Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Hahnemann, a Great Prescriber!

The author relates two stories that demonstrate Hahnemann’s devotion and skill.

Being a homeopath prescriber is one of the sacred jobs that one can learn to do. This holy profession is a combination of coaching, science and art. The best quality of a prescriber is the skill of observation, which indeed is a difficult task that requires lots of practice. Hahnemann urges his students to familiarize themselves with close thinking by the study of the mathematics, of qualifying themselves for minute observation, by the study of natural history, and when possible also by the art of drawing for the purpose of sharpening the sight for close observation.

As a great prescriber Dr. Hahnemann in his own words teaches us that “it is the masterpiece of art to give the right medicine, not the most complex. The totality of the symptoms is the only aspect of the disease laid open before the eyes of the healing artist; this is the chief part of the disease which a physician can know and needs to know for purposes of curing.”

Dr. Hahnemann did not become a great prescriber just because he was Hahnemann or because he memorized so many remedies, but by paying pure attention and taking time to investigate. Dr. C. Peschier, a follower of Hahnemann, in 1832 said: “Hahnemann writes punctually the totality of symptoms, or entire group of sufferings of the patient. On the completion of his record, the symptoms of the disease are most carefully arranged to correspond with the indications of the medicine he deems most appropriate to the case; but in reaching this conclusion he neither confides in his memory nor relies solely upon his long experience, but has constantly before him the Materia Medica. As he pursues this course towards every patient we can readily perceive how completely and incessantly his time must be occupied by the history of his consultations.”

In this regard Hahnemann himself said “how easy it is to incorporate in one’s memory a certain number of prescriptions which one need only to recall to mind at the bedside of the patient, in order to jot down one thing or another on a slip of paper. This requires scarcely two minutes. In this way a dozen patients are prescribed for and got rid of in an incredibly short space of time. But a Homeopathic physician must take the trouble to inquire about all the circumstances or conditions of the patient in order to be able to select a suitable remedy;…in this time the ordinary physician can prescribe for three times as many patients. Yet Homeopath helps the patient in a shorter time than does the Allopath.”

To demonstrate how passionately Hahnemann dedicating himself to his practice, I would like to bring two testimonials (among thousands) from two separate events to your attention.

First testimonial:

“My name is Everest, my daughter, age of 4, was dying; our physician had told us that she was irreversibly lost. Her mother and I were watching, perhaps for the last time, beside her cradle. We wished to have a souvenir of our dear little creature whose fate we already bewailed, and requested the artist Amaury Duval to come and make this sad portrait.Amuary, said: “As your medical man declares your child’s case hopeless, why do you not make a trial of the new medical system; why do you not send for Hahnemann?” Our friend, Goubaux, right there said: “He is right. I will go and bring Hahnemann to you.”

He went, and he found 20 patients in the waiting room. The servant informed him he must wait and take his turn. “Wait” cried Goubaux, “my friend’s daughter is dying, the doctor must come with me at once.” “Doctor” he said, addressing Hahnemann, “I know I am acting contrary to your rules, but you must leave all and come with me. It is for a charming little girl, 4 years old, who will die if you do not come. You cannot let her die. That’s impossible.” And the irresistible charm of his manner prevailed, as it always does, and Hahnemann came with him.

Hahnemann, who was age 80, entered the home with firm steps and he walked straight up to the cradle, threw a piercing glance at the child, asked for particulars about her disease, never taking his eyes off the patient. Then his cheeks became flushed, the veins of his forehead swelled, and he exclaimed in an angry voice: “Throw out of the window all those drugs and bottles I see there! Carry this cradle out of this room. Change the sheets and the pillows, and give her as much water to drink as she likes. What is killing her is this atmosphere and these drugs.”

Hahnemann came again that evening; he came again the next day and began to give his medicines, and each time he only said: “Another day gained.” Eight days later, I tell you, my daughter was saved.”

Hahnemann always maintained that strengthening diet, wholesome air and exercise, together with amusement to the mind, are indispensable, and everyone knows their power and can employ them.

Second testimonial:

“My name is Dr. Julius Aegidi, a well-known Allopathic physician and army surgeon. In the autumn of 1830 I was thrown from a vehicle and severely injured my shoulder. In the course of a few weeks, very severe periodical pains set in, which shot from the shoulder to the elbow; and gradually I lost the use of the arm more and more, while the sensation of palsy and heaviness increased daily; every, even the slightest, pressure upon the diseased part, caused the most insupportable pains; the shoulder and elbow joints began to swell.

After exhausting my own medical knowledge, I placed myself under the care of several of my most worthy colleagues; but after the lapse of a year the above mentioned symptoms still continued, with even more than their former severity.
In utter despair of any relief from the use of Allopathic remedies I desisted entirely from all medical treatment, and my condition grew worse from day to day. I concluded to consult Hahnemann.

Dr. Hahnemann asserted that I must have been afflicted with some eruptive disease which had been suppressed, but not cured. After receiving treatment from Hahnemann I could lift my arm with comparative ease, and could bend and extend my elbow; the swelling of the joint had disappeared entirely and all pain had left me; and from that time to the present (eight years) I have never had the slightest return of my former complaint.

After so brilliant a confirmation in my own case, I applied myself with zeal to the study and practice of Homeopathy, and have been abundantly rewarded in frequently witnessing the most rapid and permanent cures of the most dangerous and deep-rooted diseases.”


As I mentioned these are just two brief examples of how Hahnemann was devoted to be a great prescriber, and he said it the best: “Let us use all care to make it most perfect.”

As always, God bless homeopathy!

About the author

Iman Navab

Iman Navab is a certified classical Homeopath and doctor of alternative medicine from Canada. He is the President of the Applied Research in Homeopathy Foundation of Canada ( He is the author of 'Miasma of Cancer', and is a historian of Homeopathy. Iman teaches History and Philosophy of Homeopathy at the Canadian College of Holistic Health. Navab gives lectures and seminars to raise awareness about the rich history of Homeopathy.


  • As always Iman Navab has done a good job. Any information that reveals the mind of the genius is a great thing for the homeopaths community. Every branch of knowledge is not complete merely by an understanding of what it is, but knowing what it is not is also more important, since the passive knowledge it imparts is essential for reaching perfection. As the truthfulness is unquestionable, it works as a morale booster too. Thank you dear Iman.

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