Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Allen College’s “Simple Classical Homoeopathy”

allen college

Donna Fox explains the Allen College of Homoeopathy approach to teaching and case taking. The college stresses simple classical homeopathy with deep knowledge of materia medica and miasms




Before I discuss the Allen College of Homoeopathy, let me tell you something of my own journey.  I have been part of the Allen College since 2005. I trained for four years part time for the Undergraduate Course and graduated in 2009. In my last year I attended the Bengal Allen Medical Institute Calcutta. I enjoyed the course so much, that I went again in 2012.  I completed two years Postgraduate studies at the Allen College and presently I am Technical Supervisor for the video-link courses with my colleague Beth Hatwell.  We organise the long distance and overseas students who join our courses via video-link.  Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea and I also manage our group ACH Classical Homoeopathy on LinkedIn. I also run my own practice and work at a clinic in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.


Allen College’s “Simple Classical Homoeopathy”

Our teaching at Allen College is “Simple Classical Homoeopathy”, straight forward and non-confusing. We have a very structured approach. I started at Allen College with very little knowledge of homoeopathy and couldn’t believe how much there was to it. Once I started to read Materia Medica, I was absolutely taken with it. I loved it with a passion, so much so I just couldn’t stop reading.  A book went with me everywhere.

At Allen College our priority is Materia Medica, not Repertory.  We do teach repertory, but Subrata’s words are :“If you know fifty medicines off by heart, you are done.” It is also great to have the privilege of being taught Materia Medica so passionately by Dr. Subrata Banerjea. What more could you ask for!

I have to admit I rarely use repertory, as I know my Materia Medica. Even when I was still an undergraduate and we had to do ten cases, my choice of medicine was always confirmed by Subrata.  However, he would always write on my notes “Where is your repertorisation?” so I didn’t get away with it!

When I take a case now, I have Subrata’s words in my head “Homoeopathy is simple, you don’t need to complicate it”. “Prescribe for what you see”.

The must-have books for our teaching at Allen College are:

1)  Boericke’s Materia Medica

2)  Allen’s Keynotes with Nosodes

3)  N.M. Choudhuri’s Materia Medica

4)  Synoptic Memorizer of Materia Medica – Dr. Subrata K Banerjea

5)  Organon of Medicine 5th & 6th Edition

6)  Miasmatic Prescribing – Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea

We learn our Materia Medica and Miasms thoroughl, from Dr. Banerjea. Philosophy and Organon are taught by Janet Robinson Banerjea, who has a unique way of explaining things. We have the best medical science teachers in Dr. Olfat Ghoneim and Dr. Anjali Hariharan. Our other excellent lecturers are Dr. Richard Laing, Ann Perry etc.

Once we have our grounding, thorough case taking is essential. “Aa case well taken is a case half cured.” Here is the case taking format:

Personal Details:   Name/Address/ D.O.B/ Sex/ Occupation etc.

Medications:  Past and present drug/allopathic conventional medicine history, including any other complementary treatments. Family medical history.

Presenting Complaints:-  Complete the symptoms with Location-Sensation-Modalities-Concomitants-Aetiology (cause and onset of the problem with emphasis on physical, emotional, past history of drugs, vaccination and diseases- NBWS (never been well since). Duration of Treatment.  Past history of treatment.  If there is more than one presenting complaint, complete each one as above.

Clarify what the patient says.

Head to Foot scanning of symptoms

Ascertain miasmatic diagnosis of nails

For full details of case taking please refer to Classical Homoeopathy for an Impatient World/ Rapid Classical Prescribing by Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea.

MTEK – Miasm-Totality-Essence-Keynotes

Take the case thoroughly. Complete analysis and evaluation of the case. Miasmatic analysis to ascertain the surface miasm/s. Pick out the symptoms to which you will base your prescription. Special emphasis on clear modalities and causes (aetiology).  Totality-Esscence and Keynotes (PQRS).

Ensure the indicated remedy covers the surface Miasm.

Drug Dependent Cases: refer to “Our Prescribing”

In the Allen Teaching Clinic we have live interaction between patients and participants, so we demonstrate what we teach. We discuss clinical and comparative Materia Medica. We follow-up the cases approximately every 6-8 weeks.


Example 1 of how a case is taken:

Miasmatic breakdown of the case

Cough without expectoration – Tubercular

Cough agg: by lying down, evening – Tubercular

Cough dry, teasing – Psora/Tubercular

Respiratory agg: cold/winter – Psora, Respiratory symptoms agg: night – Syph/Tubercular

Aggravation damp weather – Sycotic

Lack of confidence – Psora

Changeable – Tubercular

Slow – Psora

Fears – Darkness, snakes – Psora/Tubercular

Stubborn – Tubercular, Timid shy- Psora, Dancing & singing- Sycotic /Tubercular, Easily bored- Tubercular

Wart on foot – Sycotic

Desires:  Sweet = Psora.   Salt/Salty- Syco =Tubercular, Meat=Tubercular, Warm food- Sycotic

Amelioration in summer – Psora

Headaches when tired, weakness – Tubercular

Nails – Shiny, white spots – Tubercular

Chilly but desires fresh, open air – Tubercular

As you can see there is a predominance of Tubercular miasm, which indicates you need to prescribe a Tubercular medicine. So you are covering the surface miasm.

Prescription made on the basis of:

Appearance – Pale, tall, slim build.

Exposure to damp, cold, changeable weather, < from any change of weather.

