Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Homeopathy and Radiaesthesia

Radiaesthesia needs no meditation, no spells, no shamans with magical powers, but it works on the same level. Homeopathy is a method of healing the mind, body, and soul via means of energy. The homeopathic remedies resonate various frequencies of vibrational energy (bioenergy)

The Mystery of Morphogenesis: How the Actual Forms of Living Things Come Into Being

What controls the homeostatic principle of life? What force animates matter? To be “alive”, what does that mean? What are these invisible forces? These questions have always been debated. Can we find the mysteries of life under a microscope? For instance, health and disease have been 100% misdiagnosed by modern allopathic MDs, looking with their noses under their microscopes. Viruses, bacteria, cell destruction, atom and gene manipulations are all tackled with a limited perspective. A world full of linear and analytical thinking.

There is a bioenergetic phenomenon of inter-connected forces mentioned in “the Tao of Physics”. An interface between quantum physics and the ancient cosmology of the Chinese ying/yang. This interaction of western and eastern cultures brings us to how this bioenergetic field relates to all living matter. Modern science has somewhat caught up to these mystic forces, having to account for unexplained energies.

Human knowledge is limited and efforts are made to unravel the mysteries of nature, including the healing arts. In India’s ayurveda, there is a system based on Sankhya that deals with dualism; two realities called prakriti and purusa. Disturbances can occur in this equilibrium. As Hahnemann said in the Organon of Medicine – “It is the morbidly affected vital force that produces disease.”

Homeopathy is a method of healing the mind, body, and soul via means of energy. The homeopathic remedies resonate various frequencies of vibrational energy (bioenergy). Allopathy is a purely physical application of treatments. This limits its span, depth, and level of interaction, such as: inherited traits, past trauma, dream states, internal spiritual conflicts, miasmatic imprints and emotional imbalances.

Homeopathy is thought to be only a placebo; modern machinery cannot measure the contents of a homeopathic remedy. For instance: belladonna 200c is harmless and has no side effects and yet the physical components of the fresh belladonna herb are a few of the most deadly toxins on earth. By the succussions method of preparing homeopathic remedies, other vibrational levels are reached. There are vibrational levels in all organic life forces. A homeopath, Dr. Grimmer, remarks, “There is something beyond all the material things we see around us. Homeopathy reaches up into other planes; mental and spiritual. That is why it cures. That is why it can wipe out inherited conditions.”

“In the state of health the spirit like vital force (dynamis) animating the material organism reigns in supreme sovereignty.”- Samuel Hahnemann -“The Organon“.

Radiaesthesia goes one step further. This subject has always caught my attention, starting with the place I was born in Java, Indonesia. Many medicine men and shamans were called upon for healing. These extraordinary healing powers of super energy surges, are able to have effects on others without their being present in the same room or the same town. Via meditation this energy can be accessed by these experienced healers.

They use no special tools, no harmful prescription drugs, only the transfer of energy. This also has been used in negative ways, such as the methods of voodoo in Haiti, which were made from the hair of the person that was to be affected.

Radiaesthesia needs no meditation, no spells, no shamans with magical powers, but it works on the same level. Homeopathic radiaesthesia must be done by an experienced homeopath. The patient must be asked the same tedious questions sometimes taking up to 2 hours each case. THE questions regard their physical ailments, symptoms (PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL), modalities, sleep states, dreams, DIETARY likes and dislikes, traumas, family disease history, sexual habits, inherited traits (miasms), fears, and of course the objective observance of the patient (physical characteristics, nervous habits, odors, facial notations, tongue and nail, diagnosis, etc.).

After the entire case has been researched then the constitutional remedy can be found. From this constitutional remedy, its satellite remedies, complements and the patient’s miasmatic pre-disposed background appears. Radiaesthesia uses the patient’s own hair to transmit the energy from one location to another. (Photographs or finger nails can also be used.)

As in ancient cultures, hair and nails were considered the same as the person it came from, holding the same aura and vibrational patterns. American Indians are cautious about having their photos taken, due to the belief that ones soul is now partly in the picture. How does a homeopathic treatment given on a photograph reach the owner? There is no difference between a photograph and the person, the frequency (wavelength) of energy in its aura is the same. (The same applies to a person’s signature.) Some can see these auras BUT most of us cannot. Auras change colors when a person is ill from an emotional or physical disease.

American Indians of many tribes, to this day, have the belief that part of them is in a photo taken of them. It’s thought to be a mere superstition, yet these Indians have had this “knowledge” for thousands of years. How did they come across this information? By ancestors? By trance? At Princeton University in 1951, Curtis Upton, a civil engineer, and Howard Armstrong industrial chemist did many studies on the use of photographs in agriculture to control pests.

The theory behind the system seems bizarre. They said that the molecular and atomic make-up of the photograph would resonate at the identical frequencies of the objects they represented pictorially. By affecting the photograph with pesticides they believed the actual plants would be poisoned. (It was used in infinitesimal doses like homeopathy.) And it worked.

All of this may sound farfetched, but it has all been tested in many cases. B.Jain Publishers located in New Delhi has lists of examples of cured cases of cancer, abnormal lumps in the abdomen, leprosy, rheumatic fever, epilepsy, uterine hemorrhage, high blood pressure, asthma, polio, heart palpitations, etc. Most of these recorded cases of homeopathic radiaesthesia were done from 1969 thru 1972.

