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Homeopathy Papers

My Experiences with the Nosode Leporipoxvirus C30 in Prevention of Myxomatosis in Rabbits

Homeopathic veterinarian Ferenc Szecsődi shares his experience in the use of Leporipoxvirus nosode in the prevention of Myxomatosis in rabbits.

In February 2014, my article about homeopathy appeared in the local newspaper. I pointed out, that homeopathy can be useful in prevention of some infectious diseases of domestic animals also. Those can be caused by bacteria or viruses. I mentioned the Myxomatosis too, which is a viral disease by rabbits.

After two weeks a hobby farmer appeared in my surgery. He had a group of about 200 rabbits, and was interested in trying homeopathy. At that time in Serbia, the supply of vaccine for Myoxmatosis was imperfect, because of problems in the production in the country.

We talked about rabbits and he said that the Myxomatosis was the main problem, and without vaccination the disease caused several losses. And since he couldn’t find vaccine, he was interested in homeopathic prevention for his rabbits. He also mentioned, that some nonspecific bacterial and viral diseases were present in the group of rabbits. The diseases caused gastrointestinal disorders such as meteorism, diarrhea etc. and sometimes sneezing.  After the consultation I made a plan to protect the rabbits from Myxomatosis and solve the problem of nonspecific bacterial and viral disorders.

Remedy No. 1. Echinacea C30, to prevent bacterial diseases

Remedy No. 2. Leporipoxvirus C30 nosode1, for prevention Myxomatosis

Remedy No. 3. Vincetoxicum C30, for prevention viral diseases

The proposed application period of the homeopathic remedies was from the 1st of April till the 15th of November.

Application of the remedies:  

Some drops of homeopathic remedy were put into the drinking water. This water is drunk by the rabbits over four hours. After that, the water with the remedy will be discarded and replaced with fresh water.

The remedies were given weekly in the following order: Every Monday Echinacea C30, every Tuesday Leporipoxvirus C30, every Wednesday Vincetoxicum C30.

I gave enough of each remedy to the farmer. I know that homeopathic remedies are not vaccines and don`t create lengthy immunity such as with vaccines. Systematic application of the remedies therefore is very important.  We agreed to meet after the end of the season.


When the farmer phoned me on October 20th.  he sounded upset.  He said the Myxomatosis had appeared in some rabbits. I invited him to discuss this in detail.  What I learned was that, on the last day of September he ran out of the remedy Leporipoxvirus C30, so the rabbits couldn`t have taken the remedy Leporispoxvirus C-30 for 3 weeks before the disease appeared. The rabbits have got the other two remedies, Echinacea C30 and Vincetoxicum C30, regularly.

During our conversation the farmer said that during the regular application of the remedy, everything was all right. The rabbits were free of Myxomatosis and free of other nonspecific ailments such as, meteorism, sneezing etc. None of the rabbits died.

The results raised a number of questions. How long can the nosode Leporipoxvirus C30 protect the rabbits against Mixomatosis, after an application? What does the Organon say? What is the mechanism of homeopathic protection against specific diseases, when we use a nosode? What does Echinacea C30 and Vincetoxcum C30 do? Were they useful or not?

I started from Organon.

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This depends on the following homoeopathic law of nature which was sometimes, indeed, vaguely surmised but not hitherto fully recognized, and to which is due every real cure that has ever taken place:

A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by a stronger one, if the latter (whilst differing in kind) is very similar to the former in its manifestations.

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The human body appears to admit of being much more powerfully affected in its health by medicines (partly because we have the regulation of the dose in our own power) than by natural morbid stimuli – for natural diseases are cured and overcome by suitable medicines.

My first conclusion:

The homeopathic remedy as an artificial disease is always stronger than the natural disease. During the application of nosode Myxomatosis C30, the rabbits were under the power of an artificial disease, which protected them against the natural disease. That is the answer to the question about mechanism of protection.

But when there was no application of nosode the Myxomatosis appeared. The incubation period for Myxomatosis is 7 days (4-10). The disease appeared 3 weeks after the last application.  This means that the nosode Myxomatosis C30 can protect rabbits within 10-15 days, after the last application.  This means that the regimen of the nosode application C30, once a week seems correct.

My second conclusion:

Vincetoxicum C30, which was given as a protection against viral diseases, couldn`t protect rabbits against Myxomatosis. My opinion is, that specific viral diseases, such as Myxomatosis, need a specific nosode.

My third conclusion:

During the treatment with Vincetoxum C30 and Ehinacea C30 the group of rabbits were free of common diseases.  This suggests that these two remedies can give protection against nonspecific viral and bacterial diseases. That’s why they were useful.

The entire process was a learning experience that led to new understanding.

  1. Leporipoxvirusis a genus of viruses, in the family Poxviridae, in the subfamily Chordopoxvirinae.Lagomorph. There are currently four species in this genus including the type species Myxoma virus. Diseases associated with this genus include myxomatosis.

About the author

Szecsődi Ferenc

Szecsődi Ferenc (DVM) was born in 1963 in Becej, Serbia. He graduated in 1989 from the Veterinary Faculty at Belgrade University. In 2002 he started to study alternative methods of healing. He is schooled in chiropractic, hypnosis, the Silva mind control method and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). In 2008 he graduated Veterinary Homeopathy in Budapest, Hungary and is a member of IAVH. In 2011 he graduated from the four year Homeopathic School “Hahnemann” in Novi Sad. Serbia. In 2015 graduated from the Master Level course in Novi Sad that was organized in collaboration with the “Other song academy” from Mumbai, India. Szecsődi is a lecturer at the Veterinary Homeopathic School in Budapest and also at the “Hahnemann” School in Novi Sad. He has been leading the Veterinary Homeopathic School in Belgrade, Serbia, since 2012. He applies the Sensation method in both his human and animal cases. Szecsődi studies the writings of Indian homeopaths, such as Rajan Sankaran, Jayes Shah, Dinesh Chauchan and Mahesh Gandi. He lives and works in Becej, Serbia.

1 Comment

  • Dear Szecsődi Ferenc

    I am running a rabbit farm and was searching for Nosode Leporipoxvirus 30 and Vincetoxium 30.
    Can you please guide, from where can I buy these medicines?

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