Homeopathy Papers

Blood Pathology Testing in Clinical Homeopathic Practice

Written by Thierry Clerc

Homeopathy Thierry Clerc discusses the use of blood tests in clinical homeopathic practice.


After seeing my first patients, back in 2005, I started to build up my professional clinic, and also look in parallel of areas, that I wanted to improve.

While trained in the UK, I align very much with the European school of homeopathy, which focuses a lot on the body’s health and on resolving physical ailments, which are nowadays often chronic and life-debilitating, if not life-threatening.

I faced issues early in my practice, with more physical problems, such as arthritis or chronic skin issues. I started to look into blood pathology tests, as these are information that is often available in chronic health issues.

This has greatly improved my success rates. First, it helps to find if there are any other causes preventing the body from healing. It also helps to get relevant metrics to track the body’s improvement – if a patient’s symptom does not really improve, but see related blood results positively change, he or she may give you more time to get results.

I also have found out, especially in the West, this brings confidence to patients, and also to their local conventional doctors if needed – it has been much easier for me to treat people with severe issues, and liaise with their conventional practitioners. “Speaking the language of the world”, which includes medical blood tests nowadays helps to reach out more.

It also helps to open up new rubrics in the repertory and in our search for the Simillinum, or to provide an alternative support if relevant. Doctors trained in homeopathy have a good grasp of blood pathology analysis. I have found that most lay-homeopaths or classically trained homeopaths lack this skill.

While reviewing cases with colleagues, I have been able to suggest very effective and simple ways to assist them. So much, that now, I supervise more colleagues by checking their patients’ blood tests.

Blood Tests, Blood Ranges & their use for Holistic Medicine

This document explains briefly some very common blood tests. This document is not intended to interpret blood pathology results but to help other practitioners understand their use in clinical practice. With any medical tests, the medical history and the presenting symptoms would need to be taken into account before deciding whether a result is of concern.

It is important to understand that some blood metrics vary depending on your age, gender, but also with the location where the blood test was processed. Anaemia profiles, which analyse red blood cells are more relaxed in the UK for example, than in Germany or France. Cholesterol readings are stricter in the US than in Spain.

Again, we are not conventional doctors. We use available information to understand why the body is not healing, and blood tests can uncover a lack of nutrients or weakened organs, that can explain seemingly unrelated health issues

It is worth also understanding that there are different ways to read blood tests. Initially, conventional medicine defined blood ranges to investigate pathology. In parallel, over the last 20 years, a whole new field of blood analysis has opened up in professional sports nutrition, based on the study of healthy fit sportsmen or women, and how to improve their performance.

The “optimal” blood range would be much narrower with the aim of improving body performance – muscle building in bodybuilders or injury-reduction in professional football for instance. I am now spending more of my time to understand these principles, and it is not the scope of this article to cover this in detail. There are however some good pointers in the bibliography at the end if you are interested.

The costs of private blood tests vary depending on countries. They are very high in the UK, but very cheap in the European continent or across Asia, where I also have patients. However, prices have overall increased during the pandemic as there is more pressure in general on the testing raw materials.

In the UK, most of the testing is done by the Public National Health Service, and I have found that many NHS doctors are very open in testing and retesting patients when they see improvement, while a significant minority refuse this route.

I believe that we will see more solutions in terms of home-testing soon. Many companies have come to the UK and offer cheap, home blood tests. The quality of the results in my view is not yet there, but this is something to keep an eye on.

Haematology – Red Cells

Red blood cells are specialised cells that transport oxygen in the blood. However, they also carry a variety of nutrients and waste products as they are carried through the body by the liquid portion of our blood. Anaemia (the literal translation means “without blood”) refers to reduced numbers or reduced quality of red blood cells.

Haemoglobin (Hb) is the specialised protein in the blood that actually binds with oxygen and carbon dioxide. Decreased values are seen in Vitamin B6 or B12 deficiency and also iron deficiency. Increased value is often due to dehydration.

HCT (Haematocrit) is the percentage of Red Blood Cells in relation to the fluid portion of the blood. Decreased values can indicate anaemia from haemorrhage, parasites, nutritional deficiency or chronic disease processes.

