying hysterically when only the water tap is turned on or when a spoon falls from the table onto the floor – may possibly be the result of an ultrasound trauma.

Furthermore, one should ask oneself what one wants to achieve with the diagnostic tool ultrasound and what significance this really has. Strictly speaking, there is – from the point of view of orthodox medicine – only the vague presumption of recognizing a malformation and, as a consequence, the two extremes: either to keep the child or to abort it. Moreover, the rate of misdiagnosis amounts to 30%! We do not need to go into further detail about what this means.

During pregnancy examinations, ultrasound is used to measure the following parameters, among others: head diameter, abdominal diameter, crown-heel length, uterus diameter, amniotic sac diameter. The position of the child and its heart activity can also be determined.

But what is the point of all this? Does the pregnant woman therefore feel better afterwards? Or is there more or less only a scientific and academic interest in such data? Calculating the date of birth – well, you can’t convince me with that; there I have seen way too big deviations so far, in both directions up to five weeks!

And last but not least, the position of the placenta can be assessed, which in my opinion is the most useful application, so that in the case of a very low placenta (PPT – placenta praevia totalis – the placenta totally displaces the entrance to the birth canal; PPP – placenta praevia partialis – the placenta partially displaces the entrance to the birth canal), a caesarean section can be planned at an early stage, if necessary, in order not to unnecessarily put the life of mother and child at risk during birth.

This use of ultrasound, however, needs to be done quite late (≥36th WoP), because an initial misalignment of the placenta can still normalize over time – especially with the help of homeopathy (for example with Sepia)! Nevertheless, according to experienced midwives, sonography is not obligatory, because in the case of a persistent placenta praevia “bleeding will occur at least 4 weeks before birth”, which indicates that hospital care and a caesarean section are necessary.

How little significance an ultrasound really has can be exemplified by a few brief case studies from chronic anamneses in my homeopathic practice.

In one case, the mother-to-be was told at the beginning of the 8th month of pregnancy that her child’s head had not continued to grow. As a result, there were understandably fears and worries for two months until the due date. There was nothing more that could be done anyway. But when the child was born, everything was fine! The head was of normal size and everything else was just right. So the eight weeks of panic and excitement were completely unjustified.

Another patient was predicted a clearly recognizable disability of the fetus in the 5th month of pregnancy on the basis of ultrasound examination. “Your child will be born ‘dorky’”, was the doctor’s verbatim statement. “I’ll take that away for you.” This was the 6th child, and the gynecologist urged the young woman not to burden herself and her family with a disabled child and make them unhappy after all.

The mother, however, despite the gloomy outlook, “gratefully” refused and – this child was born as the healthiest of all six! – It must be noted, however, that this mother was already undergoing homeopathic anti-miasmatic treatment before the beginning of this pregnancy and continued to be accompanied homeopathically during the pregnancy.

Reason-wise, therefore, they cannot possibly be coincidences, because there is a strict logic and regularity for every single case!

Another expectant mother, who was diagnosed with too little amniotic fluid in the comparable month and already spoke of brain damage and/or severe kidney damage of the unborn child, followed the recommendations of her doctor and had the pregnancy terminated at this late stage (5th month of pregnancy).

However, during the autopsy it turned out that nothing was wrong with the child and that the child was completely healthy! Another pregnant woman received the bad news of an empty (!) amniotic sac from her doctor during her first ultrasound examination and was to be scraped, but she did not consent to this. Instead, she continued to be cared for by a midwife and finally gave birth to a healthy baby girl!

I could cite other cases, but this should suffice to give a small impression of how meaningful such modern diagnostic procedures are, what is interpreted into the images and how sad the results can be.

In my eyes at least, besides its harmfulness to health, ultrasound contributes to a total uncertainty. The graphic resolution of the devices is much too low to make accurate diagnoses. Therefore, misinterpretations are the order of the day. This is evident not least from the fact that premature determination of sex is often completely off the mark.

In addition, premature labor is provoked more and more frequently, and premature births are also on the increase, which may not infrequently have something to do with the excessive sonication. In addition, changes in genetic material, cell damage, growth disorders, brain disorders, speech development disorders, heart defects, miscarriages and stillbirths can be provoked. Many mothers also report a marked increase in fetal movements after the first ultrasound examinations.

The measurement of fetal heart tones (CTG – cardiotocography) also works in a similar way (ultrasound waves) and can contribute to causing restlessness and unsettling the fetus. Many mothers repeatedly report that the child becomes restless and deliberately pokes at the transducer, which is located above its heart on the maternal abdominal wall, so that they often have to correct the position of the transducer.

Dr. Grätz’s last book is in English and published in the USA: Gentle Medicine – The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health, 2021, Balboa Press, Bloomington, USA.

A review of the book appears in Hpathy here:


About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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