In most of these recorded cases, instant results appeared (4-10 minutes). There was a reaction of some sort to confirm the correct remedy and/or correct potency of this remedy.

Homeopaths will agree that finding the correct potency requires study, time and trial and error. The theory and mechanism of radiaesthesia via hair transmission prove beneficial, confirming the potency and/or remedy choice instantly.

In the first stages of my study on hair transmissions using homeopathy years ago, I used my son as an experiment, wanting to see for myself if this all really works. To keep it simple, I used my son’s acute symptom of epistaxis (bleeding from the nose).

From previous homeopathic dosing, I already knew what remedy to give him to stop the bleeding. I proceeded to pluck one hair, with the root, from his head, placing it in a small dish with a few drops of water and the homeopathically indicated remedy (root end in the solution). All the while he was in another room. I noticed an immediate response from him yelling, “My nose stopped bleeding!”. I made a notation of the fact and then I continued to try it in reverse (which is not normally done), taking the hair out of the solution and cleaning it off.

He immediately started to panic and blood flowed once again. Normally a homeopath would give an oral dose immediately after confirmation of radiaesthesia hair transmission to continue the healing process.

Ancient approaches of balancing energy.. the Chinese call it chi, the Hindus call it prana, homeopaths call it vital force.

1- Low frequency electromagnetic field.
2- Non electrical subtle energy field (chi – the universal life energy).

Disharmony can happen at any level beyond the physical, such as in the etheric, astral, and mental levels. For example: the astral body experiences expression and repression of emotion. This dysfunction can cause an imbalance in the physical body (illness).

Consciousness is a type of energy. Using insight to reach higher frequencies, it can interact with its environment in several dimensions. (including in its dream state.) Modern allopaths do not address multi-dimensional humans (only the physical level). Forms of energy healing such as acupuncture, reiki, balancing of chakras, prayer, chanting, and now homeopathy, are seen as rebalancing blocked energy, instead of suppressing it such as occours with invasive surgery and toxic drugs.

An illness is also looked at from another perspective such as a message to change life style, a stimulus to transform consciousness, a learning tool or a gift.

When threatened by a terminal disease, one taps into negative and positive energy. One can escalate fear, then death. The other possibility is peace and healing.

As I observed in India, the homeopathic cancer patients are never told that they have the disease. Where the mind goes, the body will follow.

Homeopathy works on all of these subtle levels, most of which we do not understand. My favourite experiment is that of my own solution for car motion sickness. Over and over, I have personally experienced instant relief from headaches and nausea by just holding a homeopathic remedy in my left hand. For acute illness motion sickness, there is no need to swallow pills.

Radiaesthesia can also be done with color therapy, gem therapy, and magnetic therapy. These are all forms of vibrational energy. In 1967, Dr. Bhattacharya of Calcutta, a homeopath from India, did extensive research on these other forms of radiaesthesia. Concerning photographs, he said, “Stop and think… realize we all are actually an individual with no replica on this entire earth. This is indisputable, thus a photo bears all his personal characteristics.”

Every living being is radiating at a particular frequency. That is why their features are different from another person. This frequency does not change throughout his life, from young, to old. That is why when several people have the same illness, several individual remedies must be given according to their own separate vibrational identity.

In allopathy, the same prescription drug is given to thousands with like illnesses. This makes no sense unless we as humans were all “identical in every way”,. and we know this is false. Nature heals with a minimum of matter, yet with maximum effect. Nature uses subtler forces to reach our energy fields and our energy body. Curing does not mean the mere treating of the visible body.

Hair is often imbued with mystical properties.: There is a relationship between separated hair and the body. There is ritual shaving of a child’s hair. Some cultures place hair in a sacred place.. An imbalance of any illness shows in the hair itself. For instance: a homeopath can look at Alopecia Areata and relate this to the syphlitic miasm. Placing human hair in any garden keeps away the neighborhood cats. Animals feel the presence of their owners via the hair…how? The Chinese burn human hair into an ash to stop bleeding. It works, but why and how?

In some cultures hair from all family members are used to create intertwined art pieces as keepsakes for bonding purposes. As long as the owner of the hair itself is still alive, the hair obtained for transmission purpose has all the energetic properties needed.

Kirlian photographs show the same auric field in attached or detached hair, nails, and limbs of any human being. These photos take pictures of the aura, corona discharge, or prana, all are one and the same.


Transmission of HomeoDrug energy from a Distance – By Dr. B Sahni
Unfathomed Regions of Homeopathy – By Dr. S. Alam Bihabi
Bioenergetic Medicines East and West – By Manning and Vanranen
Teletherapy – By Dr. A.K. Bhattacharya
Vibrational Medicine – By R. Gerber MD
The Power of Rays – S.G.J. Ouseley

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About the author

Gina Tyler

Gina Tyler (DHOM) is a homeopath living and working in California. She has travelled the world to study homeopathy including clinic work in India with Dr. Banerjea. A Reiki practitioner, she also makes use of herbs, essential oils, reflexology and kinesiology. After the Tsunami hit Sumatra in 2004, she made a number of trips to Indonesia, bringing homeopathic remedies and books and teaching homeopathy to local doctors, midwives and health care workers.


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