Red Cell Count measures the number of red cells in the blood. A low count often accompanies anaemia, excess body fluid and blood loss. A high count is commonly seen in dehydration and in a rare condition called polycythaemia.

 MCV (Mean cell volume) is a measurement of the average size of the red cells. Elevated volumes can be due to B-Vitamins deficiency (usually B12) and reduced volumes are characteristic of an iron deficiency.

MCH (Mean cell haemoglobin) is a measurement of the weight of Haemoglobin in each red blood cell.

MCHC (Mean cell haemoglobin concentration) is the average percentage of haemoglobin in each red cell, relative to the total weight of the cell.

 I use all this range of metrics when a patient has clinical anaemia, along the blood iron metrics described below. However, I have found that undiagnosed low-level anaemia can often constitute an obstacle to cure for many physical ailments – the indicated remedy does not act as fast as expected then.

A lady, 23 years old came to see me for recurring vaginal discharge, mainly after sex and lasting for days or weeks. She was on the birth control pill and in a healthy relationship. The presentation of the discharge pointed to Thuya. I also asked her to forward me a recent routine blood test (which was medically OK).

She emailed me the results a few weeks after, pointing that she had felt some very mild improvement on the Thuya, but not as much as I had expected. I looked at the blood test and haemoglobin, red cell count, serum iron and ferritin levels were all medically normal but close to the lowest range possible. The lady was not really showing any medical signs of anaemia (fatigue, white skin, hair loss…) but was vegetarian.

In this situation like in many similar cases, I now see iron-deficiency as an obstacle to cure, and I address it nutritionally instead of trying to find a better remedy. I saw the lady a few weeks after for her follow-up and she reported that while on the Thuya and iron-support together, she felt much better, much calmer and that the discharge has finally significantly reduced.

Haematology – Immunity Cells

Platelet Count measures the number of platelets, specialised blood cells that will help the blood clot in the event of an injury. High platelet counts are often seen following strenuous activity, in infections and inflammation. Extremely low platelet counts can be associated with spontaneous bleeding.

 MPV (Mean Platelet Volume) measures the average size of platelets. Abnormally high MPVs mean the platelets are larger, which could put an individual at risk for a heart attack or stroke. Lower MPVs indicate smaller platelets, meaning the person is at risk for a bleeding disorder.

 White Blood Cells (WBC) or leukocytes are the blood protectors of your immune system. In addition to floating passively in the blood stream from place to place, they have the ability to squeeze between the cells in the blood vessel wall and attack invaders such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, cancers and any other foreign body. There are five main groups found in the blood:

– Lymphocytes are to do with antibody production, and are the first line of defence. Elevated levels are seen in viral infections, TB and some other chronic diseases.

– Neutrophils are white blood cells which are very active. They respond quickly to invading bacteria, viruses, parasites and foreign bodies. Low levels can be a consequence of anaemia, drug toxicity and some infections.

– Monocytes are the largest of the white cells and are increased in numbers in more chronic infections (i.e. mononucleosis, tuberculosis etc.).

– Eosinophils are the most rapidly responding white cells when you are having an acute (sudden) allergy reaction or parasitic infestation. It can also be elevated in some cases of asthma.

– Basophils respond to chronic intestinal allergies, eczema, and asthma, also sometimes with parasitic infections.

Use in Practice

For people interested in blood metrics, I would recommend the book from Dr. Nasha Winters, which specifically talks about complementary therapies in case cancer. She defines a range of metrics to aim at through nutritional support.  I do use her metrics, primarily with homeopathy and also some nutritional support to help my patients’ suffering from auto-immune issues or who need complementary support with cancer now.

In short, you want to bring the Lymphocyte to Neutrophil ratio to a score above 2, and the other type of white blood cells to the lower side of the medical range. Chemotherapy would depress the immune system generally so the white cells will go down, but if you manage to assist the body in keeping these ratios, and other metrics outside this section such as C-Reactive Proteins or LDH, then you may be able to improve prognosis and also quality of life to a very great extent.

