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Homeopathy Papers

A Commentary on the NHMRC Position on Homeopathy

national health and medical research council

Iman Navab comments on the NHMRC study and puts it into perspective.


The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) have recently produced a research paper titled “Evidence on the effectiveness of homeopathy for treating health conditions”. Their ‘systematic review’ concludes that “there are no health conditions for which there is reliable evidence that homeopathy is effective.”

It seems like some key words such as ‘systematic review’ are used based on the presumption that they already knew what homeopathy is about. However, even a layman can detect flaws in this research paper.  They make a great effort to contrive a study that “proved” homeopathy didn’t cure diseases. To construct a study in order to get a preconceived result is not so scientific. Their “Homeopathy Working Committee” did not include a single qualified homeopath to maintain even the appearance fairness. Their findings are incomplete due to their educational bias. Reducing everything to black or white, they really missed the colours of the rainbow.  There is no eureka moment here and such outcomes do not surprise us. We as consumers of homeopathy are used to seeing such biased reports.

The NHMRC failed to consult the fundamental books of homeopathy, namely, Organon and Materia Medica.  They depended on opinions rather than good quality experiments which would have shown the scope of homeopathy’s offerings. The rule of individualization in homeopathic case-taking was overlooked. As Dr. Samuel Hahnemann said “Indolent ignorance has always tried to find specifics, that is, remedies which would cure a whole class of diseases.”

So how can we debate this issue when simple facts about homeopathy are misunderstood? With a short brush of so called ‘research’ – they sweep homeopathy under the rug of science.

This is a time-tested medicine that has never received its past-due merit and acknowledgments. It’s fascinating that for the past two hundred years, even with the existence of medical records, journals and clinical evidence in favour of homeopathy, it has often been ignored. Medical archives with statistical reports recorded by different governmental health authorities clearly show that homeopathy saved many lives in various pandemic events throughout history.

In spite of all these ongoing campaigns against this system of medicine, homeopathy does not give up, go away into nothingness or cease its existence. How could this “magic” have survived for so long? Some may wonder if homeopathy can ever be stopped. Well, the truth is, homeopathy is not man-made, thus it does not need mankind’s permission to be. It is based on nature’s solid principle of ‘Like Cures Like’.  So far time has been the best judge to demonstrate the healing capabilities of homeopathy.

It is in Hippocrates’ (Father of Medicine) teachings that we find : “by using just that which produces the disease, a cure is affected by the disease itself. We ought not to employ powerful medicines needlessly and seek to weaken them by quantitative relations.”

It must be acknowledged that to this day, the homeopathic mechanism of action, ie.  how it works, is still unknown. But our lack of understanding is not a free pass to jump into a blind conclusion. We use electricity but after thousands of years of research we still don’t really know how it works. Nowadays science debunks all previous theories about how static electricity works, but we simply don’t know for sure. Of course we have some sort of understanding about electricity’s charges, energy, current and so on, but in reality it is not fully understood. We enjoy the end-result that electricity offers, such as light, but hey that just could be a “placebo effect” that we’re experiencing!

In conclusion, I must say that for patients of homeopathy, it is doing so much good, that the world can’t ignore it.

About the author

Iman Navab

Iman Navab is a certified classical Homeopath and doctor of alternative medicine from Canada. He is the President of the Applied Research in Homeopathy Foundation of Canada ( He is the author of 'Miasma of Cancer', and is a historian of Homeopathy. Iman teaches History and Philosophy of Homeopathy at the Canadian College of Holistic Health. Navab gives lectures and seminars to raise awareness about the rich history of Homeopathy.

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