Chest sore < cold.

Chilly patient but desires open air.

Changeable temperament, easily bored- annoying, > when occupied.

Desires – Sweet, Salt, Meat.

Headaches when tired.

Final Prescription: Calcarea Phosphoricum  200C /2 doses – 1 globule poppy seed size in ½ litre bottle of water, sip for 10 days, then 20 day gap,  sip second dose for 10 days.

Miasmatic Weightage of Medicine:



Follow Up – Patient much improved after six weeks.


Example 21 of how a case is taken:

Miasmatic Analysis

Likes watching films – Psora

Amelioration rest – Psora

Jealous; Irritable +++; Materialistic, wants to make money; Likes gambling; Angry – Sycotic

Profuse sweat +++; Thirsty +++; Suspicious ++ – Sycotic

Fluid on knees – Sycotic, > rest- Psora

Headache – Vertex, Frontal, Headache with worry – Sycotic

Nose blocked – Dryness- Psora, Sneezing+++ – Psora/Sycotic

Nails – shiny, flushing – Tubercular. Ridges – Sycotic

Likes playing Rugby-Syphilitic

Stubborn; Impatient; Changeable – Tubercular

Hayfever- Allergy- Tubercular

Desire Fresh Air – Easily catches cold.

Hot Patient ++

In this case there is a predominance of the Sycotic miasm. So a Sycotic medicine is needed, as it covers the surface miasm.

Prescription made on the basis of:

Ailments from anger – headache- > pressure, > rest

Nose stuffed up – dryness ++ Sneezing +++

Knees swelling, < motion, > rest

Temperament- Irritable; Impatient; Insecure; Suppressed anger, easily angered

Materialistic +++

Sweat +++      Thirsty +++    Hot Patient ++

Final Prescription: Bryonia Alba – 30C followed by 200C

Miasmatic Weightage of Medicine:



Follow Up – Patient much improved, especially temperament.

About the author

Donna Fox

Donna Fox (Dip Hom ACH; PGHom; RSHom) I have been part of the Allen College since 2005. I trained for 4 years part-time for the undergraduate course and graduated in 2009. In my last year I attended the Bengal Allen Medical Institute, Calcutta. I enjoyed the course so much, that I went again in 2012. I completed two years postgraduate studies at the Allen College and presently I am Technical Supervisor for the video-link courses with my colleague Beth Hatwell. We organise the long distance and overseas students, who join our courses via video-link. I also practice at the Leigh Clinic, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.


  • DEAR DR,

  • Much as I enjoyed reading your enthusing article, I am very curious to know how, “Likes playing rugby” can be simply attributed to the syphilitic miasm; similarly with “Materialistic, wants to make money” etc. It is not that I disagree with you, I just want to know the thinking behind this classification?

  • Very good case taking!. Easily understood. A great help to us who are new comer in this field! Thanks!

  • Hi Jamie
    Rugby would come under the Syphilitic miasm as it is quite a tough, aggressive sport, lots of bodily fight.
    As for materialistic, wants to make money – Sycotic miasm – can be because of greed, so over the top, in excess.

    Best Wishes

  • Hi DrCSGupta
    You can incorporate miasm into acute prescribing, which can help to decide a medicine:
    For example below Homoeopathic Bronchodilators:

    In Cassia there is a lot of mucus & rattling which is Sycotic, aggravates during rainy season- Sycotic, so as you can see the predominant miasm is Sycosis.

    CASSIA SOPHERA: (i) Skin diseases (like dandruff, eczema, itching, ringworm etc.) are associated with bronchial troubles. (ii) More the cough (in asthmatic patients) and more it is a painful and distressing cough, better it is indicated. (iii) Asthmatic symptoms with rattling of mucus in the throat but not much expulsion. (iv) Aggravates during rainy and winter season, (v) by expectoration. (iii) Cough after influenza.
    Miasmatics: Psora (++)-Sycotic(++)- Syphilis (+)- Tubercular (+++)
    Potency of Choice: Q, 30 C.
    7) POTHOS FOETIDUS: (i) For asthmatic complaints, which is caused and are made worse from inhaling any dust. Allergic broncho-spasm. (ii) Difficult, troublesome respiration; oppression with perspira¬tion. Anguish with oppression. (iii) Asthmatic symptoms are better by passing stool. (iv) Deep acting Syco-Psoric remedy
    Miasmatics: Psora (++)-Sycotic(++)- Tubercular (+)
    Potency of Choice: Q, 30 C ; 1M ( For Allergic Broncho-spasm

  • Please find here the correct Miasmatic diagnosis for Cassia sorry, copy and pasted wrongly.

    CASSIA SOPHERA: (i) Skin diseases (like dandruff, eczema, itching, ringworm etc.) are associated with bronchial troubles. (ii) More the cough (in asthmatic patients) and more it is a painful and distressing cough, better it is indicated. (iii) Asthmatic symptoms with rattling of mucus in the throat but not much expulsion. (iv) Aggravates during rainy and winter season, (v) < later part of the evening and past mid-night, towards early morning, better by sitting up. Note:- Cassia sophera is antidoted by smoking or chewing tobacco, so patients, should avoid them during medication.
    Miasmatics: Psora (++) -Syco(+++) – Syphilitic
    Potency of Choice: Q, 30 C;1M.

  • This article is very good example of simplistic explaination of miasms ,relatively difficult
    topic I found.
    Thank you!

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