Biochemistry – Electrolytes

They are involved in the maintenance of mineral salts and water balance in the body. They may be affected by dehydration and some of the commonly used drugs e.g. diuretics.

Na (sodium) is an essential “macro” mineral required in our diet. Sodium helps maintain the proper acid base balance in our blood and tissues, the fluid pressure in our blood and tissues, the fluid pressure in our blood vessels, cells and neuromuscular function. Elevated sodium levels are characteristic of dehydration, kidney disease and adrenal gland dysfunction. Low blood levels of sodium are typical of excessive water consumption, diabetes and pituitary gland disorders.

K (potassium) is another one of the important “macro” minerals. It is important in maintaining proper heart rhythm, acid base balance, body fluid pressure and kidney function. Elevated levels of potassium are typical of heart block, adrenal gland deficiency and hypoventilation. Decreased potassium levels are typical of diarrhoea, hyperactive adrenals, weakness, fatigue, poor posture, palpitations and irregular heartbeat and chronic kidney disease.

CI (chloride) is involved in digestion (stomach’s hydrochloric acid), oxygen-carrying ability of the blood, adrenal function and kidney function. Decreased levels are typical of diarrhoea, infections, diabetes and reduce adrenal function.

 Bicarbonate is the dissolved form of dioxide carbon (CO2) involved in the oxygen metabolic functions of the body. It can also indicate fluid retention or dehydration. It is used to look at Kidney problems or lung problems.  It is often the buffer used by the body in hyperventilation, with the kidneys excreting bicarbonate to maintain body pH.

 Anion Gap: this is a calculated by adding your total amount of sodium and potassium (which tend to help the body to be acidic), and subtracting your amount of chloride and bicarbonate (which help the body to be more alkaline). This is a good way to estimate if you are slightly too alkaline or acidic for optimal metabolic function.


Use in Practice

This is a simple an area of blood testing where there is a divergence in blood metrics between the holistic “optimisation” approach and the purely medical diagnosis approach. Medically, these metrics are used to check for significant acidosis problems or side-effects of drugs.

However, the “optimal” ranges used in Function Medicine, or Nutritional Therapy is primarily to bring good acid-alkaline balance – these metrics are extremely useful pointers on water intake and breathing patterns for instance, and we can bring great and simple lifestyle improvements critical to health. They often also open up new rubrics in the repertory, through the questioning that it would lead to, such as on DRINKING, WATER AVERSION or BREATHING.

This is one area where I tend to lean towards the homeopathic element related to blood values if relevant. Again, follow the whole clinical presentation of the patient.

For example, Natrum Muriatum comes to mind if sodium and chloride are both high. I often use also Acidum Muriaticum in low potency if Chloride is low for instance, and finally Carbonicum Acidum in case of very low bicarbonate levels.

I will give a simple example here. This is a 67-year-old male patient who has suffered from low-level hypertension for more than 10 years … He has started to develop complications such as ocular blood pressure and also slightly higher blood pressure readings. He was in otherwise good general health, with no weight issue, a good diet and a tranquil lifestyle. He had barely had any medical issue or taken conventional drugs all his life, except for an episode of acute meningitis at 21.

He had organised a detailed blood test before seeing me and handed them to me. There was nothing out of range in his medical tests, except for slightly raised cholesterol values. As the patient wanted to address hypertension, I specifically looked at his Biochemistry / Electrolyte results, which I have copied here:

Metric Patient’score Scale Medical Range Optimal” Range,

I use

Sodium 140 mmol / L 135 – 145 135-140
Potassium 5.0 mmol / L 3.5 – 5.1 4-4.5
Chloride 102 mmol / L 98 – 107 100-106
Bicarbonate 25 mmol / L 22 – 29 26-30

Everything is within medical range, with only Potassium significantly on the high side. This can be due to dehydration.

On the optimal range, sodium is at the highest optimal level, and potassium is out of range. I asked the patient about his water habits, and he did mention, he drank a lot before the blood tests, as he had to fast 12 hours for it.

