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Homeopathy Papers

Homeopathic Remedies For Palpitations

Dr. Vikas Sharma presented Homeopathic Remedies For Palpitations

Reprinted courtesy Dr.Vikas Sharma from his website:

“Getting palpitations” ahead of an interview, or an examination or a result is a commonly used phrase to describe a feeling of tense anticipation which is accompanied by the heart beating faster than normal. That may be the general use of the term, but palpitations is not a medical condition to be ignored. Palpitation is the feeling where a person feels a violent, throbbing or fluttering sensation in the heart. Some describe it as the pounding of the heart, or fast or forceful heartbeat. Palpitations can be benign and harmless in most cases without any underlying heart disease. However, in other cases, it may indicate heart pathology. If palpitations are accompanied by chest pain, dizziness, fainting and blackouts, the condition should never be ignored because it is an indication of a heart condition. This needs serious consideration. Palpitations can be triggered by various factors and the homeopathic mode of treatment is very beneficial for curing palpitations. Made of natural substances, the homeopathic medicines have no side effects and are completely safe.

Factors triggering Palpitations 

  • Stress, anxiety, emotional excitement — anger, fright, grief and even joy.
  • Exercise and physical exertion.
  • Fever.
  • Caffeine, nicotine, alcoholic drinks, certain allopathic medicines.
  • In women, Palpitations can be experienced during pregnancy and menopause.
  • People with anaemia and hyperthyroidism can also complain of palpitations.
  • Dyspepsia can also lead to palpitations in some persons. Having a high fat diet may also excite palpitations.
  • Arrhythmia, heart disease, including heart block, congestive cardiac failure, coronary heart disease.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Palpitations

Best homeopathic remedies for palpitations triggered by emotional excitement

Palpitations can be excited by a variety of emotional factors. To deal with palpitations associated with emotions, homeopathy offers a variety of effective natural medicines as per an individual’s emotional state.

Palpitations due to anger: The best natural homeopathic medicine for palpitations from anger is Staphysagria. This homeopathic remedy is very beneficial for acute outbursts of anger leading to palpitations.

Palpitations due to fright: Palpitations due to fright can be best treated by the  homeopathic medicines Aconite and Opium. Aconite is the ideal remedy for palpitations due to sudden fright. Along with palpitations, restlessness, anxiety and increased thirst for cold water may also be present. Opium is the best homeopathic medicine when palpitations are caused due to fright related to some past, long ago, unusual occurrence.

Palpitations from grief: Ignatia is the ideal remedy for dealing with  palpitations  that are a result of grief. Ignatia brings about excellent results in such cases.

Palpitations as a result of joy: Coffea is the most appropriate natural homeopathic medicine for palpitations brought on by a sudden joyful moment. It also covers palpitations as a result of sudden pleasant surprises.

Palpitations with anxiety: Aconite and Arsenicum Album are the two top  medicines for treating palpitations with anxiety. The indicating features for using these medicines are palpitations with extreme anxiety. There is a marked restlessness and fear of death. When there is an increased thirst for water and a desire for open air along with the other symptoms, Aconite is considered best.

Homeopathic medicines for palpitations from intake of stimulants

From intake of beer:  Sumbul is of great help in treating palpitations that result due to the intake of beer. Pain in the left side of the chest and left arm may also be present along with palpitations.

From intake of coffee: For Palpitations due to intake of coffee, Nux Vomica is the top remedy.

From excessive intake of tea: Thea Cinensis is a wonderful medicine that can help to relieve palpitations due to excessive consumption of tea. Along with palpitations, the person also feels chest oppression.

From abuse of tobacco:  The best remedies for palpitations due to tobacco abuse are Convallaria, Kalmia and Tabacum.  Convallaria is the remedy when a person complains as if the heart is beating in the whole chest. The palpitations get worse by even slight exertion. The pulse is also very rapid. Kalmia is the ideal choice when palpitations are present with a slow pulse. The palpitations get worse from stooping in a forward position. Persons needing Tabacum have a very weak pulse often, which is imperceptible. The pulse may also show intermittency.

Homeopathic medicines for Palpitations following physical exertion and from slight motion

The best medicines for palpitations from physical exertion and from slight motion are Iberis, Digitalis and Spigelia.  Iberis can be taken in all those cases when the slightest exertion gives rise to palpitations. Along with palpitations, a person may also experience vertigo. Digitalis is the most effective remedy when the slightest movement causes palpitations. The patient usually feels that the heart will stop its action if he or she moves and it is better at rest. If along with violent palpitations excited by the least of movement, there is pain in the heart region with arm pain, then the ideal remedy is Spigelia.

