Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Diabetic Care Through Homoeopathy

treating diabetes

Dr. Aritra Law gives a brief discussion of the homeopathic approach to diabetes.


The word Diabetes “to pass through” was first used by the Greek Apollonius of Memphis in 250 BCE, whereas, Type I/II was first described by Indian physicians Shusruta and Charaka in 400-500 CE. The first clinical description was given by the ancient Greek physician, Aretaeus of Cappadocia. Diabetes mellitus can be defined as a group of metabolic disorders in which there is a hyperglycemic condition over a long period.

Etiological Classification:

Type‑I is characterized by loss of insulin producing β‑cells of islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, leading to insulin deficiency. In further classification, the sub type IA is due to T-cell mediated autoimmune destruction of the β‑cells and type IB is where β‑cell destruction occurs due to an unknown cause.

In Type II, β‑cells release insulin but abnormalities or absence of insulin receptors in the target cells, causes insulin resistance resulting in hyperglycemia. It also occurs due to some genetic and metabolic syndromes.

Gestational diabetes is the third form in which the pregnant woman without the H/O diabetes develops hyperglycemia.

Maturity onset diabetes mellitus in the young (MODY) is characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance and involves early onset of diabetes and impairment of insulin secretion.


In acute cases, the symptoms include excessive thirst (polydipsia), excessive hunger (polyphagia), excessive micturition (polyuria), and weight loss. In long standing cases, the additional symptoms include fatigue, weakness, irritability, and tickling and pricking sensation of the skin with genital itching.

Homoeopathic approach to treatment of diabetes mellitus:

According to homoeopathic guidelines, the patient is to be treated, not the disease. In the case of DM our objective should be to treat the patient not the organ. Constitutional treatment is the only way to treat diabetes, along with proper management, like healthy and reduced stress life style, calorie intake‑output balance, and regular exercise.

Those patients with a family history of sycotic and syphilitic background along with psora in their base are more prone to develop diabetes.  The family history, past history, and history of present complaints of the patient should be taken into consideration while treating the case of diabetes mellitus.

The aim of our treatment should be to prevent the further destruction of the β cells, to ensure that all the vital organs are working at optimum level, and to minimize complications. It has been observed that if proper homoeopathic treatment can be administered to those parents whose offspring have a greater chance to develop diabetes mellitus, the risk of developing the disease can be reduced drastically.

The above discussed miasmatic cleavage and the family history should be taken into consideration during the selection of simillimum. Moreover, there are many drugs in our materia medica which have been found very useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. For example:

  • Diabetes with ulceration-Syzygium jambolinum
  • Diabetes with gout-Lactic acid
  • Diabetes with motor paralysis and rapid growth-Curare
  • Diabetes with gangrene-Arsenicum album
  • Diabetes with assimilated disorder-Uranium nitricum
  • Diabetes with large quantity of urine of low specific gravity- Rhus aromatic
  • Diabetes with oedema of lower extremities, urine scanty of high specific gravity- Strychninum ars
  • Diabetes with rapid course- Morphine
  • Diabetes with nervous weakness, apathetic condition, general weakness- Acid phos
  • Diabetes with general debility, recurrent boils with much itching- Cephalandra ind
  • Diabetes with dryness of mouth, frequent urination at night, weakness after passing urine, pruritus vulvae without eruptions- Gymnema syl
  • Diabetes with impotency- Coca
  • Diabetes with debility- Opium
  • Diabetes with melancholia, emaciation, thirst, restlessness- Helonius
  • Diabetes with albuminuria- Urea pura
  • Diabetes with tongue dry, red and cracked- Boricum acidum
  • Diabetes with pain in testicles- Lycopus virginicus
  • Diabetes with marasmus, mental and physical debility- Glycerinum
  • Diabetes with pain in kidney, urine hot, thick, much sediment, difficult micturition- Tarantula c
  • Diabetes with persistent skin manifestations- Insulinum
  • Diabetes with semi paralysis of bladder- Codeinum

Diabetes has been represented well in many of our homoeopathic repertories, mostly under the rubric URINE, sugar.


  1. Poretsky L. Principles of diabetes mellitus.2nd ed. New York: Springer; 2009.
  2. Bradley BJ, Haskins K, La Rosa FG, Lafferty KJ. CD8 T cells are not required for islet destruction induced by a CD4+ islet-specific T-cell clone. 1992;41:1603–1608. [PubMed]
  3. Hahnemann, Samuel. The chronic diseases. Their peculiar nature and their homoeopathic cure: NCBA publishers 2007
  4. Colledge, N. R., Walker, B. R., Ralston, S., & Davidson, S. (2010). Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier.
  5. Zandvoort, R. (1996). The complete repertory. Leidschendam: Institute for Research on Homeopathic Information and Symptomatology.
  6. Clarke, J. (1991). Dictionary of practical materia medica. Sittingbourne: Homoeopathic Book Service.
  7. Boericke, W. (2007). Pocket manual of homeopathic materia medica & repertory. New Delhi, India: B. Jain.

For more about Diabetes Mellitus visit:


About the author

Aritra Law

Dr Aritra Law received his BHMS from West Bengal University Of Health Sciences, MD II - Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College University Road, Deralakatte, Mangaluru, Karnataka . He has three years of clinical experience and presently is working on treatment of psychosomatic disorders with homoeopathy.


  • Hi! Dr. Arithra Law,

    Just now I was reading on Type 2 diabetes and cure from Father Muller. My association with Father Muller is 33 years. I used remedies for tonsilities with Father Muller Kankanadi Mangalore. It really worked. Now personally I am 78 yrs at this age I am experiencing incontinence 3 times night and 8 times day time uncontrollable. What remedy you recommend for this, if so pl guide me and I can get this from Fr Mullers, Mangalore. I still has chest of Fr Muller remedies with me for other symptoms. Pl help me Thanks
    hare krishna money canada

  • Almost all the articles or books I read on Homeopathy, talk about diabetes that is symptomatic. Can someone explain how to treat diabetes that presents literally no symptoms at all? This is very common which is why several people do not even know they are diabetic until a blood test is performed.

    To present a case, I am a diabetic and my sugar level is always around 250 fasting with 2mg of Glimperide and 500mg of Metformin per day. It has been that way since almost 15 years now. Yet my health and my reports are perfectly normal. I am nearly 60. People actually tell me that I look 45. My eyes, my heart, kidneys, foot, skin etc are perfect. When I try taking any of the above listed medicines, the sugar level goes up, instead of coming down. And I have to eat sugar to remain normal.

    I don’t experience any lack of energy, or any problems with digestion, hunger, urination etc. I make no trips to washroom during the night. I am not thirsty. I do get bitter taste in the morning on waking up. That doesn’t occur if I eat jaggery before going to sleep the previous night.
    Allopaths have no idea what’s going on in my system inside. If I tell them the blood test report, they give me more chemicals.. that creates another set of problems. No way. And that’s not the way.

    If I go to a homeopath, I don’t know what he/she is doing to me, because they never write a prescription. I am afraid I might become a vegetable and things might get irreversibly out of control with their 1M and 10M and CM potencies. MY family does not have any history of diabetes.

    I think we need to discuss the miasmatic approach to such problems where the patient has literally no symptoms. Can some one in this forum throw light on this and present any case histories where patients who had no symptoms have been treated ? That would be a great help.

    thank you

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