However, he does not really drink much water usually. Regarding bicarbonate, he is again on the lower-side. I could easily notice that his breathing pattern was shallow. His breathing would also halt very often, such as when he had to think of an answer to a question..

If you wonder why the “medical range” and “optimal range” can vary so widely, this is because the medical range is here to find out about severe health issues, and you can get by drinking a pint of water a day or less, for a long time… while if you are in sports or health performance, then water is seen as critical as it normally makes up 70% of our body. My view is that everyone benefits at being within the ideal range of these specific metrics.

This person, while semi-retired, was the owner of a building trade, and still enjoyed a good physical day at work. I explained that I could try some homeopathic support, but that in my experience for hypertension, I would like to see his bicarbonate levels and sodium levels improve, and I suggested he drink 1.5 litre of water daily, and also to embark daily in abdominal breathing exercises, specifically designed for hypertension.

A poor breathing pattern can disrupt the cardiovascular system (whose primary role is to bring oxygen in and dioxide carbon out). I also asked him to track blood pressure and heartbeat before and after his exercises.

The gentleman was nice, but very reserved, and also suffering from sleep issues. Overall, his symptoms were well covered by Natrum Muriaticum, and I prescribed it at 200C, split dose before bed, and then weekly, and also as and when needed if sleep was difficult.

The patient returned a month afterwards and I was not sure if he had gone for the conventional drugs. He was feeling calmer and happier. His sleep was better and he had really clicked with the breathing exercises and the poor breathing pattern.

He showed off proudly his breathing diary, and he could bring down his blood pressure readings significantly with the exercises… on the diary, over the course of the month, the readings were also improving before the breathing exercises, being normal, showing that the daily practice worked.

The patient had taken a habit to breathing well while waiting or when seated at this desk. He wanted to practice a bit before going back to his doctor and show him his improvement. He stopped seeing me for his blood pressure issues.

He however came back afterwards to address the ocular blood pressure and risks of cataract. I still see him now for this, and also ensure good health as his joints were starting to ache (my patient has just turned 70). The eyes are checked regularly. The latest review in June 2021 showed that the situation has been stable on homeopathic support. Surgery is not seen as necessary, and a further check has been booked in 6 months.

Kidney & Liver Functions

Urea is a barometer of the liver and kidneys’ ability to process the by-products of protein metabolism. Moderate elevations are seen in adrenal, liver and kidney disease. High elevations of urea are a “red flag” for kidney, thyroid, and anterior pituitary disease. Very low levels of urea are typical of chronic liver disease and occasionally posterior pituitary disease.

Bilirubin is a pigment present in bile and an excess will make a person with jaundice look yellow. Mild increases are very common and are of no significance.  However a grossly elevated bilirubin level may indicate concerns with the liver or gallbladder.

Elevated bilirubin will produce jaundice of the eyes and skin. Metabolically, it is also a barometer of normal breakdown products of red cells in the liver and spleen. For differentiation of pathologies, Bilirubin and Alkaline phosphatise (see below) will usually be elevated in gallbladder or gallstone issues.

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is a liver enzyme that measures the metabolic function of the bones and the liver, and is also used medically to investigate certain tumours. Elevated levels are seen in hyperparathyroidism, bone disease, liver disease, hyperthyroidism and leukaemia. Elevated levels are also seen in positive processed such as healing fractures and young growing bones. Low levels can denote a Zinc deficiency.

Aspartate amino transferase (AST) is a transaminase enzyme associated with liver function, kidney function, heart, skeletal muscle and brain. Elevated levels are characteristic of liver and heart disease. Low level may denote B6 deficiency or alcohol issues. AST and ALT can be very elevated when common bile duct stones or gallstones issues are present.

 Alanine amino transferase (ALT) is a transaminase enzyme associated with liver function. Elevated levels are typical of liver disease, fatty liver syndrome, and alcohol-related toxicity. Low level can point to B6 Deficiency, Liver congestion or protein deficiency.

 Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is an enzyme associated with carbohydrate metabolism and is widely distributed by the kidney, liver, heart, skeletal muscles and red blood cells. Elevated levels are typical of injury to any of the above tissues, however, it is especially useful in monitoring heart attack, liver disease, haemolytic anaemia and invasive cancers.