Natural Homeopathic treatment for Palpitations with anemia

For tackling cases of palpitations with anemia, the medicines that are of great help are Ferrum Met and Natrum Mur. Ferrum Met is the choice for palpitations due to anemia and which get worse with movement. The face looks quite pale. Usually the pulse feels very soft and weak. Natrum Mur is the most effective remedy when, along with palpitations due to anemia, there is a constricted sensation in the chest. The pulse rate remains high and is often found to be intermittent. A craving for salt may be found in persons needing Natrum Mur.

Homeopathic remedies for Palpitations due to over-use of allopathic medicines

The natural remedies that are beneficial when palpitations result from the over use of allopathic medicines are Nux Vomica and Opium. Both these medicines are quite effective and are an antidote to the bad effects of excessive use or abuse of allopathic medicines. The most suitable medicine out of the two is given after taking the case history of the patient.

Homeopathic medicines for Palpitations at Menopause

The medicines Amyelosum Nitrosum, Glonoine and Lachesis are of great help in the treatment of Palpitations during menopause. For using Amylenum Nitrosum, the symptoms are palpitations getting worse from even a little excitement and  constricted feeling in the heart region. Hot flushes and extreme anxiety are the other symptoms. Glonoine is a very beneficial remedy when palpitations lead to difficulty in breathing and get worse from exertion. Palpitations can be felt throughout the body. Lachesis is the best medicine when episodes of fainting occur along with Palpitations during menopause. The women needing Lachesis have an aversion to wearing any tight clothing.

Homeopathic remedies for Palpitations due to Hyperthyroidism

Iodum and Spongia are the two top homeopathic medicines for palpitations in a hyperthyroid patient. Iodum works best for palpitations in hyperthyroid patients where the palpitations get worse with the slightest of exertion. The chest feels constricted and compressed. Spongia, on the other hand, is the best medicine when a hyperthyroid patient complains of palpitations on lying down. Walking brings relief to the patient.

Homeopathic remedies for Palpitations with dyspeptic (acidity) symptoms

Abies Can and Lycopodium are very effective remedies for palpitations due to gastric acidic symptoms. Abies Can is suited when overeating is followed by a bloated abdomen with a burning stomach and palpitations. Lycopodium is the ideal  remedy when excessive gas fills the abdomen, resulting in palpitations. The gas is not passed easily and remains obstructed with palpitations.

Homeopathic medicines for Palpitations with Arrhythmias

Arrhythmia refers to an abnormal or irregular heart beat. Arrhythmia can be tachycardia (heart rate increases above 100/minute), bradycardia (heart rate decreases to as low as 40/minute) or irregular heart action (skipping beats).

Palpitations with tachycardia: Lilium Tig is a very efficient medicine for palpitations with an increased heart rate. The heart beat may even rise to 150/minute and above when Lilium Tig. is indicated. The patient feels violent pulsations throughout the body. Fluttering in heart region may be accompanied by chest pain on the left side and weight in the chest.

Palpitations with bradycardia: Kalmia and Digitalis are the best medicines for palpitations with a decreased heart rate. The heart rate for using Kalmia may be as low as 35-40/minute with palpitations. The patient feels a flutter in the chest and anxiety. Digitalis is the ideal remedy when the cardiac rate is lowered and palpitations are mostly excited from the slightest motion. The person needing Digitalis feels a need to keep still and that the heart will stop if he or she moves.

Palpitations with irregular beats or skipped beats: Digitalis is the best medicine to deal with palpitations with skipped beats. The pulse is irregular and it intermits mainly at every 3rd, 5th and 7th beat. Mitral Disease may be the underlying pathology with irregular heart action in the patient needing Digitalis. Aurum Met is the best medicine for violent palpitations with irregular heart action. The patients needing Aurum Met feels that the heart has stopped suddenly for a few seconds varying from 2 to 3 seconds and then suddenly starts beating again. The pulse seems irregular, with high blood pressure.

About the author

Vikas Sharma

Dr. Vikas Sharma is an M.D in Homeopathy (Gold Medalist), practicing in Chandigarh for the last 16 years. He is a fourth generation homeopath. He treats mainly chronic disorders, and has special skills in autism spectrum disorders and other Neuro developmental problems. He has a strong interest in chronic skin ailments, including those associated with wheat dust in agriculture. Dr. Sharma has written a homeopathy column for The Tribune for the last 10 years, and his writings have appeared in many other publications. He taught post-grad M.M. at Mohali College. His outside interests include music, ranging from Abida Parveen in Sufi music to led Zeplin in hard rock. Visit Dr. Sharma at his website

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