Creatine Kinase (CK) is again an enzyme that catalyses the phosphorylation of creatine. This enzyme is found in high concentrations in the heart and body muscle. The brain also contains appreciable amounts. The liver has a role in its processing. While it is in the “liver category”, CK’s main implication is in the investigation of muscle disease.

High values are often seen following in heart muscle issues. However, strenuous activity will most likely elevate it. Professional sports people can have very high levels after a sports performance. The values of this reading can also depend upon ethnic or genetic origin. It can finally be elevated as a consequence of statin medication.

Use in Practice

These markers are useful to check the health of the liver or kidneys, two execratory organs. If a patient is on conventional medication or takes recreational drugs, then it can be useful to highlight any out of ranges markers, and try to support him or her in this area.

Homeopathic organ support protocols and changes in diet / lifestyle can really help. Homeopathy will definitely make it quicker. Check for books on homotoxicology or organ support methodologies if you are not familiar with these methods (see Bibliography), as it is very important in modern practice.

Basically, for Organ Support, the prescribing is focused at an organ level and not a “whole person” level, taking symptoms related to the liver pathology to improve the quality of the organ for example. We are not looking at the whole person here but at the whole organ. These methodologies came primarily from the Western Herbalism philosophies when homeopathy spread out to France, Austria and Switzerland.

The typical organ repertorisation, I use, would include 4 Physical Particulars (including the organ or organ pathology), 2 Physical Generals related to the organ issue, and 1 Mental rubric, also related to the organ issue (such as MIND / Irritability, in Liver Trouble).

Again, I have countless patients who have found themselves healthier, calmer and with more vitality when the health of the liver is improved. This is a very critical organ, and also a very stressed one in our modern lifestyle.

Cholesterol / Lipid Profile

Among other things, these are markers used to understand how your body metabolises fat. They are used to predict atherosclerosis (the thickening of artery walls) and subsequent risk of heart disease.

 Triglycerides are fatty acids of esters of glycerol which usually contain a mixture of fatty acids. Mainly of dietary origin these acids are also formed in the liver. They can become elevated in high consumption of alcohol.

 Cholesterol is one of the circulating blood fats. It is considered to be a barometer of risk of cardiovascular disease including arteriosclerosis and vascular thrombosis (blood clots) or stroke. Very elevated levels are indicative of liver disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stress and low thyroid function. Low levels are characteristic of severe intestinal mal-absorption and hyperthyroid conditions.

High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) are fat/protein complexes. HDLs are an integral part of the cholesterol complex and are considered desirable since they transport cholesterol to the liver for metabolism or excretion in the bile.  High levels of HDLs denote that the body is sufficiently nourished in the essential fats necessary for body repair and metabolic functions. HDLs are increased by the consumption of fish oils or seeds’ oils. Refined sugars in your diet will lower this valuable substance.

Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) are fat/protein complexes with a high percentage of fat. LDLs transport cholesterol and essential fats from the liver to the cells in the peripheral tissues. For this reason, high levels LDL’s are the least desirable of the cholesterol readings as they show a higher-than-expected need for the body in essential fat. High levels are a warning sign for increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Elevated levels of LDL can be due to poor lifestyles (diet, sleep….), chronic stress or body tissue damages.

Use in Practice

Cholesterol is a big thing in the UK, with people and doctors focusing a lot on those metrics. Functional medicine defines some good nutritional approaches to improve the results nutritionally. Triglyceride, Total Cholesterol or HDL will respond well to nutritional changes, but I have found that LDL readings (the “bad cholesterol”) is more related to inflammation or stress levels, and homeopathy again does very well here.

Most patients, I see are either very worried about cholesterol levels or not worried at all, and I follow their feelings. This is a good metric to track for general improvement as home-tests are cheap and you can provide good improvements with the right approach.

Iron Levels

Iron is an essential element, which takes part in many life processes. As a result, iron levels are seen to widely fluctuate, and the blood ranges are quite wide for this category.

Iron is an essential constituent of the diet and the level recorded is an indication of iron storage. A very low level may be associated with anaemia and in this case, changes in your haemoglobin would normally be noted as well.

Ferritin is a marker of how much iron is stored. Low levels point to iron-based anaemia or can be a precursor of it. If high, it can be a marker for acute inflammation or iron overload.

Transferrin saturation is the percentage ratio of serum iron and total iron-binding capacity. It is a very good marker to measure how accessible iron levels are.

Total iron-binding capacity is a medical laboratory test that measures the blood’s capacity to bind iron with transferrin. It is performed by drawing blood and measuring the maximum amount of iron that it can carry. It is a good marker for the quality of your available iron.

Use in Practice

If anaemia is suspected, iron, TIBC and Transferrin saturation readings are used in conjunction to understand the cause of anaemia. For example, iron deficiency anaemia would have the following readings: low iron, high TIBC and low transferrin saturation.

I also see a fair number of patients with genetic traits causing anaemia such as Thalassemia or Sickle Cell patterns– they would have high levels of iron when on supplement but still low levels of red cells or haemoglobin. For these patients especially, iron and even Vitamin B supplements can create a build up of iron in the tissue, that can be toxic or interact with other key mineral functions. For these patients, quality of life is more important that blood metrics within range.

Homeopathy can greatly help generally, but nutrition is important as the cause of low iron is a lack of this mineral. Again, if there is no presenting symptom, and general good health, then poor blood results can be well understood with the specificity of the patient.

Thyroid Functions

The thyroid gland primarily secretes hormones that regulate metabolism. The main hormone, called T4, can be measured in the blood. Another blood test measures the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) may detect very early changes in thyroid function, even before the T4 is out of normal range. An underactive gland, for example, can make you feel, amongst other symptoms, tired and cold and cause dry skin.

The thyroid also plays a key part, along the parathyroid, in calcium metabolism and bone functions. So, a “stressed” thyroid may be related to calcium metabolic issues. Phosphate or Calcium blood reading would rather be used to judge calcium metabolic issues.

TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is released from the pituitary gland to stimulate the thyroid to produce its hormones.

Free thyroxin is the measurement of available T4, one of the hormones

managed by the thyroid.

T4 (Thyroxin) is the storage form of thyroid hormone.

T3 (Triiodothyronin): T3 is the active form of the thyroid hormone, and T4 is processed by T3 through a wide range of mechanisms involving primarily the thyroid and the liver.

Use in Practice

Hypothyroid patterns are not rare in clinical practice, even when this is not the issue the patient wants help with.  I have found that conventional thyroid hormonal drugs tend to be usually well tolerated but that long term abuse can cause problems as it is simply very hard to find the right balance with this drug and this organ.

Levothyroxine-toxicity is a common cause of osteoporosis for example. For this reason, I often ask my patient to track the thyroid readings. They are often done every 3 to 6 months in the UK, and most doctors here would be happy to reduce conventional drugs little by little when blood results improve.

While it is almost impossible to stop thyroid drugs after long-term use (in my humble experience), many patients can significantly reduce them to a lower manageable level. The aim with blood tests is to ensure that TSH is very low and T4 and T3 high but within range.

Nutritional and supplement approaches help but homeopathy usually works amazingly. I use a look organotherapy or sarcodes for thyroid issues.

For Thyroid issue, do check Vitamin D levels as well, as I have found that low Vitamin D lurks often behind.

Other Blood Metrics Readings

 Uric Acid is the end result of purine metabolism. It is also the blood substance that accumulates to high levels precipitating attacks of gout. Increased levels are seen in many disorders and most commonly in those with a predisposition to gout, while decreased levels are probably of little clinical significance.

 Random Blood Glucose in high level may indicate diabetes although further tests may be needed to confirm this if the level is borderline. These might include a glucose tolerance test where the blood sugar level is measured over two hours in response to a dose of glucose being given by mouth on an empty stomach. More commonly, HbA1C is tested as a long-term glucose marker.

C-Reactive Protein is a non-specific inflammatory/infection marker more used in the acute response. This is used medically as a risk marker for cardiovascular diseases.

Serum Magnesium measures the level of this essential mineral. It plays an important role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and muscle tension. Low levels are indicated by weakness and lethargy although depletion rarely occurs as an isolated deficiency. Magnesium is important for iron absorption and as calcium metabolism.

 Vitamin D: Total Vitamin D is a combination of Vitamin D2 and D3, the two most important forms for your health. Vitamin D2 is produced by plants and usually comes from, diet. Vitamin D3 is the one made by our skin with sunlight. Vitamin D is the test I request the most. You can now find inexpensive and reliable spot blood home-test kits. It is really worth checking as with our modern sedentary lifestyle many people do not take enough sun, and also Vitamin D deficiency can be linked to many health issues.

Use in Practice

C-Reactive Protein is a very good marker for systemic low-grade or high inflammation, and I have found that this can sometimes prevent the body’s vitality to respond to the homeopathic simillinum or whole-person prescription, and that the patient responds better if some drainage or organ support homeopathic approach are added.

Vitamin D and Blood Sugar level are also very important and useful in practice. Testing is cheap and they are again big issues in the general health in Western Europe.

I would always ask patients who embark on these tests, to track these metrics daily, along any with other relevant information. You can see below the blood sugar levels and insulin injections of a Diabetic patient who I helped. I put him on homeopathic Insulinum 3X to help balance sugar levels (20 drops a day, which I find useful when patients are on insulin injection).

The diagrams below show from left to right:

1 – Days of the week (Monday to Sunday)

2 – Blood sugar level in the morning, following a French scale (80-120 g/L is  the medical range used, and the patient has highlighted in purple when the reading was too high)

3 – Insulin intake in the morning (fast acting insulin)

4 – Blood sugar level before lunch

5 – Insulin intake before lunch (fast acting insulin)

6 – Blood sugar level before dinner

7 – Insulin intake before dinner (fast acting insulin)

8 – Insulin intake before sleep (long acting insulin)

The first diagram is a week before following my suggestions and taking Insulinum, and you can see 7 instances of high blood sugar levels.

The second diagram is before at our second follow-up, about 5 weeks after:

There is only one instance of high-blood sugar levels, which the patient linked to a possible cold episode. This is showing a better autonomous regulation of blood sugar levels. More interestingly, this is achieved with much less insulin intake – Insulin intake before breakfast, lunch and dinner was rock-solid at 8 before treatment, and goes down to 4 or 6 units 9 times on the second diagram.

The insulin intake at dinner time has also gone down from 34 to 26 / 28. The patient also felt more relaxed, had more energy and vitality. The patient also lost about 5 kilograms during this time, even if he was still technically overweight.

The patient was highly congratulated and supported by his conventional medical support team. They felt that this proved that his pancreas could still create insulin, and for this reason recommended he lose more weight, following him in this journey. The tracking was also very useful for them as it gave them confidence that this patient was now able to make better health choices.

Thierry Clerc can be contacted by other health practitioners for blood pathology analysis of patients’ results and supervision via email at:

[email protected].


Here are some useful books if you are interested in learning more about blood testing:

– “Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies”, by Dr. Nasha Winters

– Institute of Functional Medicine – https://www.ifm.org

– “Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests” by Kathleen Deska Pagana

– “Your Blood Never Lies: How to Read a Blood Test for a Longer, Healthier Life”by James B. LaValle

– Homotoxicology – a group of detoxification methods and remedies set up and popularised by Dr Reckeweg. Lots of information online.

– “A Practical Guide to Methods of Homeopathic Prescribing”, by Ellen Kramer

– The information on the blood test was compiled partly from documents shared by my good friend Gerry Gajadharsingh from Health Equation – https://www.thehealthequation.co.uk.

About the author

Thierry Clerc

Thierry Clerc LCPH, MSc practices homeopathy in Cambridge (England). He is a graduate of the College of Practical Homeopathy (London). Prior to this, he enjoyed a successful career as an executive in the telecommunications industry. When fate hit him with a severe bout of arthritis, he went back to France to see his old homeopath, and after prompt cure, decided to study and become one!

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